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Availability and TM – Bookaholic

Review – Bookaholic

Final Reading - WAS

Formatting - WAS

August 2021


This is for everyone who lifted me up and helped me achieve this dream of mine.

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Julia Roth had a plan. She would go on to have a successful career, followed by a loving husband and children when
was ready. Getting divorced, living with her parents, and being unemployed at 25 was definitely not the plan. Not even being pregnant.

Noah Foster learned to take every day easy. He lost his wife early, leaving him to raise their son.
alone. He never thought that at 49 he would go through it all again. Certainly not with her son's best friend.

Noah and Julia must navigate the force that pulls them together despite the risks that could tear them apart. together they
they learn the hard way that the best things in life are often unexpected.

Chapter One


Julia took another drink as the word reverberated in her mind once more. It had been
official for three hours, in which she'd taken double doses. The letter had arrived in the mail at
her office just as she was packing her things to leave. She knew what was coming, which today
marked the end of the five to seven working days she and Brandon were cited when they
originally filed the suit.

She thanked her lucky stars for arriving on a Friday so she could
You could spend the weekend chasing your blues at the bottom of a glass.

When she signaled the bartender for another shot, someone slid onto the stool next to
her and said, "Make two." Her head lifted at the familiar voice and found her best friend's father,
Noah, offering her a sad smile.

"Thank you," she said, her voice light.

He nodded, his gaze flickering to her left hand. "Have you taken it off?"

She toyed with her empty glass. "It was an inheritance," she muttered. "I knew how much
that meant to Miranda. I would feel terrible being with him."

They both nodded to the bartender and took the shots he had put
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for them. They lifted them towards each other, a small clink sounding between them before they
dropped them at the same time. Noah shivered as he set his glass on the counter. Julia smiled at his
reaction; If her tongue hadn't been numb with the burning taste, she would have done the same.

"At the risk of making things worse, are you okay?"

She gave a slight smile and a curt nod.

"We knew this would happen," she said quietly. "We should never have let it get this far." A
sigh escaped her lips as she leaned across the counter, her chin resting in one hand while the other
played with her cocktail napkin. "We'll be better off as friends."

"Is that why you're here, drinking alone while Brandon is at Myles'?"

Despite her best efforts to numb herself to her misery, his words twisted in her heart. Sitting
alone in a bar the day she got divorced wasn't what she'd imagined. Even though he met Myles first,
their friendship starting in second grade, Myles was married to Brandon's twin sister Olivia. Ultimately,
Julia felt that if anyone was being eliminated from the group they formed in their sophomore year of
high school, it would be her.

She sighed and turned her head to look at him.

"I'm not alone."

His eyes darkened slightly and Julia noticed that there was a little more green in his brown
eyes than she had ever noticed before.

"I suppose not," he replied, his voice lower than when he had last spoken.
turn. "Although I'm sure you prefer the company of someone your own age."

She couldn't stop the laugh that escaped her lips. "You're not that old,
Mr Foster. I've heard many stories from Connor. I'm sure you can keep up with me."

He grimaced at first, though a smile played on his lips. "Mister Foster?" he repeated, his
mouth twitching as if the words were sour on his tongue. "That was my father's nickname," he added.
"Noah, please. And I don't know if I could reach you, love. You had a big advantage."

"Weak," she muttered with a sly smile.

Malice and amusement lingered in her gaze as she turned to ask for another one.
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dose for both. They toasted each other again, but this time, as the burn crept down her throat,
she felt the rest of the shots hit her bladder. With a sigh, she set her glass down beside the
others and turned in her chair with the intention of getting up.

Sitting up, she didn't feel the effects of the alcohol, but standing up made the amount
flowing through her system quite apparent. She miscalculated how low her legs actually had
to go to reach the floor and tripped in the process. With a surprised cry, she reached out and
grabbed the first thing she came in contact with; Noah.

His hands were firm on her waist as he held her up. But it wasn't his grip that made her
turn beet red, it was where one of his hands had landed. It was in his upper thigh, extremely
close to a certain other part of his anatomy. One she could feel.

"I'm very sorry!" she gasped, struggling away from him. She cleared her throat and
dropped her eyes to the floor. She tried to excuse herself to go to the bathroom, but when the
words left her mouth, they were far from coherent. She left anyway, practically running
through the steady crowd to the back of the bar.

She was relieved immediately, but sat there much longer than necessary. Her elbows
dug into her thighs, making her legs go numb as she cradled her head in her hands. Her
palms pressed against her eyes, as if trying her best to make the incident go away. Even as
she made her way to the sink, she couldn't find the strength to go back there and face him.
The embarrassment was still there, heating her face as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Despite the alcohol running rampant in her system, making the place spin very slowly,
Julia reached for the door and walked back to the bar. There was a fresh fix waiting for her
along with a glass of ice water. Hoping that would drive away what was left of her
embarrassment, Julia swallowed the dose the moment she sat down again, wetting her lips to
the last drop.

"How did you find me?" she asked, taking a slow sip of her water.

"Would you be mad if I told you I used my connections to track you down?"

Julia snorted as she played with the straw, slowly swirling it around the cup. "This looks
like an abuse of power."

“It was,” he agreed. "Myles said he hadn't heard from you and asked if there was
anything I could do." She saw the slight swell of his shoulders at the corner of his mouth.
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eye. "I've been with the police long enough that no one asks questions."

"What if I reported you for stalking?" she asked, her lips curving into a smile as she turned
her head to look at him.

"Before or after spending the night in the drunk cell?" he returned, smiling back at her.

Against her better judgment, she reached for the other glass in front of him and brought it
to her lips. It burned her throat until she settled with the others she'd taken. Of all the doses she's
consumed so far, this one has been by far the hardest to swallow. Immediately afterwards, the
room began to spin, something that not even a deep breath could help.

“I should call a cab,” she muttered.

“Save your money,” he told her, signaling the bartender as she

leaned forward to cradle her head in her hands again. "I'll take you."

She nodded only to jump a moment later when he patted her arm, letting her know his
account was settled and he was good to go. He placed one hand around her elbow while the
other settled on the small of her back. It gave him the best control as he led her toward the exit,
but Julia could only focus on the warmth of his hand through her shirt. She moaned as he helped
her into the passenger seat of his car and swallowed hard with nausea.


"Are you staying at the condo?" he asked.

She shook her head, shuddering as it only made her want to throw up.

"Hotel," she replied. “I changed when we filed the lawsuit.”

"Which one?"

She tried her best to remember, but couldn't. "Do you remember anything?"

"Lake view?"

Julia snapped her fingers as she cocked her head to the side, sighing as she felt the cool
window against her skin. "That's it."

The rest of the car ride was hazy. She wasn't sure if she had fallen asleep or if she was
too drunk to remember. All she knew was that one moment, Noah was starting the car, and the
next, he was opening the door and setting her on her feet. he to
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snuggled beside him and followed her to the bedroom; the number she must have told him about at some point, as
he knew exactly where to go.

When they entered, she had every intention of pulling herself together and walking away from him. But the
sight of the two suitcases and a backpack reminded her of where she was in the first place and made her cling to him

She hadn't cried yet. She wasn't sure if she would. The decision to divorce

came from both. Sure, they'd agreed to try to remain friends, but it was still a big part of their life coming to an end.
There was a time when Brandon was her entire world; where she loved him as much as she could. It was none of
their faults that they realized too late that their relationship was more platonic than anything else.

Julia was grateful that Noah hadn't said anything. He simply shifted so he could hold her against him, her
head resting on his chest. The warmth of his embrace was inviting and eased the ache in her heart as tears soaked
her shirt. If she didn't have Myles there to comfort her, her father was second.

When her sobs began to subside, becoming nothing more than an occasional tear, she sighed in relief. As
she did so, she lifted her head with the intention of thanking him, but found herself unable to do anything but look.
The air shifted around them, thickening with a tension that ignited something she hadn't expected to feel. His eyes
searched hers to the point where she thought she might drown in his gaze.

And when she saw the flash of lust beneath the worry, she threw caution to the wind and
made his move.

She could handle her poor life choices in the morning. right next to your

He must have had the same idea because they moved at the same time. As his arms were already around
her, his hands slid down to her waist. Hers rose to rest on his chest, her fingers curling around his shirt. His lips were
hot on hers as they stumbled, only stopping when their backs collided with the nearest wall. Her arms went around
his neck, her fingers tangling in his ever unruly hair.

Their hands left scorching trails of fire wherever they touched. She moaned into his mouth as he lifted her
skirt. He wasted no time wrapping his fingers around her panties, breaking the kiss long enough to lean over and
drag her down her legs. She pulled out of them as he stood up once more, his lips finding hers.
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throat, allowing you to catch your breath. She grabbed his pants, wanting him to stay
without clothes.

Her hand wrapped around his length the second he was free. He groaned against her throat, drawing a
moan from her as he pinched a little harder than before. Her thumb slid over the head of his cock, gathering the
moisture that had gathered there and spreading it further with each pump of her pulse.

He didn't let her touch him for long. She moaned when he tugged on her hand, but the noise quickly
turned into another groan as he lifted her. Her legs wrapped around his hips and with a single thrust, he filled her
pussy. They swallowed each other's moans of pleasure as he regained his lips. He only gave her a second to get
used to the way he stretched her before he backed away almost all the way, only to hit her one more time.

Julia had one arm around his shoulders, the other holding the back of his head. When he moved his lips
back to the crook of her neck, she held him there. Her hips moved in time with his as he brought her closer to the
edge. His hand dipped between them; the tip of his thumb brushing her clit. She jerked against him, threw back
her head and shattered. He wasn't far behind her. As she came down from her orgasm, her hips began to stutter
and the frenzy of his thrusts subsided as he reached for his own.


They remained where they were for some time. Her thighs trembled around his hips as her inner walls
continued to spasm, trying to keep him there as long as possible. His fingers tangled in her hair repeatedly as his
lips remained pressed against her skin. But as he slipped from her body, the moment seemed to fade and reality
began to collapse around them.


“Stay with me,” she muttered, the idea of being alone more terrifying than what
had just happened.

Noah was quiet for a moment, but nodded into the crook of her neck. Slowly, his lips began to travel over
her skin, rising until they claimed hers once more. Instead of the frenzy that had overtaken them before, they took
their time to undress. And once all the clothes were on her feet, he picked her up again to carry her to the bed.
There, he laid her on top of her as if she were made of glass.

Whatever happened, they could discuss later. For now, Julia

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she was lost in the intensity of his gaze as he placed his hands under her thighs and pushed them
up. She barely had time to register her intentions before she felt his mouth on hers, licking up the
remnants of their first date.

When Julia came again, she knew it was just the beginning of something, she
I just had no idea what.


Julia had no idea when they had given in to exhaustion. She only knew she hadn't been
asleep for a long time when the morning light woke her. It took a moment for the memories of the
night before to come back all at once, like a herd of elephants in her brain. And sure enough, when
she turned her head as best she could to see if it was real, it was her best friend's father wrapped
around her back.

The sight made her panic, which in turn made her hangover a dozen times worse than
necessary. It made it hard to think, but it didn't take long for her to decide the best course of action.
She did her best to pace the room, pushing what little belongings she'd taken from her suitcases
back to them.

When it was over, just the headache made her want to scream, but she managed to survive
long enough to write a note. It sounded ridiculous, she knew that as she wrote it, but it was the best
she could do given the situation. She left it on the pillow she was using, searched the room for more
of her stuff, grabbed her bags and left.

The hotel had been her second-to-last option, which she would keep for one more night,
long enough for Noah to wake up and leave. That way, if she forgot something, she'd have plenty
of time to go back and get it without the risk of bumping into him. Her last real resource was her
parents, so after hailing a cab to take her to her car she left it at the bar, went where she drove.
Until she and Brandon put their apartment on the market and she was paid half the price, she would
have to make do with her childhood bedroom.

A place that made her realize that her divorce was no longer her biggest problem.

Chapter Two
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In the first week after Julia's divorce was finalized, Olivia helped her get her things from
the apartment. At the end of the second week, she only had to come back after the place was
sold. And so it was, a month after that. During this time, she stayed with her parents while she
looked for a place to live. It was a task that proved to be more difficult than she initially thought,
but she was determined to have a place of her own again sooner or later.

With the way life was going lately, Julia wasn't all that surprised when she started getting
sick. On the first day, she attributed it to food poisoning. That's what she got for listening to her
co-workers and trying Thai at happy hour. But when she asked, no one else seemed to have
gotten sick and to top it off, didn't leave the next day. The second day was worse than the first,
but she was convinced it was nothing. By the third day, it started to subside, but the nausea was
worse than the actual vomiting.

It was the fourth day that she dragged herself to the Emergency Room.

It was this visit that changed his life forever.

Julia went straight home after getting the news from the doctor. They loaded her with a
large amount of reading material, which was still tucked away in her bag. She went straight to her
bedroom, which still had pale pink walls and posters of teen heartthrobs, and sat against the
headboard, hugging her knees to her chest. She hadn't even started to process everything when
Olivia's message arrived.

With the memory of Myles' birthday celebration this coming weekend, Julia's stomach
lurched and she ran, barely making it to the bathroom in time to empty her stomach. If it was
anything else, she would have called and canceled. Not only would she have to breathe and put
on a brave face to deal with Brandon, she knew he would be there too.

It wasn't as if she'd avoided Noah since abandoning him in her hotel room in the early
hours of the morning. Not exactly, anyway. Life had just gotten busy. It wasn't like their paths
usually crossed anyway. She moaned as her forehead fell against the porcelain, knowing that
everything was about to change.

Loaded with nearly every remedy her reading material claimed were tried and true
methods, Julia stopped by Myles' house. She sat in her car for a moment, trying to breathe slowly,
even to hold back the nausea. She looked at all the cars around the house and although she
recognized most of them, none belonged to Noah. Without
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Whether that made things better or worse, Julia went in and out.

She was greeted by a round of applause and found herself engaged in a series of conversations,
as per the rule. It took a while to make her way through the sea of people throughout the house.
Occasionally, her path took her closer to Brandon, but after a few awkward encounters, she made a
point of staying away from him.

She found Myles in the small backyard with Benji, one of Noah's friends from the police force,
and Connor, Noah's childhood friend and also Myles' godfather. The trio were around the grill with
beers in hand. "Happy birthday, Myles," she said, reaching forward to kiss his cheek. "This is a big

Her cheeks flushed despite her chuckle as he turned the bottle towards her. "I'm glad you're

"I wouldn't miss your birthday," she replied, rejecting Connor's offer for a beer. "Although I
have to warn you, I probably won't be staying long. I haven't been feeling well the last few days."

He brought his hand to his cheek where she kissed him and narrowed his eyes. "Nothing contagious,
hope?" She laughed and shook her head.

"I definitely wouldn't have come if I had." He sighed and nodded.

"Will you at least stay until you cut the cake?" he asked.

She swallowed, the smell of meat cooking on the grill making her stomach churn.

"No promises."

He smiled, but she saw him falter as three pairs of eyes passed her toward the house. The
way they stiffened combined with the hairs on the back of her neck tingling, she knew who it was that
had come out to join them.

"Hey," Brandon said, giving her a soft, crooked smile.

"Hi," she replied. It took a lot of willpower to not just turn around and walk away.

"We can talk?" he asked. She nodded and followed him around the side of the house, stopping
only when they were sure their voices would not be heard. "I hate that."

"Me too," she whispered.

"I know we said we could be friends again, but I didn't expect it to be so

hard," he said, running a hand through his hair.
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She sighed for a moment before giving him a slight smile.

"I'm sorry-" He shook his head and turned sad eyes on her. “Please don't start apologizing again. None of
this is your fault. We just wanted different things.
It's okay that it didn't work out, but I don't want to lose you. I hate not being able to
say things.”

“I miss you,” she whispered.

"I know," he said, pulling her into an awkward hug. "I miss you too, Juls."

She nodded against him as she breathed in the familiar cinnamon scent that used to soothe her. For the
moment, that pushed her nausea overboard and she turned away from him. She wished she'd been able to explain
why she was pulling away from him so quickly, but if she opened her mouth, she knew there wouldn't be words that
would come out.

She ran into the house, intending to find the downstairs bathroom. Unfortunately, she only made it to the
kitchen. The moment she crossed the threshold of the bedroom through the back door, she found herself face to
face with Noah. She barely had time to register that it was him as he dove into the garbage can and emptied the
limited contents of his stomach into it.

Julia was embarrassed to spit out the last of her bile into the trash. Even more so when she moved, only
to find Noah beside her. He had a damp towel in one hand and a glass of water in the other, both held out for her
to drink. She met his gaze as she shook her head briefly and then turned to the sink, keeping her back to him. She
wiped her face, rinsed her mouth, and then took slow, steady sips of her water.

before turning around.

"Thanks," she murmured, tipping her glass towards him before taking another sip.

"How long have you been here?" he asked, his eyes scanning her for signs of getting over it.

"Not long," she assured him. "I've been sick for a few days, but I wish I was here." She swallowed, her
tongue feeling like cotton in her mouth. "I didn't want him to think I was avoiding him."

"Why not write him a note?" he asked, a little roughness in his

tone. "You're good at this."


"There you are!" Connor exclaimed, coming into view. He put his hand on her shoulder.

Noah and smiled. "It took a long time to get here." His eyes shifted from him to Julia,
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narrowing slightly at the way she shivered.

"I'm fine," she assured him, waving at him as she took one last sip of
water before placing the glass in the sink.

"He is sure?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at her. "You look a little pale." He studied
her even more. "You didn't look like this a few minutes ago, when you were
talk to Brandon."

"Give us a minute, will you?" Noah asked.

With another look between the two, Connor nodded and left the kitchen. Julia didn't know what
to say, and instead of trying to fill the silence, she went to the garbage can. When she started to tug at
the lining of the can, he was there, his hand covering hers, causing her to stop.


"I'm Pregnant."

She hadn't meant to blurt it out like that. Mostly here. not surrounded
of friends and family. Not at your son's house.

She could see the inner gears of his mind coming to a screeching halt as he went
completely still. She didn't care what her reaction was; she was equally shocked when the
clinic's doctor came to congratulate her. It was as if she had lost all five senses at once. She
still couldn't remember how she'd gotten home from the daze she'd been in.

Desperate to get out of the house, she took her hand from under his and ran out of the
kitchen. She had barely made it to her bag near the door when she felt someone pulling her
to a stop. She looked up, surprised to see Brandon at her side. She pulled away from his
touch and shook her head. "Not now, Brandon. I'm sorry."

His lips pressed into a thin line as he stepped back and held the front door open for
her. She didn't even bother looking back to see if Noah would come after her. Without looking
back at the house, she left.


Noah called her five times since she broke the news to him in Myles' kitchen. He had
left a voicemail and a few text messages, but she was still surprised when he showed up at
her parents' house later that night. He smelled of beer and barbecue, something she was sure
her stomach would oppose. Seeing like her
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was alone, she invited him in, but neither of them sat down. Instead, they stopped, a few steps
between them, facing each other but looking at the ground.

"When—" he began, shaking his head. "When did you find out?"

"A few days ago," she replied, her voice a little shaky. "I never wanted you to find out
like this. I'm still trying to figure it out on my own. When it got a little clearer, I was thinking of
coming over to talk to you."

He nodded along with her words as he rubbed his chin.

"Are you sure it's mine?"

She refused this claim; her spine straightened as anger exploded through her. It only
lasted a second before she nodded, reminding herself it was a fair question, seeing as she'd
been divorced for five minutes since she'd last seen him. "It's been almost six months since
anything of this nature has happened between Brandon and me," she informed him. "And
despite our accident, I'm not in the habit of jumping into bed with someone for a night."

He'd known her almost all his life. Since meeting Myles in second grade and getting into
the habit of going to his house almost every day during her childhood. He met the only other
boyfriend she had in high school besides Brandon. He knew she wasn't like that and it hurt to
have him standing there, thinking anyway.

"You're gone," he said after a period of silence.

"I panicked," she said, taking a deep breath. "Last I checked, the phones work in two
ways. If you wanted to talk, you could have reached out to me too."

Silence fell over them once more. Julia leaned back against the arm of the couch, her
hand falling to her stomach as he rolled over again. She saw the way his eyes tracked the
movement, but when hers lifted to study his face, his never left her stomach.

A bitter laugh rose from her throat as she wrapped her arms around her chest. "Part of
the reason Brandon and I didn't work out was that we didn't agree to have kids. He wanted a
big family and started right away, and I wasn't even sure I fully wanted them."

"You?" he asked after a moment.

Julia's gaze drifted to his slowly, her head cocked to the side. "I the
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"I want this."

Her breath caught in her throat as she froze.


"I don't think I'm in the right space to give you an answer," he said, taking a tentative
step toward her. "Neither should you do it for yourself."

"It doesn't have to be done right this second, Julia. But it's a subject I'd like the two of
us to discuss once the shock wears off." He was standing before her then, taking her hands
and pulling her to her feet.

Even as she nodded, allowing herself to be pulled into his embrace, she knew she had
already made up her mind. She was recently divorced and living with her parents. Not to
mention she wasn't where she wanted to be with her career. It doesn't matter that the father
of your child was the father of your best friend. It was going to be harder than she thought to
keep the fact that she slept with him to herself, let alone be forced to tell everyone when the
evidence got too big to hide.

But she hadn't made this child alone and if he wanted something different, she was
willing to research and discuss before making a decision. First, she just needed to remember
how to breathe; something she found surprisingly easy to achieve in his embrace.
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Chapter Three

Noah and Julia saw each other more than a few times in the week that followed. They
discussed all the options available to them. The two tried to avoid one in particular, but when the
conversations started to turn, he was the one who spoke. She could tell he didn't like the idea very
much, but was willing to put aside her own beliefs for the sake of a solution.

"He is sure?"

"I've already raised a child, Julia," he said, though there was sadness in his eyes. "And if
you're not ready, I'm not going to force you to be with him."

He'd gone with her to her next appointment, where they'd spoken with the doctor about how
this process worked. After getting all the information they needed, they made their way to the clinic,
where they were seen almost immediately for an appointment. When they left, she had scheduled
the procedure for the following week. She even made arrangements to give herself a four-day
weekend from work and booked a hotel room for

Adults or not, your parents would never approve if they knew. Noah had also left work to
make sure he was there. He planned to wait in the lobby and then take her to the hotel when it was
all over. She assured him he would be free to leave after that, but she knew he would probably stay
a little longer. She just hoped she'd been sent home on painkillers. That way, she wouldn't have to
worry about the fact that alone in a hotel room was exactly how they ended up in that mess in the
first place.

When the day came, she sat next to Noah in the lobby, her legs dangling where she was
with nervous energy. When they called his name, she went, looking at him from across the hall one
last time. The nurses ushered her into a room and let her put on a dress. When they came back,
they gathered their things and put them in a bag. The doctor then came in and went over what to
expect one last time, before the nurses started prepping her for the procedure.

It was while Julia watched them set up; a few minutes before putting her down, she panicked.
She began to imagine the life she would be giving up on. She wondered what her son or daughter
would be like. What would their voices sound like? They would pursue higher education; maybe
become a doctor like the one who joined her in the room? Or would they go with something less
traditional and pursue what they were passionate about? a million questions
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began to emerge, and when the nurse asked again if she was ready, she said she had changed her

She dressed as quickly as she could with tears in her eyes and trembling fingers. She signed
some forms, so there was a record of her refusing the procedure after all. And then she was running.
She didn't even stop in the lobby when Noah called her name. She just kept going until she got to
his car.

"I can't do this," she sobbed when he reached her. "I thought I could, but I can't."

"You don't have to. There are other options."

She shook her head.

"All the options are equally depressing," she snapped. "I can't just have it taken away from
me or pledged to someone else because we made a mistake." She took a deep breath in frustration
and leaned against the car, tugging at her curls with her hands.

"There's still time," he said, his voice strained. "Whatever you-"

"Us," she corrected, clearing her throat. "Whatever we decide." Noah gave a
small nod and a soft smile.

"Us," he repeated. "Come on," he added, reaching for the passenger-side door. "Let's get
out of here." She slid into the seat, and before she knew it, he was behind the wheel, leading them
away from the clinic.


Julia couldn't remember the last time she was at the Foster house. Normally, parking in the
garage would instill a sense of calm within her. This time, she just stood there, looking outside,
anxiety mixed with her nausea. "Can we go somewhere else if-"

"It's okay," she interrupted, pulling the handle to get out. She followed him, making sure to
stay several steps behind him. A distance that was a little difficult to maintain as he moved away to
hold the door open for her. She nodded in thanks and stepped over the threshold.

Years of calling this her second home have allowed her to move through the halls very
easily. It wasn't until she had the kettle in her hand that she realized she hadn't asked first.
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He chuckled on the other side, a box of tea bags in his hand. "Please," he said,
gesturing to her. "Act as you normally would."

She smiled slightly before turning to the sink and filling the kettle. Once it was on the
stove, she moved to sit on one of the chairs, pausing a little when he held one out to her.

He slid into the seat beside her, leaning back with one arm slung behind his back. "You

Her gaze slid to him slowly. "Well, I wouldn't say it was my finest hour," she muttered.
"But no, I don't regret it. How about you?"

His lips twitched as he shook his head. "I really intended to take
you home safely."

“I know,” she muttered, her gaze focused on the table. "It was the first time I didn't just
feel... numb." Slowly, she looked up at him and added, "For what it's worth, thank you."

She could tell from the look on his face that he wanted to say something, but he thought
better of it when the kettle began to whistle. He motioned for her to remain seated and began
to brew a cup of tea before bringing it to her. She sniffed the cup, looking at the bag that was
already dipped inside.

"Ginger with three tablespoons of honey always used to help Sarah," he said,
taking charge of adding the honey.

"Thanks," she said, taking the spoon from the tray to mix it all up.

He made his own cup and they both took the first sip at the same time. "I know this is
difficult, but we really should talk about this."

She nodded in agreement as she leaned back in her chair again. "I can't have an
abortion," she said firmly, though more for her own benefit than his. His fingers tapped the
cup that warmed his hands. "And I don't know if I'd have the strength to adopt. I think I'll regret
it someday. Brandon was ready to start right away. I wanted to wait. I wanted to be firmer in
my career. To make sure I was financially stable and secure. kids aren't cheap and we had a
lot of time." She took another sip of tea. "Now...I just got divorced, I'm at a dead end with my
job, and I'm a 24-year-old living with my parents." She swallowed hard against the lump in her
throat. "I'm far from ready."

His voice was soft when he spoke. "I'm fine with whatever you choose to do,
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Julia.” He reached across the table, smiling when she didn't dodge his touch. “I just want you to
know you won't be alone. This is a mess we made together. If you think it would be better to let
someone adopt our child because they can't have one, I will support you. If you decide to raise him,
I will pay you whatever you need for child support and I will never fight you over custody."

Julia's breathing quickened. "Anyway, there will come a time when we will have to tell people
the truth."

"You can tell them what you want. If you don't want anyone to know it's mine, I'll support you
behind the scenes." He laced his fingers with hers, his thumb running along the back of her
knuckles. "And for the record, I would be doing this even if you weren't my son's best friend."

She moaned, but found herself smiling despite the flush on her skin.

"You don't have to decide today, honey," he said as he leaned down to press his lips to the
back of her hand. Julia's grip tightened for a second as their gazes met, but the moment was
interrupted by the sound of her touch. "I'll take you home when you're ready," he said before getting
up and leaving the room to take the call.

She nodded and watched him disappear. The moment she was alone, she brought her hand
to her mouth, her lips pressing against the skin where his had been. For a second, she allowed
herself to reminisce about the night that had brought them here. But she caught herself before it
went too far and called the hotel to cancel the reservation. There would be no need for that now.


Noah dropped her off at her parents' house about an hour later. She'd gone straight upstairs
to take a nap, completely exhausted from the emotional roller coaster of the day so far. When she
got up, the smell of whatever her father was cooking for dinner had risen to her nostrils. Hoping she
could keep this meal going, she made her way to the kitchen to greet her parents.

She was happy to see that the chicken marsala her father made not only went down
smoothly, but seemed to sit still in her stomach. Conversation flowed between the three of them
easily and she found herself thinking they were going to be fantastic grandparents. It was no secret
that they always looked forward to a day when she bestowed that title on them. She just wasn't sure how they
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would react now, having a child out of wedlock.

Even as she thought about it, she knew it was better for them to think she'd made a
mistake with a stranger than someone they knew. Someone they definitely wouldn't approve of.

It was after dinner, while they were setting up a board game in the living room, that the
mood changed. She had come back from the bathroom to hear the clinic receptionist on the
answering machine. She wasn't sure which surprised her more, the fact that they still had an
answering machine or that the clinic had called the house instead of her cell. In any case, they
were confirming the cancellation of her follow-up appointment as she did not proceed with the

They both looked at her with questions in their eyes and the words flowed from her lips
before she could stop them. The horror on their faces reinforced her fears. Not only were they
upset that she considered abortion an option in the first place, but that she never planned on
telling them. The only saving grace was that she had sense enough not to reveal who the father
was while making it clear it wasn't Brandon. A fact that only made matters worse due to their
religious views.

After a shouting match that spawned many words that all parties involved will surely
regret, Julia ran to her room and started gathering her things. It didn't take long, seeing as most
of her stuff was still packed having thought she would have found somewhere else by now.
They didn't even try to stop her when she stormed out. And when she accelerated, she didn't
have a clear destination in mind.

It wasn't really a shock when she found herself parked in front of Noah's house. She
remained in her car for a moment before walking slowly to the front door. "What's wrong?" he
asked, inviting her inside.

Her tears came first this time, getting worse as he pulled her into his arms. When the
sobs subsided, he led her into the living room and listened to her tell what had happened at
home. "I shouldn't have canceled that hotel."

"You can stay here as long as you like," he said.

"I do not think-"

He shook his head. "I have two perfectly good guest rooms that would love to host a
guest," he said, holding out his hand. "Go freshen up, pick a room and I'll get your stuff."

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"You're not going to win this argument, Julia. Please don't try." She took a deep breath and
He nodded, having fought enough for one night already.

"Only until I find a place." She saw the glint in his eyes when he said, "As long as you need

Chapter Four

Julia was sitting at the table in the small cafe, drinking her cup. Every time the drink slipped
on her tongue, she grimaced. It wasn't that the tea was bad, it was just that it was better when
Noah made it.

It had been an awkward two weeks since she'd moved in with him. Most of the time, they
don't see each other much during the week. Their working hours were similar in the sense that
they worked long hours; leaving early and arriving home late. Although they started taking turns
bringing takeout for dinner. On weekends, she spent most of her time curled up in the guest bed,
fighting nausea. The vomiting had stopped, but the nausea seemed eager to last until the end of
time. She hoped what she read was true and that when the second trimester began, she wouldn't
feel this way anymore.

It was a lovely surprise when she woke up on her third Sunday there and felt more like she
had since succumbing to the first signs of morning sickness. It was ironic that it fell on the same
day she'd agreed to meet Brandon since running away from him on Myles' birthday. But when she
saw him finally enter the cafe, she smiled and waved at him.

Out of habit, she reached out to hug him, but caught herself midway. She wasn't showing
up yet, but she had been looking in the mirror long enough.
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lately to know that there was a slight curve in her belly that could be felt during a hug. Especially
since most of her clothes were tighter now. The hesitation resulted in an awkward half-hug from
which the two quickly backed away.

Brandon cleared his throat and sat up. She gestured to the cup in front of him, signaling that
it was his. "Thanks," he said, taking a sip. A smile played on his lips as he set the cup back on the
table. "You remember."

She snorted. "Easy to remember when you never change your order."

He relaxed a little at that as he took another sip. "How do you have

state?" he asked.

This set off a cordial conversation, which lasted for some time. Julia felt more at ease than
she had for weeks, but that also made her sad. She missed him. I missed their easy conversations.
I missed the way he laughed and the way his eyes lit up.
lit up when she laughed with him. She missed his friendship most of all. There would always be love
there, but any romance attached to it was long gone.

She felt bad for evading certain questions and feeding innocent lies when necessary. One
day, she hoped to be able to have a completely honest conversation with him, but until she found
out what she was doing, that day was still a long way off. She even kept up the guise that she was
living with her parents while looking for a place.

"Why did you run?" he asked after a while, finally getting to the
subject they were both avoiding.

"I wasn't feeling well," she replied. "I had an upset stomach that started a few days ago. I left
because I didn't want to throw up all over you. I barely made it to the kitchen as I was."

The amount of tension she saw release from her body made Julia relax a little.
also. "I thought-"

"I know," she said, smiling softly at him. "I'm sorry I didn't come for you
before. Life has been..."


There was something in the way he looked away that told Julia there was more he wanted to
"Brandon..." she requested.

"I'm seeing someone."

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The second his words reached her ears, she froze. "Oh."

He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. "It's new," he said. "It started
just before Myles' birthday, but I wanted you to know about me."

"Is that why you wanted to talk to me at his house?"

"Yes and no," he said, the corners of his lips twitching slightly.

Julia was surprised at the twinge of jealousy that shot through her, but she was glad it
disappeared as quickly as it appeared. "I know her?" she heard herself asking.

His head cocked to the side as if trying to figure out the best way to respond. "You
must remember her from high school." She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, waiting
for a name. "Charlotte Williams."

Julia had a flash of brown hair and simple, delicate features, but nothing specific came
to mind. She smiled at him and brought the cup of tea to her lips. "I'm happy for you."

"You are?"

"Of course Brandon. All I ever wanted is for you to be happy. Even if it's not with me."

"Is that you?" he asked.

"What about me?"

"Has anyone special caught your attention lately?"

It took every ounce of willpower not to put a hand on her stomach or react otherwise.
Instead, she simply shrugged and quelled the image of a certain housemate that threatened
to form in her mind.

Brandon misinterpreted the nature of her silence and gave her a soft smile. "You'll find
someone," he assured her. "And when you do, we should double date."

With that, she laughed.


Every time she used the upstairs hallway bathroom, it reminded her that she needed
to find a spot as soon as possible. It was very strange to try them all
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the memories of having been here over the years. One in particular came to mind as she
glanced over the counter extension as she brushed her teeth overnight.

She and Myles were playing hide and seek. She tripped over her shoelace in the
hallway and fell into something. She couldn't remember what it was, just the pain that followed
and the way Noah opened the master bedroom door, picked her up, and deposited her on that
very counter. There was some blood oozing from a cut, but he remained calm. He cleaned it
up before putting on a band-aid. When he was done, he wiped her tears and told her everything
would be fine before sending her back there to finish her game with Myles.

Her heart skipped a beat and stole the breath from her lungs. He had been an incredible
role model in her life. He loved his son more than anything and sacrificed everything to make
sure Myles didn't want anything. Even when times were tough, Noah was always there.

It was never a question of whether he would make an amazing father; she already knew who he was. It was if she

I might or might not be a mother.

Julia finished rinsing her mouth and then looked at her reflection, her eyes sweeping
until they landed on her stomach. They had a date with an adoption agency in a few days. She
had mixed emotions about that option, which only got stronger as the time approached. She
heard him when he said that he had already raised a child; that he didn't have the energy to
do it again. But she also saw the look in his eyes whenever the subject of giving up her child
was brought up.

As she lost herself in the "what ifs," she placed her hands on the gentle curve of her
belly. She turned to a profile view, eyes still glued to her stomach as her hands roamed. It was
the first time she allowed herself to feel; both physically and emotionally. Most of the time, she
didn't want to think about it because it was so hard; so real. But now, as she stood there
without her bra and panties, she couldn't help but stare.

Sensing a change in the air, her gaze flickered only to find Noah in the mirror where he
stood in the hallway. He held it for a moment, but then cleared his throat and looked away.
"Sorry I-"

"It's okay," she interrupted, turning to look at him instead of her reflection. "My fault for
leaving the door open." Not that it was something he hadn't seen before.

"Still," he replied, his gaze returning to her stomach.

"Is it noticeable?" She smiled as she watched him try not to look at her stomach.
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again. "I feel like it's smaller than the photos I find, but I feel like it's still noticeable."

He swallowed hard as he approached, stopping just as he reached the threshold and

leaned against the doorjamb. "That's really a trick question."

"Like this?" she asked, her hand roaming over her skin.

"Giving an answer would imply that I've been looking." Julia couldn't help but laugh.
The silence that slipped from her lips as she caught sight of the blush creeping up her neck.

"It's okay if you look, Noah," she said as she walked towards him, taking his hand. She held
his gaze as she guided her hand over her stomach, lingering for a moment before dropping her arms
to her sides.

It took a few breaths before his hand relaxed against her. As his touch passed over her skin,
the sensation sent a shiver down her spine. His eyelashes fluttered against her cheek as he inched
closer, his forehead resting on hers. Her gasp was weak as she felt his other hand flatten against her
lower back, causing heat to spread through her body.

And when he pulled away, the loss of his touch chilled her to the bone. She stood there, trying
to regulate the rhythm of her breathing as he reached for her robe hanging on the wall beside the
door. She took it without a word and tightened it around her waist. Only then did he take a step back
so she could follow him into the hallway.

"How was your conversation with Brandon?" he asked when they stopped beside
out of her room.

"Much better than the last one," she said softly.

"That's good," he replied. "Do you think the two of you can be friends one day?"

"I'm sure some days will be harder than others, but we'll get there," she said with a smile. "He
told me he started seeing someone." She couldn't help the laugh that followed. "Said that if I meet
someone soon, I should let him know so we can double date."

The look in his eyes silenced her laughter almost immediately. "It's something you're

"A double date with my ex-husband?"

She saw the way his jaw twitched. "A date in general."

Julia narrowed her eyes at him slightly as she tilted her head to the
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side. "I'm not sure you've noticed, but I'm not really in the best position to start dating right
now." She shook her head and placed a hand on her hip. "Recently divorced, pregnant and
homeless doesn't really seem desirable." She placed her hand on his forearm and smiled at
him. "You're free to… date or whatever you want, if you want."
It was his turn to narrow his eyes at her as he replied, "As if a middle-aged widower
with a second child on the way is yet another prank."
She patted his arm before removing his hand completely. "What a match we make,"
she said with a sly smile. "Good night, Noah," she added, turning around.
to step into your room.
It was his fingers circling her wrist that kept her from going any further. His chest
pressed hard against her arm, his other hand coming up to brush the hair off her shoulder,
his fingertip brushing along her skin, making her shiver. His lips then moved closer to her
ear and in a low, husky voice that would haunt her dreams throughout the night, he
whispered, "Good night, Julia."

Chapter Five

The following week was quite hectic. It had started with a meeting at work, with her
and her team nominations for not measuring up, and a warning that if she persisted, they
would be looking for work. Then there was the doctor's appointment that Noah couldn't
leave his meeting to attend with her.
It really shouldn't have mattered as much as the fact that she went alone, but it was
the first ultrasound she could see clearly and it was weird. She was glad he could go to the
adoption agency with her the next day. If he hadn't, she wasn't sure she would have made
it through the front door.
This week also brought the start of her second trimester. As grateful as she was for
the lessening of her general nausea, it brought some problems of its own to the trip. It was
bad enough that her breasts hurt too much to wear a bra, making her life miserable most
days, but she was running out of bras that actually fit.
To make matters worse, these weren't the only clothes that were quickly becoming
too small for her. She had come out of a closet full of options to wear to have
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five clothes she had to wear.

Julia had already resigned herself to the fact that she would have to go shopping on the
weekend, but since it was her least favorite activity when she wasn't angry and easily
overwhelmed by emotions, she wasn't looking forward to it now. And if the way her coworkers
were avoiding her as much as possible was any indication, she knew she wasn't in the mood.

And by Friday night, her mood had taken a turn for the worse when her usual methods
of relaxation seemed unavailable to her. She couldn't drink alcohol. There were even a number
of sleeper agents she couldn't take. She wasn't even able to concentrate on any of her books;
something that always helped to calm his mind.

That was why Noah had found her sitting at the kitchen table, her head buried in her
arms, a cold cup of untouched chamomile tea beside her, wearing an oversized, thin T-shirt,
and a poor excuse to relax that called in shorts. "Julia?"

"Do you have another pregnant girl living in your house?" she asked, her voice a little
harsher than she'd intended. She shook her head as she lifted him and leaned back in her
chair. "Sorry. It's been a week."

She could tell by the look in his eyes that he was trying to suppress a laugh. It was the
same look Myles did. The comparison made her groan and look away. When she looked at
him again, she found that his eyes were roaming over her; from the length of her bare legs to
where she was sure he could see the contours of her breasts where the shirt tugged.

"Where did you get that shirt?" he asked, tension in his voice. She looked down, pulling
it forward to read the logo. "I stole it from Myles," she said after a moment. There wasn't much
left of the original design; just a bunch of faded colors and smudges where it had gone entirely.
But when she looked back at Noah, she found her throat had gone dry. "Because?"

"That's not..." he shook his head and rubbed his chin. "It's not from Myles."

Frowning, she tilted her head down and took a closer look. Sure enough, she spotted
the dates on what was left of a banner at the bottom. She clearly remembered the day she had
taken it. They've been here, in the kitchen, doing something and it all went terribly wrong.
Myles led her upstairs to the bathroom, where she took off her dirty clothes and he reached
through the door to give her something clean to wear. She kept it and it has become her
favorite to sleep in ever since.
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She'd never noticed that she hadn't belonged to him in the first place until now.

"Do you... do you want it back?" she asked, her hand encircling her teacup

His gaze flickered to his chest for a moment, a bright shade of crimson blooming at his neck before he
shook his head. "No," he said after a while.
time. "Keep."

She nodded and watched as he turned his back on her, rummaging in the fridge for something to drink.
"You know what I don't understand?" she began, unable to tolerate an awkward silence. "Because people always
talk about the joys of being pregnant. It's been twelve weeks and I've been vomiting nonstop for most of them.
Other than that nothing suits me anymore so now I have to shop and I'm irritated all the time."

Noah set a glass of cool water beside her and smiled. She could still see the rosy tinge in his skin from a
few minutes ago when he sat down in one of the other chairs. "Having walked this path once, I won't comment on

"Sarah was such a mess?" she asked cautiously.

"She had her moments," he replied.

"But?" she pressed, not liking the gleam in his eyes.

"She's had more bad days than good days, but she's always said that not even a week
of holding Myles could compare to what it was like to have him growing inside her."

The melancholy tone of his voice combined with the adoration and sadness in his brown eyes made
Julia's heart leap. "Sorry. I shouldn't have-"

"It's okay," he said, taking a sip. "She's been gone for two decades. I can talk about her without breaking

She nodded and took a sip of water. "Was there something that worked for her?" she asked. "Did that
help with the bad days?" There was so much information she could get from a book or the Internet.

"A few things come to mind, but there were two that helped the most. One of them being a

"Same?" she hummed with curiosity. Brandon had only tried to give him a

massage once. It was okay, but she never asked for more and he never offered to do it again. The idea of
strangers touching her in that regard had always made her doubtful at best, resulting in her never going to a spa.
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He nodded. "I made a point of giving her one every day."

They smiled at the same time. "And the other?" The way his eyes darkened slightly was
answer enough for her. That made her shift in her chair and look away once more. "Oh," she

"I could do the same for you."

Her gaze clung to his, not knowing what to make of the glow she saw there. "THE
massage or..."

Her heart skipped a beat as the intensity of his gaze ignited the fire beneath her.
navel again. "Whatever," he replied with a casual shrug.

She hummed, her lips curving up. "I'm not used to strangers
touching me."

He chuckled as he stood up, moving to stand directly behind her. His hands came to rest
on her shoulders and she relaxed. "I hope you don't think of me as a stranger. With the current
circumstances and all," he said as his fingers began to knead.

Julia felt the tension ease from her body as his touch made her melt. She had already
learned how skilled he was with his hands; she shouldn't have been so surprised he was good
at it either. "I don't know," she said, sinking back as she continued to relax. "But in light of it all,
I can't help but feel awkward around you." She craned her neck so she could look at him briefly.
"Is not?"

"I try," he said, his smile slight as she turned to sit up straight again.

One of the questions that had been swirling in her mind since the incident currently
resided on the tip of her tongue. The words were out before she could decide if she really
wanted an answer or not. "Did you ever think of me that way before that night?"

His hands stopped moving, giving an answer immediately. She heard him breathe
trembling behind her and she could hear his anxiety as he spoke. "Yes and no."

“Care to clarify?” she asked, tilting her head back to look at him again.

A smile played on his lips as he looked at her from the bridge of his nose. "You've always
been attractive," he began, as if choosing his words carefully. "And I'd be lying if I said I hadn't
noticed it in a while."

She hummed and shifted in her chair again so she could take another sip of
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"I'm old, not dead. You were attractive, but I never planned on allowing myself to have more than that
fleeting thought. Especially with you and Myles being so close. You were practically his—"

"Please don't," she interrupted, sliding out of her chair and standing up to face him. She crossed her arms
and he reached over to rub the back of her head, sending her an apologetic smile as her cheeks turned pink.

"If it makes you feel any better, I've always found you quite attractive," she said, softening her features.
"Even for an old man."

He chuckled as he ran a hand through his gray hair. "I assure you, I was better with
the age."

She shook her head as she smiled at him. "On that note, is there any chance that I
I can convince you to go out for ice cream?"

"You had dinner?"

"I will when you get back from the store."

He narrowed his eyes even though they were laughing with her. "Ice cream is not dinner." One of her
eyebrows rose as she started to laugh. But when her lips parted to answer, he held up a hand to silence her. "Keep
that thought to yourself and I'll go to the store.

"Agreed," she said. "The more chocolate, the better."

"Do you need anything else while I'm there?"

"No, but if I think of something, I'll call," she said, stepping forward to kiss his cheek. "Thank you," she
whispered, not realizing what she'd done until she pulled away. "For the massage."

She saw the apple of his throat jiggle as he tilted his head. "Whenever you need one, just let me know."
He smiled slightly. "Or if you want to try the second thing." He added a wink and walked past her, leaving her in the
kitchen, looking up at him with wide eyes and a shiver running down her spine.


Julia didn't linger long in the kitchen after Noah left. She went into the living room where she wrapped a
blanket around her lower half and turned on the television. she was in
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same place where he settled when Noah returned. She was delighted to see he'd bought the good stuff and raised an
eyebrow as he lifted two spoons and joined her on the couch.

Together they ate and sat in comfortable silence while watching a movie. And when he offered her another

massage, Julia accepted without hesitation and dropped to the floor to sit on a pillow with her back against the couch
between Noah's knees. It didn't take long for the emotional drain of the week and the magic of his touch to lull her to

She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but when she blinked her eyes open, she found she was

moving. It took her a while to realize that Noah was carrying her to the bedroom and she simply smiled to herself as

she buried her face in his chest. He placed her gently on the bed and stopped to brush the hair out of her face. His
fingers lingered on her jaw for a moment before leaning in and pressing his lips to her forehead.


"Good night," she whispered back, watching through half-closed eyes as

he said goodbye, closing the door with a soft click behind him.

Chapter Six

Julia had already come to terms with the fact that her shopping trip would put her in a bad mood during the
day. She was, however, glad that Noah's massages had relaxed her as much as before, she was sure the day would
have been a lot worse. She forced herself to go slow, starting at one store and working her way through the stores to
get what she needed. Most frustratingly, she seemed to need everything.

If there was one thing Julia hated more than buying clothes, it was spending money. No matter what it was,
if it was out of basic necessities, handing over the cash or swiping the debit card made her sick. With every dollar she
spent, she felt that her future hometown
residence was increasingly out of reach.

It didn't help that, at the end of the day, she passed a store with all the essentials for kids. If she ended up
following the path of raising her child, she was already a third of the way through with the pregnancy. She was behind
on what all the books said in the
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sense that she hadn't bought a single item.

What really triggered her panic was the fact that it didn't matter that she hadn't bought anything
yet. It wouldn't matter, as long as she hadn't even found a place to live. As generous as Noah had been
so far, she hadn't planned to take advantage of him for so long, nor would she continue to do so. And
living there just to raise her child seemed more ridiculous than anything.

Having skipped lunch and starting to regret it, Julia made sure all her groceries were stashed in
her trunk before driving around to find something that wouldn't make her want to throw up. She didn't
much like to eat in public alone, but she was prepared. In addition to her bag, she brought one of the
new books she bought that day, so as she sat down to dinner, she could read.

When she was finishing up, she texted Noah, asking if he wanted her to bring something home
for him. He never answered before she paid the bill, nor did he answer the phone. This left her with a
strange feeling in her stomach. It wasn't like he was supposed to respond whenever she reached out to
him, but it wasn't like him not to respond either.

As she turned the street that led to his house, a thought occurred that made her afraid to go
home right away. It was fleeting, the jealousy that coursed through her veins at the idea that he'd actually
met someone and brought her home while she was gone. But she remembered the look on his face
when they'd talked about it and quickly pushed those thoughts away.

