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Nama : Cintya Putri Hattari Rahayu

Kelas : X-7

No. Absen : 10

Tema : Fable


One day, a cat and a fox were discussing about a hound. A cat said

Cat : “I really hate hounds! They are a nasty animals. They hunt and kill us”

Fox : “Yes. If you know, i hate hounds more than you!”

Replied fox angrily. Then they both discussed, about some tricks how to get
away from a hound. A cat asked fox

Cat : “Mmm, fox , did you have a trick to save yourself from hounds?”

Fox : “A trick? I have a lot of tricks!”

Answer fox arrogantly

Cat : “Waw, what’s your tricks?”

Fox : “That’s very easy. I can hide behind a thick bushes. I can run away, and

I can hide behind a burrow. And there are many more such tricks!”

Fox : “Then you, what’s your trick? How many tricks do you have?”

Asked Fox to a cat

Cat : “Mmm, I just have a one trick.”

Answer cat calmly

Fox : “What? You just have a one trick? Hahahaha, poor you!. How can you

just have a one trick? What’s your trick?”

But, before cat answered the question. Suddenly, a flock of hounds

Approach to the place where the cat and the fox stayed

Cat : “Ugh, I show you what’s my trick. Because, the hound is coming. Bye


Then, cat ran up and climb to a tree beside her. But friend, do you know

what Fox doing? A fox tried all his tricks. But all his tricks is failed.

So, a hound can beat him easly. Fortunately, a cat can save herself.

A cat said to herself proudly.

Cat : “Hahaha! My one trick is better than all his tricks!”

Moral value of this story :

By having a knowledge and competence we can save our life. In this story,

the cat knows that the hounds can not climb. So, cat try the trick to climb at the


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