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A. Please write (X) for the correct answers below!

1. Is this animal herbivore?

a. Goat
b. Whale
c. Lion
d. Crocodile

2. Is that animal carnivore?

a. Porcupine
b. Armadillo
c. Lion
d. Sheep

Created by Ega Bekti

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3. Are those animal reptiles?

a. Squid
b. Snake
c. Lion
d. Whale

4. Unscramble this letter “G-R-F-O” in the correct letters.

a. Porcupine
b. Squirrel
c. Frog
d. Crocodile

5. Unscramble this letter “T-E-N-L-A-H-E-P” in the correct letters.

a. Porcupine
b. Armadillo
c. Lion
d. Crocodile

6. A bee produces a … from the flowers

a. Honey
b. Flower
c. Egg
d. Chocolate

7. What does the cow eat?

Created by Ega Bekti

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a. Egg
b. Grass
c. Fish
d. Rock

8. Is this animal an omnivore?

a. Fish
b. Rat
c. Lion
d. Crocodile

9. What is squirrel means in Indonesian?

a. Kijang
b. Kelinci
c. Tupai
d. Buaya

10. What is the English of Landak?

a. Porcupine
b. Armadillo
c. Lion
d. Crocodile

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. It has got teeth but it lives in the water ____________.
2. It has got feathers but it hasn’t got whiskers ____________.
3. It has got big teeth and called as a big cat ____________.

Created by Ega Bekti

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4. It has got hair but it hasn’t got whiskers ____________.

5. It has got scales but it hasn’t got arms and legs ____________.
6. It has got hair and whiskers but it has pink fur ____________.
7. It has four legs, soft fur and eats a fish ____________.
8. It has stripes and eats grass ____________.
9. It has sharp teeth and lives in the sea ____________.
10. It has a fin and lives in the aquarium ____________.

Created by Ega Bekti

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