Still a little cautious, she gathered up as many bags as she dared to carry, leaving a few behind,
she made her way to the front door and unlocked it with the key. As she passed the living room, the
sight of Connor on the couch sipping a beer made her squeak in fear. Instinctively, she moved the bags
in front of her stomach, hoping he didn't pay too much attention to the labels.

"Julia?" he questioned, looking at her. "What brings you here?"

"I... Uh..." She swallowed and gave a nervous smile. "I live here."

Connor nearly choked on his beer. He sat forward, brushing off a few drops that had come back
out of his mouth. "I... didn't know that," he said, standing up. "When did this happen?"

"A few weeks ago."

His eyes widened for a moment before narrowing, scrutinizing her. "You
weren't you at your parents' house?"
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"We disagreed about the divorce," she said, forcing a smile. "Again."

Connor gave her a knowing nod. It was no secret that the Roths were a very devoted
couple. Julia was glad they never stopped her from being friends with Myles while they were
growing up, as she didn't remember the Fosters going to church.

"Is the old man treating you well here?"

Her laugh was genuine as she smiled at him, relaxing a little. "He doesn't leave chocolates
on my pillow like the hotel would, but other than that he's been really nice to me." She shrugged
and shook out the bags. "I should go put this away before my arms go numb."

"You need help?"

"No, no, it's fine. But thanks," she said as she dashed toward the stairs. She had barely
placed the bags on the floor beside her bed when she heard the familiar voices of Noah and
Benji coming up the stairs. She stood there, debating whether to even bother getting the rest of
her bags out of the trunk, when she heard her name mentioned. With a sigh, she hurried to the
hall bathroom, checked to see if her clothes betrayed her condition, and then headed downstairs.

She could tell by the strange expression on Benji's face as he waved at him that Connor
or Noah had informed him of the situation. "You keep going," she said, holding up her hands. "I
promise, you won't even know I'm here."

She wasn't really surprised to find that Noah followed her to her car. "Sorry,
forgot to say they were coming tonight."

"It's your house," she said, smiling at him as she picked up the last of the bags; everything
he took from her without hesitation. "If you've planned the guys night, fine. I bought a bunch of
books, so I'm staying in my room tonight."

He frowned at that. "You can always join us."

"And turning down every drink, making sure I keep covered, and trying to ignore how
weird it feels like I'm living here?" She shook her head. "No, thank you." She stopped mid-step
as a shiver ran down her spine. "You know it's only a matter of time before everyone finds out
now, right?"

It was clear from the look on her face that it had n't occurred to him until she
said it. "We'll deal with it when necessary," he said, his voice calm.

She nodded and led the way back to the house. After entering, she
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He picked up Noah's bags and turned to the other two in the room. "Enjoy your evening, gentlemen," she said,
waving to everyone before disappearing into her room.


Julia wasn't sure what time it was when she finally got out of bed to use the bathroom. She had read until
it hurt to keep her eyes open, but when she dropped the book and crawled into bed, sleep suddenly left her.
Instead, she just lay there, staring at the ceiling. But as usual, when she finally started to nap, her bladder roared
to life and demanded to be emptied. Based on everything she'd read, if this was already causing so much trouble
and was bound to be worse, she wasn't looking forward to it.

She left her room and went down the hall to the bathroom. She wasn't paying much attention, but from
what she could tell, it looked like the guys' night was over. Whether or not that meant Connor and Benji had gone
home, or passed out downstairs, was something she would find out tomorrow.

As she left the bathroom to return to the bedroom, she caught sight of something moving in her peripheral
vision. She let out a soft cry, one hand coming up to cover her mouth while the other pressed against her racing
heart. In the gloom of the hallway, she made out Noah's face and sighed in relief.

"Sorry, sweetheart. I didn't mean to scare you," he said, his words thick.
with alcohol and the need to sleep.

"It's okay," she muttered.

"We didn't keep you awake, did we?"

She shook her head and smiled. "Not at all," she replied, taking a deep breath.
background. "My lack of sleep is for entirely different reasons."

"Can I help with anything?"

There was not. Not until he asked. Not until she saw the way his eyes roamed over her form, watching
her wearing her old shirt and a pair of panties hidden underneath. That familiar ache began to grow to life between
her thighs as his gaze reconnected with hers. She cleared her throat and smoothed her hands over the swelling
in her belly. But as much as she wanted to say yes, and give in to her hormones, she shook her head.

"It's late. I'm sure I'll fall asleep soon."

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"He is sure?" he asked, closing the distance between them.

He was close enough that she could feel the heat emanating from him. His scent permeated her nostrils in
a way that only made the ache below her belly button intensify. "You've been drinking."

"Not so much."

"Noah..." She had every intention of saying no, but the words were out before she could stop them. "Are
Connor and Benji downstairs?"

She heard the sigh escape his lips as he shook his head, one of his
hands rising to rest gently on your hip. "Jul..."

It was too risky; in general, much less with your best friends still in the house. Not to mention she could
smell beer on his breath. The last thing she wanted to do was repeat her previous mistakes with alcohol fueling any
of her decisions. Instead, she turned away from him with a whisper, "Good night, Noah," and walked back into the


Having only gotten a few hours of sleep due to her mind continually wandering to the man across the hall,
Julia got up earlier than she would have liked. She changed out of the shirt she wore to bed, putting on one of her
new clothes that was not only modest enough for three hungover grown men, but would also hide her belly. After
freshening up in the morning, she went down to the kitchen and started cooking for


There wasn't much in the fridge, another stark reminder that none of them had been to the supermarket in
a while. Then again, the fact that it was just eggs and toast made it easier to ensure she didn't spoil anything. If any
of the men wanted something else, they could do it themselves. Though she was sure they wouldn't mind.

It was as she was putting some of the ground coffee into the machine that someone joined her. From her
back, she couldn't see who it was, but she recognized Noah's voice when he spoke. "Could you sleep?"

"A few hours," she replied, not even bothering to pause what she was doing.
making. "You?"

"Same," he said, his voice still husky with sleep. "You didn't have to."
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"I know," she said, turning to see him leaning against the counter next to her. "But I was going to
make some for myself, so I figured out why not." She programmed the machine and walked over to where
she had placed the eggs before starting to break them into the bowl. "We need to go to the store."

"Write me a list."

"I can go," she said softly.

"Together?" he suggested.

She hesitated before moving on to the next egg, but found herself shaking her head helplessly.
look in your direction. "Of course. As soon as the other two Stooges leave."

None of them said anything; not even when he took over preparing the toast while it stuck to the
eggs. And as soon as the coffee pot beeped to let them know the drink was ready, Connor was the first to
join them. "Is this what it's like to live with a woman?" he asked, heading straight for the cafe.

Noah chuckled. "I think you'll have to settle down and find out for yourself

Connor chuckled before setting his cup to his liking. Before going to the table, he stopped
close to Julia and gave her shoulder a light squeeze. "Thanks, kitten. Everything smells delicious."

She rolled her eyes at the use of that particular nickname, but said, "You're welcome. Hope this helps
with your hangover. If the number of bottles in the room is any indication, I'm sure you all must have one."

"Guilty," Benji said as he joined them, heading straight for the cafe.

She chuckled softly as she continued to whisk the eggs into the bowl.

Before she knew it, the four of them were sitting around the table, sharing a meal like it was the most
natural thing in the world. If Julia was being completely honest with herself, she quite liked the domesticity of
it all. And just as that thought occurred to her, her eyes met Noah's across the table and she realized he was
thinking the same thing, if only for a moment.

chapter seven
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Ever since Connor and Benji found out she lived in Noah's house, she knew it was
only a matter of time before one of them let it slip to the rest of his friends and family.
Although she was waiting a little longer, she still considered three days longer than she had
Julia went home after work on Wednesday knowing that Noah would be at work late
and didn't know exactly when he would be home. It was after she changed clothes and
started looking for something to deliver for dinner that the sound of the front door being
unlocked left her confused.

"Ah," came Myles' voice as he rounded the corner of the living room. "So it is true."

She smiled guiltily at him. "Was it Connor or Benji?" she asked.

"Does it matter? It should have been you," he said, crossing his arms as he arched
an eyebrow at her. "Why didn't you come to me when something happened to your parents?
You know damn well that Liv and I would have let you stay with us."
She sighed and placed the phone on the arm of the couch, adjusting the pillow on
her lap just in case. "I know, Myles, I know. I just…" she shrugged, cursing herself for not
having thought about what to say to him, knowing this day would come eventually. "I didn't
want to abuse you. I didn't want things to get awkward if Brandon came to visit."

"It was completely accidental that I ended up here," she said, trying not to laugh at
how accurate that statement was. "You know how my parents are. They kept making little
comments here and there until it got worse. I just packed my stuff and left. I ran into your
dad at the bar and he refused to let me spend money on a hotel." She smiled at him and
watched as he sighed. "I'm still looking for a place; I don't want to take advantage of it for
too long."
For a moment, Myles' eyes narrowed as he studied her.
"Have you eaten?" She shook her head and lifted the phone to show him her
interrupted search.
"If you want, I can order enough for two."
He thought for a moment and then nodded, a smile on his face.
"It's been a while since we camped out in the living room like this. Let me call Liv."
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As he walked away to call his wife, Julia ordered delivery from her favorite Chinese place.
When he came back, they spent a lot of time discussing what to watch. Once it was decided, they
settled down on the couch, side by side, and began to recover. It felt good talking to him like this,
making her wonder if all her worries
were in vain.

And when the food was delivered, Myles spread it out on the coffee table and looked at it in
horror. She simply shrugged her shoulders as she ate. "I couldn't decide, so I ordered a little of
everything," she said, looking away.

His hand landed on her shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. "You know it doesn't matter what
Whatever happens, I'll always be your friend, right? That I would never choose you over you?"

"I know," she said, her voice strained. "I just... he's Liv's brother and-"

"And I'm your brother," he interrupted, the statement making her stomach churn. "I
I will always be there for you, Juls. No matter what happens. You know that, don't you?"

She swallowed, hoping that would still be the case when the truth came out. She gave a curt
nod and reached for him. "I'll try not to be so weird," she promised. "Can we eat now? I'm starving."

He chuckled and nudged her shoulder as they filled their plates and ate their meal. Julia
allowed herself to enjoy the moment, wondering if it would ever happen again. If he still wanted to be
your friend after knowing the truth. But with every morsel of food she ate, the guilt continued to build.
And when Noah came home later to see them side by side on the couch, sharing a second round, the
feeling only got worse.


Myles had stayed for a while, even after the movie ended. Noah came downstairs after they
finished cleaning, simply because Myles had called him to say he was going to bed. He invited the
two of them to dinner the next weekend and the two agreed to go there. And when Myles said
goodbye, Julia didn't linger in the kitchen before going upstairs to get ready for bed. If Noah was
bothered by her departure, he didn't say anything about it. Instead, he simply returned the wave and
watched her walk away.

Just like the last four nights, no matter what she tried, she couldn't sleep. Instead, she was
forced to watch as the time on her phone continued to tick.
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pass in slow motion. The only thing her mind continued to focus on were Noah's offers to help
her sleep and the fact that she'd almost accepted him on the second Saturday night. The thought
that plagued her the most was wondering if the night would have been different if Connor and
Benji hadn't passed out downstairs.

It was around one in the morning when she rolled onto her side, pressed the pillow to her
face, and sighed in frustration. She'd been so happy to be rid of her first trimester nausea and
vomiting, which now that it had been replaced by an overactive libido, she would gladly trade it.
It was what kept her awake at night and what pulled her out of bed and opened the bedroom door.

She hesitated for a moment before crossing the threshold and heading down the hall. She
stopped again outside Noah's door, looking at it as she debated the pros and cons with herself.
Her hand came up with the intention of knocking a few times, but each time she found a reason
not to. With a deep breath, she shook her head and backed away from the door, but she didn't
take more than a single step before he was there, causing her to stop.

Her breath caught in her throat as his fingers slid over her wrist.
until they intertwined with hers. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice full of sleep.

She nodded as she leaned in to face him.

directly. "I can not sleep."

He gave her hand a light squeeze before placing his other hand on her hip, pulling her
closer to him. Their foreheads connected, but only for a moment before his lips found hers. His
kiss was tentative, feeling her to see if this was what she wanted. She nodded against him, her
voice barely a whisper as she said, "I need you."

It was the invitation he had been waiting for.

His kiss was slow and sweet as he gently pulled her back into the bedroom. She felt each
tug of his lips spread through her body like wildfire. It left her tingling from head to toe. By the
time they reached the bedside, she was out of breath. He sat her on the edge of the mattress
and then reached for the hem of his shirt, slowly lifting it off his body and dropping it to the floor
beside them.

A groan tore from her throat when, instead of touching her, he guided her onto her back.
Before joining her, he hooked his fingers around the waistband of her panties and pulled them
down her legs, throwing them to the floor where they joined her shirt. Noah then hovered over
her, his body resting perfectly between her thighs, allowing her to
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feel his erection pressing against her through her boxers.

Where her mind was screaming for a quick release, Noah seemed determined to
prolong the experience for her. He took his time kissing her, leaving no corner of her mouth
untouched. When he propped himself up on one forearm, his fingertips trailing along her
jaw, his other hand rose to the palm of her breast. She moaned loudly as he rolled her
nipple between his thumb and forefinger. While it wasn't any more painful to have something
touch her breasts, they were far more sensitive now than ever before. It was a wonder that
stimulus alone hadn't pushed her over the edge.
As such, his lips left hers in favor of beginning his descent. It looked like he was
determined to taste every inch of her skin. She cried out and arched her back as his lips
closed over the same nipple he was playing with. He kept his suction light on, using his
tongue to keep her muttering a series of incoherent pleas for more.

And more she got.

So focused on the attention he was paying to her chest, she didn't feel his other hand
sliding further down her body until she felt him brush against her folds and pass over her
swollen clit. She couldn't remember a single time she'd been so flustered by the simplest of
touches, but she pivoted her hips, chasing his hand as he tugged on her.

He shook his head against her, his teeth gently clamped around her.
nipple. "Noah..." she whimpered.

She wanted to scold him; tell him it was impossible to relax with the amount of need
coursing through his system, but when his lips parted to speak, all that came out was a
He caressed each of her breasts gently before trailing his lips towards the top of her
stomach. Her heart fluttered in her chest as he dropped tender kisses down her belly. That
alone helped her body relax despite the slow movements of her joint circling her clit. His
head leaned back against the pillows as one hand gripped the sheets, the other gripping his
hair as he continued to move lower.

And yet, even as his lips danced across her skin, leaving a trail of fire behind, he
avoided the part of her that craved his attention the most. Instead, he
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he positioned himself between her thighs and kissed them, moving down on one side and up
on the other. The moment two of his fingers slipped inside her pussy, all she could do was
sigh in relief. Her inner walls gripped tightly, trying to draw him even closer and keep him
there. His thumb continued to brush slowly against her clit as he curled his fingers together
and established a slow, tortuous rhythm of pumping them in and out of her.

She could feel the coil winding in her gut. She knew it wouldn't be long before he broke
and freed her. She tried her best not to fight the feeling, to do as he asked and relax, but it
was hard. Especially when he parted her and locked his lips around her clit. She screamed
then, the sound echoing through the room; carrying down the hall through the door they had
left open.

He hummed, sending vibrations shooting up her spine, causing her back to bend off
the bed. Both hands were gripping the sheets as she closed her eyes tightly and let the
pleasure he was giving her take her thoughts away. The tip of his tongue flicked across her
clit just as lazily as his fingers continued to move in and out of her. However, each blow was
like a shock to his system as the coil continued to wind.

And just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, that she was too slow, the coil snapped.

Julia's mouth opened as moan after moan escaped her lips. Pleasure unlike anything
she'd ever felt before coursed through her system, making every part of her come alive. There
was nothing but white displayed behind her eyes and for a moment, the only thing she could
hear was the sound of her own heart working its acceleration.

Noah's care never let up, ensuring she got the most out of the pleasure he gave her.
His fingers were still curling inside her pussy, his tongue licking at the evidence of her arousal.
She started to squirm, trying to get away from his touch as her body became overly sensitive,
but he held on tight, bringing her quickly to her second orgasm. It hit her faster than the first,
but this time, she heard herself calling out to him as she lost herself in the void of pleasure
he'd left her for.

When she could see something other than the stars exploding behind her eyelids, she
saw Noah kneeling between her thighs. He was looking at her as he licked his lips, one hand
coming up to wipe away the shine on his chin. It wasn't until the tip of his cock nudged her clit
that she realized he'd already maneuvered out of his boxers. They both moaned at the contact
and he wasted no time in spreading her thighs as wide as he could before leaning in.
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He placed one hand on her hip, the other reaching down to grab his cock and brush
it between her folds. Her hips lifted, eager to feel him inside her again. He chuckled at the
action and lined up. He groaned as he sank into her pussy, taking his time to let her stretch
around him as he filled her to the brim. After a moment to adjust, he pulled away only to
push his way back to her once more.
As with the rest of the date so far, he kept the pace slow and sweet. It allowed her to
feel every inch of him going in and out. She felt every movement, every contraction; every
minute detail added to the ever-growing bubble of happiness. She wanted nothing more
than to touch him, but her hands refused to let go of the sheets. Instead, she kept her eyes
open and locked with his, allowing the heat of his gaze to slowly build up her third release.

As relaxed as she was, she was determined to prolong it and experience it with him.
She could tell when he was close by the way he picked up his pace ever so slightly. His
fingers dug into her hips a little longer to steady herself. What affected them both was his
thumb brushing her clit. A steady stream of pleas and screams fell from her lips and before
she knew it, she was falling apart for the last time.
He came along with her, delivering a few slower but deep thrusts before her hips
shook and eventually stopped. He was hovering over her, hands clasped at his sides, arms
shaking. He continued to squirm inside her and with her own unsteady hands, she reached
out and cupped his face. He lowered his forehead to hers for a moment and then rolled
away from her.
He propped himself up on one elbow, pulling her to the side to face him. His hand
gripped her face and then sank back into her curls to pull her close. She concentrated on
the feel of his lips against hers; the way she could taste it on his tongue instead of their
combined release sliding out of her, ruffling the sheets.
She wasn't sure who it was that walked away first, or when she turned around so he
could curl up on her back. All she knew was that when she woke up the next morning, his
face was buried in the crook of her neck and his hand was entwined with hers over the child
growing inside her belly.
For just a moment, she let the thoughts she'd been ignoring take over her mind. And
when she went back to sleep in his arms, she couldn't help but wonder; what if?
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chapter eight

It was the moment Julia left Noah's room the next morning to get ready for work that
things started to get awkward between them. She could feel it when they were next to each other
in the kitchen, getting their coffee. Before, they'd settled into a routine she didn't even have to
think about to make sure nothing went wrong. After that, the Thursday and Friday stuff was
cancelled. They continually hit each other. On Thursday morning, they collided and she dropped
her coffee grounds on the floor.

Thursday night was even worse. He had brought dinner home for them, as usual, but they
ate in complete silence. Every time she looked up from her plate, he was looking at hers, an
expression of concern and discomfort on his face. The moment she was done, she cleaned up
and headed upstairs, where she spent the night behind a closed door.

Friday, she'd gotten up a little earlier than usual so she could grab a coffee on the way to
work and avoid Noah altogether. And on the way home, she grabbed something from a diner and
wolfed it down in the parking lot. Despite seeing his car outside, she didn't see him that night.

Saturday morning, she'd had enough.

They weren't just adults, the ones who'd been down this road once, but they were
supposed to have dinner at Myles's that night. She wasn't about to walk into her best friend's
house with an air of uncertainty between her and her father. Especially when Olivia was the most
intuitive person she'd ever met. One look at those big brown eyes of hers and she would just

It was as Julia was coming out of the bathroom, a robe tied around her as she finished
drying her freshly washed hair, that she saw Noah leaving her room at the same time. The two
stopped in the hallway and nodded to each other.
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"I think we should-"

"We need-"

They stopped when they realized they had spoken at the same time. The two smiled at each
other and seeing him relax a little helped ease the tension in his shoulders as well. "Do you have
plans for this morning?" she asked.

He shook his head. "I'm about to?"

Her smile widened as she nodded. "I think we should talk."

Noah sighed as he rubbed the back of his head against her chin. "I think so too", he

"I'll be downstairs soon," she said before entering her room and closing the door.
softly behind her.

Since she wasn't planning on doing her makeup or styling her hair until much later, it didn't
take long to get ready. She wore dark gray leggings and a pink smock with a modest neckline. She
was glad she'd bought a size larger, but it was already stretching her chest in a way that told her she
might get more wear if she wore it again soon. At least her belly was loose enough to hide her belly.

It was as if her breasts were the only thing growing. At this rate, she wouldn't have to worry
about anyone noticing anything but the expansion of her chest. They certainly got Noah's attention
more and she remembered how Myles's gaze had strayed that way once or twice the other day.

Letting her hair air dry after brushing it quickly again, she gathered up the agency's files and
headed downstairs. Noah was already in the living room. He was sitting with one elbow propped up
on the arm of the couch, his hand stretched across his forehead. He must not have heard her come
down because he jumped when he felt her curl up in the far corner of the sofa, her back to his arm.

Her gaze dropped to the files she placed in her lap. "I reduced to some
couples," she explained. "I just want your opinion on them before I call the agency."

He gave a curt nod before running a hand through his hair. "But first, we should talk about
the other night."

His tongue came out to wet her lips. "Anything in particular, or..."

"We're adults," she said after her voice had faded. "Two individuals consenting that they have
had crossed that bridge once before."
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He looked at her for a moment, the corners of his lips lifting slightly. "I know," he breathed,
sitting forward so his elbows were on his knees, hands tucked under his chin.

"I should probably move."

His attention snapped to her so fast it made her dizzy just watching it happen. His eyes
widened for a moment before they narrowed and he turned around in his chair. "Absolutely not." He
shook his head and the look in his eyes made his breath quicken. "You're not going to waste your
money on a hotel just because…" his hands waved between them as he continued to shake his
"I just-"

"Do you want to leave?"

His lack of hesitation surprised her when she uttered a simple "No," under her breath.

His shoulders seemed to sag in relief at this. "I like having you here," he said, his
soft voice. "It doesn't have to happen again if it makes you uncomfortable."

Julia could only sit there and blink as her chest rose and fell with shallow breaths. It wasn't
that sleeping with him again made her uncomfortable, it was the desire to do it again…and again it
did. But she took a long time to tell him that and saw the moment he misinterpreted her silence.

His jaw twitched and there was a slight crease in his forehead, which he rubbed for a moment
before pointing to the folders, cocking his head sideways. She nodded and watched as he took
them. "Are these the ones you restricted?" he asked, voice wavering slightly.

She nodded, her tongue feeling like it was made of lead. "I'm partial to the
kinda," she said quietly. "It just depends on your opinions of same-sex couples."

He pulled out the middle one and opened it. He flipped through the file, shaking his head as
he did so. "I couldn't care less about these things," he said after a moment. "It looks like they've
been married for five years and been on the waiting list for three."

"One of them is a stockbroker and the other is a doctor," she said, settling on the couch. "At
least I think so, I might be mixing files." Even though she'd only brought five, there were at least
twenty upstairs in her room. Not that she had anything against couples or the few single people who
wanted to expand their families, it was something about these five files that made her feel more
comfortable with the idea of adoption in general.
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He shook his head. "No, that's right." Noah closed the file and placed it on top of the others. "If it feels right
to you, I see no reason not to choose them." He rubbed his hands along the tops of his thighs and sighed.

She cleared her throat before speaking. "I'll call the agency on Monday and they'll set up the first meeting."

"Keep me posted," he said, getting to his feet. He stopped beside her to give her a gentle squeeze on the
shoulder, but as he left the room, he went left instead of right. When the sound of the front door reached her ears,
her heart dropped to her stomach.


Noah didn't come back until it was almost time to go to Myles and Olivia's house. He cut her so much that
she almost gave up on her idea of sharing a ride. She tried to push the anxiety out of her mind, but no matter what
she did, it was all she thought about. Which made her last-minute efforts to make sure no one knew she was pregnant.

even more frustrating.

Realistically, she was much smaller than average for how far away she was. She had spent a lot of time
comparing bump sizes with Google reference images. Even with the doctor's assurance that everyone behaved
differently, Julia still worried. She was even more desperate to talk to her mother, but she was too stubborn to go
there and apologize for the way they had left things.

Noah found her standing in the middle of the room, her clothes strewn about. She was still wearing the same
leggings as before, but it was just the bra she matched with him at the moment. It was obvious to both of them that
he was having trouble looking anywhere but her chest, but Julia was too close to a breakdown to care.

"I've just gone shopping and things are already very tight," she said, trying her best to remain calm. "I know
it's not just my stomach that needs to get bigger, but this is ridiculous."

She narrowed her eyes at the twitch of his lips. He raised his hand to rub the
chin while saying, "I wouldn't go so far as to consider this a problem."

If she'd been able to roll her eyes harder, she was pretty sure they would have gotten stuck like this.
"Typical," she muttered, reaching for the shirt closest to her. She
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pulled it by the head and looked at him. It remained clothed for only a few seconds before she
pulled it off and threw it back with a frustrated sigh and watery eyes.

"Hey," he said, his voice light, as he crossed the room and took her hand. "Take a deep

"Noah, it's-"

"Relax," he ordered, his voice similar to the one he'd used a few days before in the dark
of his room. She shivered as her body recalled the rest of the scene quite vividly. She closed
her eyes as he stepped behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "I know things are
weird, but if something is bothering you, you can always talk to me." The breath of her sigh
tickled her ear. "You know that, right?"

She nodded, remaining silent for a moment as he

massaged her skin, significantly relieving the tension in her body. "You left."

He calmed down, but only for a moment.

"Was it because of the adoption?" she asked. "I want us to be on the same page
with these things, Noah. It's your son too. If you want-"

"That wasn't it," he interrupted, though Julia had a hard time believing it. His hands slid
down her back, moving so that her fingertips could slide down the ladder to her ribs. He stopped
with his palms flat against either side of her belly, his nose pressing into the crook of her neck.

Julia froze, not knowing what to do at that moment. A part of her felt the need to walk
away, assuming nothing good could come of it. Yet the other part of her wanted to put her hands
on top of his and accept him. To see where life would take them and embrace that path with
open arms. But she couldn't decide anyway. Instead, he pulled away, leaving her with a shiver
running down her spine.

He returned a moment later, placing a knitted dress in her hands. "I'll be downstairs
when you're ready," he said, leaving her more confused than when he'd left earlier that day.
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chapter nine

The drive to Myles and Olivia's house was silent except for the radio playing softly in
the background. Julia kept her attention focused on the things passing outside the window,
while Noah was too focused on looking through the windshield. The one time she looked at
him, her knuckles went white from how hard he gripped the steering wheel. Knowing there
was nothing she could do about it, she simply sighed and looked away once more.

When they arrived, she looked at the house and took a deep breath. She wasn't in
the right space for this sort of thing, she knew that, but it was too late to turn back now.
Noah continued to sit there with her, offering as much support as he could through the
awkwardness between them. And just when she thought she was going to lose the battle
against her overactive emotions, his hand slipped over hers. He laced his fingers together
and lightly squeezed hers, which she returned immediately.
After a moment of drinking in the comfort he offered, she turned to thank him with a
smile. He returned it before throwing his head forward, signaling that they should go. With
a surprising amount of effort, she forced herself to let go of his hand and got out of the car.
Side by side, they walked to the front door and crossed the threshold a moment later.

Myles was sitting on the couch, drinking a beer. He looked up from the television and
smiled at them before standing up. He greeted his father with a hug and pulled Julia towards
him too. Much like their afternoon hugs, she avoided being pulled too close. Though she
was sure, given how oblivious to everything Myles really was, he wouldn't have noticed one
way or another.

Olivia, on the other hand, was the one she should be careful with. Something Julia
had less than five seconds to figure out how to do when the woman came out of the kitchen
and threw her arms around Julia immediately. As much as she tried to keep herself back,
she was no match for Olivia. Determined as ever when she felt her friend's resistance,
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she pulled it harder. Julia knew the moment Olivia sensed something was wrong and when she
walked away to say hello, she didn't miss the way his brown eyes landed on her stomach and
then returned to hers, full of questions.

Julia struggled to remain indifferent as Olivia moved on to greet her father-in-law. They
exchanged pleasantries and small talk, while Julia tried to ignore the way Olivia kept glancing
at her.

"Beer?" Myles offered, looking between the two before a fit of silence could overtake

"Of course," Noah replied as Julia simply shook her head, refusing to
politely the offer while resisting the urge to put a hand on her belly.

"Watch the game, we'll get it for you," Olivia said, calling Julia to follow her.
to the kitchen with a nod. "Did you want something besides beer?"

"Water, please," she said as she watched Olivia reach for the bottle opener and pull the
caps off two bottles. "I'll take this," she said, wrapping her fingers around the necks of the bottles
with one hand before walking out of the kitchen very quickly.

The sight of Noah and Myles side by side on the couch nearly made her trip over her
own feet. Both sported the same unruly dark hair that could never be tamed. Only, Noah
contained some ash throughout. The shapes of their faces were almost identical, as was the
build of their bodies. Even the way they were sitting was comically similar. The only difference
was that Myles had blue eyes like his mother's instead of Noah's hazel irises, and that Myles
wore contact lenses when Noah didn't. Even the look they gave her was the same.

But only one of them made her shiver.

"Thanks Juls," Myles said as she passed them the drinks and gestured for him to hand
her the empty glass.

She nodded, eyes flickering between them. "Anything else you two need?"

Myles chuckled around the bottle as he brought it to his lips. "We're fine, thanks. If you
don't get back in there, Olivia is bound to explode. She's been dying for someone to gossip
about one thing or another all day."

Julia rolled her eyes and walked away, her cheeks burning at the way Noah's gaze
dropped to her ass in the process. Whether he wanted to or not, it stirred something inside her
and brought a rush of heat to her face. It wasn't until she was in the kitchen,
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almost entirely out of sight of the living room, that she took a deep breath and drank half a glass of water.

It wasn't like she was going to be ready for Olivia and her tendency to speak bluntly,
but his words still made her choke on the water.

"Not my niece or nephew there, is it?"

Julia wiped away the liquid that had escaped her lips and set the glass back on the island. "No,"
she muttered, figuring it would be better if she didn't feign ignorance. "Is not."

Olivia stared at her for a moment and then turned to stir something on the stove. Julia's shoulders
slumped; she had just learned that Olivia would be the first to find out. "Myles told me what you said,
about feeling like he might lose us in a divorce," she said, turning to Julia. "You know this is total bullshit,

Julia could only nod her head as she looked at her friend. "Who else
You know?"

"Noah," she replied, her voice low.

Olivia nodded again and took a sip of her beer. His eyes wandered to Julia's stomach and then
he smiled. "I thought you'd be one of those skinny bitches. I have a feeling I'll be just like my mother and
I'll be three times her size from day one."

The laugh his comment provoked surprised her, but she was glad for it.

Olivia smiled and raised an eyebrow as Julia wiped a tear from the corner.
inside of an eye. "So…are you going to tell me or am I going to have to rip it out of you?"

Julia sighed, knowing there was no way out now. "What you want to know?" Is it over there
He asked.

"Everything, obviously," she said, moving around the kitchen to prepare the salad.

"Promise you won't tell Myles?"

Olivia huffed as she tossed the things in Julia's direction so she could
help. "You have my word, Juls. If anyone finds out, it won't be me."

She nodded and took a deep breath. As they worked side by side in the kitchen, Julia recounted
what had happened a few months earlier, tweaking a few details here and there. Until they decided
otherwise, their child's other contributing half would be described as a random stranger at the bar. One
she hadn't even known the name of or considered exchanging phone numbers with.
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"So how did you come to be with Noah then?"

Julia felt a little better about being able to tell the real story, although it made her feel
guilty all over again for not talking to her parents for a few weeks. "I went to the clinic to get an
abortion and-"

"By herself?" Olivia snapped, her eyes wide with alarm. "Julia, you should-"

"I know," she said, desperately wanting to tell her she wasn't alone. "I was terrified, Liv,
but being there was a mistake and I couldn't go through with it, so I left." She took a deep breath,
her eyes flickering toward the living room without his permission for a brief moment. "And that
same day, my gynecologist left a message on my landline instead of my cell about the follow-up.
You know how my parents are with this particular matter. We fought and I left."

"I'm sorry Juls. Have you talked to them since then?"

She shook her head. "I keep thinking about it. It's been hard not having anyone to talk to
about these things."

Olivia's smile was slight as she took Julia's hand. "You know you can
fix it, right?"

"I know," she said with a loud sigh. "I'm just being stubborn."

"Don't tell me," Olivia mused.

Julia snorted. "You're the one who speaks."

They laughed together and Olivia shook her head. "So what happened next?"

"I intended to stay at a hotel but kept driving. I ran into Noah; I'm not even sure where we
were, honestly, but I broke down and he told me I could use a guest room for as long as I needed
to. my whole situation."

Olivia hummed in approval as she looked at Julia. "It makes sense that he took her in,"
she said, turning to the oven to take out the casserole. "You're basically Myles' sister."

Julia froze, her stomach turning as guilt swept through her like a tidal wave. It took all of
her determination not to go to the bathroom or just walk away. Just when she thought she was
going to empty her stomach into the trash can like she had the last time she was in this room,
Olivia was asking more questions. Julia's lips moved, forcing the words out of her mouth.
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When they sat down at the table to eat, Julia couldn't even meet Noah's eyes. She spent the rest of the
night avoiding and ignoring his gaze. It wasn't until they said goodbye to Myles and Olivia for the night and got
back to the car that Julia took down the facade.

"Olivia knows," she said as he pulled away from the curb.

His attention turned to her, keeping the car stationary longer than

"Not about us," she added quickly. "Only about the baby."

He nodded, but she saw how he tensed. She informed him of what changes to the real story she had
made, that way, if asked, they would be on the same page.

"Are you sure it's okay?" she asked, having the distinct feeling that she didn't

His nod was hard. "I told you at the beginning that you could tell people what
want, Julia. I won't go back on my word."


"It's okay," he assured her, his tone thick with finality, forcing her to let go.
the subject.

After that, the silence that had surrounded them on the way to Myles' house returned. It lasted even as
they entered Noah's house and climbed the stairs. And when Julia hesitated outside his door, hoping to speak to
him, he continued without pause, closing himself in his room without even looking in her direction. With a heavy
heart, Julia did the same, but as strong as she tried to be, she found herself sobbing into her pillow until she finally
fell asleep.

Chapter Ten

Julia stayed in her room for most of Sunday. Just going out to use the bathroom or get something to take
to the room and eat there. Each time, she listened for any signs
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Noah's first, only leaving his room if there weren't any. Whether he was doing the same and avoiding her, she wasn't

sure. All she knew was that for an entire day, it didn't feel like she was living with anyone else.

On Monday morning, she emailed the adoption agency with her choice and desire to set up a meeting. She

got an answer from them when she sat down to lunch. She agreed on Wednesday afternoon and as soon as her
break was over, she made the necessary orders to ensure she only worked half a day so she could make that

meeting. The hardest part was debating whether or not she wanted to type everything into a message or just swallow

it and call Noah, a hunch saying she was going to get his voicemail anyway led her to the first option.

She'd barely hit the send button when it appeared marked as read, but as she was leaving to go home, he
still hadn't responded. Choosing not to be affected, she put the phone back in the outside pocket of her purse and

went to get something to eat before heading home.

But even when she made some unnecessary stops just to prolong the inevitable, he wasn't home when she

arrived. A knot of worry twisted in her gut. She picked up the phone, frowning when there were no messages or

missed calls. She debated much longer than necessary before shaking her head and putting the phone down. He
wasn't hers to accompany. He was an adult, entitled to his own life. He didn't owe her an explanation for anything.

With a heavy sigh, she went upstairs to take a shower, hoping the hot water would ease the tension in her shoulders.

had been growing since Saturday morning.

Not wanting to be confined to her room forever, she changed into her relaxing clothes and returned to the

living room. As the hours passed, marked by each repetition of old programs that weren't holding her attention, her

worry continued to grow. Despite that, she kept slipping in and out of sleep, waking up with every little noise with a
jump. When she finally heard the front door, she thought her heart was going to race out of her chest.

Noah walked across the living room, glancing twice at her on the couch. He stilled, his head cocked to the

side. "Are you still awake?"

She was off the couch, hands on her hips, the words spilling out before she could
to contain. "Where the hell were you?"

It was clear from the look on his face that he wasn't prepared for her reaction. Okay, that caught her equally

unconscious. His gaze wandered over her, concern

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assuming his surprise as he studied her. "Did something happen?" he asked, taking a step
closer to her. "Are you okay? Is it the baby?"
She pushed his hand away and took a step back as the scent of alcohol permeated
her nostrils. "We're fine," she assured him. "Nothing happened." The smell of stale beer hit
her again and she swallowed hard. "You are drunk."
He continued to look at her, assessing her for any signs that something had happened
in her absence. "Stayed late," he said after a moment. "And then I went to the bar."

She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. She wet her lips, watching as his gaze
dropped to follow the action. She rolled her eyes and shook her head at him. "Wednesday
works for you?"
"What?" he asked, his gaze slowly trailing back to hers.
"To meet with potential adoptive parents," she said, leaning
lightly. "Did you actually read my message or did you just ignore it after opening it?"
He was surprised by the anger in her tone. "I read it," he said, one hand coming up
to rub his chin. "Wednesday is fine."
"Good. I already confirmed it. We can meet there." He simply nodded and they just
stood there, looking at each other for a moment before she announced, "I'm going to bed."

As she took a step toward the stairs, he stepped into her path, his hand
finding hers with surprising ease. "Are you angry with me."
"I was worried about you. There's a difference."
He let out a soft laugh as he placed his hands together between them. He placed his
lips on the backs of her fingers and hummed. "I opened your message, read it and then was
called from my desk. Sorry I forgot to reply to you." In one fluid motion, his hand was no
longer entwined with hers, instead he was holding her back and pressing his lips into her
palm. Slowly, he moved into her arm. The touch of his lips against the inside of her wrist
made her shiver.

"I can make it up to you," he murmured against her skin, his other hand wrapping
around her hip to pull her close.
Julia pulled her arm away from him and took a step back, ignoring the shiver that came over her.
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emerged. "You're drunk," she repeated, more to herself than anything.

He didn't reach for her again, but she could tell by the way his fingers twitched at the
side of his body he wanted. "So I can't need you too?" he asked, his voice low. He took a
step forward, but she held her ground. He didn't touch her, but his lips dropped close to her
ear to say, "You're not the only one having a hard time with all of this."

And before she could wrap her mind around what he'd said, he was passing her by.
She turned only to see him finish up the stairs and, once again, the sound of the door made
her shiver.
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Julia woke up to the smell of breakfast being prepared and drool dripping from the
corners of her mouth. The heavenly smell of tasty food wafting from the kitchen made her stand up.
and get dressed for the day in a snap. She didn't even bother to be awake before her alarms
went off. It wasn't until she reached the bottom of the stairs that she remembered meeting
Noah in the living room when he'd returned. And unless someone had broken in just to prepare
breakfast for the two of them, she knew entering the kitchen meant facing him.

Her stomach decided for her, growling again, this time making her shiver. Is it over there
He took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen.

Noah was placing two fully loaded plates on the table, mugs of brewed coffee already
waiting when she entered. He smiled shyly at her and gestured for her to sit down. She
hesitated for a second before taking slow steps towards the seat she intended to occupy, her
parting words echoing in the back of her mind.

"You're not the only one having a hard time with all this."

She sat up and stared at her plate for a moment before looking up, her eyes following
him as he sat down beside her. "Are you trying to apologize to me with food?"

The corners of his lips twitched as he brought the coffee to his lips. "It is
working?" he asked after taking a sip.

She picked up her fork and filled it with a mouthful of scrambled eggs. "Perhaps."

The moment of silence that followed was of both of them taking their first bite at the
same time. When they were done, they exchanged a wary look and a thin smile. After a
moment, he dropped his fork and reached across the table to take her hand in his. "I blew it
yesterday Juls. There's really no way to say I'm sorry, this will make up for whatever it was last

She shook her head but didn't pull her hand back. "I feel sorry too."

"Whereby?" he asked, eyes widening in surprise.

"For acting like a boring girlfriend. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that.
I know it's not like that with us. That I have no right to demand to know where you are every
second of every day."
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It was too early for her to understand the look in his eyes when she finished speaking.
However, he was only there for a fleeting moment, making her wonder if she had actually
seen him. "You were worried," he said, his voice soft. "You have every right to worry about
me, especially when I don't come home. I would have been a nervous wreck if I hadn't. I
won't keep you in the dark any longer."


"I really meant to respond to your message," he pressed, effectively silencing her. “I
just forgot. And when I finally managed to get out of the office, I thought about calling you,
but I didn't. Things are still weird between us.
We're still trying to get used to it.” He sighed and squeezed her hand. “It's been a long time
since I've had anyone home who cares about me. Someone I must hold myself accountable
for and account for my actions."

"You don't have to."

"Yes," he insisted, releasing her hand so he could take another bite of his food. "You
being stressed about my whereabouts is not good for either of us," he added, his eyes
dropping to her stomach.

Knowing she wasn't going to win the argument, not that there really was anything to
be gained, she shook her head and picked up her own fork. "I don't have to know where you
are all the time, but an alert if you're not coming home would be nice."

"I can do this."

Silence fell over the two as they continued to eat, though it was much less awkward
than before. It lasted until they had had enough and he got up to clear the dishes. She got up
despite his protests and started to help him clean up. It was almost time for her to go, but a
part of her still wasn't ready to leave.

"You know you can talk to me too, right?" she said after putting the last one
dish in the dish rack. "About anything."

He stood with his back to the counter, one ankle crossed in front of the other. He
nodded as one hand came up to scratch the gray stubble on his chin, the other beside him,
curled around the edge of the counter. He nodded but said nothing, keeping his gaze fixed
on the table in front of him.

"What you said last night," she began, wrapping her arms around herself, her hands
sliding over her biceps as if she were cold. "I don't want you to think I'm using you."
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"I know you're not," he began, pausing to take a deep breath. "That part went all
wrong. You're not using me for anything and it certainly wasn't what I was trying to do."

Julia swallowed and sipped her coffee. "If you're having doubts about any of these
things, I need you to tell me."
“My stance on everything hasn't changed,” he said, his attention slowly returning to
her. “I never thought I would be in this position again, given my age. I certainly never thought
I would put her in this position. I know the options, I know we're making the best of our
situation, but..." He reached out to run a hand through his hair, causing it to rise even more
at awkward angles. "We got into this mess, Julia. And I'm sorry I keep making this worse."

"It wasn't just your fault, you know," she said, narrowing her eyes. "We made this
mess together."
He pushed away from the counter and turned to face her. “Juls-”

"If it hadn't been you, it would have been someone else," she whispered, her gaze dropping to the
floor. "And then I 'd be in this alone."

"You're wrong," he said, his fingers curving gently around her chin to tilt her face back
to his. "You wouldn't be alone. You could talk to Myles and your parents. They would be
there to support you through all of this. Instead, you stayed with me and I'm sorry about that."

"I don't," she whispered. "You've done nothing but support, Noah."
His smile was sad as his fingertips skimmed along his jaw before he withdrew his
touch completely. "I'm glad you can still say that after last night."

This time, it was Julia who stopped Noah from pulling away by wrapping her fingers
around his wrist. He didn't turn to look at her, but he didn't pull away from her touch either.
"Were you drunk-"

"That's not an excuse," he interrupted, sadness clear as day in his voice.

"I never said I was finding this one," she argued, her hand sliding down so she could
intertwine their fingers. "But I forgive you anyway." He looked at her then, his lips parting to
say something, but she was faster. "I don't want alcohol to be what brings us closer."
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She could feel the tingling sensation at the base of her spine; the beginning of a shiver
at the way his eyes darkened. "Alcohol wasn't what got him to my door the other night," he
stated, his voice deeper than she'd ever heard it before.

"No," she breathed, her voice cracking slightly as he reached out to pull her closer. "It
was not."

Her lashes fluttered against her cheeks as she found herself being pulled into his
embrace. The heat that enveloped her made her shiver and she clung to him to keep from
falling. But when he buried his face in the crook of her neck, his lips pressing against her skin,
she caught sight of the time and bit her lip to stifle a moan.

"I have to go," she whispered, lingering for a few more seconds before
get away from him.

They stared at each other for a long time, neither of them quite sure where the other
was, but interested in the turn of events that breakfast had brought. "I'm having dinner on the
way home," he said.

She cleared her throat and nodded. "See you tonight then," she replied and in a moment
of bravery or recklessness, she wasn't sure which, she moved closer to him so she could press
her lips to his cheek. "Thanks for breakfast," she muttered and then walked away to get her
things. The smile on her face and the searing pain between her thighs lasted all day.

Chapter Eleven
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Even though Noah's office was farther from the adoption agency than hers, he still got
there first. Her pre-lunch meeting had taken a while and she kept glancing at her watch, debating
whether she shouldn't just go out and deal with the aftermath later. Fortunately, she was saved
from having to go face-to-face with her boss when the meeting finally ended. She struggled to get
her things and ran to her car, forcing herself to drive the speed limit even if she was late.

Noah was at the front of the building, leaning against one of the pillars, his face turned to
the cloudy sky, his eyes closed in thought. The sight made her stop and when Noah realized he
was being watched, he caught her wetting his lips. Her entire body flushed as she looked away,
but not before seeing the glint in her eyes as he moved to hold the door open for her.

She blamed his apology breakfast the day before. His strange tension had turned into a
flirtation on the edge; something similar to how they had been before she found herself knocking
on her door in the early hours of the morning a week before. Mostly, she blamed her hormones
and did her best to try to ignore them until she could figure out the best way to deal with them on
her own.

They checked in with the receptionist and sat in the lobby, waiting to be called back to one
of the conference rooms. The longer they sat, the more she worried about her bottom lip. Her right
foot tapped with nervous energy as she tugged at the hem of her shirt. Noah's hand had barely
landed on top of hers to give her any support when they were summoned.

The mediator, Kate, had been there long enough when they arrived in the room to offer
them water before entering. When she returned a few minutes later, she had a couple too
impressive to be real in tow. Julia looked between the two with wide eyes and parted lips as they
shook her and Noah's hands before they all took theirs.

For the most part, Kate led the conversation. It turned out that the agency kept a list of
questions that were most frequently asked of biological parents and the adoptive party. Julia and
Noah responded as honestly as they could, immediately telling them if there was anything in her
story they weren't sure. Drew Ramirez, the duo's doctor, asked some deeper questions that
neither of them minded.

As sarcastic as the stockbroker Tyler Adams was, Julia greatly enjoyed the banter he gave
the conversation. The impression she got of the two would certainly be
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lasting. Especially when it came to tender looks and implied affection, they complemented each other.

Kate explained to them that they were allowed to exchange contact information if they wished. That they
could meet and talk outside the agency, if that was important to them. She also gave more details about the different
levels of adoption, ranging from open to closed. When everyone broke up, Julia's mind was overloaded with

Knowing this, Noah led her to a small cafe across the street, but didn't speak until they were seated. She
picked up the bento box he had made her take and sipped her tea. "I liked them," she said after a moment.

"They looked like they would make great parents," Noah replied. She hummed as she
leaned back in the chair. "Are we making the right choice?"

He was silent a little longer than she'd expected; her gaze focused on the cup in her hands. "My response
to that hasn't changed, Juls."

"You didn't give me an answer," she replied, causing his gaze to rise to hers. "You keep saying it's up to me
and that you've raised a child before. That doesn't tell me how you feel about this one, " she said, pointing to her
stomach. "Is it because of our history?"

The smile he gave her was weak at best. "Even if we were strangers, I still wouldn't know what to do in this
situation." He brought the cup to his lips and drank deeply, glancing at his watch as he set the cup down.

"Well, maybe we should-"

"I have to go," he said, abruptly cutting her off and getting to his feet. "I need to go back
to work. I'm having dinner tonight."

She shook her head, choosing to let it go, knowing there was really nothing she could say to make things
easier. "No, it's my turn. I'm craving spring rolls again."

He smiled, but if he wasn't in the mood for Chinese food two nights in a row, he didn't say anything. Instead,
he reached out to place his hand on her shoulder, gave her a good squeeze, and then said goodbye. Julia watched
until he disappeared from view, leaned back and did her best to relax.

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Julia had every intention of dealing with her raging hormones alone. She had even debated
all week whether or not to buy a vibrator to help her come, something she convinced herself several
times. It wasn't that she was afraid Noah would hear her in the hallway, it was just that the house
held a lot of childhood memories. With the situation being awkward enough on its own, she didn't
feel the need to escalate it.

But if she didn't find an outlet for her pent-up sexual frustration, she might explode.

