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WERSJA POLSKA (Ue Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans Ran) Poe ry Dee ema OTT al Cy Spis tresci Unit 1 Present Continuous ~ Present Simy Unit 2 Past Simple - Used to Unit 3. Past Continuous Unit 4 Present Perfect Simple Unit $ The Future Revision (Units 1-5) Jnit 6 Relatives Unit 7 Present Perfect Continuous Unit 8 Pronouns ~ Both/Neither — All/None ~ Possessives, Unit 8 Modal Verbs | Unit 10 The Infinitive - Too/Enough - The *-ing form Revision 2 (Units 6-10) Unit 11 Continuous Unit 12 Unit 13 The Passive Unit 14 Reported Speech Unit 15 Conditionals ~ Wishes Revision 3 (Units 11-15) Unit 16 Adjectives - Adverbs ~ Comparisons Unit 17 Nouns - Articles Unit 18 Some/Any/No - A lot of /Much/Many — (A) little/(A) few Unit 19 Questions Unit 20 Prepositions - Linking \ fords R (Units 16-20) Czasowniki nieregularne Stowniczek 80 100 110 18 126 132 140 ontinuous - Present Simple sig sylaba akcentowana, w ktor) ca nal sig migdzy diera spétloskar 1 podwajamy ostaniaspbigtosk. w psi samag pry dodawaris koficowki ing ale open opening © Dedajge kurcowke ~ing do Leasovirika cakurczoneyy na podwajamy + ypadu ceasownik6w zakofczor ri koicSki ing zasteoujey ~e ite fe—Wyng dle dying na ~ie przy dodaa: +. CD, Pata do czasounikow icon int psf ob and Cire aren't working today. Theyre 0 ener They're having a nice time What is Bob doing now? talk, dive, sw He is taking a picture of Clore. oe fie, study mend, wie, try, take, cook, stop Orzecceriew casie Present Conti ous sklada se 2 osobowe|formy caasownika psikowego to be oraz caasownika gounego 2kofcow ting ane king Forma casouica glnnego st aka sama wkatdeoscbe king Amine podwojonaspeoska + ing 1 am He/Sheyit is s cading You/We/They are re a ! j zdania podanymi czasownikami is he/she/it reading? w formic Present Continuous ae you/we they 1 We ..arel’te tidying. tidy) the garden. 21 (not/do) my homework. 3 (Dad/pant) the ving-toom? 5 4 He (run) poy ee 5 Theis slay) with their als ah - 6 John (study) at univer fou/We/They are aren't Mdetohlicds ei 8 (You/lsten) tothe aio? Czasu Present Continuous upwamy © ocpisywania czynnosc odbywajace| sie w chil, kedy ori) mi. eee He is reading a book ” right now tej chu fiayta She is practising for arconcert these dys, Ona abecnieprzygo- towaje sie do koncert W tej chi re wiz, ty id ‘le odpoceywa) Y- ai © praytowkiem always - tu: cigole, aby wyrantinytace lub de zaprobate wobec sjtuac, ktranaszym zdaniem ma miisce 2byt gato You're always interrupting me! Pan mi ciggle preecywet! (Pan mi preerywa bez prerwy, co mnie drazni/ denernje) o opisywaniaplan6w na nabliszaprayslo, dl rych podiete zostlykonkretne strana, He is fying to Milan On leci do Mediatany 2a godine. (Zostao to juz \wczesnig ustalone i pry gotowane) zasem Present Continuous moga wystepowat nastepujace now ~ teraz, at the moment - w tej chwil, these days abecnie/ostamnia, at present -obecnie always - ciggle, tonight i pdénym wieczorem noc, still - nodal, cage tp Present Continuous - Present ey Przyjrzyj sie fotografi, a nastepnie wpisz w wolne imiejsca ezasowniki w czasie Present Continuous Fou (si) ta » They 2) are sitting... (st) at a table. They are in (have) dinner. They 3) clothes, The man 4) (wear) a suit. The parents 5) (smile) at each other and they 6) children 7) 10) (take). listen). The girl 8) sme wine. The boy 9) (eat) some bread. Th (enjoy) their meal. W krot ‘odpowiedziach udywamy Yes lub No, zaimka w funk ppodmiotu oraz formy osobowe| crasonnika postkowego ii vb ‘ore aren'. Ne powtarzamy po mentw pytaria, aly Yes lam/meare ——_No,tmnc ‘reyouleaing? t..2Yes,he/sheitis. No, he/she Ave they ae they a No the ret Ponownie przygladnij sie fotografii w éwiczt a nastepnie w parze z kolega/kolezanka ul6z podobne pytania i odpowiedzi jak w przykladzie. PrayKlad: A: Are the porents wearing sports clothes B: Ne they arent. here wearing smart cot 11 the parents / wear / spots cothes? 2 the four people / have / dinner? 3. thechildren / tak? 4 the gil / dink / some juice? 5 he boy / eat / someice-cream? eat A, a Aichard Toyor and Sarah Perkins work nthe same office What time do they start work Sarah arrives at work at 9 o'clock but Richard doesn't get to the office until 1 cack W caasie Present Simple do czasowmika w formie twierdzace| zwykle dodalemy koFcowke -s, ji podmiot jest w 3. osobie lczby poe dyncze, W zdaniach pytajaych i przeczacych, w Ktérych podmiot wyradony jest prez rzeczawnik w 1 lub 2. oscbielceby pojedyncze lczbie mnagie, badé tet zaimek J, you, we lub they uzywamy cza sowika posikowego do/don't a w zdaniach 2 podmiatem vwyradonym praez raeczownik w 3. osobie lczby pojedyncze| lub zaimek he, she lub it, uiywamy c2asownika posikowego does /doesn't, Js uiywamy czasowika postkowego, nie dodaemy do czasowika glownego koicki-S You/We/They He/Sheyit Do I/'youy/weythey Does he/she/it } ead? Pelna | Skrocona \ou/We/They donot don't He/Sheslt doesnot doesn't : ontinuous - Present Simple © Do wigks20Sei crasowrikow w 3. osobie lceby pojedyncze| dodajemy w pisowni-s. reads © Do casownikéw zakoniczonych na 8, Ah, th, -x bob -0 dodsjemy es ss ~e ses, brash — he bashes, ch he eoches, fhe fe, 90 he goes © W praypadku czasowrikéw zakosczonych sptaoska + y my dodjeny “ies try he ts, ye fles © do crasownie koicracych se samogloske + dedajemy yk“ buy he bys a) Ss Uswirz forme 3. osoby liczby pojedynczej czasu Present Simple podanych czasownikéw i wpisz ja w odpowiednia kolumne, dlonc,frish, study open, pass, begin x pray, put, miss, lke, dry, do, Say, copy watch, oes finishes. Uzupetnij dialogi podanymi w nawiasach cza~ sownikami w czasie Present simple Whereis At school. 2) Jack? (you/come) here very often? Yes, every evening H (pay) tennis inthe summer Really? So do I We ) the house at 630 every morning That's very eaty sam (nat /know) nything about the party ‘sa suprise Kofcbwke 3. osoby ey pojedyncae| czasu Present wiamy na tay sposoby © /5/ p0 casownikach zakofceonych w forme podstawowe| sgl /t/, /k/. /p/ h/t. hs, dks, sleeps, hates © 2] po czasowmikach zakofczonych w forme podstanowe pSlgoska /' /,/1/./11/./ 5 / ub /2 / misses, wishes, matches, arranges, rises © fof we ways Czasu Present Simple uzywamy’ © do opsyania stand trwaych © do opisyuaria caynnoi powrtarzalacch si ub wykonywanyeh egularme, Czgsto dodajemy w6Wczas_jakis prysiowek estotlwose, np. always ~ zowsze, never ~ rgd, usualy — anya, zykle Mr Gibson isa busines Pan Gibson jest preedsie boreg (stan tra) Ye usualy starts work at 90m, Ze zaczyra proce 0 9-terano.