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‘OMNI VACATION CLUB TRAINING MANUAL! 14 STEPS FOR A SALE 1. Meet & Greet, 2, The warm up 3, Intent statement/ Agenda/ Take away 4, Discovery/ Breakfast Survey 5. Info — Conf 6. Bridge 7. Break and remake the pact 8. FM 9. Property tour 10. Model pitch 11. Platform 12, Pencil piteh 13. Money projection 14.7.0. STEP 1: MEET & GREET / FIRST IMPRESSION You only have one chance to make a good first impression + You need to look, walk and talk about the part. Important things to remember about the Meet & Greet 4. Smile 2. Always shake everyone's hand in your tour, and address everyone, this includes children ‘3. Make sure you look presentable and business like. Your work attire needs to be business casual. 4. Ask your tour if they give you permission to address them by their first name, or by whatever name they go by. 5. Thank them and go through and shake everyone's hand again addressing them by their name. 6. Politely lead them out of the reception area and begin walking towards the Lobby, if the doors are closed, open it for them. STEP 2: THE WARM UP Why It's important to do a warm up before we start the discovery process. + First build their trust and confidence in you. This is essential before anyone is going to trust us to make life changing recommendations for their family's vacations. + Itis during the warm up process that we begin to bring down their “sales resistance”, which is huge when they first check in for their presentation. + You have about a 3 minute span of time to establish quick rapport with them. Do something right away that makes them laugh; laughter takes away the tension and pressure While walking to the lobby area you need to address the following questions, “Is this your first time in Mexico/Cancun? + Where are you staying this trip? + How are you staying there? (Timeshare/ Hotel Stay, etc.) + Where are you from? Knowing all of this let's examine the three goals of a GREAT warm up. 1. Build Rapid Rapport & Establish Trust Talk about where they are from, Find commonality 2. Find Something about Them to Compliment By controlling the conversation with questions about them, you will be able to lean ‘something about them, 3, Reduce the Relationship Tension We know that the vast majority of our guests come to see us with their minds already made up “Not to buy ANYTHING today” Itis very important to bring down their buying resistance, or " ty and get them to give up their pact not to buy- This is done once again by letting them talk about themselves, offering our hospitality, and finding a commonality with them ‘Once we begin to observe their body language telling us that they are relaxed, have them ‘engaged in laughter, and can “feet” the good flow of conversation, itis time to share our ‘Agenda Remember a good warm up sets the foundation for a Great discovery, so take as long as it takes to make them feel welcome! lationship tensions" before we STEP 3: THE INTENT STATEMENT / Agenda - take away ‘The goal of an intent statement is to continue to reduce the relationship tension of our ‘quests while setting the tone for moving forward with the presentation. Before you begin the intent statement you need to make sure they have a full and clear understanding of what they are doing at the property. You do this by stating the following: 1. Before we get on our way, what have you been told about what we are doing here today? a. If they mention, to come see a new hotel, timeshare presentation, see the place so they can stay here new time, etc. you want to state “Ok, Iwill clarify all that in a few minutes.” 2. After you have established that this isn't what they expected, continue to your intent statement, There are 3 distinct parts to the intent statement that we must cover: 1. Statement of empathy. a, We need to let them know that we are aware of their concerns about being in a high pressure sales environment. b. That we are aware of the reputation that timeshare has, and that we are different. (You prove you are different but presenting your product and acting different) «. Letting them know that you have been in their shoes is very helpful in reducing their fear of the unknown. 2. Set up the discovery. a. Let them know that we will be asking questions about their vacation lifestyle, likes and dislikes and why. b. Let them know that this will help us to streamline the presentation to just the things that are important to them and save us time. This puts them further at ease and will lead to you receiving much more complete answers during the survey. 3. Now it's time for a takeaway! 1a. Make sure that when you perform a takeaway you give it back to them. Example of Agendalintent statement take away Frm going to make this as fast as I can, they told you is around 90 min sales presentation after breakfast right? Is it ok if I do it in less time than that? Perfect. Justif | talk too fast let me know or if you have any questions as well ok? At this point many of our guests have some questions, such as how long is this going to take? That we already clear that. Is it going to be pressure involved? What exactly are we going to be doing here today? Well, let me answer those questions before we start. ‘After breakfast, I am going to be filing a quick survey that will allow me to customize the presentation based on your vacation needs, we have a great variety of products and we do not want to be wasting time on things