That left her with two choices. The first of these would require some effort. It would take her
to meet someone new. To establish a relationship with them that was just for sex and that was only
while she was pregnant. If it had only been the first part, she knew that anyone she asked would
probably jump at the chance. It was the kind of man who would accept the second part that made
her hesitate. Even though she was pregnant, she didn't like the idea of anyone finding out about
that fact. Nor was she thrilled with the idea of sharing her body with someone who hadn't helped
create the life she was hosting.

That left her with her second choice; Noah.

Although, on the one hand, it was nothing they hadn't done before, there was still a part of
her that was afraid. Afraid of what it would mean for the future. She would be a fool to think that
things hadn't changed yet, that each time they found themselves in a time of need, it became that
much harder to get back to normal.

It was something Julia had been thinking about since their last date. She'd spent too much time
weighing each option against the other until the pain in her head was greater than the one in between.
your thighs.

Having seen Noah's car when she'd parked hers, she knew he was home. She didn't
mention that Myles and Olivia tried to make plans, she didn't even mention her birthday. She knew
he'd been to many celebrations for her over the years, but if he remembered, she wasn't sure. She
wouldn't be upset if he didn't either.

Having already confirmed for a co-worker's bridal shower, she turned down Myles and
Olivia's offer to make something for her birthday. This year, more than any other, she
I wasn't in the mood to celebrate. With her and Brandon still on the fence with their
friendship, the cold war with her parents and her current condition, a quiet night seemed perfect.

Although the bridal shower was fun, it did nothing to take her mind off the
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thoughts that plagued her all week. Especially when she had to refuse all mimosa concoctions,
being forced to look longingly at the drinks in everyone else's hands.

If ever there was a year she'd wanted to drink on her birthday, this was it.

Since that was out of the question, she headed straight for the kitchen, contenting herself
with a glass of water. It was on her way to the closet that she stopped halfway and looked twice
at what was on the table. In the center was a cake from the local bakery, small enough for two.
Next to it was a card with her name scrawled across the front of the envelope in Noah's

She went to the table, taking the card. It was generic with a pre-written message that he
hadn't added more than a few lines before signing his name at the bottom. Regardless, it was
more than she'd bargained for and it brought a new surge of hormones. Along with a host of
emotions she wasn't prepared to deal with.

Putting the card back on the table, she turned and made her way to the living room, her
initial craving for a glass of water long forgotten when another took its place. Noah was sitting
on the couch, beer in one hand, eyes on the television. His gaze lifted to her as she approached,
a warm smile on his face. "Happy Birthday."

She nodded in thanks, intending not to lose focus. Her eyes darkened as she continued
toward him, her brow lifting as she took the beer bottle in her hand and set it on the coffee
table. She remained there for a second, taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling. She didn't
hesitate then, turning to him and crawling into his lap, her knees on either side of his hips. His
hands were on her immediately, the heat of his touch making her shiver. She took his face in
her hands and lowered her lips so they brushed against his when she spoke. "Is your offer still

His grip on her waist tightened as he pulled her against him, allowing her a
intimate feel of her arousal against her pussy. "That was never ruled out, love."

The words were both exhilarating and terrifying, but even so, it was exactly what she
wanted to hear. It gave her the strength she needed to press her lips firmly against his and slide
her tongue along his lips. He didn't hesitate to part his lips, his tongue there to greet hers. And
where last time he'd been taking it slow, this time he was just as eager for release as she was.

It took a while to get out of her clothes, including getting off her lap. She quickly removed
her panties and pulled the dress over her head. Both clothes fell to the floor in
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in front of the sofa, joining his shirt. She helped him out of his pants and the moment he kicked them off by the
ankles, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back onto his lap.

His hands went straight to the clasp of her bra as his lips touched her neck. She pressed her hips into him,
moaning as his length parted her folds and nudged her clit. She continued to squirm in his lap, regretting how good
everything felt. Not in the mood for foreplay at the moment, she reached down between them and wrapped her

fingers around his cock, drawing a groan from him as he pinched her throat.

She gave him a few good pumps before pushing her knees up and lining him up with her entrance. With
one hand on her hip to steady her, the other cupped one of her breasts and lifted it so he could close his mouth
around her nipple. As his tongue licked the hard peak, she bent down, taking him inch by inch into her body until
he couldn't.
there was nothing else.

His fingers dug into her hair, gripping the back of her head, holding it in place while the other gripped her
shoulder. The sounds they made bounced off the walls in an obscene duet. He continued to adore her breast,
alternating between his lips, teeth and tongue as he massaged her flesh. She rolled her hips meanwhile, rising

at a comfortable pace.

She tugged at her hair, pulling her head back. A loud crack cut through the air as his mouth lifted from her
skin. She leaned in to capture his lips hungrily, kissing and tasting him frantically as she slightly increased her pace.
When his hand on her hip slid down between them, the tip of his thumb finding her clit, her moan turned into a hiss;
one that was punctuated when he caught her bottom lip between his teeth and pulled.

"That's it, love," he gasped, moving so his cheek slid over hers,
his breath tickling her ear. "Come for me."

A shiver cascaded down her spine, making her shiver from head to toe. Once she registered that their
previous encounters had been silent, that she quite enjoyed the emotion words provided, she had reached her
limit. Her head fell back and her vision went white as she made a series of incoherent noises that made her glad
they were in a house, not an apartment.

Noah didn't budge. He continued to pound her clit until she was whimpering in his lap, leaving her with
barely time to catch her breath for the next one. As soon as she started to climb, he pulled her hand away and
used his to grip her hips tightly and took over,
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pushing upward with reckless abandon. Before she knew it, she was crying out for him again, her
entire body seething with pleasure.

It didn't take long for his movement to slow down. He brought her down and slammed deep,
his face buried in the crook of her neck as he grunted his release. She could feel him shudder as
he emptied inside her, a lazy smile on his lips as she churned around him, determined to milk every
last drop he had to offer.

As the peaks of their orgasm began to subside, neither of them seemed interested in
moving. Even when he softened and slid out of her body, making them both sigh, she stayed right
where she was. His hands roamed freely over her body, the gentle caresses allowing her to relax
even more. Her hand continued to play with his hair, relishing the softness under her fingers as his
lips continued to press soft kisses against the column of her throat.

"If I hadn't gotten pregnant the first time, do you think we'd still be doing it?
this?" she asked, still a little breathless.

Noah stilled for a moment, placed a kiss on the spot behind her jaw, just below her ear, and
then moved his head back so he could meet her gaze. "Yea."

The lack of doubt in his voice made her shiver. Her palm slid along the side of her face as
she tilted her head to the side. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she studied his gaze. "Is that why you
were upset with me when you saw me again?"

He sighed, guilt shining in his eyes. "I didn't know how I would react; how you would react
when we crossed paths again," he replied. "I just remember waking up alone after a really good
night and wishing it was you by my side and not a note."

She hummed, having felt the same way about leaving the note. His thumb slid across her
bottom lip as one of his hands settled along her side, his fingers brushing her breast. "And now?"
she asked. "Or after the baby is born? Do you think we can go back to how we used to be?"

"This is what you want?" he asked, his thumb brushing her nipple, making him
harden once more.

"I don't know," she said, repeating her earlier answer. "Why is everything so complicated?"
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The look he gave her was wistful. "At the risk of sounding like a broken record..." he replied,
his voice fading into a light laugh as his hand began to move. "I don't know," he breathed, rolling her
nipple between his forefinger and thumb again, making her press her lips together, though that didn't
stop a moan from escaping.

"Maybe we don't have to find out now," she said, her voice barely audible. Her breathing
continued to quicken as he pinched her nipple a little harder. "What if we just took it on a day-to-day
basis and worked it out later?"

Julia knew she wasn't thinking clearly enough to dissect the logic of her plan and find its flaws
before presenting it. She just didn't care. Especially when his other hand slid across her skin and
disappeared between their bodies until he found her pussy. She jumped slightly, moaning as his
fingers brushed her clit. She was still sensitive from her last orgasm, but he didn't seem to mind as
he gathered some of their combined essence from her pussy and brought it to tease her with ease.

"Later," he muttered with a nod.

With that, they signed a deal. One that, when she broke up with him again, they knew only
existed to prolong the inevitable argument they were both too afraid to have.

Chapter Twelve

It was strange to be home in the middle of the day on a Thursday. Julia had had her four
month checkup and instead of just taking the morning off, she decided to take the whole day off. His
only regret was that he hadn't asked for Friday as well.

It was the first time she'd been alone at Noah's house during midday, and it made her miss
the apartment she shared with Brandon. Mostly she missed the bathtub. It had been months since
she'd been able to just soak in a tub and let the heat of the water relax her muscles. Even Noah's
nightly massages weren't as good as a luxurious soak. It was when she was in the guest bathroom,
after turning on the shower, that she remembered the bathtub in the master suite.

For a moment, she considered going to use it, but then thought better of it. However, with
each outfit she took off, the more difficult it was to resist the temptation. With a quick glance at the time at
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her phone, she came to the conclusion that since he wouldn't be home for at least four more
hours, she would have plenty of time to use the bathtub. If she still felt the need, she could
tell him later.
She left her clothes on the bathroom floor as she turned off the shower and put on
her robe. She left it untied as she walked toward Noah's room at the end of the hall. His
hand hesitated on the doorknob at the sensation of feeling like a child sneaking into his
parents' bedroom to try to peek at Christmas presents.
The only reason she ever approached this room was to tell him that she needed him.
And so far, even after the incident on the couch, they've only slept together once more. With
a little courage, she turned the knob and stepped over the threshold. It was the first time
she'd managed to get a good look around. She told herself that as long as she only looked
for things that weren't hidden behind the closet door or in the dresser drawers, it wasn't
After all, Noah didn't like mess. It looked like where Myles had gotten his messed up
gene from, it wasn't from his father. The thought made her smile as her eyes scanned the
top of the dresser. There was a small black jewelry box where he displayed his watches.
Beside her was a small plate where he kept tie clips and wallet, as well as cufflinks and a
few other accessories.
Other than that, there were only pictures. One was of Noah as a child, with people
she knew were her parents. They passed away shortly after Myles was born, leaving the
house to Noah. The next was of Noah and Sarah on their wedding day. His eyes lingered
on Sarah, seeing her in a lacy white dress that left her blond hair icy cold.
Her eyes moved to the last photo, one that showed Myles as a child. She knew from
seeing this one before that it was her third birthday; the last photo they took together as a
family. A few months later, a blood clot from an old wound broke loose. Sarah went from
happy and healthy in one day to the next. Julia smiled at the photo, one hand reaching out
to trace the figures against the glass, the other hand on her own belly, wondering if she
would ever have a photo like this.
Having read enough for one day, she walked into the bathroom and sighed heavily
at the sight of the bathtub. She turned on the faucets and while she waited to fill, opened
the cabinets under the sink, looking for something to make the experience better. She
wasn't surprised when they were empty. She took a moment to grab what she had, hoping
he didn't mind a little that her bathroom smelled of roses. It wasn't his favorite thing to use,
but maybe if she could convince him to use the tub more regularly, she would.
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stock up on the good stuff.

The moan that escaped her lips as she lowered herself into the tub took her by surprise.
She chuckled to herself as she adjusted herself into a comfortable position and then leaned
her head back over the edge. The tub wasn't deep enough to cover up to her neck, but it felt
heavenly all the same. It wasn't a shock that her breasts were more or less exposed depending
on how much movement she made.

It was surprising to see her belly swell from time to time. She looked down, her hands
roaming the curve. She was even smaller in stature, her doctor said, on average most people
who looked like her were in the ten to twelve week range. But being smaller made it easier to
hide longer, which meant she had more time to put off telling everyone. She knew the day
would eventually come, seeing as her coworkers found out earlier in the week. That was one
of the reasons she avoided her friends and family.

It was a disappointment when she got a text from Noah just before the appointment
saying he couldn't leave the office. Especially when they were having an ultrasound and she
could hear her heartbeat for the first time. It was the only thing on her mind and she kept one
hand pressed to her stomach in an attempt to feel it.

With the hot water doing its work to make her relax, sending her mind drifting into a sea
of thoughts, Julia closed her eyes. She wasn't tired enough to fall asleep, but it sure helped
make the experience better. Before she knew it, it was as if she didn't have a care in the world.

Just as she began to feel completely at ease, the sound of a throat being cleared
reached her ears. She jumped slightly, causing some water to splash on the sides and splash
onto the tiled floor. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she lowered herself as far as she
could into the water before slowly turning her head to the side. Noah was looking at her,
amusement gleaming in his brown eyes, especially as they went down to catch a glimpse of
her body in the water.

"I haven't seen you look so guilty since you and Myles broke my vase.
great grandfather."

Julia's eyes widened significantly before she smiled shyly at him. "What are you doing
at home?" she asked. "I thought something happened in the

"Yes," he said, the smile on his lips widening. "And when the trouble was
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resolved, I told them I was leaving early. I knew you'd be home and I thought it would be a nice
surprise." He cocked his head to the side. "Although I will say this is the best I've planned for

Julia smirked as she sat up a little, noticing the way his gaze landed right on her chest.
He had stopped pretending not to look at her when they were alone and whenever he was
within reach, he always touched her. It was something she found she liked more than she
thought she would.

"What was your surprise?" she asked, pulling away from her thoughts about her hands.
of it sliding along her skin.

He turned slightly, taking something from the counter next to the sink. A shiver ran down
her spine at the sight of the bouquet of roses in a variety of colors in her hand. She tried to
remember the last time someone had bought her flowers and it was empty. Unfortunately, her
incredible gesture was overshadowed by a surge of hormones that brought tears to her eyes.

"Oh no," she muttered, shaking her head as she saw the light in his eyes dim, wondering
if he'd made a mistake. "I love flowers, Noah. Really. It's just…" she took a deep breath, trying
to keep the tears from falling. "Thanks."

His eyes narrowed for a moment before relaxing as he offered her a

soft smile. "You're welcome."

She smiled back, the tears finally fading. "It's too bad you don't have a vase for them."
They laughed together as he set the flowers back on the counter and walked over, crouching
down outside the tub. "I really hope you don't mind that I used your bathtub without asking."

"I would have said yes," he said, his hand resting on the edge, his fingertips sinking
below the waterline. "You can use it whenever you want."

"You're going to regret this," she teased.

He laughed softly. "How long have you been home?" She smiled again when she
recognized that particular tone in his voice. "Not really. I just walked in. I was planning on
soaking for a bit before washing up."

Noah nodded, his eyes darkening slightly as his gaze continued to roam over her body
beneath the thin layer of blisters. After a moment, he bent down to place his lips along her
temple and then stood. "I'm going to find one of the vases that managed to survive the chaos
that was you and Myles. Want a book?"

"Of course, whatever is on my nightstand," she said, her body relaxing.

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once more as he walked away. When he came back, he had both items, as well as a clean
towel for her so she could dry her hands before touching the book. She watched as he filled
the vase with tap water and placed the flowers in it.
"I heard the heartbeat today."
He calmed down before turning to her. "I'm sorry I missed this." She smiled at him.

"You'll hear it next time," she whispered. He nodded, but didn't comment on that.
Instead, he took a step closer to the door, pausing for a moment to say, "Oh, and there's
chocolate downstairs. The other part of your surprise."
A smirk appeared on his lips. "In movies, that kind of gift is always
leads to a date."

"They do, don't they?" he replied, the glint in his eyes making Julia's throat go dry.
She wet her lips and craned her neck to look at him. "Thanks again for the flowers.
And the chocolates, I hope you don't judge me for eating in one sitting when you're done
He laughed and shook his head. "Enjoy your bath," he said, leaving her alone to
do just that.

Chapter Thirteen

Exactly as she'd told Noah she would, the moment she'd joined him in the living room
after her shower, she'd devoured the box of chocolates he'd bought her. Despite insisting
that he eat, he only ate a little, but he did so without judging her. As the night wore on, they
found they were content on the couch, watching movies and ordering something to be
delivered for dinner.
When their yawns became more frequent, they decided to call it a night. He went
with her, kissing her cheek as they stopped at her door. She remained in the hallway until
he reached his room and after another shared round of soft smiles and a silent good night,
the two of them entered their rooms and closed the doors.
As much as Julia liked to share her bed, she found nights like this to be so good.
There was a certain ease with which they settled around each other. Since
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the tension between them had dissipated, they never found themselves without one subject or
another to discuss. And when they didn't feel like talking, the silence was so comforting.

She'd gone to sleep wondering how she'd managed to maintain her relationship with
Brandon at all. They'd gotten married much sooner than she'd thought, something they'd done
because they were both too afraid to admit that it was over for them. They'd made it work for a
while, but now that she'd experienced something other than what she now knew was duty, she
laughed at how stupid she and Brandon had been.

The way Noah treated her was unexpected. It was the thing dreams were made of. It just
left her wondering if she would ever encounter something like that again; when she was ready for
it. When her thoughts started to wander into dangerous territories, she rolled onto her side and
buried her face in her pillow in hopes of blocking it all out.

Friday came and went in a blur. It had been a busy day with one meeting after another.
She barely had time to eat lunch, let alone sit all day. If Noah's message was anything to go by,
his day had been much the same. He wasn't home when she arrived, having also said he was
going to be late. That still didn't stop her from being disappointed as she heated up some leftovers
and devoured them alone in the kitchen.

She had gone upstairs with the intention of putting on her sleep clothes and heading back
into the living room to watch a movie while she waited for him. However, the next thing she knew,
sunlight poking at the edges of her curtains was waking her up.

Disoriented beyond reason, she sat up, trying to remember ever lying down. She rolled her
shoulders at the twist that formed in her neck. She groaned as she checked her phone, discovering
it was too early to wake up on a weekend. After a quick trip to the bathroom, she heard the signs
that Noah was awake. Having determined that he wasn't, she went back to bed and went back to
sleep faster than she had expected.

When she woke up next, it was almost noon. With another groan, berating herself for
sleeping so late, she pushed herself out of bed once more. She dragged herself back to the
bathroom, where she turned on the shower before she could convince herself otherwise.
Afterwards, she brushed her teeth, dried her hair, and put on her robe before heading back to her
room to change into something clean. Deciding on a pair of leggings and whichever top she
touched first, she headed downstairs to find Noah making not one, but two sandwiches.

"Why did you let me sleep so long?" she asked, sinking into one of the
table chairs.
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"I've learned the hard way never to wake someone up by playing host to another
unless I'm specifically instructed to do so beforehand," he replied without looking at her.

She shook her head, a smile gracing her lips. "Fair enough," she muttered, watching
as he finished his montage and started putting everything away before bringing the plate to
her. "Thanks," she said, greedily popping the sandwich to her mouth.

"Do you have plans for tonight?" he asked after taking a seat across from her.
"Not you?"

If she hadn't been so intent on shoving the sandwich into his mouth at once, she might
have noticed the way he shifted in his chair or the way his face flushed an adorable shade of
pink. "I was thinking it would be nice if we went out for a change."

She swallowed her last bite and swallowed it with the juice he poured for her. They'd
only been to a few places in public together since she moved in, most of them at doctor's
appointments and the grocery store. Only once had it been for dinner, and even then, they'd
chosen to take him home instead of eating there. It was then that she saw the look on his
face that realization dawned on her.
"Like a date?"

It was adorable, she decided, as he tried to interpret it as something else. She had to
bite the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. "Not necessarily," he said, his fingers curling
around his glass. "You're living at my house. It would be logical for us to go out to eat. Not
everyone eats at home all the time."

She nodded, studying him as he shifted in his chair again, seeing that spark of hope in
his eyes. "Noah-"

"Listen to me before you reject me, okay?" he asked, his hand coming up as a visual
interruption. She held his gaze for a moment before leaning back in her chair and nodding.
"You were right the other day. Buying someone flowers and chocolates is typically what
comes before being asked on a date. I just…you were naked and I lost my nerve."

Julia's lips tightened as her cheeks heated. She looked away, dropping it to a spot on
the table right in front of him, listening as he continued.

"This should be your moment, Julia. Your chance to find the man of your dreams and
build the life you wanted; the life you deserved. You should start from scratch after coming
out of something that made you miserable. And in instead I came and blew it for
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The smile he gave her was a little bittersweet, but when she looked up, her lips parted with the intention of
telling him he was wrong, he was faster, talking over her.

"I know it takes two to create a life and that you think if it weren't for me it would have been someone else.
Someone you didn't know. But you'll never know that because it was me." He took a moment to clear his throat. "So
I'm asking you to let me take you on a proper date." A smirk appeared on the left side of his mouth. "Maybe it's a little
selfish of me to want to do this to alleviate my guilt, but I promise to make it worth your while if you accept."

Once again, Julia found herself torn; two parts of her brain saying how she should
feel about it.

On the one hand, she knew that accepting his offer might just be what made them cross the line they were
already on the edge of. On the other hand, accepting your offer may be the push they need to stop tiptoeing that line.
She could tell herself that all she wanted to sleep together was just because of the hormones and nothing else.
Accepting a date, even under the guise of friendship, seemed to force them to admit that there was more.

Despite knowing all this; despite her tendency to think about every aspect of her every move, she found
herself throwing caution to the wind and nodding. "Well, when you put it that way…" she said, a smile stretching her
lips. "How could I say no?"

His eyes gleamed with joy as he smiled back at her. "You can't," he replied. "Which is good, considering I
already have it all figured out."

Her eyes widened and she stopped for a moment. "What are we doing?"

"You'll have to wait and see," he said with a smile.

She hated surprises, she sighed, but for the first time in her life, the idea of being
Surprise didn't fill her with dread.


Julia cleaned up after lunch since he'd done it for them. Afterwards, they moved into the living room where
she sat on a pile of blankets on the floor, her back to the couch between Noah's legs so he could rub her shoulders.
When she
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feeling good and relaxed, almost ready to sleep again, she got up. It was then that Noah
informed her that he had a few things to do before their date that night. He told her to be
ready at five and that he wouldn't take her anywhere that had a dress code. After a lingering
kiss on her cheek, one she had the distinct impression would have taken more if he hadn't
had another place to be, he said goodbye.
She stayed in the living room, opting to finish the movie they were watching before
going upstairs to find out how she would like to dress for the date. Whether this meeting as
friends or something else, it was their first . Depending on what happens to them in the
future, this could be the one. She was determined to make sure that she would do anything
for it. To make him feel as special as she was sure he would make her feel.
As it was still a little on the warmer side for early October, she had to find something
that didn't need all the autumn layers to hide her stomach. The chances of finding someone
they knew were slim, but she still wanted to be aware of the what ifs.

As she took a few pieces out of the closet, she remembered when she and Brandon
had first gotten together. She even thought about Daniel, the only boyfriend she had before
his. They lasted three colossal months. She had been a Junior and he had been a Senior. he took her

to the dance that year and dumped her that night when she refused to sleep with him. The
only encounters they were on could hardly be labeled as such. It was more like glorified
reconciliation sessions. She'd learned very quickly that unless he stuck his tongue down her
throat, he'd have no real interest in her.
To be fair, she was trying to make Brandon realize that she liked him. He didn't
respond to her other attempts, so she tried to make him jealous. Looking back, she realized
that she alone should have told her that they would be doomed from the start. Even so, when
she thought of her relationship with Brandon, it did nothing but bring a smile to her face.

They made it official that summer, before his senior year. Most of their time together
outside of school was spent with Myles and Olivia, the four of them forming a quick friendship
when they met the twins the previous summer. The only thing that really changed between
them was that when they left, their hands were clasped. It took until after graduation for them
to start branching out into the sexual aspect of their relationship.
At the time, she had thought it was for the best. That since he was supposed to be
her forever, there was no need to rush. Now, she knew that wasn't the case. It's just that
neither of them wanted to ruin their friendship, but they'd done it anyway. From start to finish, each
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The step they took seemed more work than necessary. If she had listened to her instincts instead
of her heart, she wouldn't have married him.

That was why she was terrified of what was happening between her and Noah. Her heart
agreed with her instinct, but it was the pressures of the outside world that made her think she
could never work. But tonight, she planned to ignore all that so she could enjoy herself.

When she found Noah downstairs at five o'clock, her heart skipped a beat and her
stomach fluttered. Whatever happened tonight was sure to set the tone for them; she just hoped
it was something they could live with.

Chapter Fourteen

Julia's gaze was fixed on the scenery that grew less and less familiar with each mile they
passed. They had left the restaurant almost half an hour ago, just as the sun was fading over
the horizon. It was clear that Noah wasn't going home, but as they started to leave town
completely, she turned her attention to Noah and raised an eyebrow.

"Where are we going?"

"I know you're a brilliant woman, Juls. Surely you know the definition of surprise." She
huffed and went back to looking out the window. A moment later, she felt his hand reach for
hers, their fingers intertwining. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course," she replied, a smile on her lips. "You never gave me a reason to
do not do that."

Even though she wasn't looking at him, she could hear the smile in his voice.
when he said, "All right then."
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Silence fell over them once more, but as he continued to drive, he kept his hand in hers. It
was only half an hour before he finally turned off the main road in favor of a less traveled but familiar
one nonetheless. It didn't seem like much and she wondered if it was a real road or if it was something
he had to find out. Regardless, the journey down that road only lasted a few minutes and as they
followed the curve in the road, her lips parted in awe at the sight before her.

He let go of her hand to pull the car into the parking lot and then gestured to the uninterrupted
view of the city below them. She was sure in daylight this wouldn't have been very impressive, but at
night, it was breathtaking. After only seeing it for less than a minute, she had already decided that it
was still her favorite view of the city.

She turned to him, a sly smile on her face. "What, the unit was

His eyes narrowed, but there was laughter in their hazel depths. "Hey, it's a lot easier to do in
the back seat of a car than in the movies."

She couldn't help but laugh at this, shaking her head as she turned her attention to the
windshield again. "Oh," she began. "So that's how you know about this location."

"I think I'll plead the fifth 1 on this."

"I'll take that as a yes then," she teased, her voice soft. "How many girls have you brought
here? Or are you begging the fifth about that too?"

"Only one," he replied, the tone of his voice changing to the one he used when
said something about Sarah. "Two now."

Julia's heart skipped a beat as she forced herself to keep her eyes on the city lights. Something
stirred inside her at the fact that he would put her in the same category as his late wife. She didn't
feel his… whatever it was, justified something so sacred. She could feel his eyes poking holes in the
side of her head, waiting for some sort of reaction.

"The view is stunning from here."

"It's really." Her breathy voice brought her hands to her stomach as a shiver ran down her
spine. She had the distinct feeling they weren't talking about the same thing and it was causing a
surge of hormones and forbidden cravings. Things she'd been trying her best to keep under control
all day. "You should see it from there," he added after a moment, the sound of his door opening
allowing her to finally breathe.
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She followed his lead, immediately regretting her decision to leave her coat at home. It was warmer when
they left, but if she'd known they were doing something outside, she would have brought him. As soon as she
wrapped her arms around herself, she felt something being placed on her shoulders. She looked up to see Noah's
jacket and smiled as she searched his face beside her. "Thank you," she said, sliding her arms into


"There's a blanket in the trunk if you need it," he said, moving toward the
hood of the car before jumping on it.

"How long are you planning for us to stay here?" she asked, following his lead.

Despite his help, the movements she made to sit next to him were still awkward. "As much as you want,"
he said, putting his arm around her back, placing her
by your side.

Julia leaned against him, telling herself it was because she needed warmth. Silence settled around them
and she found that the longer she looked at the city lights, the easier it would be to spend hours here without
realizing it. "Can I ask you something?"


"You've been here since…" she struggled to say the rest, but his arm tightened around her, signaling that
he understood.

"Sometimes," he replied. "Other than the house, this was the only other place I could go where I felt close
to her again." She felt her chest expand with a deep breath. "I haven't been back in years."

"Why show me?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper. "Don't you want to preserve your memories of

He didn't speak right away, just continued to hold her, his thumb absently rubbing circles against her ribs.
"I'm more than capable of creating new memories while holding on to old ones."

She didn't miss the way he just answered her second question; your first being ignored. She let it go,
knowing that if she was struggling with certain feelings, so was he.

"She would have liked you," he said after a while, making Julia stiffen. "If
If she was still here, she probably would have tried to get you and-"
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"Please don't," she interrupted with a groan, pulling away from him. "It's bad enough
Olivia referred to me as Myles' sister the other day, but I don't want to imagine myself as his
daughter-in-law if his wife were still alive."
She slid off the hood of the car with far less effort than it took to get inside. She only
dared take a few steps away from the car because she was unfamiliar with the terrain, not
to mention the lack of light. Hands on her stomach, she just stood there, staring at the lights.
She knew it was nothing to be angry about, but she reiterated all the reasons why everything
they did, everything they continued to do, was such a bad idea.
She had every intention of telling him that as she felt his presence behind her. When
the heat of him on her back made her shiver. But when she turned to face him, her shoulder
brushed his chest in the process. The simple touch made the words die on her tongue.
Instead, she leaned into his palm as he reached up to cup her face.
"I didn't mean to upset you," he said, the pad of his thumb brushing the ridge of her forehead.

"I'm not mad at you," she breathed. And she wasn't. She was upset because of all
the people in the world who could make her feel this way, it was him. No matter which path
they chose, reality seemed destined to remind her that it would never work. "It's just-"

"I know," he muttered as he pulled her close. His hand sank into her curls, cupping
the back of her head to keep it pressed against his chest. His cheek rested against her
temple as his other hand lazily moved up and down her spine. "We'll figure it out."

She hummed, wondering if that was true. These days, all they did was sweep their
problems under the rug, pretending they didn't exist. With a deep sigh, she pulled her head
back enough to look at him, a smile on her lips. "Thank you," she whispered, his brow rising
at her. "For tonight.
Despite the last few minutes, this really was a lovely night."
"He was?" he asked, a playful quirk on his lips. "I wasn't aware it was over."

The way his eyes dropped to his lips in combination with the way he lowered his
voice had her panties dampening beyond repair. "It's not," she replied, reaching up to place
her lips close to his ear. "Take me Home."
He was quick to turn around, his lips sliding over hers. "As you wish," he
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he muttered and carried her back to the car.

When they got home, she felt like she was about to explode with need. She was one more red
light away from pulling his hand into her lap and having him touch her while she drove. If the stall for
his jeans was any indication, she knew he was in the same situation.

It was no surprise that she found herself pressed against the door the moment it closed. Or
that his lips landed on hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth, desperate for a taste. She was surprised
at the restraint he showed. She could tell by the way he was bent over that he wanted to press his
body against hers. To feel her as they molded themselves in all the right places. But he held back,
careful not to put any pressure on his belly.

They didn't linger near the door long before she was pulled down the hall to the stairs. There,
a gasp left her lips as he pulled her into his arms, one arm around her back, the other under her
knees. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her lips finding his neck easily as he carried her
up the stairs and into his room. When he set her on her feet again, they quickly undressed.

Once they were naked, he sat her on the edge of the bed. She knew he wanted her on her
back so he could press his face between her thighs, but she had something else in mind. Noah had
gone out of the way to do something special for her; to make her feel good despite her current
situation. She simply wanted to return the favor.

She saw the way his body tensed as her fingers wrapped around his length, his other hand
coming up to rest on her thigh. She pumped him a few times, wetting her lips as she tried to muster
up a little more courage. It was the noise he made when she wet her lips that propelled her forward.
Her tongue darted out again, this time catching the drop of moisture that oozed from the tip. The
combination of sweet and salty against her taste buds made her lean in for more.

The tip of her tongue circled along the edge of her head twice before she bent down enough
to wrap her lips around his. His fingers brushed along her jaw on their way to her hair. As she ran her
tongue along the underside of his cock, he gathered her hair in one hand to keep it out of the way. His
other hand returned to her jaw, his touch sending little shivers up and down her spine.

The fact that he didn't seem interested in rushing her, despite how desperate they were
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were a few moments ago, helped boost their confidence. The way he never pinched her hair
or used his jaw to guide her in any way spurred her on to encourage his movements. The
moan that left her lips as she took more of him into her mouth made her thighs press together
as her own need grew.

She flicked her tongue back and forth as she hummed around him, making him squirm
in her mouth. The hand holding her hair tightened just a little as she puckered her cheeks,
drawing even more of him through her lips. The muscles in his thigh under her hand began to
twitch as he groaned again.

"That's it, love," he murmured from above her as she pulled back to the tip,
swirling his tongue around it before taking it again. "Just like that."

She repeated the action, gaining speed with each movement of her head; every swirl
of his tongue, the feel of him there making her moan every time he filled her. Above her, he
continued his praise in broken sentences. When the whisper of his name changed from a
mantra to a warning, she tightened the grip on her thigh, wanting to know what it was like to have him.
ending up in your mouth.

But to her dismay, the first gush of her release hit her in the back of her throat and
made her gasp. Surprised, her mouth left him. His release continued to rain, splashing onto
his chest where it dripped onto his stomach.

As soon as he finished, she found herself being pulled up. The hand holding his face
tilted it up so he could lean his lips over hers. She stilled when his tongue made its way into
her mouth. She still had her scent on his tongue, but he didn't seem to mind as he swept her
up, using her to temper his kiss.

Sensing her embarrassment, he continued to hold her, keeping his kisses light and
sweet until she relaxed. Only then did he slide his cheek along hers and pinch her earlobe,
whispering, "Your turn."

She shivered, pulling away slightly, keeping her eyes closed. "Should we..." she
She gestured for his release, which lingered on her skin, unable to get the words out.

He shook his head, a wicked glint in his eyes; one that made her shiver. "Leave it," he
replied, his voice deeper than she'd ever heard it before. He pulled her into another kiss, this
one burning her insides, as he began to guide her back to the bed again. Before she knew it,
his face was buried between her thighs, easing the pain that had been building since she'd
woken up that morning.

Julia lost count of the times or the variety of ways he had made her
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enjoy. All she knew was that when she woke up the next morning with their bodies completely
entwined, she knew she was fucked in more ways than one.

Chapter Fifteen

The week that followed their meeting was simple. The next morning, he joined her in the
bathroom right after getting out of bed. Instead of letting her out to take a shower in the hall
bathroom she claimed was hers, he pulled her into his. That set the tone for the rest of the day.
The only time they got out of bed was to go to the bathroom or to go downstairs to feed.

The work week had been a breeze. Her mornings had fallen into a rut

perfect for him to come down first to make his coffee or tea and for her to come down with
enough time to chat a little before leaving for work. At night, they kept alternating who took
home dinner. All week, none of them had to stay late. And at night, well after dinner, they spent
it together. Whether it was just reading, watching television or sharing their bodies, each night
was perfect.

When the weekend arrived, Julia couldn't shake the feeling that her
bubble of happiness was about to burst.

The day had started like any other, only this time she woke up alone. She went to sleep
in her own room, having decided to call it a night right after dinner. Noah had gone out with
some of his coworkers after work. She wasn't sure when he'd come in, but she didn't hear him,
nor did he deem it necessary to wake her.

After showering and putting on some of the few pieces of clothing that still fit, she went
downstairs. She smiled as she saw Noah pouring two bowls of cereal and sat down at the table.
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table. "Good morning," he greeted as he came to place hers in front of her, his lips brushing her cheek.

"Good morning," she replied, smiling at the fact that he'd remembered to put as little milk as
possible in her bowl. Just enough to soak the cereal, not so much that it turns into porridge after a few
seconds. "How was your night?"

He shrugged as he made sure his cereal was completely covered in milk before taking a bite.
"Very typical," he said after a moment. "Most of it was spent complaining about work, while we spent
money we wouldn't have without it."

Julia smiled; it was the same thing that happened whenever she went out with her own co-
workers. She was sure it was that way for everyone, no matter what job
had. "Did you have fun?"

"It was okay. My days of spending so much time in a bar are behind me, I guess."

She laughed at this. "Anyway, I'm sure it was nice to get out for a bit."

His brow rose as their gazes met. "Any plans to get out of here or was that your way of insinuating
that you'd like more time alone?" he asked, a sly smile on his lips.

She laughed with him as she took another bite. "It was really nice not waking up with a
hell on my back," she teased.

"I still haven't heard you complain, love."

She cleared her throat when the deep, breathless tone of his voice made her thighs clench.
"Actually, I need to go shopping. Again," she said, twirling her spoon around in her bowl.

"That looks terrible."

"Tell me about it," she sighed. "I hate shopping, but since my boobs keep growing faster than
the baby does, it looks like I'm going to need to keep adding to my wardrobe."

At the mention of her breasts, his gaze dropped to them. She rolled her eyes in her blatant
approval of the fact that they'd nearly doubled in size. In her entire life, she had barely filled a medium
bra. Now she was starting to spill out of her new oversized bras.

"I'm looking forward to getting them back to normal," she muttered, having remembered having
I read that it was common for this to happen.
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He wet his lips as his eyes met hers again. "Speak for yourself." It was on the tip of her tongue to say
something like that, once the baby was born and it was no longer theirs to care for, whatever was between them
would probably be over too. That he wouldn't be in her life like this anymore, but she refused to think about it and
took another bite.

"What are you doing today?" she asked, changing the subject. “Myles asked me to help him finish the
garage. Now that it's started to get cold, Olivia is pestering him to do it before it starts to snow.

Julia laughed, remembering how Myles had decided to tear down the garage and reassemble it from
scratch. There was nothing wrong with that before, he was just bored and Olivia refused to let him do anything
around the house. Olivia had been complaining about the state he'd left him in since before she and Brandon
announced they were getting divorced.

“You could come with me. I'm sure Myles would love to see you and use you to
keep Olivia distracted.”

Having already tried to recruit Olivia for the day so she wouldn't have to shop alone, she knew the blonde
wouldn't be home anyway. "She said she was busy today. It'll just be you and Myles." Her head tipped to the side
at the way he calmed down. "And as fun as it is to spend all day in the same place with the two of you, I think it
would be better to go shopping."

"Maybe I'll call Connor to help us," he replied, more to himself than to her.

She laughed. "You should probably spend some time alone with Myles. You know
what they say about the older child being jealous when the younger brother arrives."

There was a smile on his lips, but only sadness in his eyes as they remained connected to hers. Panic
coursed through her system as the gravity of her words sank in. If things had been different, it wouldn't have been
the worst thing she could have said. If they hadn't intended to give the child up for adoption or decided to tell
people about them and move on with a real relationship, it might even have been funny.

"I'm very sorry."

He shook his head, trying his best to make his gaze as comforting as possible.
possible. "Don't be," he said, his voice strained.

But when he got up, taking his half-eaten cereal to the sink to
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discard it, she knew she had screwed it up. The sensation intensified as he walked out of the
kitchen without another word, the sound of the bedroom door closing reaching his ears a few
minutes later.


Having shared an awkward goodbye with Noah as he left for Myles' house, Julia tried
to distract herself by reading something. The longer she stayed at home, the worse she felt.
So she started her shopping earlier than she intended and left the house before noon. At first,
she wondered how she could turn it into an all-day event, but when her stomach growled,
signaling that she had missed lunch, she was surprised to see that it was almost time for

And she still hadn't bought clothes.

She went to a bookstore, bought more bath products than she should have in case
Noah would let her use the tub again, and browsed countless other stores along the way
without buying much more. Knowing she wouldn't want to buy clothes if she sat down to a full
meal, she opted to buy something to snack on and took a moment to sit on one of the benches
placed along the storefronts. She told herself that dinner would be a reward for surviving the
hunt for something that would fit and flatter her ever-changing new figure.

It was as she was about to enter the first store that the other shoe she had been feeling for the
last few days finally fell off. She stopped at the sound of her name in a familiar voice and turned to see
her ex-mother-in-law standing next to her ex-sister-in-law. She swallowed hard at the sight of the two.

"H-hello, Miss Harlow," she said, her voice breaking. She hadn't seen her since the
divorce, as she and Curtis had visited their other daughter, Vanessa, for Myles' birthday.
"Fiona," she added with a nod.

Miranda waved a smile, though the usual glint in her eyes when she saw her wasn't.
was present. "Miranda is still fine, dear."

She nodded, stiffening as Fiona came over to give her a tight hug. As with Olivia, Julia
felt the moment the other girl realized the roundness of her stomach wasn't just from eating
ice cream every night. Fiona pulled away, her face alight with joy.

"Is that why we haven't seen you around?" she teased, placing an unwanted hand on
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Julia's belly.

Julia forgot how to breathe when she saw him click for Miranda. His expression turned to one of shock as
his eyes landed on Julia's stomach. "Life got a little hectic," she heard herself say.

Fiona giggled. "I can see that. How long are you?"

"Seventeen weeks," she whispered, wondering if she was going to pass out or not.

Miranda's smile narrowed as she did the mental math. "Congratulations," he said.
her, her tone contradicting her words.

"I have to go," she said, taking a step back, watching Fiona's hand fall from
back to your side.

Concern took over her gaze as she took a step forward. "Julia, you
it is-"

"It was good to see you two," she interrupted, turning her back to them so she could leave. Her pace
quickened with each step until she reached as fast as she could go without running. When she got to the car, her
whole being was weak with anxiety. Just as she'd learned the day Connor and Benji found out she was living at
Noah's house, it wouldn't be long before the rest of her friends and family knew she was pregnant.

She knew from the moment she couldn't get the abortion that it was only a matter of time before everyone
found out. She was waiting a little longer before that happened. Or at least the opportunity to tell it herself. She'd
been thinking about the best way to tell everyone, but even her worst-case scenarios hadn't been so disastrous.

She collapsed the moment she got behind the wheel of her car. Her keys were still in her purse, as she
knew she was still in no condition to drive. When she'd calmed down enough to pick up the phone, she dialed
Noah, nearly dropping the phone in the process countless times at the way her body shook. She called him twice,
neither of which she left a message for when the calls went unanswered. She considered texting, but after redacting
it four different times, she reconsidered and threw the phone back in her bag.

Knowing there was nothing she could do now, she wiped the tears from her face, took a deep breath, and
did her best to compose herself and head home. Not hungry and her stomach too upset to even try to eat if she
was, she drove home. The closer she got, the more she couldn't decide if it would be better or worse if Noah was
there or not.

But when she returned to an empty house, she quickly realized that she preferred
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that he was there.

Forced to defend herself, she tried her best to relax, but it wasn't easy. She spent most of her
time pacing the first floor of the house, wondering if something was going to happen that night. And just
as she began to wear out from his constant movement, her phone buzzed in her hand. Panic returned
quickly when the name that appeared on the screen was not what she had expected.

She ignored the call with a quick flick of her finger across the screen. He called once more and
she blurted out that one time. As she stared at the phone, wondering if it would call for a third time, she
jumped at the sound of a knock on the front door. Knowing exactly who it was, she hesitated before
going to answer it. With a deep breath, she put her hand around the knob and opened the door, watching
as Brandon's eyes immediately landed on her stomach.

chapter sixteen

Julia took a step back, gesturing for Brandon to enter. The last thing she wanted was to have
this argument outside where the neighbors could hear. He crossed the threshold and followed her into
the living room once she closed the door behind him. They stood there for a minute; his eyes still glued
to her stomach the entire time.

“I didn't believe my mother at first,” he said, his voice low. He shook his head as he continued to
stare, his gaze slowly rising to meet hers. "We were at least divorced before-"

"Yes," she interrupted through gritted teeth. "I didn't betray you."

He stared at her for a moment before sighing and running a hand through his hair.

"You could have told me, you know," he began. "If it was only me you didn't want to have kids
with," he said, pointing to her belly.

Her already jittery nerves didn't stand a chance. Tears ran freely down her cheeks and she
instinctively placed her hand on her stomach. "That wasn't it," she gasped between silent sobs. "It was
an accident. I just wanted to numb the pain of ending our marriage. Whether we knew it or not, it still
fucking hurt."

"Yeah, it looks like you suffered a little that night."


"You told me you didn't want to have kids because you weren't ready.
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never be ready. When, after we got divorced, you left a guy-"

"That's enough."

Brandon and Julia both turned toward the sound of Noah's voice as he entered the
door. "This is none of your business, Mister Foster," Brandon said, his voice strained.

"If it's happening under my roof, it worries me," he argued.


"Did he know?" Brandon asked, taking a step back from both of them.

"I 've been living here for a while," she said, keeping her voice as level as possible. She was
putting all her effort into not reaching Noah, desperately needing the comfort he was sure to provide.
Still, she turned her head to the side to softly beg, "Give us a minute." He gave a curt nod before
leaving her alone with Brandon again. "I never planned on hurting you, Brandon," she said. "I made a
mistake, one that came back to haunt me." her face.

"I'm sorry," he said, as he took a step forward as if to catch up with her, but held back, leaving
his hands outstretched for a moment. “I'm sorry you have to hide this from everyone,” he breathed.
“I'm sorry that the divorce made you think you didn't have any friends. We are here to help you, Juls,
with whatever you need.” She closed her eyes then, as tears began to slip from her lashes as she
closed her eyes tighter. "I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother. Even if you didn't want to be."

She felt the air stir as he passed her and shivered as the front door closed. She finally let the
sob she'd been holding back out, and when she opened her eyes again, Noah was standing in the
spot Brandon had vacated.

"Do you still think of it as a mistake?"

She reached up to wipe away her tears as she stared at him. "How else would you describe
that night?" She shook her head and wiped her face again. "You said it yourself. It wasn't a good time
for either of us. I'm not blaming you," she hurried, holding her hand between them when his lips parted
to argue.
"We both tried at the same time. That doesn't change the fact that it was a mistake."

"So all the other times were, what, exactly?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him. "Not that it
matters. In a few months, the baby will be here and out of our lives. We won't have to worry about it
anymore. I'm sure I'll find a place before I have the baby,
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so I can get out of your way as soon as it's over."

She turned and grabbed the bag from where she'd dropped it. "Where are you going?" he
he asked as she moved to the front door.

"I don't know," she said, keeping her back to him. "I just...need some space."

But she was already on the porch, the door closing behind her on whatever he was about to
say. She took a deep breath, breaking a sob as she hurried down the steps to her car.

Since she didn't have a clear destination in mind. It was a pure surprise when she parked
and found herself in front of Myles and Olivia's house. Even more surprising was the fact that she
didn't remember getting out of the car or knocking on the door. She only knew it happened because
Myles answered and wrapped her in his arms. One that ended too soon and transferred to Olivia
before they took her to the living room.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but she did tell them what happened with
Miranda and Fiona and how Brandon showed up afterwards. The only thing she kept from them
was the fight she had with Noah afterward. In the end, Noah called them right after she left, warning
them that she might show up.

After offering the guest room if she wanted to stay, Olivia went to make sure it was ready,
leaving her with Myles. She wished it were the opposite, because the look on her
face was very similar to Noah's and it made her cry again. He sat next to her

on the couch, his arm around her back, tucking her beside him. If this was any other time, she
would have laughed hysterically, especially as he started rubbing circles.
soft on your back.

Just like Noah.

"I can understand why you didn't tell Brandon, but why didn't you tell me ?" he asked.

"I wasn't going to tell anyone," she said, her voice hoarse from all the tears. "I have not seen
the point when no matter what I chose to do, I wasn't keeping it.”

He didn't say anything, just hugged her tighter. He placed his lips to her temple and she
couldn't help but imagine a different Foster doing the same thing. Not for the first time that night,
not for the last, she was sure, she felt guilty for leaving Noah the way she did. She wished she
hadn't left. Almost as much as she wished she didn't miss him as fiercely as she did at that moment.
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Myles continued to hold her as she cried until she was nothing more than an empty,
numb shell. After that, she allowed him to help her up, where she thanked him before following
Olivia up the stairs to the guest room.

"I didn't think anything of mine would fit, so I took some things from Myles," she said,
pointing to a pile of clothes at the foot of the bed.


"It's the least I can do," she said, leaning her head on Julia's shoulder. "Am sorry
my mother can't shut up."

The corners of his lips twitched a little at that. "Rest a little,

ok?" Olivia added before heading out into the night.

When she was alone, she took off her clothes, folding them and placing them on the
dresser before walking over to the pile Olivia had provided. She grabbed whatever was on top
of the pile, picking out whatever would fit. When she found something that worked, she crawled
under the covers and lay on her back.

Hands on her stomach, she stared up at the ceiling, wondering how long it would be
before her mind shut down so she could actually sleep. Instead, he continued to wander. For a
long time, she debated how to get her phone number. If Noah tried to call her or text her, she
didn't know.

She was too scared to find out. If she looked and there was nothing, it would hurt. That
would imply that he didn't care or that he was angry. On the other hand, if he had tried to reach
out, it would have implied that he cared.

Anyway, the fact of the matter remained; none of them should care. There shouldn't be
anything between them to worry about.

And yet, when he finally fell asleep, all he could think about was
mattered a lot and needed to fix this before it was too late.

Chapter Seventeen

Not only were Olivia and Myles awake when she came downstairs the next morning, but
breakfast was almost ready. Julia had dressed again in her clothes from the day before and had
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her finger to brush her teeth with toothpaste in the guest bathroom before joining them. Her eyes
still had that terrible stinging sensation that always came after a long bout of crying and her body
was sluggish from having dried up.