(czynnose regularna) le often stays at the office unt late in the even to zostoje w bur do pdana wieczorem,(c2ynnose powtaraiaca se) = os yrazariaprawd lb opisywaria gtamem zal, progra mem, rozktadem jaz tp, The bus leaves inten minutes ~ Autobus odjeéoza iesie¢ minut. Present Continuous - Presen' Wpisz forme 3. osoby liczby pojedynczej czasu sent Simple podanych czasownikow w odpo- ‘wiednig rubryke, a nastepnie przeczytaj te formy tos. ick, put, catch, dive, brush, rid, wal, see, dance, close, help, fst, ng jn/ kisses, 2) reads, Dla caasu Present caasu: praystomki caesttlwosci usually ~ zwyki, always - zawsze itp.oraz wyradenia every day ~ codzienne, every week ~ co tydzen td, on Mondays w poniedeak, on Tuesdays — we wort, in the morning ~rano, in the evening wieczorem, in the afternoon po poludhiv, at night - w nocy/nocg, at the weekend ~ po weekendy it. Wstaw podane czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie czasu Present Contin 1A: Where's James? B: He ../6/'s playing... (play) football in the garden right 2 A Bi (dance) very B: Yes, he'sa goad singer, too, 3A Lucyis very busy. B: Yes. She work) ery hard these days. 4 & What (you/do) on Saturdays? 8: | clean the house and go shopping 5A Why (you/pack) your suitcase Because vl to Pars tomo mocring. A Fred not/know B: That's because he's only three 7A: Max looks very fi B. Yes. He (take) © W zdaniach w czasie Present Simple cgsto udywamy p12 kw czgstotiwosc, ktre okreslaa, jak czgsto dana crynno codbywa. Przystowki te odpowiadata na pytanie How often .? ok zest..? Np. How often do you vist Jk zesto od swaja doo always /usually /sometimes vi ~Zawsze 2Zwykle/Czasami odwiedza heron Sundays. ja wriedzo, Praystowki cgstotliwoSci~ Adverbs of Frequency always zowsze 100% usualy — any, exenyceo} 73% often esto 50% ‘sometimes - asomi 25% rarely/seldom- rzah 10% never- niody 0% ystowki caestotlwosc sta rym, ale po czasownikach posikenyych 10 be oraz a takée po crasownikach modalnych, np. Np. Peter often visits his grandoarens at the weekend. ‘Sharon never drinks coffee din is always on time for work Bab can never wake up early inthe morning Do you often go tothe cinema atthe weekend? aut doesn’t usually eat out on Sundays © W zdaniu z praysowkiem 0 znaczeniu praeceacym taki jak rarely, seldom lub never, nie uiywamy not. Tym samym ze forme lorzeczenie w zdariach z tyiniprystowami ma za twierdzaca, Np. He rarely goes tothe cinema. ‘On adko chodzi do kina, {never take sugor in my coffee Nigdy nie sto kay, ‘Uwvaga: W praecinifstwe do jezyka angetskego, w jezyku polskim Preepisz zdania, wstawiajac w odpowiednie miejsce podany przystowek. 1 You must brush your teeth twice a day (lays) ‘You must always brush your teeth twice a day 2 Ise on time for work? (aways) 3 Karen has cereal for breakfast. sometimes) 4 Paul docs isten to musi inthe evering, (usualy) en help with th 10 ontinuous - Present Simple 6 Must you play your music so loud? (always) Chae Foster 1) (work) ata bakery. He 2) akways/get up) very early because he 3) (start) work at four o'clock every moming, Chale 4) (not/be) at work this moring At the momen eS) 4 (gol on alday today Cha 3 asutcase because he 6) ie”). ry hapoy Right now he 8) (sing) to himsalé He! (look for his aeroplane tickets. Where are they? He can find is bed Char 9) (al eave) n an hou: hem There they are; unde ataxinow His plane 10) Where tt) (Chae /go)?To Hawa Doyou..2 Yes, |/e do, No, we don! Doeshe/she/t..? Yes he/she No,he/she it des Dothey..2 Yes they 0, they dont. ‘Uwaga: W krétkch adpowiedsiach prays staniamy pred czasowikim posikow Np. Do you watch hor Yes, |often do, /No,Inever do, Praeczytaj jeszcze raz tekst w éwicze 10, anas~ tepnie w parze z kolega/kolezanka ul6z pytania ‘odpowiedzi jak w przykladach. 