that are not important to you. After that I'm going to take you on a quick property tour ‘Along the property tour, Iwill show you an actual suite, that I'm sure you are going to love it, then we are going to go to the gallery and there I am going to show the mechanics of our program. The whole process will last around 90 minutes Even though “The Club" was designed around the needs of our own guests, it might not be for you. It is not for everyone! That's why we don't believe in pressuring people, as | told you, we have a reputation we need to protect. We can't afford to jeopardize it. Nevertheless we would love for you to become member of the club, if you fall in love with our program, we have a GREAT FIRST VISIT INCENTIVE PACKAGE to help you make the right choice. Either way | will personally deliver at the end what was promised to you. As far as me I am going to treat you with the outmost respect. Since | never know who is going to be my next member, | give my 100% to every one of my guests, so get ready for a first class presentation. Is that OK? STEP 4: THE DISCOVERY/BREAKFAST/SURVEY The discovery is the most important part of the sales presentation, a. If done well it wll give you the road map to help your guest make a buying decision today, as well as make the rest of the presentation flow. b. Itallows us to know exactly what features to highlight, lets us have fun with our guests, and allows the presentation of the program to feel like it was designed just for them! The discovery process is without a doubt, the most important aspect of the sales process but the most unappreciated and understood by salespeople! When done correctly, the discovery process will reveal the dominant emotion that will need to be triggered before potential customers will logically justify the purchase of your product and or services. Without the discovery, it is nearly impossible to know how to move potential clients from their survival instinct state of mind to that emotional state that will move them to buy. In Vacation Ownership the range of competition is fierce and the choices for the competitors are many, which is why itis so important that sales people find a way to set themselves apart. The key is in building that relationship with the potential client ‘As we know, potential customers at first contact have a natural sales resistance. They use defense mechanisms to put you off the scent. They exhibit rude, quiet, pleasant or aggressive behaviors. In an attempt to derail you they may misinform you. They may ‘exaggerate or mislead you. Your potential client will most likely say nothing to justify this incredible defense strategy they have adopted. Relax. This is natural. Their diversions are meant to diffuse or dampen your enthusiasm. They want you to think there is no sale to be had. You either close your potential customer or they close you. Without your enthusiasm for them to buy, or without your belief that there is a sale, your confidence and energy level may lack that special “oomph” However, your belief that you will achieve a sale with every potential customer will exude a level of confidence and enthusiasm that is appealing no matter the type of presentation you give. The tone in your voice, physiology or your mannerisms will convey a different message. When you deliver your presentation with passion and sincerity, this is the difference between achieving a sale now and again, or reaching a level where you are consistency closing and becoming a master sales professional ‘So how do we achieve such results? Perfect the discovery process and build that relationship! Embrace the following crucial ‘elements and progress into the next phase of the buying curve towards success. But first, get them real, get a deal! 4. FIND THE DOMINANT BUYING MOTIVE Simply put, itis the main reason people buy things! a, Dominant Buying Motives. |. Profit or Gain: Save money; make money; economy; more profit; more sales; longer wear, personal advancement, ii, Fear of Loss: Reduce costs; prevent loss; guarantee; safety; save time; protect property, health or loved ones; long wear; security; no risk; no blame; insurance. ili, Comfort and Pleasure: Enjoyment; good health; comfort; good food and drink; good housing; beauty; sexual attraction; entertainment; sports; recreation; improved employee morale; keep and attract better employees. ili. Avoidance of Pain: Protection; relief from pain; less work: save time; security; safety; good health; no worry; more attractive; reduce loss. v. Love and Affection: Family; social approval; beauty; admiration; security of loved ones; loyalty; friendship; better public relations; better employee relations. vi. Pride and Prestige: Social acceptance; desire to possess; style; fashion; high quality; learning; advancement; admiration; imitation; self-improvement; honors; recognition; leadership; improved product; beat competition; higher sales; good public image. How can you identify your prospect's strongest buying motives? 1. First, ask questions. “if could help you have more quality time with your family, would you be interested?" 2. Second, listen for volunteered comments. For example, if the prospect says, "I wish I had more time to go camping," the salesperson might emphasize the labor-saving, time-saving benefits that result from using the product. 