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Horror school



Sophie got up in the morning and tried to

remember her dream, but a dream is like a black
hole, like a well that does not reveal its contents.
Sophie got out of her soft bed, got dressed and
went to eat breakfast. A letter from her mother was
waiting for her on the table: I left for work earlier
today, I'll be back a bit later, dinner is waiting in the
She made herself breakfast and went to school. It
turned out that she forgot to take her geography
textbook and the teacher told Zosia to stay after
classes in the common room. Zosia was not too
upset because her mother wrote in her letter that
she would be back only after eighteen. During the
next lesson, Antek didn't have his notebook with
the same lady and she told him to stay in the
common room after lessons. He was very angry
because he had a drama club.

Zosia called the schoolmistress to help her with an

equation, but she grabbed the logbook and hit her
head so hard that she fainted. When she woke up,
the lady in charge of the common room told her to
kneel on the floor. Krystian was ashamed to ask
Agnes to help him with English, but when she came,
she told him that she wasn't doing anything and
told him to kneel next to his friend from class.
Krystian waited for his mother who was supposed to
be there at sixteen and it was fifteen o'clock.
Two young but tall men entered the school, took
out a gun from their backpacks and took Ms
Agnieszka and the usher to the room next to the
common room, the canteen. A moment of silence
came... Sophie counted in her memory. One. Two,
three. SHOOT. She counted again one TWO THREE...
Silence, she thought it was the end, but suddenly
there was another SHOOT. The children were
terrified but tried to keep their cool. The attackers
ran away and the children saw pools of blood. They
called the police and that's when the real problems

The students from the common room and the

other teachers gave very precise information to the
police, but it was not enough.
Fortunately, there was CCTV in the school, but the
attackers had broken all the cameras except one -
the hidden one. The police ordered that it be ripped
for them. The teachers followed the orders to
appear reasonable. When the Police asked what the
peas were the teacher vehemently said that they
were teaching the children to concentrate - by
counting peas. During the assault at the school, the
armed assailants ordered the rest of the custodians
to stay in their own classrooms and the students in
the common room. They killed the janitor Grazynka
and the day-room supervisor Agnieszka. In front of
the building there were many police cars and
They thought they could save Ms. Grazyna, but
they couldn't; she was hit directly in the lung. They
fought even longer to save Agnieszka, but
unfortunately it didn't work because she was hit
directly in the chest. The school was closed for the
rest of the week and taped off with police tape.
The witnesses of the crime were mostly youths
but there was also one adult, Smoker Wojciech, who
was watering the flowers under the window of the
common room at the time the double murder took
place. The youths were questioned with parental
consent and in the presence of a psychologist.
The detective called the first girl, Sophie.
- So Sophie, please tell me calmly how it looked
from your perspective
- I didn't bring my geography book to school and Ms
Agnes made me kneel on my haunches. Suddenly
two men ran into the school and...
Zosia burst into tears and Mr. Detective asked her to
calm down. After a while Zosia started to speak.
- They took Ms Agnieszka and Ms Grazyna to the
room next to the common room and I heard two
shots, the attackers ran out and we saw a huge pool
of blood...
- Do you remember what the attackers were
- I remember... I only remember that they had black
blouses and clown masks stained with blood...
- Thank you, Sophie. You've been a great help. Now
you're going with the psychologist for a 15-minute
individual session.
Detective Alex was very curious about the whole
situation and took action, he went to the coffee
shop after two interrogations.
There he ordered a cappuccino coffee and a mint. In
the room, in the corner there was a shelf with books
that could be picked up and read while there, in the
coffee shop. Alex walked over to it and searched for
a long time for some book that fit the moment he
had spent at school. Finally, on the third shelf from
the bottom, he found a volume titled:
"School Crimes - 21st Century".

Alex decided to write down a report of his time at

school today. Once he wrote it he compared it with
the book he found on the shelf, volume 2 to be
exact. Everything was almost the same, the
detective said that on the investigation he was
taking the book to complete the procedures. The
manager of the cafe reluctantly agreed, but she had
no other choice, the woman did not understand the
seriousness of the situation. Some small details did
not agree, and since Alex was a very vigilant person,
he immediately checked it out. It turned out that he
was right.
The psychologist was, at each of the testimonies,
and as the persons interviewed were minors also in
the presence of parents. Co-workers - the detective
at first thought that he was coloring too much, but
soon they believed him. The closing of the school
was postponed until the end of April. Two days later,
Maria and Alex once again showed up at the
elementary school. They had to find out if old
camera records had been saved, such as how the
men had entered or any from other hidden
cameras. One of the destroyed cameras was still
working, but it only recorded the inside of the
building, there was another destroyed camera that
recorded all the action. Police AND detectives were
very surprised at how brutally the criminals acted.
They tied the sitter to the chairs and tied the chairs
to a nail nailed to the wall.

Alex and his team of helpers had been on the case

of this murder from the very beginning, and they
had hit on many clues, but one was special. The
detective was approached by an elderly woman,
adjacent to the school, who said that as they drove
away their license plate fell off.
- Is this plate badly damaged?
- No, I have it with me
The woman pulled it out of her bag and handed it to
the detective.
The police immediately secured the plate and Alex
started the conversation all over again.
- Did you see how these people were dressed?
- Yes... They had clown masks with blood dripping
from them, and they were dressed in black, I
remember one was holding a gun and the other was
holding a machete.
- Okay, everything agrees with the testimony of the
school children, thank you for your help, I still need
your Name
- Alicia Nowakowska.
The policemen led Ms. Alicia out of the
interrogation room.
Alex, walked firmly to the license plate and saw
that it was from the Warsaw area. He instructed the
helpers to track down a car with that license plate


Alex was sitting in his office reading a Warsaw

magazine when suddenly he heard a knock on the
- Please come in.
A policeman entered and said:
- Mr. Detective we have succeeded.
- But what was successful?
- We managed to track down this car, it's parked
under an abandoned doll factory. I think that's
where these criminals might be hiding.
- All right, call up all the police and let's get there.
We'll make it quick.
After 30 minutes Alex arrived at the scene, just as
they were about to run in they heard an explosion.
Everyone fell down and there was white smoke all
around; nothing could be seen. Alex got up, his arm
was broken, he approached a police officer and
asked in a state of shock what had happened. The
policeman answered that something exploded in
their hiding place and I'm afraid that the criminals
killed themselves.
Alex was bitter and did not know what to do in
such a situation. Suddenly the fire brigade arrived
and put out the fire that had started just after the
explosion, the firemen ran inside and there were
indeed two men
- Are they alive?
- They survived, their condition is serious and they
need to be taken to hospital, luckily the ambulance
arrived very quickly.
Alex went to the hospital a few days after the
incident. He wanted to see if these men were really
the murderers who had committed the crime at the

Alex entered the hospital room, approached the

bed, a young burned man was lying there and asked
him what he was looking for here.
Alex replied
- You were responsible for the deaths of two women
at school, you are lucky not to have died, but you
will not enjoy your luck for long.
The man turned pale and said:
- It was all his fault.
He pointed at the person lying in front of him.
- He made me do it, said I would get 40,000 zloty, I
agreed because I am in debt and live with many
unpaid credits and loans.
Alex talked to him a lot of the time.


A month after the explosion, the murderers were

partially back together and a court hearing was
They were sentenced to life imprisonment for
their actions.
Alex was once again successful, and the family of
the deceased women thanked him very much for his
diligence and great willingness to work.

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