1 Chale / work / ata bark? A: .Does Charlie work at a bank B:..No, he doesn't He works at a bakery. 2. Chatlie / pack / a suitcase at the moment? Ac..J6 Charlie packing a suitcase at the moment? 8: Yes, he is. Care / start work / at & otdock every morning? Charl [next week? {go on holiday sing to himself? look for his tickets / right no leave /in an hour? 0 / Tahiti? he plat Chat ® Prayjray sie rysunkom | ul6d zdania jak w prayktadzie, Pre Present Continuous - Presen' ae uous opisuie 2, cho€ tickonicanie Clare is wearing er yj = dbre ma na sobie She isn't working to postugujac sie podanymi stowa i wyrazeniami, 1 taxidiver / drive taxi / wash theta What does the taxi driver do? He drives a taxi Is he driving a taxi now?. No, he isn't. He's washing the tax. 2 nurse /look ater patients / ead a book ald / dean the house / tak on the phone 4 vet / treat animals /sten to music anc repair 6 waiter ustomers / read a newspaper "1 12 ® ontinuous - Niekt6ce ceasownik nie maja formy continuous. soni opisujace wrazenia odbierane za pomaca zmyst6w: see = wiiee hear ~ sysze, taste ~ smiokowat (w znaczenu: miee jak smak), sme pachniee Np. This cake tastes delicious. - To ciasto wspaniale smakuje (NIE: Fiscakestestingdecious), zasowniki opisujace postrzeganie umystoweipracesy myslone know ~ wide, remember ~ pamigtac, forget ~ zavommnié recognize -rozpaznat, understand -rozumiee, notice realise ~ uswiadamia’ sable, seem — wydawae si, ti (wznaczeniu: waza, mi opi) it. Np. don't know his name - Ne znam ego nazwsk zasowniki wyrazaace upodobansa: love - kocha¢/untelbia, ike bi, hate nienowidzet, dist - nie lubi, enjoy - ceszy ngjdowae w czyms prayeranos, itp Np. Shiney loves jazz music ~ Shitey przepoda 2a jazzem, kosztonac, prefer ~ wolet, meat jade, copear- yc cheieg/prognae, have = w znaczeni Np. That jacket costs alot of money. - Ta mar mnéstwo plenedzy. NIE Totyockersscostnereote mney) feve wierzy¢/sade mie¢ /posiadad tp Przeczytaj poniésza rozmowe wlasciciela hotelu z recepcjonistka. Czasowniki w nawiasach wstaw w odpowiedniej formie czasu Present Sinple lub roesnild Good morning, Catherine. A special guest 1) (come) to ou hotel today. ally! 2) (i/know) who tis? 13) (think) you do. He 4) (star in the TV series, Rooftop’ atthe moment (be) Pau Roberts, isn't it? When (hejeame)? | can't wait fo meet him in is. coming ‘AL3 otdock this aftemoon. But there area few things you) (need) to know Fist of al, he 8) (love) flowers. He aso 9) (enjoy) having his breakfast inthe dining-room, not nhs room. why 10) (he/Stay) at our hotel Becausehe 1) (want) some peace and auiet and he 12) natylke) to be disturbed by reporters. | see. Well, t's hope that everything will be okay while he 13) (stay) here Present Simple Wstaw podane w nawiasach czasowniki w formic 4 cczasu Present Simple lub Present Continuous. 11 Jasons not coming...{ro thus this evering 2 What (ths sign/mean)2 We (usualy/meet) at the sports centre every Wednesday afternoon, 5 Michael Sums is very i a department stor 6 John and Mary pay) che he moment. 7 Peter (aot/usualy bacon and eggs for breakfas 8 My fathor (buy) anewspaper every day. 2 rand ben it n° cust eg sia baie ea Fereh Wate pada wnat rasa forme 6 = imple lub Dear Martin How are you and Sally? 11) hop... (hope) you'e wel 12) (ote) to give you some good news. have got a summer ob for the holidays | 3) (repai) telephone lines fora telephone company. 