"You're practically glowing," Olivia said as she sat on the island next to Myles.

"You're a fucking liar, but I'll take it," she said, stealing her glass of juice.
Myles orange.

"Of course, you can have this," he muttered as he got up to help himself to another.

"You should probably look her in the eye when you talk to her," Olivia joked, causing Julia
to choke on her first sip as Myles turned a violent shade of red.

"I was not-"

"You were," Olivia argued, a sly smile on her face.

"It's hard not to understand when they're so-"

"People!" Julia snapped, crossing her arms in front of her to hide her chest as much as
possible. Myles made eye contact with her for a moment, both of them groaning and immediately
turning around. "That's why I didn't move here," she muttered, pinching the end of her nose.

"So you'd rather live with Noah?" she asked, her brow arching. "I am

"I can't help how you feel, but I'm not moving again."

"It'll just make him want grandchildren," she pouted, pointing the spatula at Julia. "It's bad
enough that my mom is always on my back, but-"

"Have you talked to your parents about this?" Myles interrupted as he sat next to
side of her again.

She shook her head, glad that Olivia took the hint and dropped her end of the conversation.
"I probably should." It has been more than two months since she moved out of her parents' house;
since she had spoken to them. Part of her felt bad, but they hadn't exactly reached out to her either.

"If you want, one of us can go with you," he offered.

She shook her head as she reached out to give him a gentle squeeze. "I'll go there after
breakfast. If it's okay with you, I really wish you didn't.
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talk about yesterday or the baby."

"Of course," Myles said, squeezing her hand back. "Whatever you need."


Just before leaving, Julia checked her phone only to find it had hung up. Whether or not Noah tried to reach
out to her wasn't something the universe wanted her to know. Taking that as a sign, she took the familiar path from
Myles and Olivia's house to her parents' neighborhood, which happened to be close to where she was currently
living. Instead of getting in right away, she sat in her car, waiting until she mustered up enough courage to get in and
face them.

When she went to the front door, she paused, her hand resting on the knob. It felt weird going in, but it
would be just as weird if she knocked. Choosing to be polite about it, she knocked, then backed away as she waited
for one of them to answer the door. It was her father on the other side and the moment he saw her, he pulled her
into a tight hug and called out to his mother.

She was glad their reunion wasn't anything like the emotional roller coaster she'd been on the night before.
They apologized for their behavior and for not getting in touch with her. She let it go; attributing this to fear and
stubbornness on both sides. When they asked what she planned to do about it all, she told them about the adoption.

As she had predicted, they didn't like the idea, but they are more receptive to it than the
idea of her having an abortion.

She did not, however, disclose any information about the adoptive couple. She was in no mood for this

After the heavy arguments were over, she asked her mother all the things she had wanted since she found
out she was pregnant. According to her, she was also very small when carrying Julia. They compared their weirdest
desires and talked about a variety of other topics. By the time she was ready to leave in the late afternoon, she had
learned a lot and felt much better about how her pregnancy was progressing.

"Do you already know the sex?" her mother asked as she got up to leave.

She shook her head. "The doctor said they will check on my next ultrasound, but I don't know if I want to
find out." Knowing if it was a boy or a girl would make it look
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more real and Julia didn't want to get attached.

Her mother hummed in response as she placed a tentative hand on her belly.
Julia. "Did you feel him moving?"

"No," she replied, the disappointment in her voice coming as a surprise. "I've read that it can happen
anytime after fourteen weeks, but it's usually when you're most advanced." She cocked her head to the side. "When
did you first feel me?"

She smiled at the thought, her hand caressing Julia's belly. "I think I was in the same place as you are now;
sometime before I was five months old. I'm sure you'll feel it soon enough."

"Mom," she breathed, waiting until their eyes met. "I know you want grandchildren, but I'm not in a good
position to raise a child right now. You know that, don't you? That my decision to put them in the care of another
couple is for the best?"

"I'm sure your father would agree with me when I said we would stay
happy to raise them. Just until you're ready and-"

She slipped out of his grasp, the movement putting an end to that sentence. "It 's my decision, Mom. Not
yours. Not Dad. We might not see eye to eye when it comes to him, but that's okay. We don't have to agree on

"Just think about it," said the father, finally entering the room again to say good-bye.

Not wanting to start another argument, she simply nodded and then hugged them both before heading back
to the car. She was glad they didn't offer to move her back in. As long as Noah didn't decide to kick her out when
she went to talk to him next, she would be fine. Taking a deep breath, she pulled out of the garage and headed for
the place she still hoped to call home at the end of the day.


Unlike when she arrived at her parents' house, she didn't hesitate to enter. As soon as he closed the door
behind him, he heard the creak of the stairs at the end of the hall. They met near the landing, eyeing each other

"I'm very sorry."

They smiled nervously at each other when they realized they had been talking to each other.
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Same time.
"I'm sorry," she repeated. "For running from you like I did last night."
"At least I was awake this time."

Her eyelashes fluttered against her cheek for a moment before she glared at him. "I
still stand by what I said. He was a mistake that night. Which I can't stop doing."
"Whatever happened to taking it daily?"
She shrugged, her nails digging into her palms to try to keep from crying again. "It's
not working anymore, Noah." Her heart skipped a beat at the way her eyes darkened. "We
can't keep sweeping our problems under the rug and hoping we don't stumble." Her voice
faltered and she closed her eyes against the tears that threatened to spill.


"Let's say it's after the baby is born and we're still attracted to each other.
How long do we wait before telling people? Do we continue to lie to them when they start to
question the moment? When they start to notice the child I gave up, the one I told them
didn't even know the father's name actually belonged to you?"
Her voice cracked and she wrapped her arms around herself, her palms
rubbing your biceps.
"There are only two options for us, Noah, and I can't see either one working.
Either we tell everyone and risk losing them or we keep it a secret forever.” She shook her
head. “It's hard enough to hide it now. I wouldn't be able to keep it up much longer. And
when people find out-"
"You won't lose anyone, Julia."
His chin lifted in defiance. "How do you imagine Myles reacting to the news that not
only did we have a secret relationship, but I gave his stepbrother up for adoption without
even telling him about it?"

Noah froze at that, his chest expanding at a much slower pace than
than before.

Her tone brightened a little as she sighed and said, "Myles is an amazing son to you
and the best friend I could have asked for, but he will never forgive any of you.
we find ourselves."

"So that's it for us," he said. "We're just done here and now; let's go
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As if nothing had happened?"


She saw in his eyes the moment her heart broke. It happened at the same time that hers shattered in her
chest. But where tears trickled from the corners of his eyes, he remained there in a stoic manner. She could tell he
wanted to push back; to tell her that she was making a mistake. That he didn't want any of this, but just remained
silent as he watched her cry.

"Would it be easier if I moved?" she questioned.

His jaw twitched before he spoke. "If you want to leave, Julia, I won't stop you." He paused to take a
deep breath, his hand coming up to rub his face. "No matter what, you're always welcome to stay here for as long
as you need to."

With that, he turned and started up the stairs. Her entire body shook as she watched him leave. He'd only
half risen to his feet when she'd called his name for the first time, her hands coming up to spread over his stomach
as she realized what the strange sensation of movement was coming from inside.

"Noah!" she called again, this time with more urgency than she intended.

He was standing in front of her again in an instant, his eyes searching hers with concern. "It `s something-"

She grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach as she felt him again. The two of them waited with
bated breath and just when she started to doubt herself, it happened again. A smile appeared on his face as his
expression softened. Soon, all four hands were on her stomach as they stood there, feeling the

baby move inside her.

When he leaned in, his forehead meeting hers, she didn't pull away. Instead, she closed her eyes and
allowed herself to enjoy his presence. Even when one of his hands found its way to her cheek and tilted his head
so his lips could brush hers, she was still. Not even when her whispered plea of "Don't come out" nearly made her
legs come out from under her.

In a soft whisper, she heard herself promise, "I won't."

They stayed there until the baby calmed down and they were no longer able to detect movement. As much
as she wanted to take back everything she'd said, it wouldn't have changed the truth of anything. When they finally
pulled away from each other, it felt like her heart was breaking again.
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It was a cruel twist of fate that she felt more agony over ending something that had
barely begun than her marriage. Especially when she started to wonder if she hadn't simply
fallen in love with the one person she shouldn't have.

Chapter Eighteen

The week that followed was the worst so far. Not only were things beyond tense at
home, they were bad at work. Rumor had it that the company was in trouble and that a
small number of other people in different departments had already left. Each day, she went
to work, hearing more names of people who were now former co-workers, as well as other
rumors about a shipwreck.
Every night, she returned to what felt like a cold war. They still took turns at dinner,
but ate in tense silence. And aside from a few pleasantries exchanged when they first
crossed paths, he rarely said anything else.
Noah barely looked at her anymore.

Not that she blamed him. It was hard for her to look at him too. Every time she caught
a glimpse of him, she found herself missing the feel of his lips against hers or the way his
hands started a fire as they roamed her body. Occasionally, when he spoke to her, she
would close her eyes and remember the things he whispered in her ear in the dark of night.

The few times their eyes met or when she felt him looking at her
her when she wasn't looking, she knew he was experiencing it too.
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Friday night, after trying to put on the band shirt she had stolen a long time ago, she
started crying because it no longer fit. When she got her emotions under control, she called
Olivia and demanded that she go shopping with her the next day. She agreed, just as Julia
knew she would, but suggested that she come with Noah in the morning since he would be
working the garage again with Myles.

With a heavy sigh, she wandered down the hall where she knew he was, having heard
his door close not too long ago. She didn't allow herself to stop before knocking on his door.
He opened it after what seemed like a long time. The mask of indifference on her face melted
at the sight of her red, swollen eyes, her gaze filling with

She shook her head and smiled. "There's nothing wrong," she assured him.

She shook her head, a silent laugh bubbling on her lips. "I promise.
Just hormones. Since I never got what I needed last weekend, nothing fits now.” She cleared
her throat as her features softened; a smirk on her lips. “Olivia agreed to go with me, but
asked if you could just bring me when you go there in the morning."

His nod was hard. "I was planning to leave at eight."

"I'll be ready then," she said, taking a step back. "Thanks."

"Good night," he said, the door closing a second later, the sound bringing another
round of tears to his eyes.


The car ride the next morning was the strangest fifteen minutes of Julia's entire
existence. The only thing that gave her peace of mind was that she was not alone in her
suffering. The moment he parked the car, the two of them got out in record time. They
exchanged waves as she walked in to greet Olivia while he stayed in the garage with Myles.

Julia didn't know why she thought shopping with Olivia wouldn't last more than a few
hours. They ended up making a whole day of it, going from store to store and indulging in
treats. Olivia was in favor of doing this more often, saying it was sympathy eating and that
she could board if Julia needed a partner to eat with.
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too much.

When dinner time came, she called Myles to see if he and Noah had eaten. When she
learned that they weren't, and that Connor was there too, they stopped to get dinner for all five of
them on the way back.

It was a little shocking to see Connor just because he hadn't been told about his condition.
To her relief, he didn't think much of it. Instead, he just asked if she was okay and told her that if
she needed anything, she should get in touch anytime.

After dinner, everyone met in the living room. She was sandwiched between Olivia and
Myles, listening to the two of them and Connor talking. Noah intervened here and there, but
remained silent as he sat in one of the armchairs, drinking beer after beer. Julia had a feeling she
would take them home.

As she sat there, her words filtering in one ear and out the other, completely unheard of,
the baby began to move more than before. So much so that she shivered and placed her hand
over the spot, her face tight with the sensation it caused. It didn't hurt too much, but it wasn't exactly
comfortable either. Noah was the first to notice, frowning as he leaned forward in his chair.


But it was Myles beside her who said her name. She shook her head and smiled. "Sorry,
the baby is moving. It's not normally this rowdy, but…" her voice trailed off when it happened again,
this time leaving her with a cramping feeling in her stomach.

"This?" he asked, a sly smile on his face.

"I don't know the gender yet, so yeah," she said with a smile. "This."

"When will you find out?" Olivia asked, her eyes glued to Julia's hand in her

She reached out, taking Olivia's hand and placing it over the spot where the baby had been.
was kicking. "Monday."

"What time?"

"Uh, eleven I think. Why?"

"Oh!" Olivia exclaimed, her face lighting up as the baby moved

again. "This is weird as fuck."
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"You can't curse about the baby, Liv," Myles warned.

"Yes, I can. Can't hear anything."

"You can," corrected Julia. "But I've heard worse things about myself."

"It saw?" Olivia joked, a triumphant smile on her face, to which Myles
just rolled his eyes. "I can go with you if you want some moral support."

His gaze shot up, colliding with Noah's almost immediately. They had already discussed
that he wanted to be there for that appointment, but she had no reason to refuse Olivia. He
shrugged casually and looked away. Julia's heart skipped a beat when she turned her attention
to Olivia, but not before catching the look Connor was giving Noah out of the corner of his eye.
"Of course," she said, her voice breaking for a second. "I'll text you the address of the doctor's
office tomorrow."

"What do you hope to have?" Connor asked, studying her in a way that made her
uncomfortable. As if he knew something he shouldn't. When everyone was silent, he looked
around. "What? This isn't typical of-"

"She's not keeping it," Noah said, his voice husky as he lifted the bottle to his lips,
finishing the rest.

Connor gave her an apologetic smile and a nod. "Sorry, I just-"

"It's okay," she said, trying her best to ignore Noah. "The couple I've chosen are far
more suited to parenthood than I'll ever be. They have their stuff together and

"That's good," he said. "I'm sure you made them very happy." She continued to smile,
but made no comment. She did, however, look twice at the way Myles was looking at her
stomach after Olivia removed her hand. When he felt her eyes on him, he lifted his head, his
blue eyes searching hers for permission. "You can touch," she whispered.

He was quick to raise his hand, but hesitated to lower it. Julia felt her breathing slow as
she waited for him to touch her. When he finally did, the baby moved quickly again; almost as
if she was waiting for him. As if recognizing the family bond. She bit her bottom lip, her eyes
starting to water. He jumped a little, but he was smiling at his hand.

"This is weird as fuck."

"I told you," Olivia muttered with a nod.

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Without meaning to, she looked up again, her gaze landing on Noah. She swallowed
hard at the way he tried to mask his sadness as he watched them from across the room.
His gaze had barely lifted to hers before he pushed himself out of his chair and said
goodbye, the sound of the hallway bathroom door closing reaching his ears a few moments
If anyone else noticed that he looked a little weird, Julia wasn't sure. It wasn't long
after Noah returned that Connor said his goodbyes, saying goodbye to all of them. After he
left, it took an even shorter time for her to exchange a look with Noah, coming to a mutual
agreement that it was time to go too. As soon as they were out, Julia put herself between
him and the driver's door, holding her hand for the keys.
He sighed, clearly wanting to argue, but relented, placing the keys in her palm and
walking to the other side of the car. It took a while to adjust the seat, but when she was
comfortable, she began the relatively short trip home.
She had barely parked in the driveway when he got out of the car and walked to the
front door. She caught up to it after a moment, using the keys to unlock the door before
handing them back. He held the door open for her and followed her up the stairs before
going to their own rooms without a word.
It was a little later, after putting on her sleepwear and finishing her bedtime routine,
that she went downstairs for a glass of water before lying down for bed. She had just left her
room when she saw him appear on the landing. He paused when he saw her too, the two of
them exchanging tired smiles with each other.
"I'm sorry about Olivia," she said after a moment. "I can cancel with her if-"

"It's okay," he replied, his voice strained. He rolled his shoulders as if

I was forcing myself to relax. "It would be difficult to leave on Monday anyway."
She nodded, not knowing what to say. Not that there was anything to say.

So they just stood there, looking around the hallway, none of them ready to walk
away just yet. It was when her hand went up to her stomach, the baby moving once more,
that he was there, his hand falling into place above hers. The other curled around her hip,
pulling her close as her face settled into the crook of her neck.
"Stay with me," he murmured, his breath warming her skin.

"Just for tonight." He pulled her even closer to him. "Please." She barely started
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nod before realizing they were moving down the hall towards his room. She was taken aback
when her intentions became apparent. Instead of wanting her the way she'd expected, she found
he was looking for a different kind of comfort.

Clothes still on, blankets pulled over them, he curled up against her back. He pressed his
lips to her shoulder, put an arm around her waist and palmed her belly.

Without a word, she placed her hand over his and snuggled into him, taking all the comfort
she could get.

Chapter Nineteen

Noah wasn't there when she woke up the next morning. She discovered his absence
when she reached behind her, expecting to feel him, but instead touched cold sheets. She lay
there, her nose buried in her pillow, until she could no longer ignore the sting of her bursting
bladder. Choosing to use her own bathroom, she closed the door softly behind her, blocking out
the memory of their night together as she clicked into place.

She didn't see him for the rest of the day. Not even when it was dinner time, leaving her
to reheat some leftovers and eat on her own. She had texted him earlier this afternoon, asking if
he was stopping by the store. She didn't need anything, but she needed an excuse to contact
him. He replied that he would stop on the way, but it would be a while; to send you a list. She
asked for the same thing
ever; Ice cream.

He didn't respond after that.

Her mother called then, asking how she was. They talked longer than ever on the phone.
Although the conversation was still tense, Julia decided it was a
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start. The more she reached out, the faster they could mend their relationship. And not long after the call ended,
Julia settled against the headboard with a book in her hands, intending to read through the night only to find herself
waking up to the work alarm the next morning.

Only the book was on the nightstand with the bookmark out and she was tucked under the covers. She
sighed heavily, her hand pressing to her stomach as she gurgled something fierce. She had skipped dinner and
was paying for it now. Instead of waiting for the next two alarms, she got up and prepared for the day. Once
downstairs, she helped herself to a bowl of cereal and turned on the coffee maker. She was on her second bowl
when Noah came downstairs, almost ready to head out for the day as well.

"Thank you," she said.

She was glad he didn't try to pretend he hadn't done anything. he just
He shook his head and began to prepare his cup of coffee to his liking. "You're welcome."

She watched as he closed the lid of his travel mug and turned to face him.
go out. "Noah-"

"Not now," he said with a nod.

"When?" she asked. "It's hard to have a conversation with you if you keep me

He stopped midway, but kept his back to her. "I'm having dinner tonight
night. We can talk then."

Her lips parted to say something else, but he was gone before the words could form on her tongue. Pushing
the cereal bowl away, she leaned back in her chair and let her hands slide over her stomach. If this was just the
beginning, she wasn't ready for what the rest of the day had in store for her. Having no choice, she cleaned up,
transferred the coffee to her own travel mug, and said goodbye as well.


Not having really worked that morning, Julia left earlier than necessary to find Olivia. However, somehow,
the blonde was still there before her. They greeted each other outside in the parking lot, taking only moments before
the autumn chill pushed them inside. There, she filled out the paperwork and sat with her friend in the lobby, trying
her best to keep the conversation going while they waited.
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As much as Julia sometimes hated Olivia's intuition, she was sometimes glad of it. Today was one
of those days. She didn't need to tell her she was nervous for her to just know. She didn't need to say that
she was afraid Olivia would reach out and take her hand. More importantly, she never let the silence take
over, keeping Julia from drowning in her thoughts.

When her name was called, Olivia followed her to the back. They went into the room for the
ultrasound first and after taking their vitals, the nurse left. Julia assumed her normal position in the exam
chair, pushing her clothes out of the way into the gel. When she was accommodated,

Olivia was right beside her, lacing her fingers together and squeezing her hand. The technician
came in a few moments later and, after exchanging a round of greetings, primed the machine and smeared
Julia's skin with a gel so cold she shivered from head to toe.

"Are you wanting to know the sex?" the technician asked after placing the wand in her stomach.

She had been asking herself this question ever since she knew there was a possibility they would
find out during their visit. Originally, she didn't want to. She thought it might be very difficult; that can make
it very real. However, Tyler and Drew asked to know in advance. They wanted time to get their nursery in
order and decorate accordingly.

Julia swallowed and nodded. "Yes please."

The technician nodded, her attention returning to the machine. Julia stared at the screen, her vision
starting to blur. She didn't remember the last ultrasounds being so clear. Last time, there were contours,
grainy texture, and lots of shadows. Now…

Now there was a baby.

She could see arms with tiny hands and tiny fingers. Skinny legs with feet
little ones and fingers.

A face with features so clear she knew she would remember it forever.

"Congratulations Miss Roth, your son looks happy and healthy there."

She nodded, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she turned her head away from the screen. If
she hadn't already been sitting up, she was pretty sure her legs would have given way under her. Even so,
her body began to shake and she forgot how to breathe. Even when Olivia's hand squeezed hers again,
she barely felt it.

Oblivious, the technician continued to do her job, tapping the screen and taking more
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Photos. "Would you like some prints for you?"

"Yes, please," she repeated, the words escaping as if in an answer.


Finished, the technique wiped off most of the gel before leaving the room again. Olivia helped her take off
the rest and then Julia fixed her clothes. As soon as she was done, the doctor came in and went over a few things.
Most of it was more of the same; that everything was looking good. That the baby - her child - was developing
exactly as it should. Without the usual series of questions, the appointment ended quickly and she stopped by the
front desk to make preparations for the next one in three weeks.

With the small envelope containing the ultrasound pictures under her arm, she said goodbye to the team
and walked to her car, almost forgetting that Olivia was there. She felt as if she were floating; your mind unable to
settle on anything. She had already forgotten most of what the doctor had said. The only thing on her mind was that
she was having a boy; a son.

"Julia?" Olivia asked, her fingers snapping in front of her face, finally
bringing her back to reality. "Are you okay?"


Olivia knew better than to believe that, but under the circumstances, she didn't say anything about it. "Come
on," she said, pulling her away from her own car. "Let's have lunch."

"I am not-"

"I am," she said, a smile tugging at her lips. "Come on, don't make me eat
by herself. I hate that."

She tried to smile, but her lips wouldn't cooperate. Instead, he nodded and sat in the passenger seat of
Olivia's car, tucking the envelope into his bag, wishing he'd never seen it in the first place.

Although she had barely eaten anything for lunch with Olivia, Julia still wasn't hungry when it came time for
dinner. Having gotten home first, not that it was any surprise, considering how things were going. She intended to
go upstairs and lock herself in for the night, but she stopped in the kitchen for a glass of water. She sat at the table
as she drank slowly, looking at her bag where she could see the corner of the envelope sticking out.

Just as her arm started to move toward him, she heard the front door
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open, signaling that Noah had returned. Her arm dropped down, resting on the top of her
stomach, the bulge now finally protruding enough to do so. He was surprised to see her at the
table and stopped, turning to face her. She never looked up; his eyes unable to tear themselves
away from the envelope.

"Julia?" he asked, taking a step towards her.

She was out of her chair in the blink of an eye, snatching the envelope from her purse
a moment later. She swallowed hard and moved toward him, avoiding his gaze the entire time.
"It's a boy," she whispered, her voice husky as she gently pressed the envelope against his

She waited until his hand came up to take the envelope, but the moment it slipped from
her fingers, she withdrew, heading upstairs to the bedroom as she'd wanted in the first place.


The rest of the week felt like an entire year had passed, instead of the days between
Monday and Friday. Each day was more difficult than the next; the dread of the upcoming
meeting at the adoption agency making it impossible to function. The closer he got, the more
she panicked. Her reasons for wanting the adoption were still true, but having discovered the
sex of life growing inside her had changed things.

She already knew that Noah was only on board with the adoption because it was what
she wanted. That he didn't want to do anything to make her life difficult. But she'd also seen
the change in him since Monday; she could tell he'd seen the ultrasounds, even though he'd
found them on the table when she'd gone to the kitchen next. The hint was in her eyes
whenever she caught his gaze. On the way, he would look away faster than before.

As one night she woke to the sound of a door opening and realized it was the door to
Myles's old room across the hall.

She sat next to Noah in the adoption agency's conference room. Drew and Tyler were
sitting across from them with Kate at the head of the table. There was a copy of the contract in
front of each of them as Kate read it, page by page.

Julia didn't hear anything that was being said. All she could do was stare at the contract
as her hands pressed against her stomach and she bit her lower lip until the taste of copper
coated her tongue. All she could think about was the
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ultrasound she had presented to them at the beginning of the meeting. From the little boy in the picture,
the same one who kicked under her hands, no matter where they rested on her stomach.

The more Kate talked, the more her mind wandered.

Would he like to be a cop like his father someday? Would he need contacts like Myles? Would
he look like her or like Noah? If so, would he look like Myles growing up? Would he follow her when it
came to the love of learning or would he be a wild child always doing the opposite of what he was told?

She nearly jumped out of her chair when Noah's hand landed on her forearm. It took a while to
realize where she was and that everyone was looking at her. She looked away from Noah, noting the
knowing look Tyler and Drew exchanged with each other before turning sad eyes in her direction.

"I'm sorry," she heard herself whisper a moment before sliding her chair back.
so that I could stand. "I'm very sorry."

"Miss Roth-" Kate began

"I can't do this," she said, tears streaming down her face as Tyler and Drew nodded solemnly.
"I'm sorry," she repeated before leaving the room.

She went as fast as she could without tripping over herself, only stopping when she reached
the elevator. She pressed the button several times, knowing it wouldn't make it seem any faster. When
the doors opened, she kept her head down as the other passenger got out. She pressed the ground
floor button the moment she entered and held the button to close the door. Just before the doors
closed, Noah was there.

One moment he was pushing the emergency stop button and the next he was pulling her into
his embrace to hold her when his own body refused. More apologies fell from her lips, though she
wasn't sure if they were coherent or not. All he did was hold her tighter and reassure her that everything
was fine; that everything would be fine.

When she pulled herself together a few minutes later, he pressed the button again; the two of
them ignoring the looks as they exited the elevator and entered the parking lot. When he left, she was
glad he was able to pick her up from work and she took the rest of the day off. She could worry about
her car later.

When they got home, he took her hand before leading her to the couch. He left her side long
enough to get a glass of water, setting it on the coffee table after she'd only taken a sip. A few seconds
later, she found herself being pulled into his lap after he also sat down. She clung to him, glad that this
time, her
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tears were silent as she tried to figure out what would come next.

Chapter Twenty

It was the rumble of thunder in the distance that jolted Julia from her sleep. For a
moment, she couldn't make out what was around her, but panic was quickly overcome by
the feeling of Noah pressed against her ass. The steady patter of raindrops against the
window, in combination with his fingers dancing over her side, lulled her back into a peaceful
She was still numb from yesterday; having spent the rest of the afternoon a sobbing
mess in his embrace. He even stayed with her after she was catatonic for the rest of the
night. He tried to persuade her to give up, bringing her into the kitchen and preparing
something for her to eat. They barely spoke, but she was grateful for their presence. Then,
as he led her up the stairs, pulling her into his room instead of separating, she didn't protest.
Just like every other night, he was quick to wrap himself around her back, wrap his
arms around her and pull her close. Julia couldn't even remember closing her eyes or falling
asleep, but there was enough light streaming through the curtains to show that it was no
longer night. Even though the storm was determined to keep the sun from shining completely.

Wanting to cling to the blissful ignorance that sleep had given her mind, Julia went to
the only other thing she could think of to get it. She could already feel his hardening length
pressing against her ass. She moved her hips,
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movement causing a gasping moan from him; one that warmed your skin. She reached back
at the confines of his embrace, her fingers slowly dipping behind the waistband of his boxers
until she could wrap them around the velvety flesh of his cock.

He pushed into her palm, his arms tightening around her waist as his teeth nipped at
her shoulder. "Juls..." The pent-up desperation in his voice made her fingers flex around him.
"That is not-"

“Please,” she whimpered, not caring how it made her sound. "Once again",
she added, turning her wrist in time with his thrusts.

"Again," he repeated, his breath warming her ear from kissing his way down her throat.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he caught her earlobe between his teeth
and moved his arm from around her waist, his hand dropping to her thigh. His touch burned as
he slid down her nightgown, his fingers curling around the band of her panties to make quick
work of pulling them down. She lifted her hips enough that they could be removed completely
and then kicked them down her legs once they reached a certain point.

When they were gone, he grabbed her knee, pulling her leg back to cover it, leaving her
pussy exposed. Having released his cock, her nails dug into the skin of his hip as her fingers
brushed the folds of his lower lips, two of them sliding inside his body without hesitation. His
palm rubbed against her clit as he increased the pace of his movements. His lips were pressed
firmly against the curve of her shoulder, where he alternated between lingering kisses and
gentle pinches.

It didn't take long for her to reach the top. Her hips continued to buck against his hand,
desperate for him to make her come again and again. Until she didn't even know her own
name. It was when she felt the start of her second that he pulled away, quickly removing her
leg and sliding further down. She adjusted herself, leaning her hips as best she could toward
the mattress. His hand gripped the flesh of her ass as the tip of his cock nudged her entrance.
It took some gentle probing to find the right spot, both of them letting out a sigh as he finally
slipped in.

She wasn't the only one not in the mood for something slow or sweet. Although his
thrusts weren't necessarily as fast as she would have liked, his angle allowed him to hit hard
and deep. The way her pressed thighs allowed just the right amount of friction with each stroke,
bringing her closer and closer to her second.
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He didn't stop when she came; he didn't care that his hips were covered in crescent-
shaped marks for the rest of the day. He just continued to rock in and out of her, honing his
movements with each thrust. She tried her best to keep up with him, rotating her hips as much
as she could, given the angle of her body.

A sharp cry escaped her lips as he rubbed against parts of her she hadn't known
existed, sending her into a third release without any warning. She could tell by his growl
against her shoulder and the way his hips stuttered in mid thrust that he had met his end.

She could feel their bodies convulsing as the last tremors of pleasure surged through
them. Her inner walls tightened around his cock, drawing in every last drop of her release.
She would have stayed there all day, relishing the way he felt inside her, but when her hips
started to ache, she turned away from him. Not wanting to be in the aftermath when it started
to drip out of her, she slid out of bed and, without a word, said goodbye to her room in favor
of her bathroom on the back.


After a quick shower, Julia had every intention of staying in her room, curled up in bed
with a book while the storm continued outside. Olivia, however, had other plans. Instead of
the rain keeping her in a gloomy mood all weekend, allowing herself to wallow while trying not
to think about what she'd done the day before, she was now shopping.

Buying a party she had no intention of going to this year. However, another piece of
decor was placed in front of her face, snapping her out of her thoughts. She shrugged and
gently pushed Olivia's hand away. "Sure. It looks good."

She could tell by her friend's uncharacteristic silence that she was trying her best not
to be normally bossy herself. She was under the impression that Julia had signed the adoption
papers yesterday. That she was officially handing her life over to another couple in a few
months. Julia still hadn't given him a clue that this was no longer the case. She wasn't ready
to admit to herself what it meant to give up adoption; she sure as hell wasn't ready to tell
anyone else.

To distract herself from going down that road again, she took a candle from the shelf and
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took it to the nose. She pulled away as fast as she could, her other hand reaching up to shield her
face as she tried not to choke.

"This is the third time you've smelled that candle, Juls," Olivia said, holding out her hand.
to place your hand on your forearm.

She forced a smile to her lips and lowered the candle, turning to face Olivia. "I wonder if I'll
ever enjoy the smell of pumpkin again." She swallowed hard over the lump in her throat. "It's the only
thing that will make me throw up without warning right now."

Olivia paled and slipped between her and the candles. "So I strongly suggest you stop sniffing
them. I'd hate to have to leave you here because you threw up," she said, with a sigh.
mischievous smile on his face.

Julia was surprised when her fake smile turned genuine; even if it's just for a moment. "I'll do
my best to contain myself," she said with a gentle nod. "But let me tell you, the pregnancy brain is no

Olivia huffed as she went back to looking at the decorations for her and hers Halloween party.
Myles. "The day you forget something is the day hell freezes over."

Julia rolled her eyes at that. "It must be pretty cold down there then."

"Speaking of there," Olivia said, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she dropped her gaze to
below Julia's waist, making her frown. "I hear the second trimester can make you horny as fuck. How
have you been dealing with it?"

Her thighs tightened before she could stop herself; her pussy tightened at the memory of
Noah being buried deep inside her this morning. She cleared her throat and looked away, knowing it
was too late to hide her reaction. "There is not
been so bad."

Olivia's laughter caught the attention of the two women at the end of the hall,
making Julia's face even hotter. "You know who you're talking to, right?"

"Do you remember Isaac Holt?"

Julia pinched the bridge of her nose as she nodded, knowing there was no way she could avoid this.
conversation. "Your co-worker?"

Olivia gave a single nod, her smile widening. “You found him
a few times before. He also recently divorced."

"Now it's not-"

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"When I invited him to the party the next weekend, he asked if you
would be there."

This caught Julia off guard. She eyed Olivia suspiciously, making her
smile widen.

"He perked up when he heard you and Brandon break up."

"And I'm sure he'll come back to a boil when he sees my current state," she replied, her
hands automatically rising to rest on her stomach.
"Or maybe speed it up."

Julia shuddered, but she was lucky Olivia chose that moment to take something off the
shelves. "Not sure it gets any better," she muttered, cursing herself for not changing the subject.

"Oh come on, it's not that weird. It's just sex." She pointed at Julia's stomach, earning a
look across the hall. "At least now you won't have to worry about getting pregnant a second

"I guess that settles it then," she said, crossing her arms over her head.
chest. "Definitely not going this year."

Olivia laughed, making Julia want to stomp her foot like a child. "Come on, it won't be so

"Will Brandon and his new girlfriend be there?" she asked. Olivia paused to study Julia's
face before nodding her head, her smile turning into a huge grin. "All the more reason to let
Isaac fuck you."

Julia stirred and took a deep breath. "I didn't ask so I could think about making you
jealous, Liv. That's not why-" She shook her head and sighed. "I haven't spoken to him since
the night his mother told him about the baby."

"Yes. Oh." Julia shrugged. "I just do not-"

"Then come see Myles and me. Please? You don't have to stay long, but it wouldn't be
right to take a vacation without you. Besides, you're definitely not missing the big ones, so
wouldn't it be better if the first one was Halloween and end it now?"

Even Julia couldn't argue with that logic.

"Fine," she said after a moment. "I'll be there, but I won't dress
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"Oh come on, it's Halloween! Can I get you to buy a bandana with cat ears and let me
design a nose and whiskers? I'm sure you have an all-black outfit to wear?"

"Just because I love you."

"That's what I thought," she replied, a cocky smile on her lips as she turned the cart
down the next aisle.


Later that night, when Olivia dropped Julia off at Noah's house, she walked in to find
him having dinner on the couch. He set the plate on the coffee table and moved to stand, but
she motioned for him to stay seated. "You ate?" he asked. "There's more if-"

She shook her head and placed a hand on her stomach. "Oh God no thanks. Liv keeps
asking too much and then blames me for eating, saying this is my time to eat with no regrets."
She gave him a small smile as she laughed to herself. "But thanks.
I think I'll just lie down for a while. I'll probably turn myself in sooner."

He nodded, wiping his palms along his denim-clad knees.

She stared at him for a moment before turning and taking
a step toward the stairs, pausing at the sound of his name leaving her lips. When she faced
him again, he was on his feet, one hand rubbing the spot between his shoulders. "Do you
want to talk about it?"

She swallowed and wet her lips. "Yesterday or this morning?"

He shrugged his shoulders as nonchalantly as possible. "Both."

Her lips parted as she debated whether or not she was ready. Slowly, she shook her
head slightly and looked away from him once more. "I don't know where to start," she said,
with a little more anguish in her voice than she would have liked.

He waved back at her and offered a small smile. "Anywhere.

I can-"

They were interrupted by the sound of his phone from an incoming call. He pulled it out
of his pocket and sighed as he watched the name flashing on the screen. He flashed her an
apologetic smile and answered the phone in a tone she recognized as his professional voice.
She smiled back and after a moment of staring at him, not wanting to listen since it seemed
important, she murmured good night and turned to say her goodbyes to the room.
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It was for the best, she decided as she lay down on the bed after closing the door. She wasn't sure she
was ready to talk anyway. She still wasn't when she found herself at her door later that night.

It opened when she knocked, signaling that it had never been fully closed in the first place. When her
gaze sought his, he was already waiting for her with the covers pulled back, wrapping them around her as she
climbed into bed beside him a few moments later.

Neither of them spoke as he settled in behind her, both wearing their nightclothes. She was asleep before
she knew it and by morning she was gone long before
he wake up.

Chapter Twenty One

During the week leading up to Halloween, Noah and Julia established a slightly new routine. It was similar
to one they had established earlier, but not as easy. Every night she found herself unable to sleep unless she was
in her bed with his arms around her, her back pressed against his chest. Aside from the morning after the failed
adoption meeting, her clothes stayed securely in place.

Some mornings she was the first to wake up, slipping away noiselessly, and sometimes she was the one
who woke up alone. When the two crossed paths in the kitchen to get their coffee and leave, they greeted each
other with a single nod. At night it was the same. They still brought home dinner, alternate nights, but ate
separately or in complete silence.
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She knew it was a dangerous game; keeping it all bottled up, but she wasn't ready to
talk about what happened. That not giving her son's life to someone else changed everything,
but there was a part of her that was still thinking. She couldn't help but wonder if it was just
because she hadn't had enough time to think about it causing her panic or if it was something
else. In the few moments she thought about the future, she couldn't imagine herself with a child.

Drew had contacted her Monday afternoon, asking if she needed more time or if her
decision was final. He was sweet in the way he kept trying to assure her that he didn't want her
to feel pressure of any kind, he just wanted what was best for all of them. He told her that if she
intended to raise her own child, after all, he wished her only the best. She replied and told him
that she actually needed more time and that she would get in touch when she decided, but to
look for another birth mother just
in case.

She had n't told Noah about it. Counting meant talking to him, and talking to him meant
facing all the thoughts she was trying so hard to avoid.

In an effort to further sweep her troubles under a rug that no longer touched the floor,
she spent the week pretending everything was fine. When Halloween rolled around a week
later, it was all too easy to pretend that everything was fine.

She left Noah's bed earlier than she normally would that morning. She'd gone downstairs
to the kitchen, eaten some cereal and then back upstairs, taking her sweet time in the shower.
It was after she left that she got the message from Olivia, asking in a more demanding tone
that she come and help her get the party ready. Julia smiled to herself and replied that she
would be arriving soon.

It was after that that she remembered what Olivia had said about Isaac. A small part of
her was curious about him; from what she remembered, he had a good head on his shoulders
and was attractive. The rest of her knew that now was not a good time to start anything. If it
wasn't just for the uncertainty of whether or not she would have a little human being to take
care of in a few months or not, but her relationship with her father - his father - was still up in
the air as well.

She was quite busy in the drama department.

Still, she found herself spending a little more time on her hair that day and choosing her
clothes. Right, with Olivia's request that she wear all black, it made the choice task easier.
When her hair was dry enough, she pulled it back into a low, messy bun, letting the
uncooperative float around her face.
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as if it was intentional. She did her basic makeup, knowing Olivia would fill in the rest, and then
put on a black skater dress. It had elbow-length sleeves, pockets in the skirt, and a decent neckline;
one that would have been modest if his chest hadn't been bordering on the obscene.

Since the summer heat had finally dissipated, she slipped on black leggings underneath
and pulled on simple, flat booties that had just passed her ankles. Before she went downstairs,
she grabbed one of her black scarves with a piece of silver thread woven into it and the simplest
jacket she still had that fit.

Looking more ready to go to a funeral than a party, she left the room.

Noah was finishing his breakfast when she went in to get a soda.
in the fridge to take with her. "Who died?" he asked.

She rolled her eyes, but couldn't help the smile that appeared on her lips. "My
sanity," she said, looking down at herself. "How are you doing?"

"I hardly ever do. That's more to-" he broke off and cleared his throat. "For you children
more than for us old people," he concluded after a moment, a shy smile on his face.

She smiled back, shaking her head at him. "What about you? Are you planning on staying
home and handing out candy like all the other cool dads?"

"Funny," he muttered, leaning back, draping his arm over the back of the chair. "Hilarious
indeed," he added. "But I'll probably stay home. My party days are gone."

She expected there to be more, but when there wasn't, she nodded and took a step toward
the exit. "Whatever you end up doing, I hope you have a good night."

"Usually I would say that if you drink a lot, call me, but I doubt that's the case.
case," he said, with a light chuckle under his breath. "But if you need me..."

"I know," she replied, her voice low as a shiver ran up her spine. Your
head cocked to the side as she smiled at him. "What, no curfew?"

"Please go," he replied, running a hand through his hair, the smile on his face widening into
a grin. After a few moments of hesitation, she waved at him again and said goodbye.

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After five months of pregnancy, Julia has finally found her best perk. Most of her time
at Olivia's house was spent on the couch, pulling out the "I can't, I'm incubating a human life
here" card. She knew that one day in the future it would be hell to pay for it, but until then,
Julia milked.
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Between her time with Olivia and Myles, as well as the lighthearted conversation with Noah before she left,
for the first time in a week, she finally felt more like herself.

Enough that she didn't even complain when Olivia used black eyeliner to turn her into a cat; mustaches
and all. She wondered how she was going to keep the product from staining her skin, but it was something she
would deal with later. And when she donned the bandana Olivia had made her buy the week before, she had to
admit, she was glad she had something in the way of costumes for the night.

When the guests started to arrive, Julia was in such a good mood that she almost
forgot about Brandon.

He and his new girlfriend, Charlotte, were among the first to arrive. Julia decided to be the better person
and approach them first, her hand reaching up between them for Charlotte to hold. Even seeing her up close and
personal, she still couldn't remember her from school. "Brandon told me about you a while ago and I'm glad to meet

Charlotte's shoulders sagged in relief as she grabbed Julia's hand. "I heard
a lot about you."

"I promise I won't be the dreaded ex-wife," she said with a smile. "That said,
Is it okay if I borrow Brandon for a moment?"

"Oh, sure," Charlotte said, untying her fingers. She calmed when Brandon placed his lips on her cheeks,
turning them pink before following Julia off the porch.

"Sorry…" he started, rubbing his shoulder as he nodded towards the door. "I just-"

"She's your girlfriend Brandon. I hope there are kisses," she said with a smile.

He looked at her, his hand waving as he pointed at her stomach.

briefly. "How are you?"

"We're fine," she said with a faint smile. “I just wanted to make sure
that we're fine too,” she added, waving her hand between them.

He nodded, his throat lurching as he swallowed hard. "So... Isaac, huh?"

Julia froze, her cheeks burning under her makeup. "Did she tell you?"

He smiled. "It was more of a 'this is happening, Brandon! Don't be a

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idiot about it,” he said, mimicking Olivia in a way that made her laugh.

"Well, I'd appreciate it if you didn't, but I wouldn't worry too much. I'm not exactly
anyone's dream right now."

"Stop selling yourself short, Julia. You always do," he said, his voice taking on its usual
tone when he told her that. "You'd be surprised who would want you, no matter what kind of
mess your life is currently in."

She cocked her head to the side, looking up at him with narrowed eyes and a smile on her face.
face. "Thanks?"

"That didn't turn out right, but you know what I mean," he said, pulling her into a hug
before she could protest.

When they parted, they exchanged a wave before he went back inside. Julia remained
on the porch, sinking into one of the chairs to gather her thoughts. She hoped that if the truth
came out, Brandon would retain his maturity.

For a moment, her thoughts turned to Noah as Brandon's wisdom that you'd be
surprised echoed in her mind.

She couldn't think about it for long before Olivia was at her side, pulling her to her feet,
telling her that Isaac had arrived and she wanted to introduce them now so they would have
plenty of time to talk. Without saying a word, Julia allowed herself to be pulled in and
reintroduced to someone "new".


Having already stayed much longer than she originally wanted, Julia decided to leave
around ten. Olivia didn't complain at all, being too drunk to really protest. Just for that Julia
was ready to go. A lot of people were beyond drunk and not only was she envious of his ability
to numb herself, but she also wanted to get home before the streets were full of idiots thinking
they were sober when they weren't.

Luckily for her, the cars parked in front of her and behind her had gotten too close,
leaving her absolutely no way to get the car out of the spot. She stood there, looking at the
situation, debating whether to hail a cab or call Noah. She was saved from having to do this
when Isaac approached.

"I can give you a ride home," he offered.

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"Oh, uh..."

"I only had two beers," he assured her. "The last one was over an hour ago."

She bit her bottom lip as her gaze flickered to Noah's contact information she'd just accessed
on her phone. "Of course," she said, turning off the screen so she could slip the device into her purse
pocket. "Thanks."

"You're welcome, just tell me how to get there as we go," he said, leading her to
her jeep and opening the passenger door for her.

He'd been friendly enough to talk earlier that night, but the only thing that plagued his mind
during the interaction was that he wasn't the right person. Someone she refused to name. She was,
however, grateful that of all the things they talked about, the elephant in the room that was her
stomach wasn't one of them.

"I don't know how you managed to keep your sanity while being around your ex and his new
girlfriend," he said as he started to drive.

"We ended on good terms," she said. "Just because you're not with me doesn't mean
I don't want to see you happy."

"I wish my ex and I were so polite," he said bitterly.

persistent in your tone. "My divorce was the exact opposite of yours."

"Sorry to hear that. How long?" she asked.

"About six months," he replied. "You?"

"Five," she said, patting her stomach; the best way to keep track of exactly how many days
have passed. She didn't miss the way his gaze dropped to her stomach out of the corner of his eye.

He nodded, but the rest of the ride was silent except for the radio. When he pulled up in front
of Noah's house, he got out first to help her out of the jeep. "Nice place."

"Thank you," she said, not bothering to correct him.

He smiled at her as he led her to the front door. "It was good to see you again,
Julia. I know that is not..."

"Isaac," she interrupted, an apologetic smile on her lips.

He nodded and took a step back. After a moment, he pulled out his wallet and handed her a
business card with his number scrawled on the back. "I wrote down when Olivia told me you'd be
there and I know you're not interested, but
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alright. I haven't met anyone who's just gotten divorced, so if you need to talk, I'm a great listener."

"Thanks, Isaac. I appreciate that." She slipped the card into her purse and smiled. "I'll text you
soon so you have my number. My ears are always open too."

"Good night," he said, bowing his head to her before heading back to the car.

She waved him off as he left, waiting until he was out of sight before
log in.

She was greeted by a low whistle as she passed the living room. It made her stumble as she
stopped and turned to see Connor and Noah drinking on the couch. Among them, there were too many
bottles in a few different varieties to count.

Connor nudged Noah in the ribs with a sharp elbow and tipped his beer toward Julia. "She's
pregnant and still has more game than you."


He rolled his eyes and stood up, swaying slightly for a moment. "I love ears, kitten. I always knew
the nickname suited you. So," he said, patting her shoulder as he passed her on his way to the kitchen.
"Who was the
lucky you?"

"It wasn't like that," she replied, though she directed her attention to Noah. He refused to look at
her, but she didn't want to do or say much more in front of Connor. Especially when he came back into
the living room and sat down next to Noah again.

"Of course, of course," he said with a smile.

Julia sighed and shifted position. She was more than ready to get up, already sour at the fact that
she was only getting bigger. She'd long since withdrawn any complaints she'd ever had about thinking
she was too small in the beginning.

"Good night to you two," she said, dashing toward the stairs.

The first thing she did was take off her shoes. The relief she felt from just that action almost made
her cry. The second thing was to take off the coat and then unroll the scarf from around his neck. It was
when she started to pick up the skirt of her dress that she heard the door open and turned to see Noah
at her door a second before she spoke.

"What happened to your car?"

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"You drove to Myles' this morning, but he brought you home." Your chin is
lifted slightly as he rubbed his stubble. "Because?"

"My car was blocked and he was leaving at the same time I was." she crossed the
arms across his chest and took a step forward.

"Why you did not call me?" he asked, his eyes shining.

"I was just about to make the offer," she said, gesturing to him. "Even if
I had called you, you were no longer fit to sit behind the wheel."

"And he didn't have anything in his system? Do you know him well? That's not just his ch-"

"Stop!" she snapped, her hands pointing to the floor, reminding him they weren't alone. "I'm
sorry you're jealous; that wasn't my intention. He was just being nice and offered me a ride home.
And he was sober. If he wasn't, I would have called a cab." She pinched the bridge of her nose for a
second. "Can we talk tomorrow when you're sober? I'm tired."

He was silent for a moment before muttering, "I'm not jealous."

She huffed as she arched an eyebrow at him. "How else would you describe your mood right

It was he who took a step forward, stopping when they were far apart. “Fine,” he muttered,
his eyes darkening. "You're right, I'm jealous."

It wasn't what she'd expected to hear, nor was it the way he reached out and pulled her to
him, his lips crashing into hers. His kiss was violent; their lips pulling, teeth nipping, tongues dueling.
The hand holding her cheek slid back into her hair, pulling it out of the bow but leaving her ears in
place. The other hand started at her hip, but quickly lowered it to gather the material of her dress. It
was when his hand cupped her pussy over her leggings that she pulled her head back, ending the
kiss abruptly and

"What are you doing?"

