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Chart Projection is a process of transferring points on the surface of the sphere or

spheroid into a plane or developable surface such as a cylinder or cone to
produce a systematic drawing of lines representing the parallels of latitude and
meridians of longitude of the earth.
Different Types of Projections:
1. Gnomonic Projection is a perspective azimuthal projection in which points on
the surface of a sphere or spheroid are conceived as projected by radials from the
center to a tangent plane.
In these, great circles are projected as straight lines.

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2. Mercator Projection is a conformal cylindrical projection in which the surface of
the sphere or spheroid is developed on a cylindrical tangent along the equator.
Meridians appear as equally spaced vertical lines and parallels as horizontal lines
drawn farther apart as the latitude increase such that the correct relationship
between latitude and longitude scale sat any point is maintained.

Attributed by: Geology Science

3. Lambert Conformal Projection is a conformal projection of the conic type on
which all geographic meridians are represented by straight lines which meet in a
common point outside the limits of the map and the geographic parallels are
represented by a series of arcs of circle having this common point for a center.

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4. Conic Projection is a projection in which the surface of a sphere or spheroid is
conceived as projected into a tangent or secant cone which is then developed into
a plane.

Attributed by: Geology Science

5. Cylindrical Projection is a projection in which the surface of a sphere or
spheroid is conceived as developed on a tangent cylinder which is then spread out
to form a plane.

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