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Worksheet: Azar: Basic English Grammar, 3rd ed.

, Charts 3-7, 3-9, 3-13, 4-1, 4-4

Verb Review 1 (Present/Past)

A: What _________________________________________ (you/do) now?

B: I __________________________________ (look) for my friend’s phone number.
I ________________________________________ (call) him last night, but he
_________________________________________ (be/not) home.
A: Where _________________________________________________ (he/live)?
B: In Chicago.
A: Oh, I ___________________________________________ (visit) Chicago last year.
B: ________________________________________________ (you/like) it?
A: Yes, but I _______________________________________ (like/not) the weather.
It _________________________________________________ (be) very cold.

Verb Review 2 (Present/Past)

A: What __________________________________ (you/do) right now?

B: I ______________________________________ (watch) a news show.
A: I ______________________________________ (watch) that show every day.
I ________________________________ (hear) something strange yesterday. A woman
_________________________________ (get) married to a man. But she already
_________________________________ (have) two other husbands, and she
_________________________________ (tell/not) her new husband.
He ______________________________ (be) so shocked. The police
_________________________________ (find) out and _____________________ (take)
her to jail.

From Grammar 2 Packet. Copyright by Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA. Reproduced with permission.
Worksheet: Azar: Basic English Grammar, 3rd ed., Charts 3-7, 3-9, 3-13, 4-1, 4-4

Verb Review 3 (Present/Past)

A: Stop! What ________________________________ (you/do)?

B: I _________________________________________ (try) to catch this spider.
A: Don’t do that! Leave it alone.
B: I _________________________________________ (like/not) spiders. Yesterday
One _________________________________________ (bite) me.
A: Last week, there _____________________________ (be) several spiders in
my house, but I ________________________________ (do/not) anything!

Verb Review 4 (Present/Past)

1. Look! It ________________________ (raining) outside.

2. Where _________________________ (you/buy) that coke? I didn’t see a
3. Can you help me? I _______________ (need) to borrow some money.
4. I usually ________________________ (read) before I __________ (go) to bed.
5. She never _______________________ (study) by herself.

Verb Review 5 (Past/Present)

1. Sometimes my friend _______________________ (skip) class.

2. I never ___________________________________ (miss) class.
3. Yesterday my friend ________________________ (miss) all her classes.
4. Now I ___________________________________ (think) about my friend
5. What ____________________________________ (she/do) yesterday?
6. Maybe she _______________________________ (have) a date with her boyfriend.
7. She _____________________________________ (love) him very much.

From Grammar 2 Packet. Copyright by Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA. Reproduced with permission.

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