"Juls-" he began, reaching for her again.

She moved out of reach and crossed her arms over her chest. "Not now," she said, shaking her head.
head firmly. "Not like this. Not with Connor down there."

"What if he wasn't here?" he questioned. "You could-"

"No. Now," she repeated, emphasizing each word.

He stared at her for a long time, the two of them trying to figure out what to do or say to her.
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follow. When neither of them had a solution, he simply turned and walked out of his room. She
stood there, looking at him, shuddering slightly at the sound of his door slamming a little slammed
into the hallway.

After a moment to make sure he didn't come back, she finished taking off her clothes and
putting on her nightwear and went to the bathroom to freshen up. She did a double take at the
makeup she'd forgotten about and decided to leave it for the next day.

As she suspected, since she was alone in her own bed, sleep became difficult.
to achieve, and when it came, it was anything but restful.


When she woke up the next morning, she spent a lot of time rubbing her face only to see
the tip of her nose still retaining some of the black stain along with the faint whiskers on her
cheeks. After giving up, she went downstairs and started the coffee, knowing the two men would
be grateful for it when they woke up. Just like last time, she decided to continue making them
breakfast as well.

Connor joined her first, squeezing her shoulder after taking a sip of coffee. "If I were a
smarter man, I'd see myself staying here a lot more often if I knew it meant someone would make
me breakfast."

"Or you can stop sleeping with a different girl every week and get one who will do it for you
for the rest of your life," Julia shot back, flashing a sly smile over her shoulder at him. "Or better
yet, do it yourself."

"Well, aren't we grumpy this morning?"

She shook her head, suppressing a smile, but didn't say anything as she stirred the eggs
with a fork. She could tell from Connor's whistle that Noah had joined them, but it was his words
that made her stomach churn.

"Well, look what the cat dragged." There was a pause and then, "Or should I say, Kitten?"

Chapter Twenty Two

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Julia felt as if all the blood in her system was gone and gone, leaving her on the verge of passing out. It
was a struggle to breathe as her heart pounded against the inside of her chest. She turned to Noah and seeing
the black smudges of her makeup smearing her face, she knew it was too late. That Connor had already put two
and two together.

"I'm sure this must be good," Connor said, his tone bordering on vertigo. "No wonder you're always
turning down my outings," he said, giving Noah a wink.

"Connor-" Noah began, warning in his tone.

"Relax, will you?" he came back, rolling his eyes. "I've had my fair share of women more
young people. Who am I to judge?"

Julia put her hand on her belly as the baby chose that moment to blink as if it wanted to kick its way out.
She reached back to use the counter for balance, but in doing so, knocked his egg bowl over. It fell to the floor,
sending raw scrambled eggs and bowl fragments everywhere.

Both men moved toward him; Noah to take one of her hands, the other finding her lower back to guide
her to the table while Connor went straight to the mess she'd created and started cleaning it up.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as he crouched beside her. "About the bowl.
I will replace-"

"I don't care about the bowl, Julia," he said as he shook hands with her.
her. "You are-"

He stopped when she burst out laughing, her face twisting into a confused expression. She'd seen the
marks on his face when he'd walked in; that's what caused all this confusion, but seeing them again... It was too
much. "Did you even look in the mirror this morning?" she asked, holding her stomach as the hysteria continued.

"To be fair, I've had my theories for a while," Connor interrupted, a slight smile on his lips as Julia's gaze
snapped back to him. He placed the hand towel he'd used to mop the floor in the sink and bowed his head to
them. "I'll give you two a moment," he added before leaving, the downstairs bathroom door closing a few moments

"I'm fine," she said, her voice light as she looked at Noah. "We might as well
tell him."

"It's none of his business."

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"It's not," she agreed, squeezing his hand tighter. "But I'd rather he listen to the
truth rather than letting you form your own thoughts. Is not?"
Noah took a deep breath and let it out slowly before shrugging his shoulders casually,
followed by a nod of approval. He stood up then, his hand slipping away from hers. "How
much do you want to tell him?" he asked, eyes landing on her stomach.
"Anything you're comfortable with," she replied. "He seems to be
reacting very well."
Too well, the more she thought about it. Connor said he'd known for some time; Did
that mean they weren't as careful as they thought they had been? Was there a chance that
someone else had begun to suspect?
Noah nodded as he rubbed his chin. He turned away from her, inspecting the part of
the floor Connor had just cleaned. "He missed some."
"I can-"
"You be quiet," he interrupted, shooting her a look that kept her sitting. "I'll be right
back," he said, heading upstairs to the laundry room so he could grab some more towels.

In her absence, Connor has returned. He shot her an apologetic look as he sat beside
her at the table. "You don't have to give me details; it's none of my business, but it's
seriously between you?"

She swallowed and shook her head slightly. "It's next to nothing," she whispered,
watching the concern that flickered in the depths of Connor's gaze.

"I told you, kitten," he said, giving her a smile that didn't really reach his eyes. "I've
been noticing for a while." He drummed his fingers along the edge of the table and sighed.
"I haven't seen him look at anyone like that since Sarah."
Nothing could have prepared her for this. All she could do was stare at him in awe,
her lips parted, unable to say anything when Noah returned. She continued to stare at the
space Connor had been in, even after he'd vacated it so he could help Noah not just clean
up, but pick up where she left off making breakfast.

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When Connor left the morning after Halloween, they told him the whole story. He knew that
not only were they more or less involved, but that the baby she was carrying was his. She could
tell he was apprehensive at best when it came to the topic of adoption, though neither of them told
her how their last date had gone. He expressed his concern for the two, but assured them both
that he would keep the secret to himself.

Right after he left, Noah suggested they go get her car. Since it wouldn't have felt right to
go over to Myles and Olivia's house and leave without saying hello, they stayed for a while.
However, the intention of a quick visit ended up lasting the rest of the day while they were forced
to clean up. As with pre-party prep, Julia found herself on the couch watching everyone else mill

By the time they got home, it was well after dinner and Connor's words in Noah's absence
that morning had taken their toll. If Noah remembered last night's conversation, she wasn't sure.
Either way, they seemed to keep away from each other instead of trying to talk about it. Hoping to
get a better night's sleep, she wandered off to shower before bed.

They kept silent when she came to him later that night, discovering
that she couldn't sleep without him by her side.

Just like that, they settled into their routine once more. The one where they were stuck in
limbo. Where they had a lot of time to talk, but none of them could find it inside them to start the
conversation. However, despite their inability to communicate, they still found it easy, if not forced,
to coexist.

Friday night, when she started to fall asleep within the confines of his embrace, she felt like
she'd reached her limit. They needed to talk and she was tired of being stuck in the rut they'd
conquered together. She promised herself that in the morning she would get this over with and
talk to him. Even if it hurt. Even if she still wasn't sure what she wanted.

But when she woke up, it was because he had dropped something on the dresser and she opened her
eyes to see him getting dressed.

He told her that he had been called to the office and that he would be back later. That she
was more than welcome to stay in her room as long as she wanted. She could tell by the way he
ran around the room to finish getting ready that whatever was serious. The only time he stopped
was when he cast a glance in her direction, almost as if he was debating about coming to kiss her.
In the end, he decided against it, nodding instead, and
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then taking off.

Julia did her best to go back to sleep, but without him there it was very strange to be in her bed. Instead,
she got up and walked back to the room she was staying in, stopping at the bathroom at the end of the hall.

It was just after she finished preparing lunch that she heard the front door open, but to her dismay, it was
only Connor who walked in. Unlike Noah, he had no reservations about walking over to where she was sitting at
the table and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Even if it was just to then dive in and take a bite of his sandwich.
"Sorry to disappoint you."

"You didn't," she replied, picking up her fries. "What brings you here?"

“Noah said he would be home soon and wanted to go out and watch the game. You are welcome to join

Julia hummed and lowered her gaze. “I guess my days of going to the bar are behind me.”

"Ah," he chuckled, making her look up. "So I suppose you two still haven't
have spoken."

"There's nothing to talk about," she replied, her voice strained as she reached for the water.

"I think-"

"You're not exactly the best person to give relationship advice," she
she interrupted, scowling at him from across the table.

For a long time, it was just the sound of his chewing that reached his ears.

"He was jealous," Connor breathed.

She sighed and pushed the plate away. "Isn't that why I asked Isaac to bring me to

He held up his hands in mock surrender, which did nothing to calm his rising anger. "All I'm saying is if
you two just talked,
then none"

Julia stood up, the noise of her chair interrupting the rest of his words. "It doesn't matter, Connor. Just
because you're dealing with it this way doesn't mean the rest will. How do you think everyone will react when they
find out? Myles-" She pursed her lips as she watched his expression harden at the way his voice failed. "Just...let
it go. Please."

He held her gaze for a moment and then relaxed, nodding. AND
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without saying a word or tending to her uneaten food, she turned and headed upstairs, where she
planned to stay the rest of the night.


Julia was suddenly awakened by the sound of a crash from downstairs. Her heart leapt into her throat and
started beating a million miles a minute. She picked up her phone to check the time, happy to know it wasn't too late.
She strained her ears, trying to hear who it could be. A groan of relief escaped her lips as she heard Connor's laughter
followed by another boom. Still dressed in her clothes from earlier that day, she didn't bother with her robe as she
went downstairs.

She made it to the living room in time to see Noah depositing Connor on the couch. "Kitty!" he sang once his
gaze fell on her. A moment later, he was wrinkling his nose at her. "I didn't wake you, did I?"

"You did," she replied, giving him a tight smile before looking at Noah, trying to see if he was in a similar
state. His eyes were a little bloodshot, but he was able to stand up without staggering, indicating that he drank a lot
less than he had.
Connor. "But its alright."

"Oh no," Connor muttered before launching himself from the couch. He stumbled on his way
to the downstairs bathroom.

Julia had to turn her head as he passed, the disgusting smell of too much alcohol hitting her nose. She held
her breath for a second, waiting for it to dissipate, and then exchanged a sour look with Noah at the sound of Connor
vomiting in what they both hoped was the bathroom.

“Sorry,” he said, giving her a shy smile. "If I only knew that you
I was sleeping-"

"Fine. As long as you two are safe at home."

His lips pressed into a thin line as he nodded at her. She stood there, thinking he might have more to say,
but after a little more silence, she smiled back and turned around as if to walk away. As soon as she took a step
toward the stairs, he found his voice again.

"We can talk?"

"Tomorrow," she said, turning to him. "After Connor leaves." he waved

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He shook his head and brought his hand up to run it through his hair. In that split second, she
saw a flash of red and the sight made her stomach churn as she ran toward him. He tried to pull
her hand away and it took him a second to see why. "You- oh." They both froze as she looked
at the phone number written on the back of his hand in red ink.

She let go of his hand and took a step back, a wave of jealousy and anger and hurt
coursing through her at the discovery. “Julia-”

"Is that what you want to talk about?" she asked, unshed tears blurring her vision.

"What, so men can give you their numbers, but I can't let women
women give me theirs?"

"This is different. Isaac-"

“If you're starting to see other people, why can't I? you made it very clear
who doesn't want anything to do with me. If you're moving on, so am I."

"By that logic, I'm surprised you didn't bring your new friend home tonight."
He huffed at that. "I would never do that to you."

If it was possible for her jaw to drop even more, it might have dropped straight to the
floor. As she backed away, she saw the glint of regret in his eyes, but spoke before he could.
“I'm sorry I made your life so difficult,” she said, wiping away the tears that started to run down
her face. "I can fix this."

“I'm going to start moving. Tonight,” she said, moving toward the foyer. He followed her,
watching as she grabbed her bag and slipped her feet into her slippers. “You can even invite
your new friend. That way you don't have to risk washing her number off,” she added as she
opened the front door and bolted to her car.

She heard him calling her name as well as asking her to come back so they could talk,
but she ignored him. Even when she heard his footsteps behind her, she continued. When she
got to the car, she quickly slipped behind the wheel and closed the door, locking it as he
approached. He looked at her from outside the window and placed his palm on the glass.

"Get out please."

"Come back..."
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"Move, Noah."

They stared at each other for a moment, both drowning in their anger. slowly he
took a step back. The moment he did, she put the key in the ignition and turned it.

With that, she reversed the car and got out.

Chapter Twenty Three

After a bit of driving, Julia started on autopilot and headed for Myles' house, but the closer
she got, the more she decided not to go there. If she showed up there in her current state of mind,
nothing she said would make sense. Olivia would be able to fill in the blanks and the last thing she
needed was for Myles to be told the truth.

Instead, she ended up pulling into the parking lot of first place with a parking sign that she
found and registered for the night. Even though she knew she was wrong, she hung up the phone
after seeing Noah's name flash across the screen for the fifth or sixth time.

Just as she'd imagined, the sleep she'd gotten wasn't just minimal, and she felt worse when
she woke up than when she went to bed. After freshening up with the amenities provided to all
guests in the bathroom, she went downstairs for breakfast. Only when she was full did she go back
to her room and turn on the phone. Not only were there dozens of missed calls, voicemails, and text
messages from Noah overnight, but there were also a few from Myles, Olivia, Connor, and her
mother as well.

She deleted the voicemails without listening to them, already knowing exactly what they
would say. She kept the messages closed though, not wanting anyone to see that she had read them and
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try again.

Her battery was almost dead and she didn't have a charger.

After a little debate with herself, she decided to take a chance and made a call. She
was happy when the receiving party not only responded, but seemed awake enough that she
didn't feel guilty about disturbing them too soon. After they made a plan of when and where to
meet, she hung up.

His phone died shortly after that.

She stayed at the hotel until check-out time. She passed the time flicking through the
channels, though nothing stopped her mind from wandering. She'd gotten pretty good at
ignoring her thoughts lately and today seemed to be no different.

Not even when the e-se appeared. What if she hadn't conceived that first night. The
doubt as to whether or not they would have repeated the first mistake and attempted a
relationship. Or were they just going down this road for the sake of the child?

She didn't allow herself to answer any of those questions. Not until she saw Drew when
she met him for lunch. Not until she was done with that part of the equation. Even when she
arrived at the cafe and sat at the table, waiting for him to arrive, Julia felt bad that she wasn't
including Noah in this. That she wouldn't be able to tell him until later, but this was something
she had to do.

Drew arrived right after her and gestured for her to remain seated while he sat across
from her. "I thought I'd better meet with you before I tell Tyler anything," he said when he saw
her looking for her partner.

She smiled and relaxed in her chair. "I'm really sorry I left the meeting the way I did. I

"And you're allowed to do that, Julia," he said, offering a warm smile. "This is not a
decision to be taken lightly. You have to know without a doubt whether this is the right decision
for you or not."

“It was easier when he was, well, and that,” she muttered, looking down at her stomach,
her hands braced on top of it. “I liked you and Tyler. From the moment I met you, I can tell you
both have great parental potential." She looked at him again, head cocked to the side. "I even
specifically looked for non-traditional couples."

"There will be other babies," he said; a hint of sadness in his voice. "Yours wasn't meant
to be ours." He studied her for a moment and then asked, "If it's not too personal, can I
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ask why you considered adoption?"

"Being a mother was never something I dreamed of. It was more of a fleeting thought,
one day. And then one day came and I was watching my son on a monitor; hearing his
heartbeat all around me in the room. I just kept imagining how he would be; what would my life
be like with or without him and I just..."

Julia wasn't able to keep the mat on this train of thought any longer. Emotions flowed
out of her as she finally admitted the truth to herself. That she wanted her child. I wanted to
take him home for the first time. To see your first steps; hear your first words. She wanted to
see him on his first day of kindergarten classes and celebrate with him when he graduated
from college. She wouldn't see any of this if she gave him away.

"I'm sorry, Drew."

"I don't," he said, taking her hand, though it was still awkward. "You love him;
I can already say yes. I wish you the best, Julia, really."

Even though he didn't know her, he comforted her and as they continued to eat their
meal together, Julia was grateful for their pleasant conversation as it calmed her down enough
that when she got back to the car to head home, she was ready. to deal with the consequences.


When Julia parked the car in Noah's garage, it didn't take long before she got inside.
She had barely crossed the threshold of the front door when he appeared down the hall from
the direction of the living room. The look in their eyes was equal parts concern, anger, and
relief as they stared at each other.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, knowing it wasn't enough.

"You can't just take off like that, Julia," he said, his voice clipped as he took a step
forward. "Where the hell did you go?" Her lips parted to answer, but he pressed on as he took
another step forward. “You didn't answer your phone or return any of our messages. Do you
mind if we go looking for you?
Or we stayed up all night hoping that when our phones rang it would be you
and not-"

"I'm very sorry!" she repeated, the words coming out more like a sob than she
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would. "I started going to Myles, but couldn't think of a plausible reason for me to be there, so I
went to a hotel. I'm sorry I made you all worry, but I needed to think." She paused as her voice
wavered. "I couldn't do that here; not after last night. I'm sorry I panicked the way I walked in. That
I let-"

He was there, wrapping his arms around her and holding her so tightly she thought he
might squeeze the air out of her lungs. She returned the hug immediately, her fingers curling
around the fabric of his shirt to anchor herself to him. "You can't do this, Juls," he whispered into
her hair. "You can't just get up and walk away. I couldn't stop thinking the worst had happened."

She tightened her hold as she whispered, "I know" and "I'm sorry," over and over again in
different intervals.

They remained involved in each other for what felt like an eternity. Slowly, his arms began
to loosen, but still, none of them moved. "I'm sorry about last night."

She nodded, having already forgiven him in her mind, but instead of discussing it
for the moment, she changed the subject.

"I had lunch with Drew."

She was prepared for the sudden loss of his arms around her when he
walked away.

“I have spoken to him here and there, but this morning I asked him to meet me.”

"Because?" he asked. He was quick to reach for her hands and intertwine their fingers, his
forehead falling against hers. "You once told me you weren't sure you could adopt. That you might
regret it."

She nodded against him. "That's what I told him," she whispered, a tear slipping down her
cheek at the way he tensed. "I apologized for running away the way I ran, but I still haven't been
able to go through with it." She took a shaky breath and reached out, flattening her hands on his
chest. "I didn't realize how much I wanted him until I was there; how much I wanted you two."


She shook her head slightly, her fingers flexing against his shirt. "I'm terrified of how I feel
about you; how much I feel about you. This was all so sudden it still feels unreal. I know there's a
lot to discuss; a lot to think about moving on, but I'm tired of letting this go. afraid to try to walk
away from it. Away from you."
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Her hands came up to cup her face, her thumbs wiping away her tears as she
continued to speak.
"I was wondering if we're just doing this for the child's sake. If we went through
adoption, we'd still be together. Maybe we'll work out, maybe not, but we'll never know
unless we try. It doesn't matter what brought us together, as long as what-"
His lips descended on hers, swallowing the rest of the sentence. Their kiss was an
equal mix of give and take, meant to show that he understood and was ready to take the
next step with her.
"I don't have it all figured out," she whispered as they pulled away for air. "I want to
give us a real chance and I think the best way to do that is to keep this to ourselves for a
"We'll tell people when we're ready."
"What if we never are?"

"That's our decision, Julia. We can't control what people think when they learn
something; we can't make them agree on everything. All we can do is what's right for us."
He kissed her again, this time briefly before nibbling his way along her jaw until his lips
found her ear. "As long as I can call you mine, I don't care about the rest."

She shivered as his hands slid down her sides until they rested on her hips, pulling
her closer. "Yours," she murmured, her arms wrapping around his neck, one hand plunging
into his hair. "All yours."
She wasn't surprised when he lifted her. It was that her belly wasn't getting in the
way of her legs around his waist that surprised her. That he made her feel like she weighed
nothing as he turned and headed for the stairs. She buried her face in the crook of his neck,
peppering his skin with kisses and nips as he carried her to his bedroom.

A gasp escaped her lips as he set her down, but it quickly turned into a groan as he
slanted his mouth over hers. Their kiss was slow and sweet, savoring each other as they
took their time to undress.
He climbed onto the bed first, sitting up with his legs tucked under him, thighs pressed
together. She looked at him curiously as he held out his hand to her, waving at her. She
crawled to her knees, stopping on her knees before him. She leaned in to kiss him, but as
soon as her lips brushed his, he reached for her hips and pushed gently until
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that she understood the suggestion and turned away, putting her back to him.

She let him take the lead, not knowing what he intended. With her having only two
partners in total over her life, the first being unadventurous, the thrill of something new made
her wetter than before. She relaxed despite the nervous tremor that overcame her and
pulled her into his lap. She braced her feet on the outside of his knees, her thighs falling
apart as she settled her ass over his hardened length. Her hands automatically reached
back, grabbing whatever part of him she touched first.

He hooked an arm under hers, his hand cupping her breast lightly so his fingers could
pry and tease her nipple. She moaned and tilted her head to the side where he used his
other hand to pull her hair to the side, exposing her throat for him to score, alternating
between lips and teeth. She shivered as his hand ghosted over her skin until it found its way
between them. He grabbed his cock, covering it with his hand, and when he carved himself
into her entrance, she adjusted herself so he could slowly sink in.
about it.

His hand stayed there, his fingers brushing her clit as his other hand continued to
stroke her breast. He moved his hips slowly under hers, letting her find a rhythm that
matched so they could increase the pace. She leaned back against him, her nails digging
into his flesh as he brought her closer to the edge.
"That's it, love," he murmured, his breath warming her skin as he kissed his way
down her throat. She whimpered, pulling her lower lip between her teeth. His teeth tugged
at her earlobe before tracing the shell of her ear with the tip of her nose.

He moaned against her skin as he increased the rhythm and pressure on her clit.
She closed her eyes in time to see stars bursting behind her eyelids. "N -Noah!" She kept
calling his name

until her vocal cords refused to cooperate as she rode her release.
He took his hand from between their bodies, holding it as his other arm was. With
both hands on her breasts, arms tight at her sides for thrust, he took the thrust beneath her,
setting a rhythm that quickly brought her to the brink of another orgasm. She held back,
wanting to go with him; not sure if she could handle more than

"Say you're mine," he demanded, the roughness in his voice signaling that he was
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She craned her neck to the side, his lips finding hers instantly. "Yours," she gasped into his mouth
as she started to come. "Yours, yours!" she sang, her words turning into a high-pitched scream as he took
a deep lunge before they came together.

As they began to descend from their orgasms, he continued to stroke her neck, his lips brushing her
skin in a way that made her shiver. "Don't get me wrong, but you were the best mistake I ever made."

His arm came up to cradle the back of her head as she turned towards him as best she could. "I
couldn't agree more, Mr Foster."

He shuddered on her back and pinched her shoulder, causing her to giggle softly before guiding her
off of him so the two of them could lie down.

With the afternoon light still filtering through the curtains, they spent the rest of the day in a
way that made Julia curse herself for not having come to that conclusion sooner.

Chapter Twenty Four

With all that was going on, Julia almost forgot she was going to have a checkup on Monday. It was
already a week earlier than it should have been due to the approaching holiday, and if she had missed it, it
would have been after Thanksgiving before she went back in. That would have delayed her two weeks. Not
that there was any concern, since
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that her doctor repeatedly said she was developing at standard textbook rates.

The downside to having forgotten about it was that it was too short for Noah to find. She
called him on the way and was lucky he answered, seeing as she had called his cell instead of
the office. He let her go so he could find out, but when she got to the doctor's office, he called her
back, saying he had no way of escaping, but asked to keep him posted.

She was glad this appointment wasn't an ultrasound. She wasn't in the mood to deal with
the gel; especially if she was heading back to work and not home, where she could clean herself
properly. Based on that fact alone, she knew the visit would be short. That there would just be a
few questions asked, vitals taken, and a series of assessments noted in his file. She asked a few
questions, though most of what she wanted to know was answered when her doctor went over
what to expect between now and her next appointment.

So far, the appointment was going exactly as she'd hoped. Her diligent work to track her
development at home was matching what was in her file. She was already halfway through her
second trimester, something that confused her. But even knowing that the third trimester was only
a few weeks away, it was the memory of the actual delivery date that triggered a panic attack.

It is currently scheduled for mid-February; the exact date being the seventeenth. Originally,
the date seemed so far away. Before she gave up on adoption. Before she decided that she was
going to embrace the new life path that had been thrown her way; the path of motherhood.

Now that she was heading down that path, that encounter seemed too close for her to see.
be comfortable. As the day wore on, her panic grew.

She could barely concentrate on work when she got back. So much so that her boss sent
her home early. She considered calling Noah, but she didn't want to interrupt her workday
because of a panic attack. Though the biggest part of her decision not to call him was that she
wasn't sure she'd be able to say anything when he picked up. She definitely didn't want to give
the impression that something worse was going on and he would run home for nothing.

When he returned home, he found her curled up in the corner of the sofa, her head buried
in her hands, sitting silently.
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She looked up in surprise. She was so lost in her own head that she didn't hear him
enter. Even if they hadn't made up their minds to some degree the night before, she still
would have gotten up and thrown her arms around his neck the way she did. His arms
automatically wrapped around her, giving her just enough pressure to ease the tension in her
body. She inhaled deeply, letting the warm spices of his cologne soothe her even more.

"What's wrong?"

"We're doing it," she muttered, her words a little muffled from where her face was
buried in his chest. She pulled away after a moment, returning to pacing the length of the
living room. "I'm more than halfway through this pregnancy and we have nothing." She paused
to pull her hair out of her face, tucking it a little behind her back.
ears. " Nothing."

He crossed the room, holding one of her hands, the other hand resting beside his.
stomach. "We still have time to get everything."

She shook her head and turned away from him. "It's not just the stuff." She tried to
take a deep breath in an effort to calm down, but her mind continued to race, making it nearly
impossible. "It's my job. Rumor has it it's going bankrupt and no one is going to hire someone
about to go on maternity leave. It's the fact that despite everything you've done for me, I'm
still just a guest here. I have a house of my own."

"What if you weren't a guest here?"

She stopped in her tracks so fast she nearly tripped over her own feet. Slowly,
she turned to face him and stood there, staring, not knowing what to say.

“People are already used to the idea of you living here. As you said, baby; our son is
going to arrive in a few months and instead of trying to get a new job, settle somewhere else
and take care of a newborn alone..." his voice trailed off as he took a step closer, with a
pleading look in his eyes. . "Just stay. Officially."

"I told you before; this house is paid for. It's been a while. We can turn the other guest
room into the nursery. And I don't-" He paused, taking a step closer to her, a nervous smile.
your lips. "I'm not expecting you to move into my room; I understand we're not even close to
discussing this, let alone—" He shook his head, cutting himself off. "I've never asked you for
monetary help, Julia, and we never intend to.
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I have a lot of space and it's my son. Our son. If you're thinking about creating it, I want to get involved
as much as possible. Even if we keep our relationship to ourselves, I don't care. Even if you never tell
him I'm his father; as long as I get to be a part of his life..." He shrugged. "I don't care." He reached for
her hand again and the simple gesture sent a shiver down her spine. "Even if it doesn't. It works between
you and me, I'd like to give it a go.” He leaned in until his forehead rested against hers. “I like having you
here. Much."

There were still so many things about saying yes that would make the way forward far more
difficult than necessary. Even if they managed to keep the relationship a secret for as long as it lasted,
people would talk. Even as he talked about never needing his son to know who his father was, she didn't
miss the flash of pain in his eyes. But the fact that he was willing to take so many risks for her made her
feel the need to do the same.


The word barely was a whisper, but he heard it anyway. She could tell by the way he wrapped
his arms around her and lifted her, her legs wrapping around his waist as they always did. "Thank you,"
he murmured against her lips as she cupped his face and leaned in to kiss him.

She squirmed against him as he started to move toward the stairs. "Hey, you didn't bring home
dinner. It was your night."

"We'll order later," he said as he shifted her position so he could

watch as they climbed the stairs.


The smile he gave her ruined her panties and she shivered in his grip. "We have just reached a
milestone and I intend to celebrate it accordingly." He stopped outside the door, taking a moment to
press her against it and kiss her in a way that left her dizzy and breathless. When he broke the kiss, he
did so with a bite of her bottom lip and kissed his way up to her ear. "Let's start with dessert."

She moaned low in her throat and shook her head vigorously as he finally carried her to his room,
where they worked up an appetite as they tried to sate.


Julia returned to the office after going out to lunch and discovering that the systems at the
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company had crashed and that everyone was being sent home for the day. It did nothing to
assuage her fears about the rumors that had started to gather more traction in recent weeks,
but regardless, she yearned for her spontaneous afternoon off.

However, her good mood dropped a little as worry started to settle in her stomach at
the sight of Noah's car in the driveway. Under normal circumstances, she'd be more than
happy to have a random Wednesday afternoon at home with him, but she got the feeling he'd
left for work right after her that morning. The knot of worry grew a little more as she wondered
what could have happened to bring him home and, after checking his phone, what would have
led him to hide it from her.

Cautiously, she walked to the front door, making the same amount of noise she
normally would. She listened for a moment before closing the door. Upstairs she heard voices;
one belonging to him and the other to Connor. "Noah?" she yelled, taking tentative steps
toward the stairs.

The voices were silent for a moment before a loud thud sounded, causing her to jump.
It didn't take long for Noah to appear on the stairs as he headed for her. "You got home early,"
he said, a shy smile on his face.

Her brow rose as she crossed her arms over her chest. "So it's you." She looked up at
him, her eyes roaming over his dark jeans and pale gray shirt; too casual for your job. "I
thought you were going to work today."

He ran a hand through his hair, his smile spreading. "That was my intention, but I
decided to take the day off instead."

His eyes turned to the ceiling. "And Connor?"

"I had a plan that I needed his help to execute. He never lets it go
a good excuse to use a day off."

"What was your plan?" she asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

"First, tell me why you're home so early," he pressed, lowering the

distance between them, hands resting on his biceps just below his shoulders. "All very well?"
"We're fine," she said, shivering slightly at the way one of his hands slid along the curve
of her shoulder until his fingers lightly cupped her chin. "There was a system failure at work,
so we all went home." She cocked her head to the side despite his hold over her. "What were
your plans?"

He smiled as he leaned in, his lips brushing hers briefly. When he walked away,
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he took his hand away from her face and sought out hers, intertwining their fingers before pulling her toward the
stairs. "It will be better if I show you," he said as they started up. "For the record, if you had come home when you
should have, it would be over," he said, his voice nothing more than gentle teasing.

Julia followed him up the stairs, hands still clasped. Once they reached the landing, she withdrew her
touch, beckoning to Connor as he leaned against the guest room's doorjamb. He might know about the two of
them, but she didn't feel comfortable showing it off.

"Go ahead, take a look," Noah said beside her, pointing toward the guest room. Connor mimicked the
gesture as he moved out of the way. She swallowed, giving them both a tentative look before taking the first step
towards the bedroom. Her heart rate increased as she continued.

She had barely crossed the threshold when she saw him. There were still pieces scattered around; at
more or less forgotten instructions with the box next to the room, but it was there.

There, in the middle of the room, was a half-assembled crib. Noah had taken her panic the other day and
not only had he heard why she was panicking, but he had actually done something about it. He wasn't expecting
her to suggest they go shopping. He wasn't just there to hang out. He was being proactive about it. He was doing
this in hopes of allaying her worries and making her feel like he really wanted her there. I wanted them both there.

She turned around slowly, tears clouding her vision. Noah was walking through the door, looking at her
with a smile on his face; her eyes sparkle with happiness. Connor was outside, his chest against the frame as his
head nudged around hers. His smile was amused as he watched her take a step forward only to stop again.

"Don't stop for me, kitten," he said with a wink beckoning his
head toward Noah. "I think he deserves a proper thank you."

She indulged in the count of three, not wanting to look too eager. Yet even those few seconds did nothing
to lessen the steps needed to cross the room and wrap her arms around Noah's neck. His arms went around her
back as she stretched up on her tiptoes and tilted her head so he could lean his lips over hers. The two held back,
keeping their kisses light and


"Thank you," she murmured as she lowered her head against his chest.
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"Let's finish up before dinner and one of these weekends we can go shopping for the rest."
She nodded against him as he spoke, his hands smoothing the curls that cascaded down her back.
"Feeling better now?"

"Very," she replied, reluctantly pulling away from him, still very aware that they
they weren't alone.

As if he knew she was thinking of him, Connor cleared his throat and smiled like a wolf.
for her. "I helped just so you know. Don't I get a proper thank you too?"

Noah chuckled as she rolled her eyes, but she still took a step forward, placing her lips
against the cheek he held out for her. "Thanks, Connor," she said as she took a step back. "And not
just for that, but for being supportive. We both know it's

"The heart wants what it wants," he joked, glancing at Noah behind her and back to
Is it over there. "Although I have to warn you that my work and obedience are not free."

Noah huffed as he stood beside Julia, his warm hand pressing into her back. "Is beer and a
spontaneous day away from work not enough for you?"

Connor shook his head, his smile never wavering. "I was thinking more about
lines of a title."

"Title?" Julia questioned.

The smile on Noah's face heated up exponentially, "He means best man."

Julia's eyes widened in surprise as she looked from Connor's nod of agreement to Noah,
who was already looking at her as if waiting for approval. She hadn't really thought of that. While it
made sense, she wasn't sure how everyone would understand, seeing as he was already Myles'
godfather. Although she didn't think it was that strange. It wasn't like there were so many options
and the idea of asking Myles to be his stepbrother's godfather seemed any stranger than them
sharing the same.

"It's perfect," she replied, pushing her doubts aside and running with the feeling of
that it was right.

When they reassembled the crib, Julia went into her next room to change. It was there that
she realized for the first time since this started, she found herself looking forward to the possibilities
this path had to offer. When she joined them at the new nursery to join in the conversation, she was
surprised at how little doubt she felt.
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Chapter Twenty Five

On Wednesday night, they ordered pizza and ate together in the living room as soon as
the crib was finished. Julia was pleasantly surprised at how easily the three of them felt around
each other. She'd expected some sort of awkwardness from Connor knowing about them, but
there wasn't much. At the very least, it brought them all closer. Considering they were once Myles'
father and godfather, they now felt more like friends. It boosted confidence for when other people
found out, even if she knew it wasn't realistic.

When Noah and Connor started to clean up before he left for bed, Julia went upstairs to
get ready for bed. She didn't go beyond the room they'd allocated for the nursery. She was
standing in her crib, staring at the bare mattress; one hand on the white part of the handrail, the
other on her belly. The more she looked, the more she could see him. Their son.

By the time Noah found her, coming to curl up around her, his chin on her shoulder, she
was picturing their son sleeping in his crib, snuggled with a favorite stuffed animal for comfort.

It was such a vivid image in her mind that it would have terrified her if she and Noah hadn't
decided to pursue their relationship. Instead, she simply relaxed into his embrace and hummed in
approval. She wasn't sure how long they stayed there, but when she was finally ready to leave,
they went straight to his room, where she spent the night thanking him for the surprise with more
than just a kiss.

As they had dinner together on Thursday, they discussed going shopping that weekend.
That night, she did what she did best and lost herself in hours of research, making sure she had
a closed list of what she needed before the baby was born. When she felt like the list would never
end, Noah was there to stop her from going into a full-blown panic attack.

It worked for a bit, until she realized that most women had what they needed by organizing
a baby shower. This was something she didn't plan on discussing with anyone, considering
everyone was still under the impression she was undergoing an adoption.

The only thing that turned her brain off was Noah pulling out his notebook, throwing it out
of reach and burying his face between her thighs. Even she had to admit defeat and give in to his
methods of distraction.
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As they settled on the couch after dinner on Friday to relax, Noah got a call from Myles.
Instinctively, Julia backed away from him, propping herself up a cushion on her arm. She couldn't
hear Myles; just Noah's responses to whatever his friend was saying on the other side. After saying
something about meeting around ten, Noah hung up and frowned at her before pulling her back to
his side.

"What was that?" she asked, smiling at the way his arm tightened around her,
as if to keep her there in case she tried to walk away again.

"Myles bought a new projector and sound system for the family room. Let's go over there
so I can help you get it set up properly."

"We?" she questioned.

"He said to bring her to keep Olivia company and that once it was done, he
wants us to stay for dinner and a movie."

Julia rolled her eyes. "I bet I know what he's going to choose." Noah groaned.

"What's up with you kids and the Avengers?"

She couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Well, I can't speak for Myles, but for me, it's

Noah turned to look at her, his brow arched, his brown eyes gleaming.
with fun. "Do you have a thing for manipulative, selfish bad boys?"

She sucked her lip between her teeth and released it slowly before turning around and
maneuvering to sit on his lap. "For fantasy purposes, yes." she muttered, bending down to nibble
her bottom lip. "In real life, he's more of a slightly older, protective father type." She smiled against
his mouth, a moan coming from the pressure of his hands on her breasts." as a man of

He chuckled into her mouth as he lightly pinched her nipples through the outside of her shirt
before rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers. "If that makes you nervous, feel free to
call me Mister Stark tonight."

Her cheek slid against his, her teeth gripping his earlobe. Her hips arched, the feel of her
arousal slamming against her already damp core. "That won't be necessary, Mister Foster," she
breathed against his ear before tracing it with her tongue. "When I come, I just want to be thinking
about you."

His groan made her shudder, right next to his panting breath, "Fuck you," before
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push forward, standing with her still in his arms. Her laugh turned to a groan as he carried her upstairs to his room
and satisfied all her desires for the rest of the night.


When Noah and Julia actually got out of bed the next morning, they were already late. Even later for the
bath, he insisted they take it together. One that lacked very little in the way of actually staying clean.

When they arrived at Myles' house, Julia felt at odds with herself. It was the first time in all their years as
friends that she didn't want to be there. It was hard enough spending time away from Noah, but it was worse
spending time together pretending he didn't mean anything to her. Having him so close but untouchable was like
asking her to do the impossible.

The only thing that gave her the strength to keep going was Noah's handshake when they stopped at
Myles' house that morning. The way his eyes darkened when he told her he understood and that they could do this.

They had.

The fallout was too risky.

Though that didn't stop Noah from throwing caution to the wind as he pressed it against the closed garage
door before they rounded the corner toward the front porch. It didn't stop him from taking her face in his hands and
leaning down to capture her lips for a fiery kiss. It didn't stop him from whispering promises about making it up to
her later, as long as they could get through the day.

The day got a little easier as Myles and Noah started right away, the two of them retiring to the family
room. With them busy, Olivia compiled her shopping list and ordered Julia to go to the store with her. With the first
half of the day spent separate, it was easier to get through the second.

When they got back from the store, Connor was there to help. Julia had to suppress a smile when she
learned that Noah invited him right after she and Olivia left. While part of her felt bad that he found it very strange
to be around her son alone, the other part found it rather amusing. When Connor came out to help carry the
groceries, he told her he shared the same feelings.
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It was late afternoon when Olivia and Julia retreated to the kitchen to start getting ready for
dinner. She was trying a new recipe she found online and it was a little more complicated than she was
used to. In true Olivia fashion, she wanted to take her time to make sure she got it right.

"If I can make it, I can make it Thanksgiving," Olivia said when Julia asked why she chose that

With the holiday less than two weeks away, she knew how Olivia felt. Two years ago, she and
Brandon offered to host. Julia had discovered almost immediately that she had no talent for cooking
large meals. Then again, cooking in general has never been her forte. This year, Olivia volunteered
when her parents decided they were going to visit her older sister Vanessa, as they did over the summer.

"I would offer to help you out for Thanksgiving, but..."

"You can take your pregnancy card all you want, but you 're coming to help me get ready," Olivia
said without even looking at her as she searched her kitchen for ingredients.


“My parents and Vanessa won't be here. Tom and Fiona are going to visit her side of the family.
Brandon said something about meeting Charlotte's family, but we both know he'll be here too. Benji and
Kylah have their own families to deal with. That just leaves you, Connor and Noah." She gave a curt nod
as she took a deep breath. "Oh, and your parents."

Julia sighed, knowing there was no escaping it. "Fine," she muttered, looking at the recipe again
before measuring her first ingredient.

"Do you want to invite the foster parents?"

Julia lay still, bread crumbs falling all over the counter. She dismissed Olivia's attempt to help
her and started to clean up. She scanned the room, making sure Myles wasn't around to hear her say,
"I'll keep it."

If Olivia hadn't dropped the pot right before Julia spoke, she would have fallen, crashing to the
floor. "What?" Her eyes were wide with alarm as she walked over to Julia, holding her hands. "When did
you change your mind?"

She told her about the day she was supposed to sign papers and how she had talked to Drew.
She also took the opportunity to tell Olivia that she wasn't just staying at Noah's house, she had officially
moved in in the near future. She saw the glint in Olivia's eyes as she took in the information, but wasn't
sure what.
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do with it. Finally, she let it go and pulled Julia into a hug.

"What will you do tomorrow?" she asked. "We can go shopping."

Julia smiled and shook her head, feeling a little guilty. She and Noah planned to go tomorrow,
since they'd come here today. "Actually, I'm going with my mom. It was her suggestion and I could
have some one-on-one time with her."

Olivia nodded immediately. "Of course! I'm sure there's a lot to do, we can always take another

"I'd like that," Julia said, trying again with the breadcrumbs.

Just as Julia thought would happen, Oliva wasted no time in asking, "So,
Can I give you a baby shower now?"

"I'll think about it," she replied, a smile playing on her lips as she
they prepared dinner.


Sure enough, Myles chose the first Avengers movie to name the new home theater system.
Julia couldn't help but catch Noah's gaze only to quickly look away from hers. As a result, her thighs
closed as she remembered the conversation of the night.

Julia was the first to sit in the living room after dinner, having been kicked out of the kitchen
when she tried to help clean up. Olivia would soon follow; the boys did the same to her. She sat with
Julia on the couch, browsing Pinterest for nursery ideas until the boys joined them. Then Olivia moved
to the couch on the other side, where she finally curled up on Myles.

Noah sank into the cushion to Julia's left and it took a lot more willpower than she thought not
to lean into his side. They both tensed as he slung his arm over the back of the couch, but relaxed
after a moment when they both came to the same conclusion that this wasn't really out of the ordinary.
Noah often sat with his arm on the back of the couch while he drank the beer he held in his other

Nobody paid attention to the action. In fact, it wasn't until Connor made a comment for her to
run away that it caught Myles' attention. He frowned when Connor told her not to be afraid; that
neither he nor Noah would bite unless she asked with
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education. She laughed and nodded, trying her best to ignore the question in Myles' eyes that tightened
the knot of guilt in her stomach.

If he wasn't happy with an offhand comment that seemed to be all too familiar between her and
Connor, there was no way he would take kindly to the truth about her and Noah.

The feeling of unease gave way to another form of discomfort as everyone settled down and the
movie began. In the dim light of the room, Noah became bolder, his hand moving closer to hers so he
could curl her curls around her fingers. The light touch kept shivers running up and down her spine
continually; making her ache with need between her thighs.

When it got too much, she got up, excusing herself to use the bathroom. She took longer than
necessary as she tried to get her body to calm down. When she left, she went to the kitchen to get more
water. By the time she grabbed a glass, Myles was there, getting it for her.

"Thanks," she said, smiling before heading to the fridge to use the built-in water dispenser.

"Can I ask you something a little weird?"

She hoped her moment of silence would pass unnoticed before nodding happily.
for having your back to him. "Right."

"Is there something between you and Connor?"

The laughter started off low but ended up so loud she wondered if the others wouldn't stop the
movie to see how she and Myles were doing in the kitchen. She turned to him, tears in her eyes, one
hand over her mouth as she shook her head. "Why the hell do you
Think that?"

His cheeks reddened as he ran a hand through his hair and averted the
to look. "You two just…I don't know. You've never been this close and lately…"

"I don't know if you realize how often he comes to see your father," she said, trying to keep her
voice level. "If I didn't know Connor was a serial womanizer, I'd be the first to think the two of them-"

"Disgusting," he said, lifting his hands between them to make her stop. "Don't put that image in
my head."

She laughed again and took a sip of water. "Well then, don't post pictures of
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Connor in mine," she scolded before nodding toward the living room.

He followed her with an apologetic smile. He returned to his seat beside Olivia and Julia
between Noah and Connor. Only this time, she allowed herself to be a little closer to Noah than
before. She saw the smile he tried to contain when she dared to look in his direction. He wasted
no time returning his hand to her hair, this time letting his fingers brush against her skin this time.
And with a secret smile, she left him.

Chapter Twenty Six

Julia was surprised to have woken up as early as the next morning. It wasn't that they'd
stayed at Olivia and Myles' house until late, it was that when they got back home, the spiral that
had been tightening in her belly all night from having to hold back nearly snapped. As a result,
she and Noah spent the rest of the night and then some trying to sate whatever had accumulated
as they sat next to each other on that couch.

As usual, she slipped out of his embrace and preferred to use the bathroom. Ever since
she'd entered her second trimester, she'd been unable to ignore the need to relieve herself upon
waking up for the first time. She knew it was going to get worse; a fact that made her groan every
time she thought about it. Despite the small annoyance the development had become, it was
more than made up for by the fact that she had to go back to bed with Noah when it was over.

In her absence, he rolled onto his back. The arm she used as a pillow was now draped
across her face, the other resting gently at her side, her fingertips on her hips. The covers were
also shifted in her haste to get up. They had fallen past his hips, leaving him exposed. Julia knelt
on the bed beside him instead of lying down, her eyes roaming over his naked form as she wet
her lips.

In all the times they were together, she didn't have the opportunity to
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really appreciate it. She woke up to him looking at her enough to know he wouldn't mind.
Although she knew he took good care of himself, it was one thing to see evidence of that. He
was still quite adequate for his age; his body was still muscular. He didn't work out as much
anymore; certainly not since she moved. At least, not that she knew.

Aside from the rigid planes and angles of his muscles, there were other parts of him to
admire as well. Of the little scars here and there; some from being a troublemaker in his
youth, some from his years in the police. He still worked for the police, but it had been years
since he'd been in the field. She didn't know the name of the department, but she knew he'd
risen to a decent position that kept him behind a desk.

There was a delay of about five seconds from the moment a thought
popped into her mind until the moment she acted on it.

Careful not to wake him, she slid one leg over his waist, straddling him before leaning
forward, propping herself up on her palms and knees. She started pressing her lips to his jaw,
the stubble tickling as she moved from side to side. He shifted a little as she bent down, her
lips meeting
your sternum.

She continued to kiss his chest, enjoying the way he responded. Not only could she
see her breathing quicken, but his cock twitched against the bulge of her belly. A smile took
over his lips as his tongue darted out to circle his belly button as he placed his right hand
between them to encircle his cock. He stiffened against her palm as she gave slow strokes
with her wrist as she continued to move downward. A moan fell from her lips as she kissed
his abdomen, pinching lightly as she walked.

It wasn't until she settled into her final position with one hand on the mattress by his
hip, the other still curled around his length, that she heard his hiss of pleasure. It was triggered
by the fact that she flattened her tongue against the base of his cock and licked until she was
able to circle the tip.

Her body jerked and the arm hanging over her face slipped to her chest, but when she
looked up, her eyes were still closed. She smiled as she returned her attention to his cock so
she could wrap her lips around his head and take as much as she could into her mouth.

Despite the fact that they'd cleaned up before going to bed, she could still detect the
faint taste of herself on his skin. It made her moan around him, the vibrations making him
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shudder against your tongue. Once his length was sufficiently lubricated, she let her hand
slip around him so she could concentrate on just using her mouth.

Instead, she held him, gently massaging his sac, eliciting a groan.
of Noah that made her painfully aware of how empty she was.
Her hips swayed, causing him to slide further down her throat. She was waiting for it,
allowing herself not to choke. She had been thinking about doing it again since the last time.
She wanted a chance to try again, but he usually kept
focus on it.

Not that she minded, as her tongue did things she couldn't even do.
to understand. Since she failed last time, she was determined to make it work now.
It was his fingers digging into her hair, tugging lightly, that let her know he was awake.
As much as she wanted to look at him, she didn't want to break the momentum. He was
already so close to finishing. She could tell by the way he squirmed beneath her and the
increase in his moans.
This time, when the first gush of her release hit the back of her throat, she was ready
for it. She continued to pucker her cheeks, but at a much slower pace as he pulsed against
her tongue as he emptied himself inside her mouth.
When she swallowed the last sip of her release, she lifted off him and leaned back,
her legs tucked under her. She wiped her mouth, looking up at him with a sly smile as he
propped himself up on his elbows and blinked at her as if he was still trying to concentrate.

"Good morning to you too," he murmured, his voice husky with sleep but relaxed from
post-orgasm bliss. He sat with his back against the headboard and waved her forward. She
shifted, straddling his lap without hesitation. He cupped her face in his hands and pulled her
lips to his, moaning heavily as he tasted himself on his tongue.

"Was that good?" she asked, pulling away for air.

