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English B2

Task 3 Technology and Human Development

Angeline Aragon Caraballo

Cod 900005_27

Tutor: Jeisson Jair Santa Cruz Campo

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la educación (ECEDEU)
Valledupar 2022
technology in the life of the living being
Technology has been very important for the development of humanity from the
beginning, since the industrial revolution technological advances are of great value
due to the different achievements that humanity has obtained, with technology the
human being has managed to have a better life. but there are also consequences
as nature is paying dearly for it, due to many technological inventions that have
been created to harm it. These advances have made technology always available
to everyone to take advantage of all its benefits and reach but get in more
sophisticated, technology drive off the lack of development in the world Its benefits
have been many, today we can get by communicating easily from anywhere,
transporting ourselves by air, by land at incredible speeds, although technological
advances have facilitated the life in companies, homes, has also left disastrous
consequences due to its misuse, increasingly more weapons have been developed
s destructive, devices such as cell phones with their different applications that
produce addiction, thus affecting the mental terms.
The technology has great benefits that are of great importance for humanity, one of
them is that we will be able to use its advances in the coming years, what is
coming is and will be technological, I think that communication will advance
linearly in the form of holograms, currently we can see each other in video calls,
but in the not too distant future the image of the people who are communicating will
be projected. with technological processes we will have talked more than we
think for many generations.
But technology will also have a negative impact on humanity that we will be able to
take advantage of its benefits, but the natural resources where all the elements are
taken to make technology possible will end and it will have repercussions on the
lack of food security, if we do not take advantage of good technology we will
have finished off the planet in the future due to a shortage of essential
minerals for life on earth that will bring disastrous consequences throughout the
planet, deteriorating humanity in general. Another impact, but this time positive that
will occur in humanity thanks to technology, has to do with the different conquests
that will be achieved technologically, in health, in communication, in space
frontiers, improving human knowledge.
All the things that we see at the moment are the product of technological
advances, products such as computers, mobile phones, airplanes, various space
rockets, among others, the most important thing is that our destiny now depends
on the way we use technology, if it is used for evil, what we will have is a world
catastrophe that will not be the other way around, and that is the concern of all the
nations that are aware that the planet is being destroyed and the main cause of
that destruction is technology, not Technology may be bad, but for the most part it
is used for evil, building weapons of mass destruction, engines that generate
greenhouse gases that destroy the ozone layer, equipment that destroys the
earth's waters from rivers to seas. If technology advances, humanity will be in
better living conditions, if we don't hurry, it will lose its true technological north. We
will lose our way if we don't hurry to do things right. If we correct our path now, we
can reach a good technological port. If we start practicing the use of technology
forever, the earth may live longer.
bibliographic reference

Barbeau, E. (2017, October 13). Writing a Three-Paragraph Essay. Retrieved November 4, 2021, from

To know more about phrasal verbs, it is suggested to check and develop

the exercises of the E-book B2: unit 2, module 6. To access the E-book
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To know more about the future perfect, it is suggested to check and

develop the exercises of the E-book B2: unit 1, module 1. To access the
E-book B2, it’s necessary to be logged to the English course.

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