14) (usualy ride) my bicycle to work because it's ony a ten minute ride from home. We 5) (start) work at 8 30.We 6) (finish) at 4.30 on Mondays to Thursdays, but at 230 on Fidays, so!7) (have) long weekends 18) (work) very hard at the moment. To tell you the truth | 9) (be) a bit nervous because my boss 10) (leave) for Scotland (on business next week, so Ill be on my own. Lizzie says | 11) (worry) about it too much. She's probably right! Pease write with your news. Say ello to Say fr me Best wishes ichard Present Continuous - Presen' te Uo WOWIENEE yy : Peay iq sync pristine na ryrrku A powiads, Sa ee Ce elonkowle foi Hendersonéw swe chia w sobotg fe ae ek rano,Nastepieprayirzy se sytuacjna ysunkuB i powieds, co : neo cee robia w te sobote. sic 5: Hests onthe for tthe moment & DoyouwatchTV in the evenings vey? Prd: Mr Henderson sul reads hs newspaper m) [7 Sach scinking coffe erry resring 3 "go usuayon haa in May Every Saturday Lat I} 9 oesshe work iat? No, she does never att ay kami, stosujgc odpowiednig forme cxasu Present 0) Simple lub Present Continuous | > cost, leave, be, snow, ike always | you Prayklad: Mr Henderson is taking pictures, This Saturday this blouse, madam? J } PISANIE | ; S~ — | ( W oparciu 0 poprzednie éwiczenie napisz, co cztonkowie rodziny Hendersonéw zwykle robig w sobote, oraz co robia w te aa sobote. Zacenij tak | the weat On Saturday momings Mr Henderson usualy reads his | Bis there? newspaper Mrs Henderson This Saturday moming the Hendersons are in the countryside. Mr Henderson is toking pictures. Mrs Henderson {the moment. 13 ple-Used to They stayed ata kvely They visited the Syohey Opera House and they walked across the Sydney Harbour Did they enjoy thernslies? Ves, they did reguarnych twerzymy p Np. She watched TV Pytania i preeczen pomoca czasownika posikowego did/did not (didn’t), podmiotu oraz podstay ka slownego (bez koficow ed). Np. Did she wartch TV lo Se did not/aldn't watch He/She }e shed veu/e/ od he/se/t } ue they 1 /semn dot it Yih vou/We/Tey ° amik w formie podstawows| zakoficzony jest na y de niego samo -4, np. dance- danced © Jel czasowrik w formie podstawowe zakofczony jest spbiloska Koicbwke ied, np. try d jest +y,opuszceamy yi © ses cas samogtoska + y, dodajemy do niego kor nik w_formie podstawowe} zak fcouke ed, np. play ployed, stay stayed © esi caasowrik w formie pods akcentowana, w kt jest slab w psowi samaghoska znaidue sie migdzy dwiema speeloskami, pry dodaweni koi costatnigspeglske, np plan ~ opened te ltere owmikach, kt6re kofcza sie =I, podwajar ed, np. tovel— Wpisz formy czasu * podanych czasow~ nikéw we wlasciwe ramki tay, travel, pray, stop, dose, love, tidy, donc 3p. phone, enjoy ted +d laughed, Awied podwojona spolgoska + ed Ut6z zdania z podanymi wyrazeniami, wzorujac sig na przykladzie. 41 Olivia's rooms dean now. (dean ian hour ago She cleaned it an hour ago. 2 Helen ist watching TV. (tu itoffalf an hour ago) 3 Steve doesrt goto the gym any mor. stop/s months ago) 4 Marys eating the cake. (bake ihalfan hour ago) 5 Kimis having a party today. arrange it/two weeks ag 6 Rob does lve here any moe, (move/tiree days ago) 7 Peter's hous sid tidy it/two hows ago} cg ed wymaviany ako: 4 10, js fora poestawowacrasownk ba, posted, succeeded crczona jest ploska i forma podstanowa czasowmka zakofczona jest gloska ie) (9/1. Nf. AY Wb fy ched, wished, Wpisz we wlaéciwa ramke formy czasu Post Sir podanych czasownik6w, a nastepnie przeczytaj je ra ghos. want, open, wash, work, arest al, cary vst, cook oad, ive, watch, accept laugh, sty, pass, type, pe ja) wanted, fn ia ke Wpisz odpowiednia forme czasu Past simple ezaso~ wnikéw podanych w nawiasach. 