"I'm all yours," he breathed, his lips brushing her jaw as he climbed up to
your ear. "Feel free to do whatever you want with me."
She laughed as she tilted her head back, giving him easier access to score her throat,
wincing as her teeth closed around her earlobe. A moan escaped her lips as his hand
slipped between them to finger her clit.
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He groaned along with her as he discovered how wet he'd driven her insane. His fingers
pressed into her core without any resistance. He laughed and the rumble of his chest against
hers made her body arch and her hips buck against his hand, pulling him deeper.

His mind began to go blank with pleasure. There was only a single thought that spurred
his actions; your need for release. "N -Noah," she stuttered. "I need you. Now please, I-"

He left her speechless as he gripped his hips against hers, his cock filling her with a
powerful thrust. With how nervous she was, she knew it wouldn't take long to send her over the
edge. Especially when his cheek slid over hers so he could whisper things in her ear; projected
things that sent her straight to the moon and from

When they started to calm down, it was his arms around her that kept her upright. Her
head was still thrown back as she clung to him, one hand pressed between her shoulder blades
while the other cupped the back of his neck to keep his face between her breasts. He caressed
them, placing lingering kisses on her skin as he waited for her to catch her breath. When she did,
she tugged at his hair until he pulled his head back. For what felt like an eternity, they pinched
each other's lips, enjoying the playful sensation after their encounter.

It was when she started to squirm with the intention of getting up that he cupped her face
and smiled at her, his thumb brushing her lips. She leaned in to capture his lips once more before
he helped her off his lap. "Can we go out for breakfast?" she asked.

He chuckled. "Worked up an appetite, didn't it?"

His stomach growled, earning a laugh from both of them. "Looks like I wasn't the only one"
she muttered as she stood up.

"Wherever you want to go, name it," he said.

"Agreed," she said as she turned to the bedroom door instead of the bathroom. "Give me
twenty minutes," she added, trying to ignore the disappointment in her eyes as she left her room
in search of hers to get ready for the day.


Between the length of morning exercise and the so-so hearty breakfast after that, Julia
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was exhausted when they arrived at the store that morning. Especially when they drove to a mall that was a little
out of their way, so they'd be less likely to run into someone they knew. As soon as he found a parking space, they
sat in the car so Julia could browse their lists and rank them in order of importance.

"I think we should buy the big stuff first," she said as they entered the store. "We can buy clothes and
whatnot later."

He laughed as his eyes darted around. "I don't think I've ever met a girl who hates shopping as much as
you do."

"I like shopping," she said. "It just depends on what I'm buying."

"Yes," he amended. "I 've seen you in a bookstore before." Her lips parted to make a comment, but an older
woman wearing a clerk's uniform approached them, interrupting her. Her smile was warm as she looked between

the two of them, her gaze nothing but gentle as she dropped her gaze to Julia's stomach. "I know that look," she
said, her voice as smooth as her expression. "First?"

Julia nodded, returning the smile. "That's obvious, huh?"

His laugh was melodic. "I have raised many children and twice as many grandchildren over the years. I
have a knack for recognizing new parents and grandparents." Julia's heart skipped a beat when she realized what
the woman had meant. "Is this your first too?" she asked, looking at Noah.

Noah calmly accepted, simply shaking his head, his smile never faltering as he placed his hand on Julia's
back. The woman's eyes widened a little, but she didn't say anything. "It could very well be, as there weren't as
many options and upgrades back then."

Even the woman's snort was soft. "Tell me about it. Every year we receive the model

'new and improved' and I swear the only thing that changes is the color and the price." She laughed again and
nodded to another customer who walked in behind them. "If you guys need anything, I'll be around the corner. floor.
Don't hesitate to scream for me," she said, pointing to the name tag that said Hilda. "And I mean scream dears, I'm
hard of hearing."

They all shared a laugh before she waved at them and disappeared to greet another couple. Noah went to
get a cart and when he came back, they looked at the store again. "Why don't we just look at everything?" he
suggested, feeling her panic overwhelm him.
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She readily nodded and they turned the first section to the left. They spent their time browsing section
by section, making selections after Julia had consulted their listings more than once for each product. Not
once did he complain about her purchase method and she was grateful for that. If she'd shopped with Olivia,
her cart would be full before they'd even made it out of the first section.

The furniture section was the easiest. They both agreed to get everything they could from one place
so that everything could be delivered at the same time. They wrote down the product numbers of the products
they were interested in so they could pay in advance and schedule delivery when they bought the rest of the

After the furniture came the equipment; things like strollers, car seats and diaper bags. Hilda was
more than eager to answer any questions they had about one model or another. She didn't miss the smile on
Noah's face as she selected just one set of baby monitors instead of two before moving on to the next section.

The things needed for hygiene and diapers were what filled the cart the most. Julia was almost ready
to call it a day after leaving that section alone. Especially when the next one dealt with all things nursing and
feeding. She lifted the first set of breast pumps she could find; her eyes widening.

She hadn't paid much attention to them before and they were intimidating. Needing to do more
research, she put them back on the shelf, ignoring the smirk and silent laugh that came from Noah.

Instead, she focused more on products related to bottle feeding and infant formula. Her stomach
lurched at the sight of her cart, her mind already doing the math on how much she'd use in her savings just to
take it all home today. Especially when she considered the furniture and the delivery fee. She just had to keep
reminding herself that everything was a necessity; it is not a wish.

The last sections of the store were bedding, decor and clothing. Julia took a deep breath as she
looked at the rows and rows of options available to her, wondering if she really had reached her limit for the

"Have you ever thought of a theme?" Noah asked as they ventured into the
to sleep.


"To the nursery," he said, taking her hand.

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"Oh, uh, Olivia and I were looking on Pinterest last night for some ideas,
but I was focused on what goes on in a nursery rather than how to decorate one."

She felt him tense beside her and realized that she had forgotten to tell him about the
talk to your daughter-in-law.

"I told her I wasn't going to go ahead with the adoption when she asked if we, well I, wanted to
invite Drew and Tyler over for Thanksgiving," she said, her voice shy. "Seems like a good time to
confess that we - I - were keeping this up. Him." She sighed at all the corrections and squeezed his
hand. "I also told her I moved in with you; that I wasn't just living there until I figured out my shit."

His brow rose; his eyes shining immensely. "How did she react?"

"It's Liv," she replied. "She suspects something. I could tell by the look in her eyes, but she
backed me up." She shrugged. "We both know that might change when she actually finds out, but until
then, I'll take what I can."

"At least we have Connor," he said as he pulled her to him, his lips brushing her temple.

She couldn't help but laugh as she remembered her conversation with Myles in his kitchen.
"Yeah, about that," she began, pulling back to see her reaction to telling her about what Myles had
confronted her about. There was amusement in his eyes, but not as much as Julia thought she would
have seen. But he just snorted and shook his head before letting her go check out the items on the shelves.

"To answer your earlier question, no. I haven't thought about themes," she said,
moving to stand beside him. "Is that you?"

"With Myles, we did reds, golds, and safari animals," he replied. Julia nodded, her fingers
sliding over the bedding set containing forest creatures. "What's with it?" she asked. "Can we do a
forest theme?"

Noah nodded, his hand sliding over hers over a little fox face. "If you want, we can paint the
guest room. You can do whatever you want, really."

"Oh, I don't think-"

He turned to her, his other hand coming up to rest on the outside of her belly. She stopped
talking when their son kicked against her hand; as if he felt Noah's touch. "I want you to start thinking
of it as our home, Julia. Even if you don't choose to stay in the end, while you're there, it's yours too."
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She smiled at him, her eyes clouding as she shook her head. "Ok, I'll think about it
about it," she said, reaching up to brush his lips against hers before they went back to shopping.

Not that it was their intention to get everything from one store, but since shopping wasn't an
activity they were both interested in, they did it anyway. There were still some items they would have
to pick up; most of them being clothes. When she suggested skipping that day and asking Olivia to
help her choose, Noah was all too ready to agree. This signaled that they had done all they could, so
they went to the cashier.
to pay.

With each item she touched, Julia's heart rate increased. Not that she didn't have money; it
was that she hated to spend it. Especially this large sum in one afternoon. But nothing was more
shocking than when Noah was faster in the tie and handed her the debit card before she even pulled
her wallet out of her purse.

She didn't want to argue about it in front of the clerk who was calling for them, so she was
silent, waiting until they'd loaded everything into the car, including themselves, before speaking.

"If I had talked to you about this first, you would have told me no."

"You've already let me stay at your place for free and-"

"I did it because I wanted to, Julia. Simple as that."

"You've already done so much for me. This was too much."

He looked through the windshield and Julia noticed the way he shifted in his seat. "It's been a
long time since I've had anyone to spend my money on," he said quietly. "Since I have someone to
take care of and I..." his voice trailed off as he moistened his lips. "I want."

Julia took a deep breath, letting go of the need to argue when she heard the roughness in his
voice. Instead of saying anything else, she reached over to the seat and took his hand. "Thank you,"
she said, her voice light. "For both of us."

He smiled and then turned to look at her. "You're welcome."

"But I'll buy lunch."

"Agreed," he said with a laugh, as he finally shifted into reverse and

left the store; his hand never leaving hers.
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Chapter Twenty Seven

The following Saturday, the delivery of their larger items arrived shortly after breakfast. Noah referred them
to the nursery and told them they could worry about solving the problem the next day. It worked, as earlier in the
week, she had made arrangements to pick out clothes and baby stuff with Olivia on Sunday.

Still, where Julia wanted to spend the day relaxing at home, Noah informed her,
after lunch, that he had other plans.

She was about to protest, but seeing the look in his eyes when he said he wanted to take her out on
another date; a real one this time, she got a rush of excitement and ran upstairs to get ready. She had always
considered their last date a real one, but this would be the first they were a couple.

As she had already showered that morning, she was able to put her effort into her outfit for the day. She
chose one of the dresses she'd let Olivia talk her into, but hadn't worn yet. She liked the way the dress looked; that
it was adjustable because of the wrap style and that the skirt, despite being labeled a maxi, wasn't so long that she
tripped over it.

It was the color that bothered her the most. She never had anything in the yellow family other than a scarf
or some other secondary accessory. The dress itself was a mustard color, and while she complimented her
complexion when she tried it on, she was still too scared to wear it. Even the little flowers that decorated the entire
dress, including the long sleeves,
they still intimidated her.

But when she caught up with him then, she decided to be bold and go for it.

She paired it with a pair of brown boots without a splinter in the heels; something very hard to find and a
burgundy scarf with a hint of golden glitter. Not sure where they were going or how long they'd be gone, she
grabbed her jacket, as well as an open cream cardigan that she could keep in the car if she needed to. The longer
they were gone, the greater the chances that she would need both.

She kept her makeup light, aiming for a more natural look with an emphasis on blush. Most days, it was
all she wore anyway. To finish it all off, she considered braiding her hair, but after the third attempt at taming the
curls, she gave up. Instead, she pulled the front sections back in a sort of lazy knot and tied them together.
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with a hair tie to keep them away from your face.

Noah was in the nursery next to her room when she came out of the hall bathroom.
She leaned against the doorframe, watching him for a moment as he assessed what
everything needed to be put together.
She smiled as she wet her lips, her libido coming to life at the sight of him. He was
wearing dark blue jeans loosely tucked into black boots and long-sleeved flannel that was
mostly navy, but had a checkered pattern made of gray and a lighter blue. He wore it open,
revealing a plain white shirt underneath, and as she watched him pull the sleeves up, she
cleared her throat.
If they didn't leave soon, they wouldn't leave.
"Connor said he would come and start building all of this with me tomorrow," he said.
as he turned to her, eyes flickering up and down to see her.
"We still need to find a chair."
He nodded as he came toward her, his hand finding hers.
immediately. "Next weekend?"

She huffed as they moved toward the stairs, pausing so he could close the door
behind him. "Black Friday weekend? No thanks."
"Right," he muttered as he released her so she could hold on to the banister as they
began their descent. "Next weekend, then."
She laughed as she reached the bottom of the stairs. "It's a date." She turned to him when she felt
your hand on your lower back. "Speaking of which, where are we going?"
He hummed as her arms went around his neck, one hand plunging into his hair as
she watched him through her eyelashes. His hand pressed harder against her back as his
other touched her hip. "Nowhere if you keep looking at me like that."

"Promise?" she asked, her voice dropping significantly as she brought her
lips to hers.

His lips were soft as they leaned against hers and their mouths moved in a series of
gentle tugs and sweet kisses. But even as the hand at her back reached down, cupping the
rounded flesh of her ass, he pulled away before either of them could deepen the kiss.

"Come on," he muttered, turning her around so the hand on her back could direct her.
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to the door. "It is a little hard." She gave a soft sigh and started to move, ready for whatever he
had in store for her.


The journey was really long; more than she expected. However, if that meant they were
free to do something as simple as hold each other's hands without looking over their shoulders,
she didn't care how long she sat in the car. The secret of where they were going was revealed
when she began to see signs pointing to parking in makeshift parking lots. Soon after, signs
appeared stating that traffic was being diverted due to the blockade of much of the city center
for a local art festival.

She'd always wanted to go to one of these, but Brandon was never interested in anything
other than sports or video games. Could she do something cunning on her own? Absolutely
not, but she appreciated those who had the ability to create. There were more than just artists
selling their work; there was a stage for live music throughout the day, several food trucks
throughout the area with a variety of foods, and plenty of activities available to keep them busy.

The first thing she did was go to one of the liquor vendors and get the biggest glass of
hot cider they had to offer. It was his favorite drink; one she drank year-round, but it was best
when the weather was cold. She wasn't surprised when Noah ordered one for himself instead
of a beer, remembering that he loved the way she made it.

They strolled leisurely through the festival. They stopped at every booth, spending extra
time on the ones where something caught their eye. They even found someone who had done
an oil painting of a forest scene, complete with all the animals. Julia had barely laid eyes on
him before she paid the artist and booked him in for them to pick up on the way out.

About the time they finished their drinks, they stumbled upon a booth where they could
paint their own little canvases. There were a plethora of easy-to-follow designs in case they
needed inspiration or were free to paint their own. It was Noah who suggested they sit down
and each choose a design to recreate. Julia was the one who took it a step further and insisted
that they keep their designs to themselves and reveal them at the end. He accepted the
challenge and they got to work.

Where Julia had gone to recreate a gradient blue sky, complete with clouds and
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Long M's for birds, Noah had made a forest. And while hers looked like her own unborn son
had painted her, his looked decent enough. "Any other secret talents I should know about?"
she asked as they started cleaning up their areas.
He laughed and rubbed his chin. "I learned to play the guitar in college, but I doubt I
remember any of the strings."
"What did you learn for Sarah?"
His smile was crooked as he took the brushes from her hand and dipped them into
the glass to rinse the bristles. "Not for her," he began, turning his attention to his brushes.
"But she loved watching Connor and I try to play parties."
"You weren't together already?" she asked.
He nodded and she could see the slow smile on his lips, even from his profile. "My
father raised me with the notion that just because you have her doesn't mean you should
stop courting her."
Even though she could think of something to say about it, the booth owner came to
collect her canvases. As well as the artwork they bought for the nursery, they arranged to
be picked up on the way out so he has time to dry and give his information before he leaves.

"Is that you?" he asked as she laced her fingers together as they resumed their
walk along the main road. "Any talents you have that I don't know about?"
She thought before shaking her head. "I don't really have any talent. Other than the
ability to read incredibly fast."
He laughed at it. "I wouldn't say that, love," he said before leaning in so his lips could
brush her ear as he whispered, "I'd say that thing you do with your tongue is a great talent."

A shiver broke over her skin as she shivered despite the heat that coursed through
her at his words. She curled into his embrace, her free hand coming up to grab his shirt,
keeping him anchored so she could claim his lips. She knew there were people watching;
that there were probably thousands of people around them, but she didn't care. Her libido
had been awake and growing since she'd seen him in the nursery that morning and she
couldn't take it anymore.
"I need you," she breathed against his lips.
He bit his bottom lip before pulling away from her, eyes darting around. "Here?"
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She nodded, her fingers twitching against his chest as she forced herself to release his shirt. "Please don't
make me wait until we get home." If he ever broached the subject later, she would have refused to play with the
needy moan that accompanied his words.

When it became clear that it worked, there wasn't an ounce of guilt inside her. He shook her hand and led
her through the crowd. They kept the pace as normal as possible, but the two moved with purposeful steps. After a
moment, they broke away from the crowd and he continued on until they were off the main road.

They found themselves skirting a small alleyway that led to the back of several older buildings. As soon as
they were sure the coast was clear, she found herself being pressed against the wall with his lips crashing over hers.

She'd never done anything remotely like this before. Brandon tried to start something during a party once,
but she didn't like the idea of being so open. Now, she just felt more turned on by the thrill of being caught. An even
greater possibility given the fact that the sun is just starting to set. Without the cover of darkness, they really ran the

risk of being seen.

Instead of lifting her as she'd expected, he placed his hands on her hips and turned her until she was away
from him. He took her hands and guided them to the wall. He coaxed her hands open so her palms could flatten
against the cool concrete surface. Then he was reaching for her hips again, pulling her back until she was slightly
bent over. From there, his hands slid down, picking up her dress until her bottom was exposed to the cool late
afternoon air.

He wasted no time pushing her panties to the side and she caught her breath when she heard the buckle of
his belt followed by the unmistakable zipper of his fly. Instead of his cock filling her a moment later, it was his hand
that held her from behind. She moaned as his middle and index finger sank between her folds and formed a valley
below her clit. Your

nails raked the wall as he worked it to the edge at a speed that stole her breath.

Instead of letting it peak, he withdrew his hand. In the time it took to let out a breath and inhale another, he
was spreading her ass open and then slamming himself inside her entrance. They both let out muffled moans as he
went straight for him, pushing away as there was a time crunch. She didn't care; she knew they might take a while
when they got home later. Now, it was about escaping without getting caught and she was already so close.
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Normally she would need attention to the bundle of nerves between her thighs, but with all the
arousal and his foresight to spur her on, she peaked without it. She bit her lip to keep the crying as low
as possible and she could tell by the way his hips jerked that her release had ignited his. He shuddered
against her back as he came inside her and then relaxed when they took a moment to catch their breath.

It was the sound of a laugh a little too close for comfort that made them pay attention. He slipped
out of her as he took a step back as she straightened and she felt the rush of his releases begin to slide
down the insides of her thighs. Quickly, she bent down to fix her panties and then tugged on the dress
until it fell into place.

When she looked at Noah, he was looking at her, having reassembled his clothes as well. His
brow rose as his eyes blinked down for a brief moment.

She shrugged and approached him. He reached for her then, his hands cupping her face, tilting
it up so he could crush his lips over hers before she could finish exhaling. His hands went up; fingers
curling gently over his forearms as she kissed him back with equal fervor.

When they parted, he simply took her hand and led her back to the
festival, where they walked back along the main road, enjoying the rest of the night.


After the sun had set, Noah and Julia turned their attention to the food vendors and trucks
surrounding the event. They let their eyes get bigger than their stomachs and feasted on many dishes
before finally deciding they couldn't bear to eat any more. A feat they both hadn't thought possible,
considering she was eating for two and he still had the appetite of a teenager at times.


They sat for a while after eating. Mainly because she needed to rest after her little workout and
all the walks they'd done before that. But also in part to the fact that they had to digest everything they
had eaten.

As there wasn't much seating around, another couple asked to share the other side of the
table and they welcomed them right away. The four of them struck up an easy conversation and it
was better than she thought not to have to hide their joined hands under the table or protect herself.
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to look at him whenever and however she wanted.

They said goodbye to the other couple after a while and went back to get their items and hit some
other booths that had been a little crowded before. One of them was an elderly couple who made jewelry
together. It wasn't much to wear anything, Julia was surprised to find herself drawn to a bracelet. It was
simple; made from assorted materials and finishes from rose to bronze for a rose gold look. She still had a
few pieces of intertwined rose quartz and a white rose pendant that dangled from the clasp.

She didn't even protest when Noah bought it the moment he saw her lingering gaze. Once the sale
was complete, he wrapped it around her wrist and brushed his lips against the back of her hand. With that,
they dismissed the elderly couple and went on their way. Knowing they still had some way back home, they
decided to pick up their paintings and head back to the car.

She grabbed the cardigan from the backseat as he loaded the items into the trunk and waited for
him to join her on the side of the car. She leaned against the door and wrapped her arms around his neck,
pulling him with her. "Thank you," she said as his forehead met hers. "Not just for today; for everything."


"I know I said that if it hadn't been you that night, it would have been someone else," she continued,
needing to speak before she lost her nerve. "I'm glad it was you, Noah," she whispered.

The kiss that followed was simple. Their lips remained pressed together, not needing more. The
point was just to comfort and express what neither of them was ready to put into words just yet.

"Come on," he breathed, pulling them both back so he could open the door for them.
Is it over there. "Let's go home."

She remained silent as she smiled at him and sat down. She waited until he was seated in his seat
and out onto the road before reaching out to place her hand in his, where he held her in his lap. They stayed
like that all the way home and instead of closing their date with another date, they simply undressed and
crawled into bed, where they snuggled into each other's arms.

Like it was the only place they both really belonged.

Chapter Twenty Eight

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The morning after their date, the two were upset that they couldn't be lazy in bed all day. Olivia was
supposed to arrive right after breakfast, which meant there wasn't much time for Julia to shower and get ready for
the day. However, that didn't stop Noah from showering with her before she left for the bedroom to

get the clothes.

She was putting the last of the breakfast dishes on the small table to dry when Noah pressed himself
against her back and wrapped his arms around her, his hands dropping to either side of her stomach. His son
kicked happily; always seeming to know the difference between Noah's touch and hers. As soon as he lifted a
hand, pulling her hair off one shoulder, his lips pressing against her throat they heard the door open, forcing them

to separate.

It was a surprise when they heard Myles' voice along with Olivia's as the two entered and joined the
others in the kitchen. Myles had informed them that he had come to help set up the nursery. That he was Julia's
best friend and should be helping more.

When she and Olivia left, the last thing Julia saw was the two of them in the nursery. She silently wished
Noah good luck, knowing it was difficult for him. As Olivia walked away, she texted Connor, asking him to come
early to rescue Noah.

For most of the day, the two women shopped for not only baby clothes, getting things of all sizes, not just
for newborns, but also some things for Thanksgiving. Olivia had bought most of it before, but they took what was
left. It was as she was being dropped off at home in the late afternoon that Olivia had the bright idea of Julia
dropping by on Wednesday night.

Her reason was that she would have to come early on Thursday to help; she might as well just stay the
night and not have to worry about it. With no reason to refuse, she simply nodded and said she would be there.

When Wednesday came, Julia told Olivia she'd be back after dinner, saying it would give her time to go
home after work, relax, and make sure she didn't forget anything when she packed. It was while she was packing
that Noah walked through her bedroom door, distracting her from her task.

"I don't want to go either," she said when she finally managed to free herself from her
arms to go back to packing.
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"Then don't do it. Tell her you'd rather stay in her own bed."

She huffed as she looked up from the bed under her bag at him. "I can't even remember the
last time I slept here."

He rolled his eyes despite the smile on his face. "You know what I mean."

She gave a small smile and went back to the closet to select the outfit she planned to wear
for the holiday. He helped her pack and walked her to the car when everything was ready. Still, they
remained close to the driver's door, completely wrapped in each other's arms. Neither of them
wanted to be the first to give up the other.

"I'll be there as soon as I can," he assured.

She sighed against his chest and nodded as best she could. "I know. It's just…it's technically
our first holiday together and we can't even be together," she whispered. "Not the way we want,

His arms tightened around her, but he didn't say anything. He didn't need to remind her that
they had the option of confessing to everyone. However, the stakes still lingered and she could tell
by his attitude that he was just as hesitant to reveal their relationship to everyone as she was.

"We'll get over this," he said after a while, his lips brushing her temple before pulling away
and helping her into the car and waiting in the garage until she was out of her mind.


The day started well, if not a little earlier than Julia would have liked. She and Olivia cooked
as much as they could the night before and Myles washed the dishes before everyone split up for
bed. As the morning wore on, Olivia became less and less well and more of an absolute mess. Julia
felt bad, knowing that she wasn't much help and that Myles was trying to make it up to her, but it
only seemed to get worse.

When guests started to arrive and more hands started helping in the kitchen, Olivia calmed
down. Still, there was something about the ordeal that struck Julia as odd, considering Olivia was
never the type to succumb to stress like this. Whatever was going on with her friend, she seemed
willing to keep it to herself. Julia was happy because as soon as the afternoon arrived, Olivia was
back to her old self.

When there was nothing left to do but wait for the turkey to come out and prepare for the
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dishes, Myles handed Julia a glass of water and sent her into the living room, where Connor, Noah,
and Brandon were watching the football game. They were using the new sound and projector screen
that Myles couldn't get enough of.

Charlotte stayed in the kitchen to help Olivia and Myles with the last few things so Julia could
get up. When Connor saw her enter the room, he casually slid closer to the couch, leaving plenty of
room for her to sit between him and Noah.

Brandon nodded at her from the couch across the way. "Your parents
are you coming?" he asked her.

She nodded, having just heard from them not long ago. "They
should be here soon. I think my mother was making pies before she came.”

Brandon hummed as he sipped his beer. "Thank God. I would have hated to have lost
that apple pie.”

She shook her head and took a sip of water, her eyes moving toward the screen. She could
feel Noah beside her; his heat making her brain fog. Just as she felt like she was about to give in and
look at him, the front door opened and her parents walked in. Their arrival sparked a new round of
disturbing conversations; one they both welcomed with open arms.


The rest of the afternoon was pretty much the same. She could tell where Noah was in a room
without having to have him in her line of sight. Every time she caught a glimpse of him, it was harder
to remember what the risks would be. Especially when all she wanted to do was be close to him; to
show him affection as well as for him to show her. It was extremely hard not to think about when they
sat down to eat and he ended up on the table in front of her.

Her only relief came after dinner was eaten. The men cleaned up, sending the women to the
family room so they could relax and catch up on their own. It was a little easier that way, since having
a full house meant endless conversation. It was nice talking to her mother while getting to know
Charlotte a little more.

It was after dessert that everything changed.

Olivia stopped in front of the screen as Myles turned off the projector and joined her. Everyone's
attention focused on them and the room went silent when they noticed. Myles
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he even had his FaceTime connected to Olivia's parents, who were just as patiently waiting.

"We have an announcement," Olivia said, her eyes glazed over as they passed over
everyone's faces. "I wish everyone could be here for this, but that's okay. I'll tell them later."

Julia's heart skipped a beat and she put her hand on her belly as the baby started kicking
hard. It was as if time was slowing down and things were starting to fall into place before Olivia's lips
moved again to deliver the news.

Olivia looked back at Myles over her shoulder, both of them smiling
like idiots in love for a moment before they both blurt out, "We're pregnant!"

There was a brief moment of silence before Brandon screamed and ran to hug his sister as
well as congratulate Myles. While this took up some of the couple's time, Julia tried to control her
breathing. When it felt like the floor had been ripped out from under her, she sat down on the
loveseat's arm and swallowed hard.

Connor looked at her from his seat beside her, asking if she was okay. She simply nodded
and hoped the hand she waved at him was reassurance enough. Whether that was true or not was
another story. Still, she just sat there, watching Noah congratulate his son.

"I hope you're ready to be a grandfather," she heard Olivia laugh as they hugged.
It made Julia shudder.

It was also at this moment that Myles noticed her. He smiled as he cut through the waiting
crowd to congratulate them, only stopping when he was beside her. She forced herself to her feet
and wrapped her arms around him as he pulled her close.

"Can you believe it, Juls? Now our kids can be best friends like us.
will grow together too and, who knows. Maybe I have a girl and they can-"

She shrugged off that, the quickness preventing him from finishing the sentence. "I have to-"

"Are you okay?" he asked as she tried to get past him in need
desperate for a place to take a deep breath.

"Fine," she said, forcing a laugh. "Happy for you, really," she insisted. "Just when I get
excited, the baby kicks my bladder and…" she shrugged. "Congratulations, Myles. Really. I'll be right
back," she said, her words rushed as she left the living room and entered the guest bedroom she'd
slept in the night before.
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She walked the full length of the room, trying to control her emotions so she wouldn't get lost in the panic
that was trying to swallow her whole. But she was only alone for a minute, maybe two, before the door opened and
Noah sneaked in. Her protests fell on deaf ears as he pulled her to him and held her as tightly as he dared.

"He said he hopes to have a girl," Julia whispered, her voice on the verge of breaking with every word. "So
they can…" she swallowed and shook her head, burying her head in his chest. "This is- Noah..."

"It'll be okay."

She turned away from him, looking at him with wild eyes. "Your grandson will be the same age as your
son, Noah!" she muttered. "None of this is okay."

He reached up to rub the stubble on his chin and nodded. "You're right. This is all a mess, but it is what it
is." He walked forward once more, his hands cupping her face to tilt it so she had to look at him. "We 'll get through
this; just like we've done with everything else."

"As?" she sobbed, her hands rising to her sides as she gripped the fabric of
Your t-shirt. "We've barely managed so far, Noah. I don't…I can't…"

His thumbs caressed her cheeks, wiping away panicked tears as he leaned down and placed his lips over
hers. "I don't know, Julia. We'll figure this out together, but I need you not to panic. Can you take a deep breath for

me?" He watched as she inhaled a shallow, unsteady breath and released it with the same unsteadiness. "Good,"
he muttered. "That's nice."

She wasn't sure who moved first or if they moved at the same time, but a moment later, their lips were
melting. She kissed him like he was the air she needed to breathe. All their mixed emotions fueled every brush of
their tongues; every pull of your lips. The need for your touch; the need that had been building all day for not being
able to look at him the way she wanted to gave way as his hands slid down her sides and wrapped around her

But just as his panic began to subside, he returned ten times when the sound of the
opening the door made them separate.

A scream escaped her lips as she spotted Myles looking at them with disbelief in his eyes. He looked back
and forth between the two, not knowing what to say. Julia stood there, one arm across her chest, the other hand
covering her lips as tears streamed down her face. His entire body shook as he waited for his outburst.
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"Please tell me this is some kind of nightmare," he said after a moment,

his voice almost a whisper.

"Myles-" she sobbed, her eyes bouncing to his.

"Is that why you decided to stop looking for a place to live?" Myles interrupted, the look in
his eyes cutting through her heart like a knife.

She shook her head vigorously and took a step forward, stopping when he took one of
hers. "Myles, isn't this... This isn't- "

"What does that look like?" he lost his mind. "So what is it?"

"Myles-" Noah began, warning in his tone.

"She's half your age!" Myles interrupted. "You've known her since she was in second grade!
With me!" Myles' eyes widened and he took a step back, straightening his spine. "How long... has
this been going on?"

"It's never been like this," Noah said, his voice husky. "It's recent." There was still disbelief
in her eyes, but Julia's shoulders sagged as she saw a hint of relief there as well. "How recent?"

Julia and Noah looked at each other before she turned to Myles and whispered, "Since
my divorce."

She knew that by saying this, Myles would be able to put the pieces together himself. She
stood there and watched as realization dawned on him; saw the moment everything clicked. His
eyes dropped to her stomach, where they rested for a moment before creeping up to her father's.
"Is it... yours?"

Noah nodded, but when his lips parted to say something, Myles was crossing the room until
his fist collided with Noah's face. It took Julia a moment to realize that the scream she'd heard was
her own, as she ran to Noah's side, where he staggered backward, propping himself up with one
hand on the edge of the bed. His other hand went to his face and when he pulled back, there was
blood. Myles backed away, waving his hand and swearing under his breath as he left the room.

After another look at Noah, who motioned for her to go, she followed Myles, not knowing
what to say but knowing she needed to fix it. She had forgotten about the rest of the people in the
house until she walked around the living room and found herself confronted by all of them.

"What's up?" Brandon asked, looking between the two. "Turns out I'm not just going to be
a dad. I'm going to be a big brother too," he snapped, not bothering to
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stop as he made his way through everyone on his way to the kitchen.

The room was quiet enough that Julia could hear the clock on the wall ticking as the
seconds ticked by. Connor started to move toward her, but stopped abruptly. Everyone's gaze
shifted over her shoulder and she didn't need to turn to know that the presence behind her was
Noah. Olivia was torn between watching it all and going after Myles, but she ended up choosing
the latter.

Julia wasn't surprised when her father stepped forward to break the silence first. "That
and truth?"

His tongue felt stuck to the roof of his mouth. All she could do was wave her hand.
head and recoil when he saw his telltale signs of his temper flare up.

His eyes flashed back to Noah and she could see the disgust building in the depths of his
gaze. "Is that why you're not coming home? Why did you almost kill a young man to be innocent?"

"Dad…" she whispered, shaking her head. "It's not that. It's not like that. I-"

He backed away just like Myles had a few moments ago, but where Myles' gaze was filled
with pain and betrayal, there was nothing but anger in Samuel's. “We are leaving. Now,” he
demanded, reaching out to take her hand.

"She's an adult," Noah stated, his fingers curling around Julia's wrist to pull her back. "She
doesn't have to go anywhere she doesn't want to."

Samuel took a step forward, but when their lips parted to speak again, Connor was
between them. Noah released her wrist and she took another step back, stumbling a little as she
bumped into a chair. Her nails dug into her arm as her other arm came up to rest low on her belly.

She wasn't sure if she hadn't noticed before with all the commotion or if it had just started,
but there were definitely cramps. A sensation that only intensified now that his attention had been
drawn to her.

In the distance, she could hear raised voices and that every time someone spoke, the
situation had worsened. As hard as she tried, she couldn't really hear the words, instead she tried
to focus on her breathing and make the pain stop. When it did nothing but make it worse, she
called Noah. She said his name several times, but it took someone shouting hers to stop the fight.

It was when Noah turned, eyes wide with panic at the sight of her, that Julia lost control.
But as he walked towards her, his mother blocked his path, his
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hand sliding under Julia's elbow for support. "We're taking you to the ER, honey." Though her voice
was soft, Julia still heard the faint panic that only made her cramps worse.

“I'll take her,” Noah interrupted as he tried to reach out to pull her to him.

"I think you've done enough," Samuel snapped as he pushed Noah out of the way before
helping Penelope escort Julia to the car.

If she hadn't been so eager to be watched or scared of what might happen, Julia would have
fought for Noah to be the one to take her. As it was, she let her parents drive her there. She would
take care of the rest once she knew her son was

Chapter Twenty Nine

The closer to the hospital, the less pain Julia felt. When they arrived, the urge to be seen was
almost gone, but she stayed to make sure all the same. The wait itself in the emergency room was
long, as it was packed. It looked like her holiday dinner wasn't the only one interrupted by a family
fight. Every time she saw her father's bloodied knuckles, her guilt was reawakened.

It was when her name was called, nearly an hour later, that she and her parents followed the
nurse into one of the triage stalls. The nurse took their vitals, noted the reason for their visit on her
mobile computer station, then told them to wait; that the doctor would see her soon. None of them
were so surprised that it took almost an hour for the doctor to get there.

She already knew she was fine, but hearing the doctor say that her test was confirmed was
still a huge relief. When her lips parted to decline his suggestions for an ultrasound, just to be sure,
Samuel stepped forward and asked for whatever diagnosis the doctor wanted to make.

For this, the doctor explained that she would have to stay in the hospital for the rest of the
night and that there would be a short wait due to the only machine on the property. With the way the
night had progressed, she wouldn't mind the hospital chaos instead of dealing with her problems.
thoughts at home.

It took another half hour before a room became available and then another fifteen for her to
be transferred to him. Once she was settled, the nurse informed her that she was going to take some
blood samples. That since she was hospitalized, the doctor would like to do some more tests just to
be sure.
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She was surprised and worried at the same time when the doctor returned shortly, but he
brought good news. He said there was nothing wrong, just general dehydration, for which he ordered
some IV fluids started until discharge. That her blood was rushing because she was pregnant.

When the nurse came in to start a line, her parents excused themselves and left the room,
allowing her to be out of sight for the first time since arriving at the hospital. She could hear her
father's voice coming from the nurses' station down the hall, so she struck up a conversation to
distract herself.

"Is it always so busy on Thanksgiving?" she asked the nurse while

pulling the band around his lower biceps.

She giggled. "I should have seen it sooner. It's usually around the time people go to check
their over-oiled turkeys or their makeshift keg oven explodes that we're a little late." She tapped the
crook of Julia's elbow, looking for a vein. "Christmas is worse."

"That's depressing."

The nurse nodded and Julia looked away as she took the needle and tapped the vein to see
the line of fluid. "Maybe, but some of my fondest memories here come from the holidays." Julia kept
her attention on the other side until the nurse got up to adjust the machine. "Did you even get to eat
before you came here?"

Julia nodded as she looked at her.

"That's good," she said after a moment and flipped through her chart. "The doctor didn't say
anything about not eating before the ultrasound. Did you want anything?"

Julia shook her head and smiled. "Thanks, but I'm fine."

"If you change your mind, just hit the button and I'll see what I can do for you. It shouldn't
take long for the picture," she said, checking her notes again. "Looks like you're fifth on the list."

"Thank you," she said again, not knowing what to say.

The nurse simply shook her head and left the room. She was only alone for a moment before
someone entered her room. The sight of Noah walking towards her brought tears to her eyes. She
reached him instantly, letting his scent and the warmth of his embrace soothe her.
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“You're here,” she sobbed.

“Did you really think I'd be somewhere else? Everything is-"

My parents-"

"You're an adult and this is my son," he said, the possessiveness in his tone pulling
your heart. "I'm not going anywhere."

As soon as he made such a statement, his parents returned. The look of pure anger on her
father's face was terrifying, but only for her. Noah held his ground as Samuel moved toward him, fists
clenched at his sides. "Stay away from our daughter."

"With all due respect, Mister Roth, it's not up to you whether I stay or go."

“You had no right to touch her like that. She was vulnerable and you took-”

“No one took advantage of anyone,” Noah interrupted, chafing at the accusation. “It was mutual
and we are doing everything we can to give this child the life that
she deserves it."

Samuel looked at Noah for a long time before turning to look at Julia. "You're walking the Devil's
path, Julia. First a divorce and now a child out of wedlock with a man twice your age." He took a step
forward as he looked at Noah. Noah took a step forward as well, placing himself in front of her as he had
at Myles's. "All those times she was in your care when she was younger-"

“It was never like this, Samuel,” Noah insisted. "I swear on my life, nothing happened until six
months ago." There was a pause as the two faced each other. "And I've been there for her every step of
the way. Even when you looked the other way because the choices she made didn't follow your beliefs."
He took a step back, his hand finding hers. "And I'll be there to support her until she tells me she doesn't
want me in her life anymore."

The silence that descended on them was thick with tension. Almost thick enough to totally block
out the cold in the hospital room. Almost. But it was her father's words that allowed the cold to permeate
her skin and settle down to her bones.

"I hope you come to your senses and ask the Lord for forgiveness soon. If it's not for you, it will be
for your child's sake. Until then, you are not my daughter."

Julia lay there, too numb to feel anything as she watched.

your father take your mother's hand and leave.

Noah said nothing as he moved the bedroom chair closer to his bed and
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reached out to hold her tightly. They both drifted in and out of sleep as they waited for the ultrasound technician to
arrive. When they showed up, it was coincidental that the doctor came a moment later, meaning they didn't have to
wait long for the results.

As usual, Julia discovered her stomach; something that left her a little more exposed this time, as she
wasn't wearing leggings under her dress, but she was too tired to care. The gel was smeared over her stomach and
then the wand was there, roaming over her skin. The doctor and technician were looking at the screen with the same
intensity as she and Noah. It wasn't as clear a picture as the one in her midwife's office, but seeing her son and
hearing his heartbeat was just what she needed after the turbulent holiday.

Noah helped her clean off the gel while the doctor made his final assessment with the technician. A few
minutes later, he was telling them the good news. That there was nothing wrong, just a little stress-related scares,
and that she should get as much rest as she could over the long weekend. Not long after her departure, the nurse
returned to disconnect her from her fluids and finally discharge her for the night.

It was the first time she was able to focus on the clock and see how much time had passed. It was still a
little early for the sun, but she knew it wouldn't be long before it started to rise. By the time they got to the car, Julia
was more than ready to crawl into bed and sleep until her eyes refused to stay closed any longer.

Noah's hand covered hers as she reached for the passenger door handle, preventing her from opening it.
He laced his fingers together, pulling her towards him before cupping her face. His thumb pressed against her chin,
tilting her face toward his, forcing her eyes to meet his.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her eyelashes fluttering against her cheek as tears blurred her vision. "I'll
understand if-"

"Whatever you're thinking right now, Julia…" he began, his hand squeezing her hand.
her. "Stop."

It was as if his tongue froze to the roof of his mouth. Everything she wanted to say is gone. Instead, she
just stood there, shaking like a leaf as he leaned over and kissed her.
in the center of your forehead.

"It was a big shock to everyone and in time they will get over it. I know it might not seem like that now, but
they are a family. They will change."

His thumb wiped away her tears and he placed his hands clasped between them so he could kiss her
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"I'm not going anywhere. Myles can be mad at me all he wants, but I'm not leaving one
child for another."

She took a deep breath as he leaned his forehead against hers and lowered his voice
even lower as he whispered, "You're my family too, Julia. You always have been..." His lips
brushed hers once before adding, "Always will be."

She reached for him then, her fingers curling around whichever part of him she touched
first. When his lips brushed hers, she reached out to deepen the kiss, hoping to convey how much
he meant to her. Had she been in a better frame of mind, she might have been able to use her
words to tell him herself.

But when he pulled away to open the car door for her, there was a look in his eyes that
told her he understood.

Chapter Thirty

Between the emotional roller coaster that was Thanksgiving and the physical strain that
led to a hospital visit, Noah and Julia slept the next day. They had woken up just before sunset
that night and stayed awake long enough to have a light meal. But soon after that, they went back
to bed and fell asleep in their arms for a while.
from the other one more time.

Noah had woken up early Saturday morning and when she was putting a robe around her
waist, he was bringing breakfast so they could eat in bed. Afterwards, they were lazy; talking,
reading or playing games. For dinner, they ventured downstairs, where they decided to order food
instead of cooking, and curled up on the couch to watch movies until they couldn't keep their eyes
open any longer.

It wasn't until Sunday morning that Julia decided to check her phone.

She hadn't touched him since she'd been over at Myles and Olivia's for the holiday. Even
if she hadn't been in the backseat of Noah's car with her bag when he left to follow her to the
hospital, she still wouldn't have wanted to look at him. She'd lost the load in her purse, but she'd
turned it on right after waking up on Sunday and when she was done, she was ready to see what,
if anything, she'd lost.
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There weren't as many unread calls or messages as she thought, which allowed her
to relax. She started with the calls. Some of them were Olivia's, but most were Noah's. She
supposed it had never occurred to him that her phone was in her purse and not on her
person. She assumed that by the time the calls stopped, he had already arrived at the
hospital and found her room. There were voicemails, but she deleted them instead of listening.
It took another hour to decide if she was ready to read the messages.
As with the calls, most of the messages were from Noah. They were all the same
topic of conversation; asking if she was okay, to call her back, or what room she was in. The
last one was that he was coming to find her and wouldn't leave unless she told him to.

There were some from Olivia too. The first ones were her telling Julia that she hoped
she was okay. That she regretted having to leave so abruptly. The last one was from Friday
night, saying that she hoped all was well and that Julia could still reach out to her. That
Connor, having heard from Noah, told her that Julia had gone home that morning.
It reminded Julia that they had to get her car so she could get to work the next day.

After looking at her phone, she opened a message for Myles. The last one they
exchanged was a random one talking about the show they were watching. She leaned back
against the headboard, her legs tucked under her as best she could, and started typing.
It took a lot longer than it should have, most of which was spent hitting the delete
button and having to start over. When she had something she wasn't sure could get much
better, she pressed send before she could even think.
I'm sorry you have to find out like this, Myles. I'm sorry it took so long for me to tell
you. I'm sorry to have to say something like that. I hate that we left as we left and I don't
know if you'll forgive me, but I'd love the chance to talk to you. I'm also sorry I spoiled your
ad. I'm so happy for you and Olivia. Whenever you're ready to talk, I'm here.

She stared at the screen for a moment, rereading the words until they started to blur
together on the screen. As soon as she went to hang up the phone, she saw the tag change
from delivered to read. She waited with bated breath for the small bubble with the dots to
appear, signaling that he was writing back, but after several minutes it was clear he had no
intention of responding.
Though she refused to cry any more tears, her heart still sank into her
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His plan to hang up the phone and get on with his day changed after that. It was as if
his fingers refused to uncurl around the device; her eyes glued to the screen, which displayed
her and Myles's chat topic. Even when Noah called a Lyft that afternoon so he could drive the
car back home, she sat on the couch and stared at the screen.

It wasn't until later that night, when she was too tired to prevent that from happening,
that Noah took the phone from her hand and placed it on the bedside table. She closed her
eyes and fell asleep, wondering if there would be an answer when she woke up the next


When Julia returned to work on Monday, she kept to herself. Her co-workers quickly
learned that she wouldn't answer questions about her own holiday weekend, but they were
more than welcome to talk about theirs. In fact, she encouraged them. She needed the
distraction her stories would provide.

Especially when she woke up that morning to find that there was still no answer from
Myles. She kept telling herself it was nothing; that he might just not be ready, but it hurt anyway.

She continued to check throughout the week, hoping he would say something, but as
each passing glance revealed that nothing had changed, she found that she could go longer
without looking.

Thursday afternoon, as she was wrapping up her morning chores, she was interrupted
by the sight of Olivia entering her office. She sat there, too stunned to do anything but gape;
your fingers positioned on the keyboard.

Olivia gave a slight smile and a casual nod. "Are you free for lunch?"

"Y-yes," she stuttered, clearing her throat. She shook her head and went back to her
computer, saving the document mid-sentence before recording a few minutes.
before. "Everything is fine?"

"We're all fine, Juls," she assured him. "Things are a little..."
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"Yes," she whispered, gathering her things.

Neither of them spoke until they were outside again. They walked towards the cafe
across the street; his usual point of visit when Olivia dropped by for lunch. Before they
approached the crosswalk, Julia grabbed Olivia and pulled her into a tight hug as she managed.
"I'm very sorry."
"Not you-"

"I ruined your ad," she said, pulling away to smile and gesture towards Olivia's stomach.
"It should have been a day you looked back and smiled." She sighed heavily and blinked back
tears. "Now you just..."

"Don't start crying," Olivia pleaded, her brown eyes glazed over with
unshed tears. "I've never been so tearful in my entire life."

"It gets worse," Julia said through a sob as her resolve faded, though a laugh escaped
her lips at the end.

Olivia let out a laugh and also wiped away a tear. "I blame you for that."

"As?" Julia asked as they approached the crosswalk.

"Myles couldn't stop talking about her breasts and wondering if mine would swell like
yours. He doubled his efforts trying to figure it out and well," she pointed out to herself, "it was
worth it."

Julia burst out laughing when Olivia crossed her arms so they could cross the street.
They continued to laugh as they entered the cafe and sat at one of the tables by the window.
Olivia continued to tell him how she'd been feeling since she'd discovered the news and asked
Julia all sorts of questions as they perused the menu. After they'd placed their order, Julia felt
the shift between them and braced herself.

Julia snorted as she sipped her water. She was waiting for this; he was Olivia's style.
Direct. on point. Not that she was sure how this would work, as the gritty details Olivia thrived
on would now include her father-in-law, Julia did her best and dove in.

She told Olivia about the night her divorce was finalized. How she'd just gone to the bar,
intending to drink until she couldn't. That even though she knew her marriage to Brandon was
over long before they even touched on the subject of their separation, she was hurting. How
she intended to be alone that night and how Noah
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It appeared from nowhere. How a drunken breakdown in his hotel room had been the catalyst.

She ignored the details even before Olivia wrinkled her nose, making Julia almost choke on
her water as she laughed. She then told her how she had found out about a week before Myles'
birthday and that she hasn't seen Noah since. How she was planning to tell him, but could barely
figure it all out on her own.

When they finished eating, she told Olivia everything there was to know, including
how her trip to the hospital had been more cautious than anything else.

"So…" Olivia started as she grabbed the tab from the table before Julia could. She even
slipped the card into the slot and handed it back to the waiter before Julia had a chance to protest.
"You and Noah..."

She nodded, her fingers nervously tugging at the skirt of her dress. "I know it's weird, but it
is..." she shrugged as she tried to find the word
certain. "Sounds right."

Olivia's gaze was scanning and Julia shifted in her chair. After a moment, she shook her
head and leaned back in her chair. "Did you really think you could keep this a secret forever?" she
asked, her voice lower than Julia had ever heard it before.

Julia bit her tongue for a second and then shook her head. "No," she said, the word falling
from her lips in a whoosh of air. "We both knew what would happen when everyone found out, but
we wanted to pretend as long as we could."

She could tell there was a lot Olivia wanted to say, but she was holding her tongue. It made
her wonder if Myles knew she was here, having lunch with her. Julia didn't ask. Just as she didn't
ask whether or not Myles had spoken about the message she'd read, but she never responded.
Instead, the two were silent and returned to Julia's office after the waiter brought her card.