3. Third, listen to comments during the presentation. The customer asks, "Are your properties only in Mexico?" Now the salesperson can assume that the prospect is more interested in world travel than in returning to the same location, over and over. 4. Finally, observe, Study the prospects, their surroundings, evidence of hobbies, products they now use. To make the sale, leam the motive! By determining your potential customer's dominant buying motives, you can discover what will motivate your potential client to buy. b. Identify the Hot Button - A hot button is the key to their heart Hot buttons are emotional information. You, however, can also extract cold buttons. Analyzing and understanding your prospects hot or colds buttons will allow you to determine which direction you will take your presentation, Whatever the hot or cold button may be, you have to design a benefit that will facilitate your process. When you know what moves them, then you will understand how to move them. Watch every subject that excites them. While they are talking, watch how their voice inflections change, their energy level, their enthusiasm, their animation and their body language. Whether they are talking about their family, their job, their favorite sport or anything that is enjoyable to them, you should be listening, anything, and everything, that they respond to, whether positively and negatively, you should hone in on automatically. “Hey, that is a hot button, or that is a cold button’, These are subjects, attitudes or emotions that your potential customer holds close. ‘The greatest benefit of listening is that people will aways volunteer additional information. What this accomplishes is the opportunity to ask more questions and eam more about them Remember, their hot buttons or dominant buying motives are emotions. Without an emotion, without this discovery process, without bonding, without building a relationship, without some sort of trust, rapport and communication between you and your prospect -you will never make a sale. 2. USING F.O.R.M. F.0.R.Mis something that you cannot leam from a book - it takes ATTITUDE. Successful sales is about having desire, dedication, focus, and caring about serving your potential customer with your product or service. This includes the burning desire to close them. How many salespeople really care about their potential customers or clients? We all have clients, that we really like; however, to achieve the next level of success, you really need to make a point of liking every potential client in order to make that sale more often. To do this you must use FORM properly and make certain that every potential customer leaves with a better impression of you, your product and Vacation Ownership. By concentrating on these four areas, you will discover an incredible amount of information about your potential client's character or personality. You wil ind out what makes them happy or sad, what drives them crazy or keeps them sane. You will discover if family is important to them, what they like or dislike about their job, what they do in their free time and what motivates them to get up in the moming. You are deciphering their attitude towards life and dominant buying emotions. You work from the commonality that you have created up to this point before proceeding with FORM. Without this information you cannot begin your presentation successfully. You need this information to provide the road map necessary to close the sale. 1. Using FORM to Discover Emotion ‘The use of FORM not only revels emotional key points about your potential client it also ‘establishes a platform for them to be truthful. You want them to be honest with you before they are asked to offer information on their current provider's faults. You are looking for general information and you are establishing a rhythm. When you ask them, do you have children and do they live near them they will honestly respond. There is absolutely no reason for them to provide you with anything less than the truth when they are talking about family. In a very short time you can find that their oldest son grew up near you and you two played sports together. This is good, Reliable information and quite possibly, there is some heavy ‘emotion there. You will gota lot further by asking easy, relaxed open-ended questions such as “how did you feel when your son graduated Washington State University?” Don't ask close-ended questions which reveal nothing, such as, “so, are you happy with your timeshare? Yes, they have always done a great job”. You have just shot yourself in the foot. Not only is the potential customer not being entirely honest with you but to themselves and at the same time they are devaluing their need for you and your services. Your rhythm or pace changes because now you have a situation of distrust which ultimately can affect your ability to successfully complete the sale. b. The components of FORM i. FAMILY: Family is one of the best dominant buying motives. If you use this approach correcly, your potential clients can overcome many of their objections by agreeing with your “reunion” proposal. What will happen is that money will no longer become an issue. If you do hear the objection, “Well, | do not know if we could afford it”, go into a third party shortly outlining another similar family situation. Alternatively, you can take that objection and pursue closing on it ii, OCCUPATION: you can immediately validate the information from the survey sheet by asking them the question, never respond to an occupation with a