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iving in a pandemic haven’t changed my life tremendously but it has developed and matured the way I think about things now.
It has made me a more critical person, to have more understanding of life. At any minute or time, the people who you love
dearly can no longer walk the face of the earth, and it is really sad. I haven’t lost anyone close to me but friends of mine have
with lost relatives, friends or even co-workers. This caused them pain and grief, seeing people who I love being this way, opened my

eyes to see that aunt or best friend could have been mine.

would be the one who is depressed and mourning so now I don’t wait on a birthday or a
mother’s day to show the people around me that I care for them. I call them and assure
them that I am still thinking about them because we never know when it is our time to be
six feet below, so we share the love now before it’s too late. Another thing that many people can
relate to, is that the pandemic also showed individuals how to differentiate between who is
really a friend from who isn’t. Even I can relate since the pandemic I have disbarred myself
from people who were bringing me down and made new friends. Three girl who I love deeply
and do anything for.

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