"How are things with you and your parents?" Olivia asked.

Julia snorted as she put her coat on the chair. "I thought they were crazy when I almost had
an abortion," she said, letting out a low whistle. His attempt at humor brought a small smile from
Olivia, but nothing more. "We'll see if they change their minds when the baby is born. Maybe they
just need to see a healthy, happy grandchild to soften them up."

She came to stand in front of Olivia, knowing it was time for them to part. "I hope so," Olivia
said, pulling her into a hug. "I'm sure everyone needs time."
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"Even Myles?" Julia asked before she could stop herself.

Olivia calmed down for a moment and nodded as she walked away. "I'm here to help you,
Juls, I am. And I know Myles will come back, he just needs time. You've always been his family and
that's true now more than ever." She reached out and grabbed Julia's hand firmly. "He misses you
as much as you miss him. Just..."

"Give him a break," Julia concluded, nodding.

Olivia managed a smile and placed her hand on Julia's belly. "So... that makes me him,
what? Sister-in-law?"

The pair stared at each other for a moment before Julia nodded. They both shuddered as
they laughed. Julia reached up to place her own hands on her stomach and shook her head. "It's
not so bizarre when you think about how he's going to be your son's uncle."

Olivia's nose wrinkled as she laughed again and took a step back. "Speaking of
on that, don't be a stranger, okay?"

"Same goes for you."

Olivia left with another nod and once she was out of sight, Julia returned to her chair and
smiled to herself. For the first time in a week, the breath she took felt deep enough.

Chapter Thirty One

Julia's mood continued to improve throughout the day. So much so that, when he got home,
he marched straight to the nursery. She hadn't entered the room or even looked at the door since
Thanksgiving. She walked over to the crib, where the single set of baby monitors rested on the
blanket. They were still in her package, as she didn't feel the need to open them with the due date
in a few months.
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However, she threw that plan out the window in favor of the one she had invented in the past.
way home.

Packet in hand, she walked back down the hall and straight to Noah's room. She knew
he would be home soon. Lately he was leaving a little early so they would get home at about the
same time. With that in mind, she worked fast. She wanted to set them up before he walked
through the door.

It was as she was plugging the receiver into the wall that she heard the front door open
on the stairs. He called her name and she told him where she was as she picked up the
packaging she had to destroy and threw it in the bathroom bin.

"All very well?" he asked when she came out of the bathroom at the same time he
crossed the door.

She nodded, giving him a smile. She saw the moment the flashing green light flashed,
indicating the monitor was on, and caught her attention. He was surprised to see the monitors
beside her on the bed. Slowly, he looked up at her, frowning as he met her gaze once more.

She swallowed hard and went to him, holding his hands. "Tell me if I'm overreacting,"
she pleaded, her voice trembling slightly despite how hard she fought to keep it from happening.
"I couldn't have done any of this without you and I can never thank you enough for it."

She wanted to say more, but the pause she took to inhale was enough to make her
lose courage.

Noah noticed and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles while his other hand landed under
her chin. This thumb resting on the underside of your lower lip. "Last I checked, we only had a
couple of monitors."

She nodded and squeezed his hand as she found her voice. "I know I've been sleeping
here, but I still have a room at the end of the hall. And I never want to sound smug, but what you
said in the hospital—"

"Is this your way of asking if you can live?" he asked, an eyebrow
lifting a little.

His nod was gentle. "Yes, but I understand if you don't-"

He interrupted her by slanting his mouth over hers. He dropped her hand in favor of
placing it on his waist while his other hands flattened along her jaw and slid back into her curls.
"I wasn't sure how you would feel about it,"
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he muttered against her slips. "That's why I never asked. I was waiting until I was sure you
were ready for this step."

"I just never wanted to intrude on your memories of Sarah," she said, her voice dropping
significantly with the mention of his late wife.

He stopped against her for a moment before pressing his lips to hers again. "I never
thought of you as a replacement for her," he said carefully. "I don't want her memory to get in
our way. Not now, not ever."

She smiled against his lips and nodded. "So I think I'm
changing. Officially."

"This weekend we can transfer all your stuff."

"Not now?"

He chuckled as he lowered his hand and moved them toward the bed. "No," he replied,
his gaze darkening as he reached for the hem of her dress to pull it over her head. "There's
something much more exciting I'd rather be doing right now."

Julia didn't even try to protest when he undressed her and helped her onto the bed
before undressing and joining her. A laugh that turned to a moan left her lips as she reached
for him, wondering if he was going to hover over her. She was pleasantly surprised to find that
he'd decided to put his face between her thighs instead and they'd spent as long as they could
celebrate their new milestone until the pangs of hunger could no longer be ignored.


Both were late for work the next morning. Julia wasn't sure if it was Noah's fault for
keeping them up late or hers for keeping him trapped under her long after the alarms went off.
Either way, the same spark of desire that both of them had ignited with their decision to move
in completely with each other was still there when they met for their doctor's appointment later
that afternoon.

Instead of going back to the office, Noah called and said he'd be gone for the rest of the afternoon. if
Julia hadn't already asked for time off after the appointment, she would have called too.

When the two returned home, they spent the rest of the day picking up where they had
left off that morning. They only stopped to eat and stopped when their bodies refused to do
anything other than sleep.

On Saturday, after the two of them finally crawled out of bed for breakfast,
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morning, they started going through her things. Most of it was clothes, as her other items were still
stuffed into plastic bags. The ones they left in the closet, as they were mostly trinkets left over from
their pre-college years. The things she didn't want on display but didn't want to get rid of either. The
few items she needed to decorate with, Noah was quick to put in her room.

He had a knack for finding the perfect spot for everything without having to rearrange his
stuff. At the end of the day, it felt like she'd lived in his room all along. There was a brief moment
when he grabbed the pictures containing Sarah from his dresser, but she placed her hand over his
and told him to keep them.

She even found herself looking into Sarah's face as she held Myles in her arms late at night
and promised that she would do her best to take care of her children. That she always had and always
would make.

Late Sunday morning, Julia walked into the kitchen as Noah was hanging up the phone. She
cocked an eyebrow at him as he looked at her, looking like a deer caught in headlights. "What?" she

"Who was on the phone?" she asked, rummaging through the fridge for anything
that piqued your interest first.

"Connor," he muttered.

She smiled at the fridge before picking up the raspberry piece and turning to face him. "If
you want to go out, go," she said as she walked to the table and sat down. "I'm definitely past the
age of needing a babysitter," she said with a smirk as she popped a piece of fruit into her mouth.

He narrowed his eyes at her for a moment before rolling them and moving toward her.
Is it over there. "He wants to go watch the game at the bar."

"Have fun," she said, watching his eyes darken as she sucked the drop of juice from her
fingertip. "Take a cab if you plan on drinking, please. I'm not interested in playing chauffeur."

He leaned over her chair as she tilted her head so their lips met in an upside-down kiss. "Are
you sure about that?"

He stole a raspberry and placed it between his lips, her teeth nipping at his thumb before he
pulled away. She laughed as she swallowed and shook her head. She took another and watched as
he took one for himself as well. "I've read that sometimes they can
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hear and recognize our voices."

"Oh, so a read aloud for your day stomach," he said. "Sarah did
music with Myles."

She nodded, trying not to let the mention of Myles dampen any of her spirits. "I could do that too. I hear it's
good for the
brain functioning and development."

He smiled and picked up the phone to call Connor back. She listened fondly as they made plans to meet
soon as she finished off the small serving of raspberries. Noah tossed the container into the trash and went back to
kissing her, making sure to do a thorough job of wiping away the blast of raspberry juice still on her tongue.

"That gives me an idea for later," he murmured against her lips. She laughed and
playfully pushed away from her. "Say hello to Connor for me."

He gave a curt nod before bending down for one last kiss, leaving only when it became clear that if he didn't,
they would end up upstairs.


Noah had only been out for two hours when her phone rang. She was upstairs in her room leaning against
the headboard with a series of books scattered around her. She had tackled a variety of topics in hopes that if part
of it worked, her son would have a good head start on his academic career. She didn't even bother to look at the
screen before hitting the answer button and bringing the device to her ear.


Julia froze for a moment at the familiarity of the voice. Although it was similar to what she'd expected to
hear, it wasn't who was calling. "H-hey," she replied, lifting the phone to see the screen.

Sure enough, Myles' name and photo were on display.

For a moment, there was nothing but silence. This led her to check the phone again, thinking that maybe

he'd decided to hang up, but the call was still active. "H-how are you?" she asked, careful not to push but desperate
to keep him talking.

He didn't answer, but he didn't keep his silence either.

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"I got your message and I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner," he began. "I just didn't know
what to say." She heard him take a deep breath before adding, "I don't know yet."

She nodded at the empty room and looked at the screen again to check the time. "You…"
she began, pausing to take a slow breath. "Do you want to come over for lunch? Or maybe we'll
meet somewhere?"

Her hesitation gave her an answer before he spoke. she really didn't expect
for him to accept the offer, but it still hurt. "I can't," he breathed. "Not yet."

She understood; she really did. But her heart broke anyway.

"Myles, I'm sorry," she said, unable to contain herself any longer. "I never intended to hurt
you or ruin your relationship with your father. It was an accident and we just-"

"What if you hadn't... If you hadn't..." She could hear the frustration in his tone at being
unable to get the words out, but she knew him well enough to figure out he was coming. "Would
you still be..."

"I don't know," she said, the words coming out on a breathy exhalation. "I would like to have
a different answer for you, but I don't have it."

She heard his sniff and her lips curved into a sad smile as she imagined him sitting there,
tears blurring the blue of his eyes. A tear cascaded down her own cheek as she heard the anger
in his tone as he spoke next; accompanied by the pain of betrayal.

"What hurts the most is that none of you would tell me. That I would go through life never
knowing I had a brother in the world. It doesn't matter which option you chose or if you hid it from
me; he would always have been my brother, Juls."

"I know, Myles. I know."

"This wasn't just any guy in a bar. It was my dad-"

The noise that came from the end of the call made her think he'd dropped the phone,
thrown it or hung it up in her face. The tears flowed a little more freely and she did her best to stop
him from hearing.


"I love you. You'll always be my best friend, but this is really weird," he interrupted, his voice
less agitated and more exhausted than she'd ever heard it before. "I always
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I thought of you as a sister and now-"

Her eyes closed tightly and tears streamed down her lashes. "I just need time."

She nodded again and placed her hand on her belly, where the baby started to kick
mercilessly. "OK."

Neither of them spoke for several minutes before Myles ended the call without even
even say goodbye.

She clutched the phone to her chest and allowed herself to scream. Although he was
still angry about the whole ordeal, she was hopeful that, in time, he would change. The hard
part was knowing how long it would take to get his best friend back. She didn't realize how
much she needed him until he wasn't there.

Regardless, she would give him the time and space he deserved and move on.
forward with his life until he recovered.

After wiping the tears from her face, she picked up one of her books and opened it to a
random page. That's how Noah found her a few hours later; still in bed, reading to her son with
dry tears on her face and hope in her eyes.

Chapter Thirty Two

On Sunday night, Noah did his best to try to cheer her up, but when Julia woke up on
Monday, she still couldn't shake the fear that Myles' phone call had left her with. Her mood
only worsened after she started working. She had entered her office with a feeling of sadness
washing over her the moment she sat down. That feeling grew exponentially when her boss
called her into her office just before lunch.
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After weeks of hearing the rumors circulating around the office, Julia was confirming them. She wasn't the
only goodbye that day. When her office was emptied and all her personal items piled up in the back of her car, half
the people on her floor were doing the same. Even though she knew this would happen, there was a part of her that
still felt blinded by it.

If things were different, she might have panicked about it. If it had been some stranger at the bar, she
would have moved into a place of her own… She shuddered at the thought. In the grand scheme of things, it could
have been a lot worse. She was happy to have Noah.

It put her in doubt about how to feel. She knew she was lucky to have that kind of support, but she never
wanted to feel like she was taking advantage of him or becoming a burden. Then there was the fact that she'd never
really thought of herself as a mother, let alone a housewife. She wasn't sure if this was what she wanted for


Instead of giving in to the panic that surged through her, she closed her thoughts and got into her car. She
didn't go home right away. She made a stop at the store and grabbed the biggest pot of ice cream with as much
chocolate as she could find. With her only purchase in tow, she went home and devoured as much as she could
while trying to figure out what she would do with her life.

She knew she could still apply for jobs and that people would hire her with her work history and her degree.
That they couldn't discriminate because she was about to go on maternity leave, but she wasn't sure. For all she
knew, the moment she held her child for the first time, she might not want to go back to work. She might want to be
a stay-at-home mom after all. Then she would have felt bad about wasting everyone's time by not coming back.

That's how Noah found her when he returned from work, dinner in hand. His smile had faded as he glanced
over at her on the couch with his laptop and notebooks scattered among crumpled and torn pieces of paper. She
told him what happened as he cleaned the area around her so he could pull her onto his lap.

After wiping the chocolate from the corner of his lips with a smile, he kissed her until she relaxed. He told
her what she knew he would do; that he would be happy to take care of her and that she was free to take her time.
That her only focus could just be on being happy and healthy while her son continued to grow. He even said he
would add her to his insurance and ease her fears about costs with lots of soft kisses and gentle caresses.

It was when he left for work the next morning that Julia felt awkward. It was the
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first time since entering the job market that he found himself without a job. Even when she was in
college, she worked. It might have been as a volunteer or as a tutor, but there was always
something she had to occupy her time with. Faced with an infinite amount of time, Julia was
forced to accept the reality that, other than reading, she really didn't have any hobbies.

Coupled with the fact that the only person she wanted to talk to about all this had asked
for space, it sent her on a downward spiral.

For the rest of the week, she just existed. She'd fallen into a sad routine of going back to
sleep after Noah had kissed her and not waking up again until her stomach rumbled for lunch.
After grabbing what needed less preparation, she went to the living room, ate, and wrapped
herself in a blanket to watch movies.

This is how Noah found her every night and as the week went on, the conversation seemed
to dissipate as she felt like she had nothing to contribute as her days were
always the same.

On Saturday, Noah seemed to be sick of watching her wallow. He made her breakfast in
bed and then dragged her into a shower with him. Instead of letting her dress in her relaxing
clothes, he directed her to the closet and made her pick out something else for the day. Something
hot because, according to him, they were going out.

She tried to argue, but realized quickly that he wasn't in the mood to let her go on as she
was. As much as she kept complaining and trying to get him to change his mind, the minute they
left the house, she started to feel better. Just wearing normal clothes had taken care of and made
her feel more like herself again. After helping her decide on a hobby or two for a few hours, she
thanked him.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, Julia expected them to return home, but it
surprised her. Instead of his garage, he pulled into the parking lot right in the center of town. She
looked around nervously as he opened the door for her and helped her to her feet. "People we
care about already know," he reminded her as he wrapped a handkerchief around his neck.

She smiled, took the arm he offered, and walked with him down the side alley to the
main road.

Much like the art festival they'd attended a few weeks earlier, a large part of Main Street
was blocked off for holiday festivities. It happened every year and would stay that way until the
end of the season. The tree lighting had been on the previous weekend,
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but there was still a decent crowd around. Food trucks lined the surrounding area, and there were several stalls
packed with activities, though most were geared toward kids.

The main activity, apart from Santa Claus for the kids, was the ice skating rink. They remembered the few
times over the years when he'd seen her try to do that and she'd teased him about the fact that he'd never joined
them on the ice. It was then that he declared that they would join the others next year.

It was the first time either of them had said anything about the long-term future, and instead of panic, Julia's
heart raced. She said she couldn't wait and the two followed
in front of.

But his favorite part, the whole reason why Christmas was his favorite in the first place,
were the lights.

The main attraction her city boasted at this time of year was the amount of lights she used to decorate the
street. Multicolored wires were wound around tree trunks where they were joined by fiber optic wires in the
branches. A multitude of other lights decorated the buildings as well as the sidewalk, taking the form of all things
that represented winter.

She could sit on a bench and stare at the lights for hours and be perfectly fine.

They almost always walked hand in hand, indulging in whatever attracted them at various food trucks,
drinking cider and enjoying the view. He even hummed along with the Christmas music playing in the background.
It had always amused her how different he and Myles were this holiday. While Noah shared his tendency to hear
Christmas carols any day of the year, Myles would rather be deaf than hear any of them.

It was when they went to the tree that the snow began to fall; the first of the season. The moment the tiny
white flakes fell into her line of vision, she lifted her head to the sky. When she looked back to smile at Noah, she
did a double take to find he was looking at her. She didn't say anything as he pulled her close and kissed her in a
way that warmed her better than anything else.

They were separated by an elderly couple who asked if they wanted a photo taken. Julia put the phone's
camera in line and handed it to the man. He grabbed one of them with Noah's arm around her back and her head
on his shoulder. So he told them to do what they were doing before; something Noah was all too eager to do. They
thanked the couple when they returned the phone. The couple replied that they were
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happy about it, that young love deserved to be immortalized.

Noah and Julia stood there, watching the couple as they walked away. It was Noah who
cleared his throat and moved first, taking the phone from her hand to pull up the photos. "I think
these are the first ones we have of us."

Julia swallowed hard as she stared at the screen as he scrolled from one photo to the
next. After seeing them all and returning the phone, Julia looked at it, her tongue darting to wet
her lips. "Take me Home."

She could tell by the look in his eyes that she didn't really need to ask. That that would
be his next course of action anyway. Still, he took her hand, nodded, and led her back to the car
at a fairly slow pace.

They didn't bother to grab the things they bought earlier that day from the trunk when
they got home. Julia didn't even wait for him to come around to her side of the car and open the
door for her. Instead, he waited for her to come around the hood and grabbed her hand before
leading her down the path. He had barely unlocked the door before he pulled her close, his lips
coming down to hers. He kicked the door shut behind them and bent down to pick her up before
heading upstairs with her in his arms.

The moment he placed her beside his bed, they were quick to undress. He was the one
to climb onto the bed first, positioning himself so his back was against the headboard. Julia was
there a moment later, straddling his waist and placing her hands on his shoulders for support.
Just the feel of his cock sliding past her lower lips was enough to make her cry out. He groaned
in response to discovering how ready she was just from raw need.

He didn't make her wait long. After a few rolls of his hips and incoherent pleas, he was
reaching between them and lining up at her entrance. Feeling his head pushing its way inside
her, Julia took over, sinking until he was buried all the way inside her.

His hands slid up her hips, her fingers gliding over the ladder to her ribs. She leaned
back slightly, dragging her lower lip between her teeth. He took the opportunity to lean over so
he could pay attention to her breasts. Her head tilted back, her hair cascading down her spine
as she kept her hips alternating between circular motions and rocking back and forth.

His moans with his lips sealed tightly around her nipple; the tongue
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jerking at the taut peak pushed her over the edge. It wasn't the kind of orgasm that had stars exploding
behind her eyelids or her vision going white. It was the kind that felt like fire spreading through her
veins, melting her into a pile of lava. The kind that left her mouth open in silent ecstasy, unable to do
anything but breathe as she clung to him, pressing her face hard against his chest as she came.

He wasn't far behind her. The heat that built up between her legs ignited her fire as well. He
whispered sweet words, most of which fell on deaf ears as a second version began to form before the
first was even finished. When he emptied himself into her, she was finishing her second.

Slowly, she tilted her head forward, her chin resting on top of his head. When the sweat they'd
worked on began to cool, he pulled back far enough that he could see her face. His hands roamed up
and down her back, making her shiver as hers cupped her face.

There were words on the tip of his tongue; words that had been there for some time, demanding
to be said, tired of being held back.

Still, she leaned in, capturing his lips with hers, determined to show him since she was unable
to say it. And as the night wore on, wrapped around each other, she was sure he was trying to deliver
the same message.

Chapter Thirty Three

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Sunday was spent as a quiet day curled up with Noah on the couch under a pile of blankets.
They watched Christmas movies with the curtains open so they could see the snow fall, leaving the
ground white. Each time a movie ended, she offered to change it, but he declined, which made her
even happier to watch the next one.

Monday, she woke up a little panicked to find that he was still lying next to her. After calming
her down, he explained that he had yelled because he wanted to do some things with her that day.
The first he showed her right away, taking time to kiss every square inch of her body before sliding
inside her until she shattered around him.

When they finally got out of bed, they showered and dressed before leaving the house. She
tried to protest when he said the plan was to buy a tree. His main argument was that Christmas was
less than a week away, but he didn't care. When they returned home, they had a new pre-lit tree,
white with multicolored lights and far more decorations than needed.

When she asked him what happened to all the decorations she knew he kept in the garage,
he just shrugged and said there was always room for
more memories.

They picked up dinner on the way home and spent the night decorating the tree. He
told her that next year they would do the holiday right and do everything out.

None of them talked about what they planned to do this Christmas. Traditionally, this holiday
was spent at Brandon's parents' house. It was always the central place and Miranda loved to host. It
never bothered her that she spent more time with them, as her parents were in the habit of traveling
on the Sunday before Christmas every year, returning a few days later each year.

Though Julia doubted she or Noah would be invited anywhere this year.

At least she wasn't alone in all of this. As long as she could spend the holiday with Noah, it
would be a good holiday. She was sure they would make the most of it. She doubted it could be any
worse than Thanksgiving.

Before going to bed that night, Julia turned off all the lights, except the tree, and took off all
her clothes below her waist before sitting on Noah's lap. She held his gaze, watching the explosion of
technological colors reflecting back at her as they came for each other.

Tuesday, with Noah at work, Julia decided she didn't want this week to be
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like the previous one. She wouldn't spend her days wearing the same clothes and wallowing in
despair. Instead, she showered right after he left, made breakfast, and got to work. She started in
the nursery, putting things away and rearranging what she could. It took two days for everything to
be resolved. All that was needed was to find a chair they liked and the baby itself.

Thursday, she rummaged through the Christmas boxes in the garage and rummaged
through until she found the ornaments she knew were very important to him. Some were made by
Myles when he was little, including one that Noah and Sarah had bought to celebrate their son's
first Christmas. There was even one they bought for their first vacation as a couple.

He was silent for a long time when he returned home and saw that she had added them. He
just stood there, staring at the tree, his eyes blurring as he ran his fingertips over them.

"You didn't have to do this," he said when she came to stand beside him, her
arm curling around her as she curled up beside him.

"I know," she replied, turning her head to face him. "But she will always be a part
from you and it doesn't bother me."

He turned then, his lips falling over hers as a single tear rolled down her cheek, tempering
his kiss. The dinner he'd brought home was left forgotten on the kitchen table as he picked it up
and carried it upstairs to thank her.

And on Friday, when he came back a little later than usual, he had a surprise for her. She
watched as he approached, taking his hand as he held it out and following him to the tree. The
other hand came up to the tree, placing something on a branch. Right above where his and Sarah's
first Christmas ornament hung was theirs. She burst into tears mid-kiss and pulled him onto the
couch to thank him properly, completely unashamed of not being able to wait until they were

Later that night, as they lay in bed watching the snow fall outside the window, they finally
talked about the upcoming holiday. "I don't want to make a big fuss about it," she said, watching his
fingers dance across her belly. "You already bought the ornament for us. That's good enough for

"Don't you even want a present to open?" he asked, his breath

warming her skin from where it was buried in the crook of her neck from behind.

"All I want is you," she said, reaching behind her to tangle her arms.
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fingers in your hair.

He stopped behind her, his hand splayed over her waist. "It's okay that I
invited Connor to Christmas Eve?"

Julia laughed and patted his cheek before releasing his arm, her hand resting over his on her stomach. "I
suppose that means we'll have to buy something to

"We have not-"

"We do," she insisted. "He's been doing nothing but supporting and right now, he's the only one who's still
willing to talk to us."

He smiled and pressed his lips to her skin. "We should go shopping tomorrow then. If you're ready for it."

"Maybe we could go see a movie?"

"Whatever you want," he muttered, his hand sliding lower until he

found her pussy.


It wasn't hard to find something for Connor. They managed to get out of the way in one stop. They had
joined a large chain of liquor stores, which also
boasted a sizable humidor with an assortment of cigars. Noah

picked a few along with a new box to keep them inside. While he was making that selection, Julia found a bottle of
Connor's favorite whiskey.

She laughed as she picked it up, remembering one of the few times she and Myles had spent
the night at his house. They were in high school and decided to give it a try. It was the most horrible thing
that she has already put in her mouth. In fact, she hadn't even tried another drink until she came of age, because
the memory of it was so bad. The most memorable part was the next morning when they woke up to Connor sitting
at the table with the bottle in front of him; a smile on his face when he asked them what it tasted like.

Even Noah mocked them when he caught them later that day. Of course, the mood faded when he stopped
by her house, where she begged him not to mention it to her parents.

With the bottle under her arm, she went down the hall with all the sets in boxes and found a set of four
glasses, whiskey rocks and tongs for them. she knew he
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she mostly drank from the bottle, but she was determined to make it civil at some point in her life. Something that
made Noah laugh with her when he saw what she had selected.

"Are you sure you don't want to exchange gifts this year?" he asked when they were
back to the car.

"I'm sure," she replied, taking his hand across the seat. "You said that
next year we're going out with the decorations, so we're going out with the gifts too."

He lifted their joined hands so he could kiss the back of her knuckles and then they headed towards the

After nearly buying up half the food booth, they found their seats and settled in. She was glad he was okay
with seeing something on the lighter side. Something that wouldn't destroy her already depleted emotions that
she'd been working diligently to keep in check. When the movie ended, she still wasn't ready to go home. Noah
noticed and decided to take her out to dinner, choosing one of his favorite restaurants.

As it was the last Saturday before Christmas, neither of them was the least bit surprised by the wait. Placing
his name next to the host, they stood aside. Julia declined an older gentleman's offer for her to be seated. It was as
she scanned the establishment for restrooms, her eyes were surprised to see a familiar face. She tugged on Noah's
sleeve and nodded toward the bar where Benji, Kylah, and Connor were drinking while they waited for the table to
be ready.

Noah hadn't said if Benji had found out about them yet. He hesitated for a moment, but without saying a
word, he took her hand and pulled her towards them. Connor smiled when he saw them approaching, but it was
pretty clear after one look where Benji and Kylah were at when it came to their relationship. The way Benji's eyes
flickered to their joined hands made her want to let go, but Noah squeezed, refusing to budge.

"Nice to meet you two here," Connor said, tipping his beer at them.

"We didn't know you'd be here," Noah said, his voice light, but Julia sensed the

It was Benji's words that made Julia shiver. "That's because you didn't

Connor frowned at his friend. "Oh come on, Benji. There's no need for that." He
then looked at Noah and Julia again. "You are welcome to join us."

"If they stay, let's go," Benji interrupted, his gaze fixing on any
place she and Noah weren't.
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He looked at Noah then and shook his head as he slipped out of his chair. "It's not the
age difference, Noah. It 's who she is." His gaze flickered over her for a second, almost as if he
couldn't help himself. "She's always been like a daughter to you and I'm sorry, but I'm not okay
with that." He turned to his wife and held out his hand for her to take. "Have a nice holiday."

They watched the couple leave and it was only when they were out of sight that Noah
pressed a kiss to her temple and released her hand to pull out the chair Kylah was in for her. "I
suppose that's why I'm best man," Connor said, winking at her. "Besides, I'm going to need a
ride home." Noah nodded, but Connor was still looking at Julia. She narrowed her eyes at him
as his foot nudged hers. "Cheer up, kitten. He's going to change, just like the rest of them."

She smiled back at him, grateful to have at least one person fully on her side. "Thanks,

"What did you two do today?" he asked.

"I did some shopping and then watched a movie before that."

"Does that mean my gift is in your car?" he asked, a glimpse of

mischief in your eyes.

Noah chuckled softly as he leaned back in his chair and put an arm behind his back.
her. "It might be."

"If you take it before I have a chance to wrap it, it goes back to the store," he joked.

Connor's laughter startled some of those around him. "You already look like a real
mother!" Julia rolled her eyes and playfully kicked him under the table. He laughed again and
looked at Noah. "Your wife is playing stand-up with me, old man."

"Stop calling me that," Noah said with a nod. "You're older than me."

"You two look like children," Julia moaned.

"Sorry, dear mother," Connor spoke slowly, making her laugh. "Ready," he said,
pointing with the beer. "That's all I wanted."

She nudged him one last time with her foot and smiled. "Thanks." He inclined his head to
her, but she continued. "For everything. Your support means a lot to me." She turned to Noah,
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his lips brushing hers a moment later. "For both of us," she said, turning to Connor.

"This is going to be expensive," he replied, sending her another wink. your eyes are
widened as she cocked her head to the side.
"We've already named you best man."

"Yes, but I think Connor has a wonderful middle name, don't you?"
She froze, watching as the humor faded from his gaze as he looked at Noah. His
hand curled around her shoulder, squeezing for comfort. "We haven't talked about names

"Oh," Connor muttered, but broke out into another smile anyway. "Then I
I call bullshit."

Julia couldn't help the laugh that bubbled to her lips as she told him she would
consider it. And just like that, the incident with Benji and Kylah was forgotten as the three
continued on with their night.

Chapter Thirty Four

Julia woke up the next morning bathed in a cold sweat. Despite the fact that the
previous week had been decent, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in
her bones. Noah woke up with her, asking what was wrong, but there was nothing to say to
him. It was just a sensation; one she couldn't identify.
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In an attempt to assuage her worries, Noah suggested starting her day with a hot tub. Not having one in
a while, she readily agreed and watched as he drew one for her.

While she waited, she looked at her phone. She had no doubt her parents would still be going on their
annual trip this year. If she remembered correctly, it was the Bahamas they'd chosen for the summer. Back when
she still lived with them.

Even though they were still mad at her, it was a holiday and they were her parents. Before getting out of
bed, she called her mother's cell phone and waited for her to answer or send it to voicemail. She wasn't surprised
when it was the last, and after hearing the greeting, Julia
left one.

“Hey, Mom. Dad. You might already be at the airport or on the plane or ignoring my calls.
I just wanted you to know that I still love you, even though you're mad at me.
Hope you have a great holiday in the Bahamas. Maybe we can talk when you get back? I'd hate it if you lost your
grandson's life over this.” She paused for a second so she could take a deep breath. “Have a good flight. Love

She wiped the lone tear from her lower lashes, placed the phone on the nightstand and got out of bed.
She inhaled deeply at the warm, comforting scent of the oils Noah had dropped into the water as she entered the
bathroom. "You bought so many different scents, I wasn't sure which one you really wanted," he said, glancing at
her twice. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," she said with a nod, smiling at him. "I just left a message on my mom's cell phone. They can be
mad all they want, but I'd still like to know they had a safe flight."

He approached her, his lips brushing her cheek, before bending down to open the cupboard under the
sink. When he got to his feet, he held up the small wastebasket she'd placed her bathing supplies in. "Pick one of
your fizzy things."

"Bath foams," she corrected with a sigh.

"Whatever," he replied with a smile. "Preferably one without all the glitter."

"It's biodegradable," she said, picking up the off-white with gold glitter dots.

He frowned for a moment before returning the trash can to the closet. "It doesn't matter
when it clings to me, it has nothing to do with it,” he complained.

"If you don't like it, you don't have to join me," she said, turning to the water to
close the tap.
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He sneered as he moved to stand behind her, his hardening cock pressing against
her. "You're wrong, love," he breathed, pulling her hair over one shoulder and kissing her
skin. "The day I don't want to jump at the sight of you naked and wet for me is the day I
demand to be put down. I assure you, I won't be fit for life."

She laughed with him and turned around so he could take her hand and help her into
the tub. She never had to check the water, knowing he had a knack for always getting it to
the perfect temperature on the first try. She stood there, back at the faucet as she continued
to hold his hand as he entered, facing her. He bent down first and then watched with narrowed
eyes as she released the bubble bath. He splashed in the water and immediately began to

She laughed as she took his other hand so he could help her sit open on his lap. She
wasn't sure it would work the first time, but he assured her there was more than enough room
for two. She decided it was best not to ask how he knew that and just let him guide her into
the position. This time, as she settled into his lap, they both groaned as the heat of the water
chased away the winter chill.

His hands roamed over his skin as hers cupped his face, tilting it so she could kiss
him. His lips parted immediately, his tongue there to greet hers a moment later. She bit down
with her teeth after a moment, earning a low growl in her throat. She smiled against his mouth
as her hips rolled over.
your dick.

"We should renovate the bathroom," she murmured, kissing his way along her cheek.
jaw until she was able to catch his earlobe between her teeth.

"I did less than ten years ago," he said with a laugh. "What did you have in

"Turn it all into one big bathtub," she suggested, nibbling her way down the column of
her throat.

His hands slid down her ass, squeezing her flesh as he pulled her
hips closer with a groan. "Somehow I doubt this will work."

She pouted, rotating her hips again. "You're taking all the fun out of my fantasy, Mister

"And you, Miss Roth, are creating a lot of news," he groaned as he pushed
up, his cock sliding along her clit, making her moan in his ear.

"Tell me one of yours and I'll tell you one of mine," she purred, her tongue tracing the
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shell of your ear.

Her hand sank beneath the surface of the water and gripped his cock. He aligned himself with her entrance
and moved his hands to her hips to guide her down. Her head tipped back with a sigh, giving him access to her

"I want to cuff you to the headboard," he whispered against her skin. "And use
a blindfold to block your view."

His fingers dug into her hips to keep her from taking control in her quest for friction. It brought on a strangled
cry as he continued thrusting in and out of her at a torturously slow pace. When he trusted she wouldn't do it again,
he let one hand dip, his fingers playing with her clit as he pounded hard and deep with each stroke.

"I want to take my time; tease you." She moaned aloud as he built her with his care and his words. He
pinched her throat again as he picked up the pace with just one touch. "I want to hear you beg me for release."

She cried out then as her body spasmed with the onset of her release. Water splashed the edge of the tub
from all sides as her hips jerked as she repeated his name like a mantra as she came. He never stopped pushing,
your orgasm.

"Your turn," he breathed as her forehead rested against his.

She nodded and pressed her hips against his, taking control as her face flushed. She knew half of it was
from the heat of the bathroom, half from being almost too embarrassed to say what she really wanted.

"I want you…" she swallowed and bit her lip for a moment. "Be hard on me."

He shuddered beneath her as they both groaned as he slid deeper than ever before. "How hard?" he asked,
the roughness in his voice telling her he was intrigued.

The words came out in a hurry so she wouldn't lose her nerve. "Bite me, hit me, pull my hair; all of it."

She shivered as his right hand slid down her body. He followed the curve of her shoulder, climbed the side
of her neck and sank into her mass of curls. Slowly, he wrapped her hair around his fist and tugged. "Such that?"
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"M-stronger," she moaned, her hips rotating at a much faster pace. He complied and his
scalp tingled from the tug of his hair. "Yes, yes, yes !" she whimpered as he increased the
pressure again.

He even pulled her head back so she was looking at the ceiling as he leaned in, his lips
against her flesh. He didn't bite her, but she felt his teeth graze her throat. "Noah!" she screamed
as a shiver rippled through her body from head to toe. He gave her skin a gentle nip and while
it wasn't exactly what she meant, it worked. She came again, dragging him along with her this

When his labored breathing became manageable, he cupped her face in his hands and
pulled back to look at her. Her skin heated under his touch and he told her to open her eyes
when she tried to close them. "There's no reason to be embarrassed about these things, love,"
he said, kissing the tip of her nose. "I'll be happy to give you whatever you ask for."

A thrill surged through her and she grabbed his cock still lodged inside her, making him
to moan. "Same goes for you," she whispered. "Eventually, anyway."

He laughed and kissed her again, this time on the lips. Neither of them said anything as
they hugged each other until the water started to cool. After a quick wash, they got out of the
tub and dried off to start their day.


Julia wasn't surprised to find no answer as she checked her phone during the day.
Though each time her screen lit up, the feeling of dread she'd woken up with only increased.
Even with the relaxation the bath they'd shared earlier provided, he remained. Regardless, they
went on with their day.

As they had already decided that they were going to cook something for Christmas Eve,
a look in the fridge told them they needed to go shopping. After breakfast cereal, they dressed
in warm clothes and braved the snow to head to the store.

They took their time, navigating up and down all the aisles, even the ones they knew
they didn't need at all. The end result was a ton of stuff they didn't need but would both consume

It wasn't until they got home and halfway to put away their groceries that she thought
about the date. Noah was surprised to see her standing with one hand in a bag and the other
on her stomach.
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"Today is the last day of my second trimester." She inhaled slowly while smiling
for herself. “We are in the final stretch now.”

Noah let out a soft whistle as he came to stand beside her, his hand resting on hers. As usual, the
baby kicked wildly under her palm. "Probably
We should talk about names."

She nodded, but made no comment. Instead, she asked, "Was it

so with Myles? Did time go by so incredibly fast, but slow at the same time?"

He nodded and pressed a kiss to her cheek before returning to putting away the
purchases. "It was just like that."

She sighed. "Probably because we don't even find out that we have a follow-up until the first
trimester is almost over. And then, in the second trimester, we're too busy fighting hormones to tell the
time." She smiled at the laugh that came from him. "Was Sarah's third trimester the worst?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?" She moaned. "I'll take that as a yes."

"We'll get through this," he assured her. "Just like we did with everything else. I think
We've done a pretty good job so far, haven't we?"

"Besides the fact that no one will talk to us except for Connor and a message
Olivia's occasional?"

"I wasn't talking about them, Julia," he said, voice steady. "I was speaking
about us."

She placed her hand on his forearm and gave it a light squeeze. "I know, I'm sorry." Is it over there
he dropped a suitcase and added, "And yes, so far it's been great. All thanks to you."

"I am something, am I not?" She snorted.

"Don't get cocky."

A scream escaped her lips as she found herself being swung around on her hips and then pressed
her back gently against the counter. His lips brushed hers as he murmured, "I thought you loved it when-"

Tap, tap, tap.

They both froze for a moment before he pulled away. "Were you expecting someone?" she asked.
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He shook his head and walked away from her to answer the door. Julia took a deep
breath, the air pulling between her teeth. She took a few cautious steps towards the archway as
her body began to shake with nervous energy wondering who it could be. Just as she was about
to peek around the corner to see, she heard a voice she didn't recognize.

But it was the red and blue lights dancing around the hallway that made his
blood turn to mud.

“Nelson? Davis?” came Noah's voice, the confusion audible even with his familiarity
with the cops at your door.

"Does Julia still live with you, Sir?" asked one of them, the tone of his voice giving
want to vomit.

"She does," Noah replied after a moment. "Is she home? We need to talk to her."

Julia swallowed hard as she appeared. "H-hi," she breathed, her eyes darting back and
forth between the two cops at the door. "W-what's wrong?" she asked, moving slowly towards
them as if her feet were about to turn to stone any second.

"For the record, are you the daughter of Samuel David Roth and Penelope Anne Roth?"

"Yes," she said, her voice not much more than a whisper.

The pity in both officers' eyes told her that was it. Whatever they were about to say next
was what that feeling of dread that was building her up was preparing her for. When the officer
began to speak, blood began to rush to his ears. She heard him, she did, but her mind refused
to acknowledge the weight of what he said. Instead, she just stared at them until she couldn't
even do that.

Her legs gave out a second after her lips stopped moving, but she never hit the ground
thanks to Noah who caught her in time, keeping her from falling. He was calling her name, but it
sounded like he was yelling in the street. As if he was anywhere other than beside her, holding
her tightly. For a second, she thought she heard a scream and after a moment, she realized it
was hers.

As if underwater, she heard Noah talking to the cops and them communicating with her
dispatch calling for an ambulance. When Noah's voice took on a more urgent tone as he called
her name, she wondered if she hadn't lost control of her bladder at the news. Her thighs pressed
together with the sudden heat between them and from the way Noah was holding her, she knew
he felt it too. only,
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when he raised his hand, his skin was smeared with red.

And then, she saw nothing.

Chapter Thirty Five

Everything passed in a blur.

Time seemed to pass so quickly that Julia wasn't sure if they were memories or dreams. Others
stretched out in endless struggles, making her want the opposite.

She could remember waking up in the back of an ambulance, but only for a second. Aside from
the two paramedics, she was alone; terrified. One of them spoke to her, trying to keep her conscious,
but the panic still hadn't worn off and all she could do was scream for Noah. Whether or not his name
was consistent on her lips, she never knew.

The next part she remembered was being in a hospital room; the stark white walls making her
headache worse as she tried to open her eyes again. There was pain, most of it concentrated in her
stomach, but through it, she could feel a hand clasped in hers, squeezing tightly. Her eyes couldn't
focus, but she knew it was Noah. His presence was what made her fight her way back as panic rose
again and pulled her to shreds.

When she came to, she went to Noah brushing her hair out of her face and asking her to wake
up. He was telling her that the doctor needed to talk to them about the baby; that they had a decision to
make. She managed to open her eyes, but when she saw the tears in his eyes, the news of the cops at
her door replayed in her mind and chaos erupted again.

When she disappeared, she felt Noah's hand slip from hers. She heard doctors and nurses
struggling and a moment later she was on the move; your destiny

It was when she came to that time seemed to stretch across eons.

She woke with a start, panicked as she instinctively moved her hands to her stomach, only to
find a soft, withered middle where there should have been strong roundness. She had screamed and
Noah was there a moment later. He took her hands and pressed himself as close to her as possible
from where he was beside her. Her own sobs joined hers before he could explain much, but hearing
that her baby was fine, she relaxed just a little.
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The doctor arrived shortly after the two had calmed down and explained everything to
her. With every word he spoke, Julia felt more numb. Time seemed to stop and refused to move.
He told her that while unusual, emotional trauma can sometimes be severe enough to cause
childbirth. That the news of her parents' death did just that for her.

He said they had tried everything to prevent her from having a premature birth, but her
body refused to cooperate. They ended up performing an emergency C-section and the baby
was immediately rushed to the NICU. At just 28 weeks, he was considered extremely high risk,
but at the moment he was stable.

As he started to explain the treatment plan, Julia's mind turned it off. The last thing she
heard was that typically premature babies would be kept in the NICU until their due date.
Sometimes more depending on what happened while they were in intensive care. They rarely
returned home early.

Although he didn't mention how long Julia would have to stay, she got the impression it
would take longer than anticipated.

A nurse appeared a few moments before the doctor left to take her vitals and check her
IVs. She tried to strike up a conversation with Julia, but all she got was the simplest movement
of her head. The nurse seemed to understand and started directing her questions to Noah, who
answered what he could.

Finishing, the nurse patted him on the arm and told him that all he had to do was press a button.
button if you needed anything.

When it was just her and Noah, she closed her eyes and leaned back against the pillow
behind her head. She shivered as she shifted her hips to try to get more comfortable. The pain
that followed brought tears to her eyes and before she knew it, she was sobbing.

Noah was there, as usual, wrapping himself around her as best he could. His hand sought
out hers and she clung to him, her emotions spilling out in the form of desperate pleas, hoping
this was all a nightmare she would wake up from soon.


Julia didn't even realize she had fallen asleep. How much time had passed since then,
she wasn't sure. The only thing she knew was that there was still a hand in hers and she was
wrapped tightly in someone's arms.
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The problem was, the hand in hers wasn't quite right, and while the scent of the person
she leaned on was familiar, it wasn't Noah's. She backed away slowly, her eyes widening as
her vision focused to reveal Myles. He was sitting on the bed with her, his arm around her
shoulders so he could play with her hair as she rested against him, her head on his shoulder.

"Myles?" she questioned, blinking as if it was a dream she hadn't yet


"Sorry, I know it probably wasn't who you were expecting or even wanted to see, but
Connor took Dad out for a bite to eat a little while ago." He reached out with his other hand to
brush the bangs of his hair out of his eyes. "Should be back soon."

She swallowed; her throat still raw from having almost sobbed. She wanted to say
something, ask questions, but her tongue felt like cotton in her mouth, refusing to cooperate.
Instead, she laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes to hold back a few more tears.
Between them, his hand squeezed hers for reassurance as his lips brushed the top of her head.

"I'm sorry, Juls," he whispered, anguish in his voice. "I'm sorry I wasn't there." He shook
his head above her, her hair caught in his beard. "Still need some tweaking or something," he
said, pausing to clear his throat. "But you're my family. More now than ever and I'm here. I'm
here and I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

She felt him tremble beside her as they cried together. Julia was surprised that she
didn't have anything else in her system to cry about. They were sitting there, curled up around
each other. Even after the tears subsided, none of them moved.

"I've seen him before," Myles said after the nurse came in to check on her. Julia still
couldn't find the urge to speak, so she nodded against him, even though her stomach clenched
at the mention of her son. "Connor and I stopped outside the ICU as soon as we heard you
were..." He trailed off and Julia tried not to flinch at the fact that he'd almost said she was fine.
He cleared his throat and said, "He's small. And pink."

If Julia hadn't been so numb, she might have laughed. As it was, she didn't
he could do more than force air through his nose and blink as he continued to stare straight ahead.

"Right now, they're calling him Baby Boy Roth-Foster" in hopes that , he said, talking
she would respond to something. "That's a bit full, don't you think?"
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She turned away from him and looked around the room. "Where's my phone?" she asked.

"I'm not sure," he said, looking at her, reaching for her as she
he took the covers off his legs. "Julia..."

"I need my phone," she breathed, panic rising in her chest. "I need to check. See if my
parents-" she trailed off, almost choking on the word. Her mind was trying to tell her something, but
she refused to listen. "I need-"

"Juls..." he said again, his voice cracking. "Please don't- Just stay-"

"I need my phone, Myles!" she snapped, shifting her legs over the side of the bed, ignoring
the sharp pain that followed the action. "And my…my clothes," she added, the chill of the linoleum
floor making her breath hitch as their feet made contact.

"That's not..." Myles was on his feet too, looking at her with panic in his eyes. "You can't... I'll
just call a nurse. Just don't... Don't get up," he said and ran out of the room.

Julia's jaw twitched as she moved forward on the edge of the bed again. With her feet planted
firmly on the ground, she tried to push herself onto them, but her legs refused to support her. She
growled in frustration and tried again. This time, her elbows flexed mid-push and she screamed as
she nearly slipped off the bed and fell to the floor.

But it wasn't luck that kept her from falling, it was a strong pair of arms around her,
holding her tightly. "What are you doing?" Noah asked, his voice stern.

"I need my phone," she whispered into his chest. "My parents..."
"Julia... are they-"

"NO!" she screamed, trying her best to free herself from his grip, but he just
held tighter. "I don't…they d-can't be. They… Noah!"

"I'm sorry, love," he whispered, tears spilling into his hair. He continued to hug her tightly as
he repeated the words over and over until she calmed down enough to lie down. He stayed bent over
her, his forehead against hers as he rubbed whatever part of her he could.

It took a while to realize that the pain was gone, replaced by a feeling of lightness. "Something
to help you sleep," the nurse said, patting her arm again before removing the syringe from the port on
her IV line.

"Don't go," she pleaded, her fingers gripping Noah as her body relaxed.
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His eyes started to close, but not before his lips brushed hers as he
he whispered, "Never."


It was the day after Christmas, a full week after being transported in an ambulance, that Julia was
released. The doctor had come early that morning to deliver the good news and that the paperwork would be
brought in for discharge before lunch. She tried her best to pay attention to the instructions, but found it hard to

The numbness that had presented itself since her attempt to pick up the phone earlier in the week had
lingered, refusing to let go. When the light sedative wore off, she simply opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling.
Even when Connor, Olivia, and Myles came to visit here and there, she didn't say anything. Not that she said
much to Noah either; saving his words to respond to doctors and nurses instead.

From what she was able to gather, she was supposed to remain on bed rest until released by her
obstetrician. They gave her medicine to take for the next month and promised that they would keep them both
apprised of their son's condition and that they would be welcome to visit whenever they wanted. The last part was
aimed more at Noah than at her; at least until she was coherent.

Last she knew, he was stable, but not out of the woods yet. He had been intubated at birth and still
couldn't breathe on his own. His brain was not yet fully developed, but he was responding well to treatment. Every
time they came to her and Noah about a decision on one test or another, she looked away, leaving Noah to make
the call.

Silent tears streamed down her face as Noah helped her into the wheelchair the nurse said she needed
to get in to leave the hospital. She hugged the bag of her belongings to her chest. Not only did she no longer have
her parents to turn to, she also didn't have her son. She wasn't sure which was worse; that she was leaving him
behind or that she didn't want to be with him.

The drive home was silent and Julia kept her face to the door. She rested her head against the window,
eyes focused on the interior panel as the world blurred past her as Noah drove. She barely registered the two
cars parked outside the house, figuring the others would be there when she was released.

Noah reached for her as they walked to the door, but when he went to brush
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his lips on hers, she turned her head, his kiss brushing her cheek. He stayed behind as she opened the
door, not hesitating in the least to leave him behind as she crossed the threshold and dropped her bag in
the doorway. She didn't want anything inside him now; not even your phone.

