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The Benefits Of Vaping

Vaping has become so popular in the past few years that you can walk to five
different vapor shops all within an hour. Part of the rapidly growing popularity is due
to companies claiming that vaping is a healthier alternative to tobacco smoking. But is
vaping truly a more health conscious decision than smoking a cigarette? It may not be
fair to compare something only a few years old to the century of documentation on
tobacco. There have been multiple short term studies on vaping showing that people
who switched from tobacco had better immediate health than those who did not
switch; however, there are no studies of the long term effects of vaping on people’s
health. Regulations on vaping are largely absent due to the young age of the industry.

There are many testimonials praising the benefits of vaping as a way to quit smoking
tobacco. The method is by adding nicotine, the main addictive chemical in tobacco, to
the vapor. Most smokers who started vaping did eventually quit cigarettes, but this is
just merely a trade of smoking tobacco to inhaling nicotine infused vapor. Quitting
smoking has caused some people to praise vaping, claiming that it is a safe alternative
to tobacco smoking. Others hear the claims of vaping and rush to get a set, continuing
the cycle. What fails to happen is that people only see an improvement on the outside.
They do not consider about the effects on the inside of the body. At no point has any
vendor been allowed to claim that vaping is a safe alternative to tobacco smoking
because it simply is not safe to begin with.

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