1A Sorry Mum, but | .dropped... (drop) the plasson the foo. mind. Just be careful next time, 2 you,/watch 0 fm last night? Yes, but (not/esioy it 3 (your neighbouts/mave) house yesterday Yes, we (help) them mo heir boxes aA crash) lastnight know, Lucky al the passengers 5 A Susan not/lay) tennis yesterday 8: | know. She's playing today instead. 6 you,/see) Kate yesterday? (have) lunch together and Brian went swimming every day dint se They had alot of, Ceasownik iereguarne t 4 od forme ceasu Past Simple Np. leove— left, cut ~ cut, swim ~ swor (Pate: sta crasownikéw nieregulanych na st 152) Pytania i przeczenia tworzymy za pomoca casowmika posikowe {id /aid not (didn't) oraz fry podstawowe|czasownika gléwnego. Np. They left. ~ Did they leave? - They dnt leave. He/She peer veu/We/Tey Did ne/sheit you/we/they } leave? did not didert ple-Used to easu Past Simple uiywamy © do opisywania czynnoéc, Kio raynajmniejznanym momencie nedareyly Se w podany lub praeslokl wiemy wig. kiedy mia mice They graduated four years ago. ~ Onivkorcal skal 4 lta tem (Kiedy ukoical soko? Cater tater, Wir, Za) Kedy miat to migisce) © do opisywaria czynnose, ktére odbywaly sie w preszosc 2 pena regularnoi alu sine odbywai. Wty praypadeu w adaniu moga sie pojawic praystowki cgstotnosc (aloys zawsze, often cst, usually zaznyezatp) He often played footbal with his dad when he was = Gay mil ie et czesto gral /arywal x totgw pike (le tran tego rie rob) © opie ka ceynn rug They cooked the mea! first. Najpirw ugotowal posiek Then they ate wth ther fends. = Potem zjdl go ze znojomy © méwigc 0 osobach, kre ju rie ya Princes Diana visited ‘alot of schools Ksiena Diana odwiedzita s2kdt Dia czasu Post Simple charakterytycane sq nastepuiace okrSlnia ‘yesterday ~ e201, last night ~ wczorj w nocy. wczera pny wieczorem, last week/month/year w ubieglym tygodniy/miesigy roku, last Monday ~ w ubiegly ponedzialk, itp, two days/weeks/ _months/years ago - dwa ch/tygodhie/miesigce wtedy, when —kiedy /gdy, in 1992 — w roku 1992 ip. ta tem, then- (OD) Wotaw podane w nawiasach czasowniki w odpo~ (3 Jy wien} formic ot sole Kira regu wyela ‘aasu Post Sil ustruja poszczegone zdaniat 1) Mother ..cleaned.. (clean) the windows twice last (pedany/znany czas) 2 They (0t/g0) on holiday to Spain last year 3 Tin not/sing) inthe school concert yesterday. (fight) with his n they were yo 5 Mother Teresa poor people of Inca. (help) the 6 Hersister (bake) tis beautiful cake on Monday, 7 sam /enjoy) hs trip to Wales last weekend? 8 John (fall and (hurt) his knee. Wstaw podane w nawiasach czasowniki w czasie Past Simple, A Lesley 1) ..bought... (buy) her house two months ago. Its a beautiful cottage in the countryside, However, when Lesley 2) ( itt3) (need) a lot of work. Fist, she 4) (decorate) all the rooms. Then, she 5) (plant) lots of flowers in the garden. After that, (make) new curt 6) jor all the windows When it as ready, she 7) That was las week. Now is very happy. Claude Monet 1)... be) a famous artist. He 2) (paint He often 3) hs paints and a canvas into the country (love) to paint tres and rivers during he different seasons ofthe year. Monet §) (create) a new kind of art called Impressionism. He 6) (de) in 1926, but many people stil visit ‘museums and