Connor, Myles, and Olivia rose to greet her the moment she appeared and entered the living room.
One by one they pulled her close and said they were happy to see her home. She tried to smile, but her lips
did nothing but a brief muscle twitch. Noah joined them a few moments later, watching as she went through
the motions of being flattered.

No one said anything as she started to back away. They simply watched her leave with sad, helpless
eyes as they wished her a Merry Christmas and that she had a good night's sleep in her own bed.

She stopped at the top of the stairs, but refused to cast a glance in the nursery's direction.

Her throat tight, she forced herself forward and crossed the hallway a few more steps until she
reached the bedroom she shared with Noah. She didn't even take off her shoes before sitting down beside
the bed she'd always claimed as her own. Without even pulling back the covers, she lay on her side, her
body curling into a fetal position. She closed her eyes at the emptiness she felt when, out of habit, her hand
was brought to her stomach, only to find nothing there.

She hugged the pillow so she could bury her face in it and concentrated on the
breathing until you start to fall asleep.

Only much later, when she woke up for a moment, did she realize that Noah had walked in at a
certain time. He had taken off her shoes and placed a blanket over her before curling himself around her
back as he always did and holding her tightly against him. She stayed awake long enough to push herself
back into his embrace, dozing off again when she felt him tighten her hold. It was almost enough to chase
away the numbness.

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Chapter Thirty Six

The morning after Julia arrived home, Noah persuaded her to take a shower without
a word. She tried to be strong for him, knowing he needed her too, but she was too numb
to try for long. As it was, most of the time in the shower was spent huddled together as the
water splashed around them, enveloping them in heat. When they washed, she found
herself relaxing slightly at the feel of his fingers against her scalp as they massaged her
while he washed her hair.
The first words they exchanged were later that morning, in the kitchen, when he
mentioned that he had gone to the hospital to check on his son and asked if she wanted to
go with him. She declined the offer, saying she was not ready to return. She saw the look in
his eyes; the one who told her he knew wasn't the only reason. Even so, he nodded, kissed
her on the cheek and promised to be back soon.
She wasn't really surprised when Connor showed up right after Noah left. He simply
walked in without knocking on the front door and plopped down on the couch next to her.
She offered him what she could in terms of a smile to which he bent his head and snatched
the remote from her hand. Neither of them said a word during their visit as they fixed their
attention on the television. Whatever they were watching, she couldn't remember, but she
took comfort in his presence all the same.
It was like that for the rest of the week; of which, Noah had left work. He spent
mornings and nights with her and afternoons at the hospital. Each time he left, it didn't take
long for someone else to join her at home. She knew Noah was asking for it; that was his
way of trying to help her and peace of mind for himself. She appreciated the efforts, but
after a few days, she just wanted to be alone.
On Wednesday, she retired to their room after Noah went to the hospital. Sleep came
surprisingly easy the moment she lay down and when she woke up, the presence curled up
behind her was too small and lithe to be Noah. confused,
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she forced her eyes open and turned her head only to see a sea of blonde waves fanning the
pillows, mixing with her own darker curls.

It was the first time she smiled.

That night, Olivia had stayed for dinner. Mainly because Noah had brought Myles with
him when he got back from the hospital. It was weird having them around and they did their best
to carry on as normal. Julia sat there most of the time; half listening, half staring at nothing.
When they talked about New Year's Eve the next night, Julia excused herself and went upstairs
to bed.

Even if she wanted to celebrate the holiday, a phone call from the hospital shortly after
waking up on Thursday morning would have changed her mind anyway.

She could tell from the panic in Noah's eyes as he listened to the speaker on the other
end, the tension in his voice as he answered questions, and the frantic way he dressed after
the call ended that it wasn't good news.

His jaw twitched as he finished getting ready, only to see that she still hadn't moved from
her spot on the bed. She knew he wanted to say something and that he needed her help, but
the thought of going back to the hospital already made her heart pound in her chest. "I'll call
you," he said after a moment, leaning in to give her a quick kiss on the forehead before pulling

He called her several times, each of which she answered, but as he tried to explain what
was going on, she couldn't concentrate. Instead, the only thing she could say was that she
trusted him and whatever decision he made, she would support him.

That night, when he came home with less than an hour to go until New Year's, he broke
down. He was sitting on the edge of the bed when she came out of the bathroom; his head
buried in his hands. Without even looking at her, he told her that her son was still alive, but it
didn't look good. Doctors changed their prognosis to cautious, but they were doing everything
they could.

He barely finished speaking before he stood up and wrapped his arms around her, pulling
her close. The moment he buried his face in her hair, he was lost. She wrapped her arms around
his trembling form, but there was nothing left in her to cry with him.

Somewhere between his sobs he told her that he needed her too and she just
managed to reply, "I'm sorry."

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The following Monday, Noah took Julia to the obstetrician. Her doctor said she was healing
very well; that women typically recover within four to six weeks. Since the stitches placed at the
surgical site were dissolvable, there was nothing to worry about removing. When asked about the
baby, Julia's response consisted of as few words as possible.

The doctor knew where he was, but it was the polite thing to do. However, based on Julia's
reaction, the doctor looked between her and Noah before asking if she was okay. As she mentioned
postpartum depression and ways to deal with it, Julia declined the information despite the look on
Noah's face and they left, making an appointment for a month earlier.

Instead of going straight home, Noah took them to the office. He called that morning to say he
would be out that day and asked how sick he had been. Since he had been with the strength for
some time, he had saved over half a year of illness time. Given the situation, he was stopping long
enough to sign some papers and then work would be the least of his worries for a while.

When he got back to the car, he asked if she wanted to go to the hospital with him. She looked
away from him so she wouldn't see the disappointment and heartbreak in his eyes as she shook her
head. He stayed long enough to make sure she was settled at home and then left.

During that time, the routine they'd established before the holiday remained the same, except
Noah didn't send anyone to sit with her in her absence. He called her a few times when he was in the
hospital; some she replied, some she didn't. For the most part, she saw him in the morning until he
left after making sure she had breakfast. Whether or not he came back for dinner or after she was
asleep, it was fifty-fifty.

It was the first Wednesday of the new year that Noah came home in the middle of the
afternoon with tears in his eyes and a bittersweet smile on his lips. He ignored the startled look on
her face at the sight of him as he gently pulled her off the couch and held her as tightly as he dared.

"He took a turn for the better this morning," he informed her, his face buried in her curls. "Not
quite out of the woods yet, but..." his voice trailed off as he pulled away and cupped her face. "He
might do better if you went to see him."

She swallowed hard and closed her eyes when he refused to let her go. "I do not
I can. I'm sorry."
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"Not yet," she whispered when he released her.

She heard him sigh and watched as he continued where she'd left him as she sat down on
the couch. He was biting his tongue, but she was still very scared. He didn't say anything as he
nodded and ran a hand through his hair. Instead of sitting with her, he turned and headed for the
stairs. She didn't blame him at all; if the situation were reversed, she wouldn't want to be around
her either.

It was the following Saturday that Julia woke up later than usual. She wasn't surprised that
Noah was no longer beside her or that his side of the bed was cold. She was, however, surprised
to find him downstairs, considering the time of day and that he was not alone. Olivia, Myles, and
Connor were sitting around the kitchen table, eating bagels, cream cheese, and an assortment of
fruit they must have brought with them.

They gave her warm but hesitant smiles when they saw her approaching and Connor
insisted she sit down. Before she could refuse a food offer, Myles was pushing a cheese bagel
with extra cream cheese into her hand. She ate while listening to them continue their conversation
before she entered.

For a while, it almost seemed normal. As if she hadn't lost her parents almost a month ago.
As if the news hadn't been so devastating that it had forced her into premature labor at just 28
weeks. For a second, she even reached for Noah's hand and gave him a smile; one that caught
him completely off guard.

But, as she'd learned the hard way, there was always another shoe ready to drop.

When his guests retreated to the living room, Noah squeezed her hand and held it. "We
need to talk." He didn't give her the option to escape before adding, "About your parents."

She hesitated for a moment, but finally gave a curt nod. "Which
about them?"

He wet his lips in an effort to find the best way to say what he needed to without scaring
her off too soon. "The morgue keeps calling to ask about your plans. They won't... They'll stay with
them until we find out, but-"

Julia's jaw twitched and she looked away, but she didn't look away from him. "OK."
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His grip tightened on hers and she heard the breath he released very slowly. "I suppose
because of their religion they wanted to be buried rather than cremated?"

She nodded, unable to say anything about the lump in her throat. "If I can arrange something
for the next weekend, would you agree to that?" She nodded again, prompting him to say, "I can handle
this if you can't, Juls.
I'm sure they'll help." He waved to the others in the living room.

Despite not wanting to deal with the situation, being an only child, the lawyer had already
passed to read the will. They had left everything to her; mainly your house and your money. Any debt
they had, which wasn't much, should be taken out of what they had before sharing it with her. Even so,
it still left her with more than she would ever know what to do.

She pulled her hands from his and took a step back. "I don't want you to pay for
anything. Whatever it takes, use the money they left me."

He nodded, not wanting to argue about it. He didn't say anything either.
tried to get her to stay when she started to walk away.

She stopped in the doorway and looked over her shoulder, but not at him. "If you plan a
wake, it would be better to hold it at their house."

"Consider it done," he said, rubbing his chin. "We'll go to the hospital if-"

He stopped when she shook her head and rounded the corner to head up the stairs. She closed
the door behind her as she entered the room, but as soon as she sat on the edge of the bed there was
a light knock on the door. Myles walked in a moment later, not bothering to wait for an invitation. She
glanced at him as he stopped in front of her to see what he was going to do.
to say.

"I don't really remember my mother," he began. "So I don't know what
really is losing one parent, let alone both at the same time."


"I can't even imagine what you're going through, Juls," he persisted, "but now you 're a mother
and you haven't even gone to see your son. My father can't do this alone. He can't take care of you
and your son alone. . I know you know that."

She shivered and dropped her gaze to the floor, her hands curling over the edge of the bed.

He dropped to his knees before her, filling her vision with him unless she closed her eyes.
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eyes. "I'm sorry, I really am. I know you're not well, but I don't know how to help you. The only thing
I can do is be here for whatever you need. But you're pulling away from all of us and we're scared."
He reached up to wipe away the lone tear that ran down her cheek. "If not for me, at least for my
dad, okay? He needs you more than any of us; as much as you need him."

She nodded against her palm, but refused to speak. She knew if she opened her mouth
now, more tears would follow and she would break down. She wasn't ready to deal with those
emotions just yet.

Myles accepted her nod. He pushed himself up, his lips pressing against her forehead as he
rose. "If you decide you want to see him while we're gone, give us a call. We'll get back to you."

There was no doubt in her mind that this was true, but even when she found herself picking
up the phone later that day, she couldn't. Instead, she lay back, closed her eyes, and waited for
Noah to return.

Chapter Thirty Seven

Julia was surprised that Noah had accomplished so much in one week. Though he'd assured
her that not only did he have help, but his parents had contingencies for that sort of thing. They
already had their headstones made and their lots chosen in the cemetery. They had made the
arrangements for what they wanted to wear and the flowers they wanted to have. Most of the time, it was a
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issue of checking things off a checklist and paying the right people.

The wake, however, was not something her parents had planned. Olivia took the lead on this, so
while Julia, Noah, and Myles went to the cemetery to bury their parents, she and Connor went to Julia's
parents' house. That way she wasn't overwhelmed by the people at the grave site.

The funeral itself was a grim event; not that she'd thought it would be anything less. From what she
understood about the stages of grief, she was oscillating between denial and depression, never having
touched others.

Although she was saddened by the fact that her parents were buried with so little around, she also
thought there were too many. Especially when, before starting, she had to continually answer the same five
questions she didn't want to answer.

Noah and Myles did their best to redirect, but when they stepped out into the frigid January air, Julia
was ready to call it a day. In the end, it was her aunt on her mother's side who made the speech, when Julia
shook her head to refuse. After the two coffins were successfully lowered to the ground, Julia couldn't move
away from the spot in front of them.

When the small group of her extended family began to return to her parents' house, where they were
staying for the time being, Julia found herself still there. Even with one hand clasped tightly in Noah's and
the other in Myles's, she couldn't move.

When it started to snow, she let go of his hands and dropped to her knees, not caring in the least
that she soaked her pants. Behind her, she heard Noah and Myles whispering about the hospital, so she
turned and gave Noah the biggest smile she could and told him to leave. That she would see him at the wake.

He crouched briefly beside her, planted a kiss on the top of her head and said goodbye to both of
them before going to check on his son. When it was just the two of them, Myles sat beside her. They stayed
there until the cold got really bad. Only then did she get up on shaky legs and take comfort in the hand he
offered before getting back in the car and getting out of the car.

With everything that had happened before the car accident, she hadn't expected to see so many
cars crowding the street when they arrived. She recognized the cars too; they belonged to the family of her
ex-in-laws and other friends she hadn't seen much of since finding out she was pregnant.

"If it's too much, I can-" Myles began.

"It's okay," she said with a quick shake of her head. "Only..."
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"Liv has already warned everyone not to overwhelm you. If you need a minute,
take it. Suffer as you need to, Juls. Nobody is judging."
They just stayed in the car a little longer before they got in. Just as she was scared,
even though she knew this would happen, everyone stopped talking and looked at her. To
end it, she gave a general nod as she scanned their faces. "Thanks for coming," she
muttered and left to find the least inconspicuous place to sit.
Most of the time, people left her alone. She sat there, making herself as small as
possible while keeping her gaze rooted to the floor so she wouldn't be confronted by all the
memories hovering on the walls. Occasionally, someone would notice their presence, but
they kept their conversations limited. Most just offered a hug or a handshake on the shoulder.

At some point, Olivia placed a plate of food in front of her and demanded that she eat.
After her lips parted to protest, her not-so-gently friend threatened to force her to feed her in
front of everyone if she didn't obey.

Julia watched as she walked away with a smile on her face. She'd eaten half her plate
before her stomach threatened to revolt. Not wanting to just put it on the table and forget
about it, she got up and walked into the kitchen.
Not surprisingly, Brandon was there, fiddling with one of the meat trays. He paused;
his hand hovered over a slice of ham as she placed the plate in her hands on the counter.
He shot her a pitying look, which she tried her best to ignore, but only brought tears to her
Without thinking twice, he turned around, pulling her to him. She didn't move when he
he tightened his arms around her back and whispered, "I'm sorry for your loss."
All she could do was nod her head. She couldn't even lift her
arms to hold him.
“I also regret not being around. I wasn't sure you wanted me there,"
he added, clearing his throat as he took a step back. "How is your son?"
She shook her head briefly, her gaze dropping to the counter. “He's…well,” she
managed to say, her throat tight.
"Can I meet you?" he asked, making her look at him through her eyelashes. "I mean,
if it's not…it's okay if…" he sighed and offered her a warm smile. "Are you okay?"

The bitter laugh that bubbled to her lips surprised them both.
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“I just buried both of my parents, Brandon. The death that made me c-” Julia
interrupted, unable to say anything about her son. "Of course I'm not okay."

His eyes gleamed over her shoulder; to the room full of people behind
her. She knew they were watching; he could feel his eyes on his back.

"There is something-"

"Can you bring my parents back to life?" she interrupted, her body starting to
shake. "Can you make the last things they said to me not be so-"

"Juls..." It was Myles' voice that called her name as he appeared beside her in the

She turned to look at him, shaking her head as she spoke. “You walked away from me too,”
she breathed, tears clouding her vision. "You wouldn't even be here if it weren't for…for…"

She clutched the counter as a sob tore from her throat.

Myles moved to reach for her, but she shrugged off his touch. Though she could cling to
him and pretend she was close enough to the one she wanted most, now
it was not the time.

She turned around then, looking at the living room where everyone was looking, looking at
her as if she were a train about to capsize. Panic began to bloom in her chest as she scanned the
crowd, but Noah's face was nowhere to be found.

“I'm sorry, Juls,” whispered Myles, reaching for her again. This time, she let him take her in
his arms. Panic kept her from doing more than clinging to him, despite the fact that her outburst
was aimed at him.

Doing her best to tune into everything and everyone else, she buried her face in his chest
and leaned against him. If he hadn't been holding her, she would have fallen to the ground when
the curse finally opened and the emotions of a month began to flow.

His mind refused to listen to him as he continued to apologize. I was stuck in an endless
cycle of self-deprecation. This caused all kinds of words to flow from his lips. Words that blamed
themselves for their parents' deaths and for putting Noah in a position to hide things from Myles.

As people continued to watch her crumble, Julia just clung to him tighter. She sobbed until
her throat was raw and her eyes not only burned, but swollen. Until there was no more moisture in
your body to keep
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your bright cheeks.

When she was reduced to puffy eyes, a snotty nose, and sobs, she turned away from him and
marched through the crowd.

They all gave her ample space as she climbed the stairs. She intended to go into her old room and lock
herself in until further notice, but when she stopped, she found herself in her parents' room.

She leaned against the wall that led to the master bathroom and slid down to the floor, hugging her knees
to her chest. She was surprised to find more tears streaming down her face as she looked around. Pictures covered
the walls around her; from her youth to hers and even her graduation.

Just as another round of sobs began to kick in over the fact that they would never meet their grandson, the
door opened and Noah walked in.

He didn't say anything as he sat down beside her and pulled her onto his lap. She leaned forward so her
legs were perpendicular to his and she could wrap her arm around his neck and bury her face in the crook of his
shoulder. Her breakdown didn't last as long as the one before, and when it was over, he took a tissue from the box
he should have brought and she wiped her face.

When she was as free of phlegm as she could, she cupped his jaw with one hand and brought his lips to
hers. He melted beneath her as he tightened his hold, savoring the moment as he wasn't sure when the next one
would be. Their mouths moved as one; lips nipping at each other as her tongue danced along his. It lasted until she
could no longer survive the shared air and she pulled away with a sigh before settling back into his embrace.

"How is he?" she asked, her voice nothing more than a croak. He calmed down in surprise and tucked her
hair behind her ears with a smile. "Getting better every day," he replied, his lips brushing her temple. "They're going
to take him off the respirator next week and see if he can breathe on his own." There was a silence between them
that stretched for centuries as she reached for the hand he'd spread on her thigh. "You will come?" he asked, lacing
his fingers together.

She responded in the form of a shrug that earned him a nod and the feel of his smile against her forehead.
It wasn't a no; she knew he understood that. She knew she had to control herself. That Noah needed her. Her son
needed her, but that one
irrational fear of seeing him would not go away overnight.
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Being in this room, however, was helping. There was a solid reason his parents had never met
their son, but she was alive. Her heart was still beating. She had no reason to lose her son's life just
because her parents would.

Thinking about it, she kissed Noah on the cheek and closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of his
hug while a smile played on his lips. It was small, but it was a start.

Chapter Thirty Eight

Things were looking up in the last days of January. Not only was Julia released from bed rest by
her obstetrician, but her son had been successfully taken off the ventilator. Julia wanted to be there for
this, but despite her attempts to leave with Noah, she couldn't find the inner strength to actually go. As
usual, he called her from the hospital when there was news.

It was the next morning, the last day of January, that Julia woke up curled up on Noah's back.
He wasn't there when she went to bed, nor did she hear him come in. Either way, she sighed and
tightened her hold on him, glad he was there now. It was rare that she was standing before him and in
this position. Once he'd held her through the night, there was no escape. If he felt half as comfortable as
she did, she was content right where she was.

In the week following her parents' funeral, Julia began to feel a little more like herself. She didn't
spend her time in the house just existing. She showered and dressed for the day. She texted people
back instead of ignoring the phone all together.

Noah had even made her laugh the other day. Immediately after he pulled her close and kissed
her senselessly and as out of place as her mind tried to tell her it was, the rest of her body disagreed.

She pressed a kiss to the space between Noah's shoulder blades as his hands began to roam.
She liked the feel of his skin under her fingertips as she explored the hard planes of his chest and slightly
less defined stomach.

When her hands came down, she frowned. She was so caught up in her own head that she
didn't notice the change in her physique. His hip bone jutted out more than the
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normal and when she ran her hands back over it, she noticed the differences. She hugged him
tighter, making a silent promise to him and herself to be better. She couldn't allow him to ruin
himself on her own. Myles was right; Noah needed her too and she was failing him.

As her hands continued to roam, she thought of one thing in particular that would make
him feel better. A smile made her lips twitch as she remembered the last time she'd woken him
up like this. Only this time she planned to stay where she was, using her hands instead of her
mouth. Her decision made, she slipped her hand under the waistband of his boxers and wrapped
her fingers around it.

She felt him squirm in her grip as he began to grow. He was kind of hard when she first
made contact, but after a few strokes and a swipe of her thumb on the head of his cock, he
hardened completely. When he pushed against her for the first time, she released him long
enough to work down the waistband of his boxers,
completely releasing it.

When she held him again, she increased the pressure and alternated between twisting
her wrist and stroking back and forth. With every move she made, she felt him move and before
long, he was moving with her and moaning. Even without being able to see his face, she knew
he was awake and lost in the pleasure of her touch. She pressed closer against him, continually
brushing her lips against his skin.

The closer she brought him to his release, the more he cried from the tip of his cock.
Once he was completely covered with his own fluid, she quickened the pace of her ministrations.
She heard him mutter her name under his breath as he thrust his hips in time with his thrusts.
With a few more twists of her wrist, she felt his body tense and then relax. She slowed her
movements as he emptied himself into her hand. He shuddered and groaned until there was
nothing left, and without a word she let go and went to the bathroom to wash her hands and
came back with a tissue for him to clean.

She lay on her side, facing him, settling under the covers once more as he cleaned
himself up. Finished, he tossed it to the floor beside his bed until he stood up, then turned to
her. He propped himself up on one elbow and leaned against her, his other hand cupping her
cheek as he closed the distance and placed his lips over hers.

"What was that for?" he muttered.

She shrugged her shoulders first before offering a small smile. "A thank you," she
breathed. "For putting up with me and taking care of…well, everything." His hand landed on her
hip and she felt a shiver rise to the surface of her skin at his touch. As his gaze searched for the
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her, she felt the tears begin to accumulate. She closed her eyes to say, "I'm-

It wasn't just a simple kiss that he interrupted her. It was the one where he hovered
over her. He was careful not to put too much weight on her so as not to hurt her as his hand
slid from her cheek to bury itself in her curls. His mouth was hot and heavy on hers as their
tongues clashed and danced together in the space between her lips.

Tears streamed down her cheeks but slipped back into her hair. They only made him
hug her tighter; even when he pulled away so they could breathe. With his forehead resting
on hers, he said, "There's nothing you have to apologize to me for, Julia. None of this is
"I know but-"

"There's no time limit on grief; there's no set rules for how long it should take someone
to get over something like this. I'll do whatever you need to help you heal, but nothing will
work until you're ready." His lips brushed hers again, causing more tears to dampen her
hair. "Take all the time you need, Juls.
I'm not going anywhere."
Despite the tears that continued to flow, it was she who kissed him again. This time
keeping it slow and sweet, leaving no part of their mouth tasteless. Slowly, his hand left her
face and began to descend. She shivered at the light touch of his fingertips on her skin. She
gasped into his mouth as his palm flattened over her breast, causing her nipple to harden.
When his hand began to slide over the skin of her abdomen, wary of her scar, she pulled
away from him, shaking her head in the process.
There was heat pooling between her legs; her pussy throbbing with need, but she
wasn't ready. She knew a lot about it from
fear. She had just started working her way out of depression and knew there were things
she had to navigate, like her son, but she wasn't ready for that.
Without having to say any of this out loud, she could tell he understood. It was the
look in his eyes he gave her. The nod of his head and the tender way his hand slid back to
cup her face once more. After another sweet kiss, he rolled onto his back, pulling her with
him until she was snuggled up beside him with his arm around her, her head on his chest.

They stood there for a while, neither of them talking, until they couldn't stay
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most. Only then did they get out of bed, shower and get ready for the day. He didn't ask if she wanted to go with
him, knowing she would tell him when she was ready. When he left for the day, she texted Olivia, asking if she
wanted to come over for lunch later that afternoon.

When Oliva replied that she would be coming soon, she found herself looking forward to the company.


It was after Noah left for the hospital on February 10 that Julia realized what day it was. She had just
finished cleaning up after lunch and went upstairs, debating whether or not to shower while drinking a glass of
water. It was when she picked up the faucet that she remembered. The thought hit her hard enough to make her
take a step back and lean against the counter for support.

It was her father's birthday and she had almost forgotten about it. She swallowed and took the
pocket phone.

With tears in her eyes, she pulled out her contact list and looked for Dad. She looked at his picture, wiping
away some tears that had fallen onto her screen.

She'd like to think things would have worked out between them by now. That once the shock wore off,
they would be on their way to repairing their relationship. Her due date was coming up and she wouldn't want to
bring her son into a world where there was any potential for him not to know his grandparents.

Now she would never know that, and as much as it still hurt, knowing that if she called him, he wouldn't
be on the other side. A part of her wanted to call, hear his voice on the other end of the line, even if it was just a
recording, and leave a message she knew he would never hear. It was a way for her to heal; a start in your
process of letting go and saying goodbye. She could wish him a happy birthday and try to move on.

With shaking hands, she pressed the call button and brought the phone to her ear. The first touch made
the butterflies in her stomach spin like a tornado, but it was the second touch that made her heart sink like a
stone. She was prepared to do this; to say goodbye, but she wasn't prepared for the automatic voice that said,

We're sorry, the number you dialed is no longer in service."

Time seemed to stop for a moment. The words repeated in her ear until they were replaced by the beeps
of the disconnected line. The phone fell out of his hand and bounced on the
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tile floor. Whether it was damaged or not, she would worry later. In the meantime, she was more
focused on the way her legs gave out. She clung to the counter to try to stay awake, but it didn't

The glass of water she'd set on the counter fell to the floor a few seconds before she did.
She heard it break, but it seemed distant; as if from another room. She leaned against the counter
and tried to focus on her breathing, but when she moved her hand to wipe away her tears, she

There was a piece of glass sticking out of her wrist, surrounded by blood from where she
had landed on it. It wasn't a very deep cut, but it was enough to hurt the moment her brain realized
what she was looking at. Slowly, she lifted her hand to remove the shard and whimpered at the
slight pain she felt at the action. As she watched the red drops tracking her skin, her breathing

She couldn't help but wonder if her parents had experienced this in her accident. If they had
seen themselves or each other bleed and couldn't do anything,
except sit there and feel the pain.

She didn't even realize his hand was moving, tearing at her flesh with that shard of glass in
a vain attempt to feel connected to them somehow. It was the first time she'd felt anything other
than numbness since before Christmas and with each drag of the glass on her skin, the sensation

It wasn't until the strength of her grip began to weaken, the shard of glass slipping from her
fingers, that she realized what she'd done. His breathing slowed considerably and his vision blurred.

As she looked around, eyes landing on her phone near the tub on the far side of the room,
she heard herself whisper, "I'm sorry." It was a mantra she repeated until the sound of her own
voice faded and her vision darkened.


When Julia regained consciousness, it was her eyes that opened before the rest of her
body moved. They were quick to close, blinded by the bright lights and sterile white walls. She
blinked a few times until she adjusted to the light and looked around. Recognition flooded her brain
as she saw the hospital board on the wall with her information and the monitors she was hooked
up to continuously beeping in the background.
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She noticed Noah beside her a moment before she stirred, the action causing him to sit
up. He blinked around as well and seeing her eyes open, he lunged forward, pulling her against
him as best he could with all his ropes. She felt her tears wet the top of her hair as it shook
around her. She raised both arms to hold him, but only one responded.

Like a freight train crashing into her, the memories of what she'd done in the bathroom
came flooding back. She screamed in shock, as did the pain that surged through her wrist. He
pulled away and his gaze dropped to his left arm. The blood was gone, replaced by bandages
that stopped in the middle of his forearm. The more she looked at him, the more pain she felt.

Small fragments came back to her as she watched. She woke up for a brief moment
when Noah found her on the bathroom floor. The sound he made as he dropped to her side to
check her pulse had her shivering even now.

The next thing she knew, the paramedics were there, taking her vitals and taking her to
the ambulance on a stretcher. She barely remembered being hospitalized and having nurses
and doctors circling the room to keep her alive.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her gaze darting up to meet his just
to find his as tearful as hers.

He didn't have time to say anything when a nurse entered the room. Noah was reluctant
to let go of her hand, but he stayed by her side while the nurse asked a few questions and made
sure everything was in order. They administered an additional pain reliever and left, saying the
doctor would be here soon.

By the time they were alone again, Noah's hand was back in hers and he bent down to
rest his forehead against hers. "I love you Julia," he whispered. She could hear the tension in
his voice as he tried to keep her from breaking down. "I love you and I need you with me. I can't
do this alone." Her voice broke at that and she sobbed along with him.

"I love you too, Noah."

And she did. It was something the two of them had wanted to say for a long time, but were too
afraid to do. Now that so many things had happened that they had almost missed the opportunity, neither
of them wanted to hold back any longer.

"I can't lose you."

"You won't," she said, her voice rough and raw.

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She had no intention of doing this. She was fine until she heard the automatic voice.
She had spiraled so fast afterward that she was having a hard time believing it was even real.
Now, faced with the reality of what she'd almost done, she didn't want that to happen again.
For the good of either of them.

It didn't take long for the doctor to come over to talk to her and when she mentioned
treatment centers, Julia shook Noah's hand and asked for more information. Alone again, she
looked at him and he nodded, giving her the strength she needed to make the decision and
get the help she desperately needed.

Chapter Thirty Nine

Julia stayed in the hospital for two nights and was released on the third morning. Noah
brought her a change of clothes and then took her out for breakfast. Instead of going home,
Julia asked to go straight to the facility. She knew Olivia, Myles, and Connor were all at home,
waiting to see her since she'd asked Noah to keep them away from the hospital. She just didn't
want to face them; Not like this.

He stayed with her until she checked in and the staff was kind enough to wait for them
to say goodbye as she couldn't have visitors during the first month. All of that flew by, despite
the fact that she was confined to a lonely room halfway through. She knew it was for her
safety, that she'd chosen two weeks of suicide watch over one when they'd volunteered. During
which, she met with her team of caregivers 24 hours a day.

When she was transferred to hospital treatment, she was diagnosed with postpartum
depression, with a psychotic break. That had been the first day and right after that, they started
taking an antidepressant and brought in a counselor twice a day to talk. The medicine made
her nauseous for the first few days, which made her just want to sleep, but as soon as they
adjusted the dose so she didn't feel that way, she was ready to talk. It was hard, but she'd
already seen what would happen if she continued any longer.
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Julia had no intention of repeating that mistake.

Her third week was spent integrating her into the second phase of her inpatient therapy. She was
transferred to a room she shared with another girl a few years younger than her. It was an adjustment at
first. She had never shared a room with anyone other than a friend or family. Even in college, her
roommate was Olivia.

By the end of that week, she had adjusted well to the medication and established a routine that
would remain until check-out. They woke up at the same time every morning; early, which she preferred.
She and her roommate took turns showering first before breakfast. Then they would split up for whatever
activity they were scheduled for. Each day was filled with meals, activities, and group therapy sessions.
Although the lack of alone time drove her crazy, she understood the need to keep people in a group

The only time she was "alone" was when she had sessions with her therapist. Is it over there
met with her every day for the rest of his stay there. It was there that she had two meltdowns.

The first happened before he got his roommate and the second happened after Noah's first visit.
He was the only one she allowed to visit and he made sure the others understood. That they wanted her
to get better and would do everything they could to make that happen, including giving her space.

It was mid-March when she was able to have visitors and he dropped by to have dinner with her.
He was in a happier mood than she'd expected; one she knew was just from being able to see her after
nearly a month apart. She'd been able to call him once a day since the third week, usually after lunch; the
fastest fifteen minutes of your life.

He spent most of his first visit in person listening to his lecture. He watched her with bright eyes
as he ate with one hand and held one of hers with the other. She felt better and he noticed. The happiness
in him reaffirmed his decision to seek help. They both knew that no matter how long she was counting
down the days to go home, she would stay until she felt like she was one hundred percent ready.

It was just before his visit ended that he told her the real reason for his good mood. That their son
would be released from the hospital the next day. That when she called him, they'd both be home.

It hadn't hit her head until they'd exchanged a round of "I love you," and she'd seen him leave that
night. That her son, the son she had never seen despite being two months old and
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middle, despite never being given a name, would be there when she got home.

She would be a mother.

Instead of her activity, she tracked down her therapist and asked if they could have a session. She barely
sank into her chair before one fear after another spilled over from her.

It was bigger than her collapse into loneliness. The one she dealt with the death of her parents. Until that
second, she had refused to acknowledge almost anything that had to do with her son. Once it was out there, she
was able to work it out.

The next four weeks passed just as quickly, and by the end, she was more than ready to go home. She
was looking forward to seeing her family again. She was ready to meet her son for the first time, especially when
Noah did a great job of encouraging him.

At first it was difficult to hear him talk about the baby, but she refused to let him stop. The longer he
continued, the more excited she got. The only thing she wouldn't allow him to show her pictures. She wanted her
first sight of him to be in person and not on a screen.

Each time Noah came to visit her, she fell more and more in love with him. The way he would talk about
how things were going. The strength she knew was needed to raise one more child on her own, though she would
be there to help him soon. Above all, as worried as he was, he never lost sight of what was important. He was
never angry with her for being away. It never made her feel ashamed of how she'd handled everything so far. All
he did was support her where he could and love her through it all.

When the day to leave came, it started like all the others. She woke up, took a shower and went to have
breakfast. It was after her meal that she returned to her room with her doctor and therapist. However, instead of
his roommate, Noah was there. He brought her something from his own wardrobe to wear and made sure Olivia
chose it, not him. She switched to him after getting his discharge instructions and making an appointment for the
following Monday to continue outpatient, group and solo therapy.

He even brought her the bracelet he bought her when they went to the arts and crafts fair. She never
thought that jewelry would make her feel so loved and comforted in her entire life. She hadn't even realized how
much she'd missed it until it was back on her wrist.

Getting in the car felt surreal. As well as the trip home. She expected to be anxious the closer they got,
but when he pulled into the driveway, he sat down.
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with her until she was ready to go in and face everyone inside. He'd already assured her that
they wouldn't be everyone she knew; just Myles, Olivia, Connor and their son. That if she
needed a minute to herself, they would all be happy to give her that space.

With that in mind, she nodded and he walked around to open the door for her. After he
closed it, she wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on tiptoe until she could press her
lips together with a pillow. "Happy birthday," she murmured against his lips, glad to be home to
celebrate with him.

He hugged her tightly, smiling into the kiss before deepening it, pushing her against the
car. "Having you home is the best gift I could have asked for," he whispered back, his hand
sliding over the flesh of her ass.

Knowing there would be time for that kind of reunion later, she gave him a gentle push
and pulled away from him before taking one of his hands. He held her tightly as they walked to
the front door and crossed the threshold after a quick pause.

It was the sound of a baby's laughter that reached his ears first, followed by the sound of
Myles panting and happily saying, "Hear that little boy? Mom's home!"

It brought tears to her eyes and she tightened her grip on Noah's hand to the point where
he frowned and clenched his jaw. She shot him an apologetic look, at which he puffed out his
chest and shrugged. He let her take the lead, willing to stay there in the doorway with her for as
long as it took.

She found that she had waited long enough; that all of this was long overdue. That
thought had her putting one foot in front of the other at a rapid pace and before she knew it,
she was turning the corner into the living room. The three of them were standing there, just an
arm's length away. Their faces were lit up with smiles, despite the tears that made their eyes
shine like glass.

It was Connor who moved to her first, pulling her from Noah and wrapping her in a hug
so tight that breathing became a struggle. Instead of complaining, she held it, hoping it was just
as tight, if not more. "We miss you, kitten," he whispered against the top of her hair. When he
finally gave up, she saw that a few tears had escaped. "You look great."

"Thank you," she replied, smiling as her own tears covered her face.
face. "You too."

He smiled as she turned her attention to Olivia, her eyes shining directly on Myles and
the baby where they stood in the middle. His gaze immediately dropped to hers.
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stomach and her eyes widened. "Despite what it looks like, I'm only eighteen weeks old.
Turns out, not all of us are lucky enough to look all cute and small like you were," Olivia said, her voice sour as she

Julia laughed and stepped forward to hug her anyway. "But the tits are getting better," she whispered so
only Olivia could hear. Olivia's laughter provoked the baby's laughter and Julia pulled away from her friend and
slowly turned in that direction.

For the first time, Julia's eyes landed on her son's face. It was surprising to see how much he looked like
carbon copies of Myles and Noah in all the pictures she'd seen of them at that age. However, the more she looked,
the more she saw herself in him too. His eyes were an equal mixture of the two; amber on the outside and greenish
hazelnut on the inside. There was a little light brown hair on top of her head, but not enough to tell if she would be
wild like hers.
Noah or curly like hers.

He made a noise at her, which resulted in some spit bubbles oozing from his lips. Myles dried them with
the cloth slung over his other shoulder and smiled at her as the baby reached out to him. "You recognize her, don't
you, boy?" he said, giving Julia that look; inviting her to take him whenever she was well and ready. "This is your


She swallowed hard and blinked back the tears that welled up in her eyes. Her arms felt like lead weights,
but she managed to lift them and after a moment, Myles did the transfer.

For a brief period, she felt terrified. Afraid she was going to let go of him, squeeze him too tightly, or not
hold him properly. But her motherly instincts seemed to have taken over a second later and before she knew it, he
was nestled perfectly against her chest. Her head rested on his shoulder as her little fingers played with her curls.

"You know, I can't keep referring to my brother as Baby Boy Roth

Foster forever," Myles said, smiling as he saw her hug him for the first time.

"I know," she said, her cheek resting gently on top of the thick lock of hair on her son's head.

Myles stepped forward, kissing the top of her head before taking Olivia by the hand and leaving the room.
Connor squeezed her forearm as he followed them out, leaving her alone with her son and Noah. She loved
everyone for recognizing that she needed a moment without having to ask.
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Noah was there the instant they disappeared from view. He stayed with one hand on her lower back, the
other resting under her arms where she held her son. He leaned his head against hers and pressed his lips to her

"I take back what I said earlier," he whispered, watching as his son continued to
play with her hair. "This is the best gift I could have asked for."

"I love you," she breathed, placing a kiss on her son's head and then
lifting her face to receive one from Noah.

"I love you too."

They were silent for a moment before Julia sighed and placed the baby in her bed.
your arms. "Myles is right, he needs a name."

Noah chuckled and his hand dipped a fraction lower, bordering on inappropriate, making her smile. "We
have time."

She shook her head. "I think he's waited long enough, hasn't he?"

"Do you have one in mind?"

She gave a small nod and took a deep breath. "I've been thinking about it
for a while, but feel free to let me know if you hate it."

"I named Myles; this is all yours."

She kissed him again before running her fingers over his son's cheeks. "What you
do you think, little boy? Does Logan Leo Foster sound good to you?"

She felt Noah stiffen for a second, just as she knew he would.
would make. "Only Foster?"

She tilted her face back to his and smiled. "You told me you weren't going anywhere
and unless you change your mind-"

His lips claimed hers with the restraint of a saint; the small amount of
The hunger he tried to keep under control made her wild with need. "No way."

"So it's Foster," Julia said again, her vision blurring even more at the pride that gleamed in her eyes.

And when he held her and Logan in another tight embrace, she'd never felt more at home than in that
moment. For the first time in a long time, she knew everything was going to be okay.
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Chapter Forty

Adjusting to her new role as a housewife was the most frustrating and rewarding thing Julia had
ever done. Noah stayed with her until mid-May, having eliminated three-quarters of her illness time. She
was grateful that she wasn't doing this alone. She wasn't sure if she would be able to do that. She was
convinced she would have another breakdown if that was the case.

It took some time to settle down and find a routine that worked for everyone; especially after
Noah went back to work and she had to adjust to a new routine again. She'd expected, given the months
she'd spent avoiding thinking about her son, that she'd be terrible at it, but that was far from the truth.

In fact, it turned out that she was one of those moms who almost never stopped. It was something
she worked hard in her therapy sessions to make sure she wasn't from a
end to another.

Much of her concern stemmed from the fact that he was considered a high-risk preterm birth. As
there were struggles at first, the doctors warned her and Noah that there could be delays in Logan's
development. That he didn't hit the milestones in the hours listed in the books she'd read. But as long as
he was making progress, the timeline didn't matter.

As time passed, there were a few scares, but for the most part, Logan was perfectly healthy. So
far, each of his exams has placed him in the mid-zone. Considering everything he's been through during
the first three months of his life, Julia would take an average any day.

At nine months, he started rolling over on his stomach; just two months later than the average
child. A month later, he had already taken his first steps. His motor skills were poor so they started taking
him to physical therapy just before Halloween, but it was working. Soon he would be able to walk without
any kind of
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support and Julia dreaded the day he would never stop moving.

Thanksgiving found the new family enjoying a quiet dinner at home. Olivia and Myles went
to their parents' house to be with their family. Noah and Julia were invited but declined. It was that
night, after devouring the last of Julia's successful minigames, Logan said his first word. It wasn't
Mom or Dad like Julia and Noah had been trying incessantly to get him to say; it was Myles.

They made a video call to him right away so he would listen and Julia couldn't stop laughing
as she saw him waving his fist in the air repeatedly. He was bitter to learn that Connor wasn't just
the best man and shared a middle name with Logan, but that Julia asked Olivia to be godmother
the day they named him. Something she asked Julia in return when her daughter, Sarah Elizabeth
Foster, arrived in early September, later that year.

"Oh, stop pouting, Myles!" Said Olivia. "You're his older brother.
It's going to be the hardest task if he's like you were growing up."

"Hey!" came a duo of Myles and Julia, earning a laugh from Connor, Noah, and Olivia.

It was after Thanksgiving that Julia began to feel her depression return.
Even though her parents like to travel at Christmas, it was the first day that Julia didn't have the
option of seeing them. His loved ones were determined to make sure this one was nothing like the

Mostly Noah.

True to his word, Noah gave it his all when Christmas came. No corner of the house was
unfurnished; inside or outside. In fact, they were the best decorated houses in the entire
neighborhood. Even Myles commented on the fact that he'd never seen the house the way it
looked when it was completed.

On the 19th, Noah took her and Logan to the cemetery. It was the first time she had been
there since the funeral. She was surprised at the few tears she shed that day, most of which were
bittersweet when she introduced them to her grandson. When it came time for her to go home,
the sadness was still there, but it wasn't pressing like it used to be.

The next day, to celebrate Logan's first birthday, everyone gathered to

watching him make a giant mess of a small cake and turn green with the frosting.

A few days later, they invited everyone they knew to Christmas Eve. The last thing she
wanted was to lose more people while they were angry at each other.
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Even Connor brought someone with him, making it one of the best holidays to date. Her name
was Stephanie McLane and it was Julia who introduced the duo. She volunteered at one of Julia's group
therapy sessions, and the more she went, the more they became friends. Her parents also died in an
accident when she was younger, but as Stephanie was closer to Connor's age, she had time to heal and
helped Julia more than anyone else. It didn't take long for her to introduce her to Connor and the two hit
it off almost immediately.

Julia wasn't used to having so many people in the house at once, and while she was happy to
have her loved ones around, she was more than happy to see everyone leave. Myles, Olivia, and Sarah
were the last to leave, and as soon as their car was out of sight on the road, Julia sighed into the silence.

Noah sent her upstairs, promising to join her soon. She made her way to Logan's room, smiling
at how soundly he slept, snuggling into the stuffed seal Myles had given her for her birthday.

Julia stood there, looking down at her son as the small tree on the bedside table next to the chair
turned and turned. Noah had even decorated the rooms; theirs and Logan's anyway. Logan had always
done better with some kind of soft light, and since putting the tree in his room, he'd never slept better.
Julia loved the way the lights danced on the walls and on Logan's skin.

Just as she enjoyed seeing the lights shine in Noah's eyes when he came to
Is it over there. She wasn't sure if she was going to let him turn out the lights once the holiday was over.

Her lips curved up as a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind; a chin resting on her
shoulder. She settled into his embrace and hummed in approval as he turned and placed a brief kiss on
the side of her throat.

"There was a time when I wasn't sure we would have moments like this," he

She nodded and crossed her arms over his, squeezing tightly. "Me neither," she whispered,
letting her head fall back onto his shoulder.

"But now that it's here, something's missing."

"Like what?"

He pulled one of his arms from around her waist for a moment and when he came back, he lifted
his hand, displaying a ring between his thumb and forefinger. Tears clouded her eyes when
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a sigh left her lips. It was a thin band of silver encrusted with crushed diamonds; each
catching the multicolored lights and glowing in a way that stole her breath.


"I know none of this was what any of us expected our lives to be, but I wouldn't trade
what we have for anything, Julia. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
with you."

"Yes," she replied, though he hadn't phrased it exactly as a question. "I want that too,
Noah. More than anything."

She held out her hand and watched with blurred vision as he slipped the ring onto the
correct finger. The moment it was in place, she turned to face him and wrapped her arms
around his neck. His lips found hers and she was glad he didn't waste time reaching down to
lift her. Her legs locked around his waist as he carried her from Logan's room to theirs.

After a soft tap on the door with his foot, locking them, Noah lifted her to her feet. As
they began to undress, her lips slipped from his to nip at his jaw and then latch onto the spot
behind his ear that made him moan her name in the most sinful way. She only pulled away
from his skin for the few seconds it took to remove their shirts. She smirked against him as
she dove back, kissing her way along the curve of his shoulder, making him shudder. All the
while they continued to undress.

When they were out of their clothes, he placed his hands on her hips and guided her
to the bed. She lay back, reaching for him immediately once she settled in and watched as
he crawled over her. She lifted her knees, creating a valley for him to nestle in as she leaned
on her forearms on either side of his head. His nails raked his back as he claimed her lips
once more.

As she curled one hand around his shoulder, she let the other slide down and slide
between their bodies. He groaned into her mouth as she wrapped her fingers around his
length and began to pump in a slow rhythm. Knowing she was more than ready for him, she
ran him through her slit, lined him up at her entrance and lifted her hips so he could slide
inside her.

They swallowed each other's moans of satisfaction and her body curved, pressing
against his as he took his time to stretch her and fill her completely. He
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he liked the way her inner walls fit him and squeezed him, drawing him almost as much as she liked the feel of
every ridge of him. She took control, moving her hips at a slow pace, determined to feel every inch of him with
every thrust and thrust.

When she threw her head back, she turned it to the side, allowing him to bury his face in the crook of her
neck. His breath heated her skin with each shallow gasp and soft growl between the gentle pressures of his lips.
When his hand slipped between them, she moved it back over the bare flesh of his ass and squeezed, anchoring
herself to him to widen her hips and draw him deeper.

She could feel her release building. With every lift of her hips to take all of him again and every drop
where only his head was carved inside her. With each bite of his teeth, flick of his tongue, or suck of his lips
against the column of her throat, her legs began to shake. When she wasn't able to maintain control, he took over
by leaning to one side as he stretched his arm down her side and hooked under her knee. When he pushed
toward her chest, giving her strength,

he picked up the pace.

Noah, always being able to tell when she was close, lifted his head. Gone are the days when he had to
ask for what he wanted. She knew he wanted to see her come; to keep their gazes locked so he could see her
soul when she was torn apart for him. She lifted both hands, one holding his neck, the other finding the back of
his head. She also wanted to; finding nothing more satisfying as the lights in the room brought out all the colors
that lurked in his brown eyes as he came with her.

Is it over there.

Panting from the effort, he collapsed on top of her, their bodies still joined. She welcomed the weight of
him pressing into her as she let his hands roam over whatever part of her body she could reach. "I love you," she
whispered over and over again, matching the same mantra that fell from her lips as he continued to place soft
kisses on her skin.

They continued to whisper the statement through the night and when she woke up on Christmas morning,
she told him she didn't want to wait. That the two of them had already been married and she didn't want to make
much of it. That he was her forever; a feeling he returned in kind.

They spent the holiday planning the details among themselves, and the next day they went out to get
what they needed. The only other person involved was Connor, who was ordained in the
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Internet. That done, they waited until Myles, Olivia and Sarah came over for New Year's
Eve. Instead of just watching the ball drop on television, they gathered to watch Noah and
Julia exchanging vows in front of not one, but two Christmas trees in the living room.

The guests not only cheered them up for their first kiss, but also the sound of those
in Time's Square. They smiled into the kiss and when she lowered her head to his chest,
Logan playing with her hair from its place in her arms between their embrace, she couldn't
think of anything more perfect.
The way her life turned out was the furthest thing from what she had planned. But
with Noah by her side, she knew there was nothing they couldn't handle together; until the

The end
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Mention of article 5 of the American Constitution, where it mentions the right to silence.

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