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1 Thessalonians 5:8

"But let us who are of the *Day* be *sober* (That state of being in your full right Sense)......"

Exodus 20: 24-26

24 An altar of *earth* thou shalt make unto me, and shalt sacrifice thereon *Your* burnt offerings, and
thy peace offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto
thee, and I will bless thee.

25 And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy
tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.

26 Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon

Isaiah 40: 31

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

[1/7, 10:30 PM] CS ELIAS: Let's us who are of the *Day* be *Sober*

The "Day" here is not limited to "time" but also to " location" and those two factors are important to "
us" who must live soberly.

The "Time" in our Day is the season of work and intentional labour"

The " location" in our Day is our true position in Christ and where we ought to operate from. If you
understand the "Time" of your day, you will know that you can't operate within this realm to labour in
the time of your Day. You have to get all your resources from your true "location" only in that would you
not waste your *Day*
Now, let us who are of the Day be *Sober*. By being Sober, you will have to be intentional about
everything you're to do and you have to do it with all alertness, in your full sense void of any external
influence (That's what it means to be Sober). Now when us who are of the day don't understand the
"day" soberness becomes a problem as many external influence (which some of them does not even
appear to be wrong or sinful) will have effect on us and Soberness (being in your full state of
undistracted and uninfluenced sense) is a vital key in living within the *Day*

".. *.. Be Sober"* is a caution for serious carefulness let's you copy several things happening around you
whereas it's not in the curriculum of the *Day* because several things are being introduced into the
body of Christ today but are not contained in the curriculum of our location from where we live and
operate from. Some of those things looks so nice and adoptive.

[1/7, 10:43 PM] CS ELIAS: How do you generate strength for the Day?

It's by waiting on God. You must know that the true location of our Day is the realm where Christ
Himself dwells and it's the realm of light where there's no darkness. A realm where sin has no power.
How can a man live from this location and operate from his true location to labour in the time of his
day? It's by waiting on God.

Now the Bible says, They that wait on God shall renew (exchange) their strength. That word renew has
its original meaning as Exchange. In waiting on God, strength are being exchanged. As "Time and
Location" are two factors in our "Day" So also, two forms of strength (Energy) are exchanged if you must
live well in your day.

The first strength exchange is energy for you to be able to live in your true location.

The second strength exchange is for the strength to labour in the "time" of your day.

Now, what waiting on God does to you is

It exchange your human flaws n weaknesses with the perfection of God so that you can live in your true
location where sin will not have Dominion over you.

[1/7, 11:03 PM] CS ELIAS: How do you generate strength for the Day?
It's by waiting on God. You must know that the true location of our Day is the realm where Christ
Himself dwells and it's the realm of light where there's no darkness. A realm where sin has no power.
How can a man live from this location and operate from his true location to labour in the time of his
day? It's by waiting on God.

Now the Bible says, They that wait on God shall renew (exchange) their strength. That word renew has
its original meaning as Exchange. In waiting on God, strength are being exchanged. As "Time and
Location" are two factors in our "Day" So also, two forms of strength (Energy) are exchanged if you must
live well in your day.

The first strength exchange is energy for you to be able to live in your true location.

The second strength exchange is for the strength to labour in the "time" of your day.

Now, what waiting on God does to you is

It exchange your human flaws n weaknesses with the perfection of God so that you can live in your true
location where sin will not have Dominion over you and supplies you with strength to labour in the
"time" of your day without growing weary or tired and to be able to finish well.

Waiting on God is not different from spending time with God. Spending time *on* the Bible and on
prayer is different from spending time with God. Waiting on God does not require being in haste and
you don't do it to fulfill all righteousness or doing it as a routine or something that must be observed; in
this way, it will be observed as a mere routine/activity and a total waste of time. In this way, you may
keep growing in knowledge but not in spirit, you may keep struggling with sin and unproductive in the
"Time" of your day. No strength for the things of God, easily moved but no strength to push a purpose
to fruition. If you have successfully waited on God at one time or the other, you may have come
wearied, weak n tired but as you spent time with Jesus, praying, reading the word n meditating on it,
you will notice certain energy build up in you and when you are done, you feel one kind of Joy inside of
you. What really happened was that, that energy build up during that time was an exchange of your
human weaknesses and flaws and that Joy that accompanied after leaving the presence become your
strength for the "time" in your day. What happens then? If you are the kind that temper is your
problem, you may have quarreled with everyone before entering His presence but when that exchange
has taken place n u come out with Joy, you will just find ur self loving people around you and if someone
wants to provoke you at that moment, that Joy is your strength to overcome.... Now, if we continue
beholding and waiting on Him, it's then He will have enough chance to perfect that area of temper such
that we will no longer be struggling with Anger again but if we don't continue, we will keep rising and
falling over it. Do you get the picture now?

I will save you of much reading for now, take time to digest this properly and see the need for waiting on
God. Tomorrow I will now talk on how you can come before God to have a productive and meaningful
waiting on Him.

Good Night 🥰🍾


1 Thessalonians 5:8a

"But let us who are of the *Day* be *sober* (That state of being in your full right Sense)......"

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