statement such as, “oh, you're a Rancher?” it will come across almost on the verge of an insutt and will kill any changes of a sale, Everyone, including you, is usually very proud of what they do for a living. ‘Ask them if they work too hard, You will most likely hear the response, “my employees just do not understand how hard | work’... (Emotion) il, RECREATION: How does your potential customer spend their free time? Recreation is a very positive thing. itis their fun time and in many cases their passion. If they water ski, ask them how to water ski. You will be surprise when your potential client gets up from the table and scrunches down to demonstrate. “You see, the real secret to skiing is you have to kick back your arms straight and... off you go”. Do you ever get your potential customers to actively participate in telling you how they do something? You may want to suggest to them, that on your day off, you would like to take them on a ski boat because you want them to teach you how to water ski, You will be amazed how a litle thing like this can lowers the sales tension and create a real bond between you are the potential client. ili, MOTIVATION: This is one that you are going to have to look for because your client isn’t just going to tell you if you ask, “okay, tell me about what motivates you!” you have to listen for it. You must find a way to stimulate conversation and discover what motivates each potential customer. FORM is the foundation of the sales presentation, Use it effectively and it will always create the relationship you need to make the sale. You uncover needs, desires and feelings by questioning skillfully and listening carefully. Your job is to identify the basic and secondary needs that your product or service can satisfy, only then you can demonstrate this fact to the potential customer. You can also identify these needs by further breakdown each type of question into the following three levels. 3. FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD LEVEL QUESTION First, second, and third level questions are designed in such a way as to elicit information from your potential customer gradually. All questions have three levels. Through each level of questioning you discover more about your potential client and you gain more credibility and trust with them: The three levels of questions are as follows: a. First level question: this is a fact question. The response will not have much emotion, but will be honest. For example, ask them, "Where is your favorite vacation spot? b. Secondary level question: these are based on the response to the first level question but there is some feeling behind them. For example, ask, “What was is about Bal that you liked best ©. Third level question: this is the emotional reason behind the second level response. The ‘example here would be, “why did that vacation in Bali mean so much to you “How does it make you feel that..." Is a great way to start a powerful question to get an ‘emotional answer. Ifyou do not reach that third level, you will never identify the needs and emotions necessary to make a sale. The third level is always emotional and will most often reveal the dominant buying motive ‘THE TEN RULES OF A GOOD DISCOVERY Do you know that half of the time your prospects do not even understand what they are saying? Their fear and their ignorance about what is going to happened during the presentation cause them to blurt out plenty of stuff. That stuff is just put there to defend them and to stall you. Thank them, appreciate them, accept them, agree with them and do not argue with them and you will be surprise at what happens. RULE NO.1 YOU MUST BE AGREEABLE ‘One of the biggest mistakes that salespeople make is they come off as disagreeable. Your number one priority is that you must be agreeable. You might not like your prospects because they are motivated by completely different things than you. Never contest or confront your prospect by saying something such as, "you are a Lakers fan-give me a break they are nothing but a bunch of punks" this guy may be the president of the Lakers fan club. He may have his house covered in their wallpapers or he might have left all his money to the team, You do not know that. So unless you can be agreeable itis better to say nothing. RULE NO.2 NEVER ARGUE WITH THE PROSPECT What purpose would it serve to argue with a prospect? You will never sell to anyone with whom you are arguing nor will you buy anything from anyone who is arguing with you. RULE NO.3 PRACTICE ACCEPTANCE Probably the hardest thing for the sales person to do is to accept the way someone is. ‘Accept your prospects for whatever or whoever they are, They might not be like you either. By opening up and accepting them you will be surprised at how far you get. RULE NO.4 SMILE ‘Smile all the time you are with a prospect. You can make the highest pressure and, off the wall statements when you are smiling. Try this, the next time your prospect throws out an objection- smile at them and ask ifi’s real. They will most likely say, “no, not... | said that because... (Real objection)” No matter what goes around you or how rough it gets on the table- SMILE. When you are laughing and smiling on a table it is magnetic. Your prospects will also start to laugh and smile and have a good time. Surprisingly, so will most of the people around you. Why? Your positive physiology will cause your prospect to mirror image you. RULE NO.5 ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE ‘One of the deepest cravings, urges and desires of humans is to be accepted. Every person in the world wants to be accepted as a vital part of their community. Every salesperson wants to be accepted as a vital part of their sales organization. When you do a good job and are recognized for it, you appreciate the recognition more than being paid on the sale. You get more stimulation from being told you did a good job and hearing congratulations. You Crave it. The deepest, most important thing missing from the world right now is the recognition and appreciation Watch the reaction of a friend or coworker when you say to them, “thank you, | really appreciated what you did”. They will smile and their whole psychology will change. If your prospect feels that their contribution to be presentation is being appreciated they will visibly relax and respond in kind. For example, when they complete the survey sheet, answer questions or give you objections, they will do it honestly. RULE NO.6 UNCOVER OBJECTIONS By asking the right questions you can also uncover any or all possible objections that will interfere with you making sale. By doing this early in the presentation process you still have the time to deal with, or eliminate, them. As a salesperson you should want objections. You should bathe in them and love them. Appreciate all objections because without them you are nowhere near making a sale. You have to get all the objections and appreciate them with a smile, Tell them, “I appreciate you telling me that and | understand what you are saying so please, tell me more". Get the objection totally out an on the table so that you can determine the strength of it When you get the objection, “look, do not waste your time we are not buying anything here today’, respond with, ‘that is okay, | appreciate your being honest with me, thank you very much’. You will then get a more manageable objection return. "Well, itis not because you can't do the job or anything like that... itis just that we are in the process of building a new department with someone else right now’, Later on they may tell you, “Well, in the future we. would probably do something with you.” Because you have appreciated the objection you then get them into a rhythm where they think you appreciate all their objections and will more freely offer them. If, however, every time your prospect offers you an objection, condition or an attitude you slam them with a, “yeah, | know but we have 36,000 other clients who told us that” they will clam up and you will not get another objection or any cooperation RULE NO.7 DISCOVER BUYING MOTIVES You must be able to ask multilevel questions in such a way as to learn the motivation behind their behavior as well as why things are important to them. In addition, you must invent new ways to create or uncover problems with their present providers or situation so you can provide a solution. RULE NO.8 EARN YOUR PROSPECTS TRUST Do you mind me asking? Ask permission to ask initial personal questions. You have not yet. ‘eamed the right to ask anything else. Once you have receive permission to ask questions, listen to them sincerely when a complete stranger tells you their hopes, dreams, fears and fantasies. It is an indication that they now trust you. What You are trying to do is open the door, to let allthis information come out when it does, we can compute, analyze, digest it and absorb it. Consider the phase used by police, “anything you say, can and will be used against you later’ RULE NO.9 EARN THE RIGHT TO ADVANCE By repeating back your prospects buying motives at regular intervals, it lets the prospect know that you understand what the motives are, thereby allowing youl to continue forward with the presentation. RULE NO.10 PERSUADE THROUGH INVOLVEMENT Get the prospect involved in answering questions and participating in the presentation process. How can you possibly find out what will best serve your prospects needs if they are not helping you discover them Determine by asking a series of questions, what your prospects is particularly looking for and it will shorten your presentation time considerably. Do you know that half of the time your prospects do not even understand what they are saying? Their fear and their ignorance about what is going to happen during the presentation will cause them to blurt out plenty of stuff. That stuff is just put there to defend them and to stall you, Thank them, appreciate them, accept them, agree with them and do not argue with them and you will be surprise at what happens. I you do this properly you can close a deal in five minutes. If your prospects believe that you sincerely care and that you are agreeable and accepting of all their resistance, then you will get all the negativity out in the front end. Then, they will end up believing “I like this guy, | believe in this guy. He is so sincere. If he asks me to buy, | will’. They have come to trust you, because they believe you are their friend and have their best interest at heart, they will now listen to you for the duration of the presentation THE FOUR GOALS OF A GREAT DISCOVERY 41. Find Their Emotional Motivator 1a. The dominant buying motive, this is the reason why they will buy our vacation program today, b. Itis not just one thing, but a combination of values and feelings in their life that address both their future desires, known as "Hope for