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Please choose the correct answer!

1. Which one of the following sentence is an expression to get attention?

A. May I go to the bathroom?
B. May I have your attention, please?
C. May I borrow your English book?
D. Are you ready?

2. Below are expressions to get attention, except…

A. What do you think of our classroom?
B. Excuse me?
C. May I have your attention, please?
D. Look at me, please?

3. “What do you think about our new English teacher?” is the expression of…
A. Getting attention
B. Asking for permission
C. Asking for repetition
D. Asking for opinion

4. “Sir, may I wash my hand?”

The best response for this expression is…
A. Sure.
B. I’m sorry but I can’t help you
C. Thank you.
D. Anytime.

5. “Hey, Dayu, please stop doing that” is an expression of …

A. Giving command
B. Apologizing
C. Asking for permission
D. Giving opinion

6. “Udin, do you think Edo is angry with me?”

The best response for this expression is…
A. Yes, you can.
B. I don’t think so. Look, he’s smiling.
C. It’s very interesting.
D. Thank you.

7. Below are the expressions of asking for opinion, except…

A. Do you mind to help me?
B. Can you help me?
C. Can you say it again, please?
D. Do you think he will like the book?

8. “beni, what do you think of this picture?

The best response for this expression is…
A. Thank you.
B. Don’t mention it.
C. I think it doesn’t look natural.
D. Everyone, please listen to me.

9. “Thank you, Lina. I think your story is interesting.

The synonym for the underlined word is …
A. Smart
B. Ugly
C. Attractive
D. Beautiful

10. Which one is the expression of checking understanding in the following

A. Do you understand what I mean?
B. May I help you?
C. May I go to the bathroom?
D. What do you think of our new classroom?

11. The following sentences are expressions of checking understanding,

A. Did I make myself clear?
B. Do you understand?
C. Do you know what I mean?
D. Do you go to school?

12. “what a wonderful picture!”

The synonym of wonderful is…
A. Beautiful
B. Generous
C. Enormous
D. Powerful

13. “Can you sing an English song?” is the expression of …

A. Asking for help
B. Checking someone’s ability
C. Checking understanding
D. Asking for permission

14. “Lina, sorry, I cannot come on time to the meeting.” The best response for
this expression is…
A. Certainly, I will.
B. Thank you.
C. I don’t think so.
D. You can’t? I know you can. You just will not do it.

15. The expression of willingness in the following sentence is…

A. Will you come to Nani’s party tonight?
B. Can you sing a song?
C. Can you help me find the book?
D. Can you close the door, please?

16. Which one of the following statement is not showing ability?

A. The bird can fly because they have wings.
B. Tom will go to school everyday because he wants to be a good kid.
C. Fatima can sing clearly and loudly.
D. Anton is two years old, but he can go up the stairs himself.

17. …They can also serve fried rice beautifully with tomatoes and celery.
The closest meaning to the underlined word is …
A. Clean
B. Make
C. Provide
D. Eat

18. Which one is not the expression of willingness in the following

A. May I help you?
B. Will you bring the book tomorrow?
C. Will you pass this note to him?
D. Will you close the door, please?

19. The little boy is very spoilt. He will not stop crying before his mother buys
him the toys he wants.
The similar word for spoilt is …
A. Happy
B. Attached
C. Interested
D. Grumpy

20. “I think I’m catching cold.”

The best suggestion for the statement is …
A. You should not play any games.
B. You should clean your room.
C. You should brush your teeth every night
D. You should take a rest

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