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What are the causes of erection. When does the erection

happen? And how to control erection.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common problem that

affects millions of men around the world. It's very
important to understand what causes it, when it
happens, and how to control it.

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Erection happens when blood flow to the penis increases. This is
caused by three factors:

1. The release of certain chemicals in the body, such as nitric oxide,

which causes blood vessels to dilate and allows more blood to flow into
the penis.

2. Sexual arousal, which often happens after a person has been

intimate with someone else.

3. Low levels of hormones called prostaglandins, which cause tissue

sections to relax and become less rigid, meaning they are more likely to
expand when stimulated by sexual activity or orgasmic release.

When you get erect, it means that your body is ready to have
sex. The brain sends signals to the body, telling it to release
certain hormones and chemicals that are responsible for
getting you ready for sex. The more sexually active you are, the
more often this happens.

Erection usually happens at night. That's why many people

experience erections when they go to sleep or wake up in the
morning. It also happens during stressful situations and after
drinking alcohol.

It's common for men to worry about whether they will get an
erection or not, which can make them feel embarrassed or
ashamed of their bodies. This can lead to stress and anxiety
down the road. If you're worried about getting an erection, talk
with your partner about it—they might be able to help!

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