Gain” as well as their “Fear of Loss’ «©. The biggest mistake salespeople make when attempting to discover their guest's, ‘emotional motivators is to assume they already know what they are after just a few simple questions. Make sure we are asking questions that get to the “feeling” behind their answers, Practice active listening. This means that we truly pay attention not just to the words they are saying, but to how they are saying them including their body language. It also means we do not interrupt, but let them finish their entire thought. In fact we will learn so much more if we wait for at least three seconds of silence once they are finished and then say “tell me more” 2. Learn Their Vacation habits and goals Itis in discovery that we will get truthful answers to help us with our rent vs, own value, 3. Find a Travel Problem or Create a Travel Problem + Once you have established trust between yourself and the client, you must establish their needs. These people are here on vacation; to relax and enjoy themselves. They feel as though they haven't a care in the world and actually don’t see how you can help them, You are the expert. Most people don't know what they are missing until you tell them. By creating interest and curiosity you are also establishing a need + Do not answer their questions immediately, otherwise they will thank you and want to leave. + Empathize with their feelings. + Box the fact that with or without you, they are going to continuing vacationing on a regular basis. + Above all, do not give them your pitch until you are finished with the discovery and have confirmed their information. 4. Find Their Pre-existing Concerns or Objections + Find out what they know about vacation ownership, how many presentations they have attended, why they did or did not purchase, what their general opinion of the industry is and why. + If they own find out how they feel about their membership and explain that we have something different to offer. + Empathize with their feelings. ‘You must find out when you are starting your survey is ifthey own a timeshare or vacation club. If they do, you need to fil out the timeshare section of the survey completely. After that is completed you should ask some additional questions and write the answers in the blank. space at the bottom of the page. + Have you ever tried to sell your timeshare? + Have you ever tried to rent it? + Who did you use or how did you try to rent/sell it? + How do you use your program? + Do you travel outside of your timeshare? Why? + Does your timeshare cover all your vacations? + If not, why haven't you bought more or upgraded? ‘These are just some of the questions you can ask, Ask all you want to until you get all the answers you need. Once you are done with this you need to say, “Just to let you know, we will be running an evaluation on your timeshare(s). We do this so that you will be able to know the history and future of things like assessments, maintenance fee increases, or changes to your property. The evaluation will also let us know if your, property comes back as a qualified property. Not that you want to sell it, or get rid of it, however, many people tell me, | already have a program and as long as | do | won't be adding another one. The good news is that if it comes back as a qualified property, we will be able to buy it from you and you can apply that money directly against the purchase of a residence club. Now, depending on the equity of your property and the purchase price of the residence club, sometimes there's a difference, and sometimes your equity can cover the purchase price in ful." Itis MANDATORY that if your couple has a timeshare that you do this statement, The wording of it is important. Practice it. This is how you set up your deal if they own a timeshare. No matter what they tell you, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS WORK THE TRADE. ‘STEP 5: INFORMATION CONFIRMATION ‘Once we have completed our discovery we must make sure we have a complete and accurate understanding of everything they have told us. This is accomplished by a simple summery, or “readers digest” review of the pertinent information, The information confirmation also lets the guests know that we have truly listened to them land understand who they are, what they want in a vacation plan, and what is important to them in life. Itis a very important step in gaining their trust in our ability to recommend our program to them. Though it is a simple step, itis often done poorly or worse, not at all Information Confirmation is simply the process of repeating back to the customer what he just told you in the Discovery and gaining agreement as to your understanding of what he just said, It represents the pivotal point in the sales presentation that transitions from listening to selling. It gains us the right to move from uncovering a problem to earning the right to solve it. The Goals of the Information Confirmation are to’ 1. Verify their emotional motivator (DBM) 2. Verify their travel problem 3. Verify their vacation habits and goals 4, Identify any pre-existing objections 5. Greaily decrease tension and increase trust and urgency STEP 6: THE BRIDGE Explanation of how the program works STEP 7: BREAK AND REMAKE THE PACT Below are the 3 steps to successfully breaking the Pact between them and creating a new pact with you and them, 1. Get them to acknowledge they have a pact 2. Get them to agree to break