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“Evidence 2”

Name: Edgar Alan Cortez Bujanos

#1937065 04/03/2022
Name of the movie? Spider Man
The Spider-Man movie came out in 2002 and is
part of several superhero movies that are part of
the Marvel Universe.
Spider-Man is an action movie, which is on the
Netflix platform, I saw this movie in the company
of my brother, a week ago, since that day was
very cold and we had no other plans.
This movie came out in 2002, it's a movie that I
really like, it's already one of my favorite movies.
Spider-man is about a young man who, after
being bitten by a spider when they went on an
excursion to a museum, acquires a series of
powers such as throwing webs, climbing walls
and super strength, among others, that help him
combat the villain that threatens the city. and
save his friends and other people.
Something that I really liked about the movie, in
addition to its story, is the good quality of the
scenes and the good performance of the actors,
especially the great performance of its
protagonist, who was Tobey Maguirre as Spider-
In my opinion, Spider-Man is a very good movie
because of the good quality of the movies and
actors in addition to the good plot that the
movie has and it has become one of my favorite

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