the pact 3. Get them to agree to make a new pact with you that if they like it love it, can you use it, and afford it, they will become new members with you TODAY. Alter seeing the way you vacation, | believe my program DOES fit you. Some people before coming here, tell each other or themselves, that no matter what they ‘see here today or how much they like it, they are not going to do anything, did it happen in your case? That's OK. there is no need. | hope to give you enough information at the end of the presentation for you to make the right choice. Ifat the end if it doesn’t benefit you or your family or it doesn't make financial sense we both know what the answer will be, on the other hand should it make sense and its financially feasible, give me a simple yes!!! Is that ok? Now Is there anything back home out of the ordinary that would prevent you from joining to our club TODAY? STEP 8: FIRST VISIT INCENTIVES Create urgency and explain that i's just for TODAY The reason | am telling you this. is because we have an agreement with wholesalers and travel agents. These agencies brought over 23,000.00 guests last year alone, which represents over 1.6 Billion Dollars in revenue in 2019. Itis a great partnership that we want to protect. When we created the Club we came upon an agreement we could not Jeopardize that revenue under any circumstances. So, we created a FIRST VISIT INCENTIVE package, that is designed to increase the value of your program 3 to 4 times, but it can only be offered today while on the presentation. ‘That way We keep a high occupancy in our resorts, the whole sellers will keep the non buyers, Mexico will guarantee no harassment on their tourism, the hole seller would keep the non buyer and the new member will get a much better deal. EVERYBODY WINS. | am telling you this, because regardless of your choice (YES or NO), we will still part as friends but the incentives are only for today, and the deal is so good at the end that it will make very little sense to get our program without them. |lean not contact you by phone, mail or email after the presentation So if you see something here that could enhance the way that you vacation, Great, take advantage of it, otherwise I will put you right back on vacation, Is that fair enough? STEP 9: PROPERTY TOUR Credibility/story of the hotel STEP 10: MODEL PITCH ‘As a member, this is one suite you will have access to with us here at The Club, as well as with the worldwide part of the program. Please, take a look around and in a moment | will explain some important features and benefits. What do you think of this beautiful suite? Can you see yourselves staying here? ‘Our members enjoy this and several other units in our preferred section for less than what you are currently paying. Does that surprise you? If you could stay in this type of accommodations paying less of what you are currently spending, would that interest you? Actually, . if you could put this same unit on the oean in Aruba, South Beach or Hawaii, What do you think it would cost per night? (500 to 800 usd) actually, to stay the whole week in this suite as non member will cost you around 10 to 12K, so, if our program could allow you to stay for $450 for the entire week worldwide, would that be a good value? The amount of weeks you purchase to vacation, determines the price of your membership. So, how are we doing so far, Do you love it yet? Remember, you must love it and it needs to make financial sense... for us to open champagne TODAY. BEFORE ENTERING THE SALES ROOM John, Mary, | can see that you like what you have seen so far? ‘Am | right? Ifmy presentation was over right here, right now, for what you have seen, would you consider joining the club? Yes or Not If Yes. THE PLEDGE Well John, Mary | promise you!!! I am going to do anything in my power to help you joining the club today. | would like for you to start enjoying the benefits of the program immediately. INot lam sure the most be a reason you are feeling this way, do you mind sharing it with me? STEP 11: PLATFORM STEP 12; PENCIL PITCH STEP 13: MONEY PROJECTION NO COMES AT A PRICE After you finish the presentation and before You open prices, we must say: Thank you for allow me to present our program, do you like what | just showed you? Well mr and mrs, i am about to invite you to join our club, and shortly we are going to be taking about our prices, yet | would like to take a moment before we do that, to put all this in perspective. Today, you have been exposed to one of the most exiting vacation clubs worldwide, we have discussed how our program will benefit you as a family and how you could use it to enhance your lifestyle, and now, you will have a choice of whether you would like to continue vacations the way you are doing it right now or to become a member. And Mr and Mrs, , even though saying yes will have a cost, our memberships will deliver a tremendous value for your dollars. BUT IF YOU CHOOSE TO SAY NO, No comes at a price too, As | say, more likely you will continue doing what you are currently doing, and that is : ( do a detail hotel cost projection based on their real numbers) and at the end, show the number, and tell them “this is how much will cost you to say No, and mr and mrs . the funny thing is the vast majority of the time, saying YES is actually cheaper” 14: TURN OVER, Like Usew Understand Credibility 7 ANfordabilty 7

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