galleries to look at his pictures. of beautiful pictures in his etn side, He 4) No wedi No, they did Wstaw odpowiednia forme czasu czasownikéw podanych w nawiasach, @ Ferdinand Magelan 1) was (be) a Portugese car (want) to sal around the Carls V of Spain 3) im five ships and two hundred and sixty-f sors. They 4) (leave Spain 20th September 1519 and 5) (begin) thei long and dangerous journey. the journey, Magellan 6) er) the Pacific Ocean, Unfortunately, he and many of the sas 7) (ie) ina battle on 27th Apr After that, a Spanish sallor 8) (take) contol of the ships and 8) (set off) to complete the voyage. Only one ship and sixteen’ men 10) ve) back in Spin on 6t 22.They 12) (bel the frst men to sail 1 the word, Prreczytaj ponownie tekst w 6 7, anaste- OQ ms pytania i odpowiedzi jak w prayktadach, 1 Ferdinand Magellan / be / a Portuguese salir? Was Ferdinand Magellan a Fortuguese sailor 8: Yes, he was. 2 the Emperor of Spain 2 A Did the Emperor of Spain give him fifteen ships? No, he didn't. He gave him five ships. give him / fit ey / leave / Spain / 16197 journey / be /long and dangerous? discover / the Pacific Ocean? ian / die with solders /in battle? Spanish alo 3 4 5 6 7 complete / voyage? 8 remaining ship / reach / Spain / 15 Past Simple- Wstaw odpowiednia forme czasu Pos czasownikow podanych w nawiasach. sien itmmapintrry, A: What 1) .dlid you do. you/do) last summer? (work) ina fastfood restaurant x (you/dol? B (take) orders from customers, x (you/earn) much money? 8 (spend) most of i a (you,/spend) it on? 8 (go) on holiday to the Greek islands, A have) a good time? B: Yes, t 10) be) wonderful Wiasnie wrécites z waka. Kolega/Kolezanka wypytuje cie o nie, Utywajac podanych stow ul6z wspdlnie znim/nia p odpowiedzi. 1 where / go? A Where did you go. 8: .. went to Spain 2 who / gowith? 3 have /agood time? 4 stay /atacamp-site? 6 what a 7 eat /at restaurants? 8 go/thebeach? ple-Used to People used to dress clifferentl in ast Women used to wear long dresses Did they use to carry parasols with Yes, they di They didn’t use to go out alone at © caasonnita used to v2ynamy, gy chcemy powiedeéo stan ty isn w presto o pee yczaone repuarie) peotarane} cxynnoki preesti,K8r@ cbecie re ma ju misc. Capg2raceeia used to jest wig fat, 2 sua, 0 Fre mwa, ralezy 60 pzesaese~ es w 2dane Ne ma vwyrazena jednoonaceie na to wskanjaego, w polski thmacens zazwyeza|docsjenysowo daw keds Forma used to jest taka sama dla wszystkich osdb licaby pojedynczei mnogia wystepue po rej bezakoiczik Np. Peter use to eat alot of sweets — Peter jad dawmniej azo slodyzy.(Obecre juz ne jada tyu stodyczy.) Paria i preceria tworzymy za pomaca czasowika postkawego did /did not (didn), podmioty oraz formy use to (bez korcéwki ~d) w odpowiedrigjkolenosc Np. Did Peter use to eat many sweets? ‘Mary did't use to stay out late © Used to mozemy zastapi¢ w zdaniu czasem Past Simple, zachowyjgc to samo znaczenie, Np. She used to liven the countysee - (Ona) dawnie) Imieszkata no ws he lived inthe countryside. ~ (Ona) mieszkata no wi (w dome: kiedyS, dawn) He/She } used total You/We/They \ ba hepsi } wero you, we/they ' He/She didnot didnt } = You/Wey/They ae Wubiegiym roku Peter Gordon wygrat na loteripoka- nq sume pieniedzy Preyrzy sie rysunkom i powieds, jak Zyl dawniej, a jak wyglada jego Zycie obecnie. Praylad: Petru in aig he i> | An t Ea goto wor, by car 3 : ¥ go/the theatre spends holdays/ ata camp-site Uzupetnij zdania, uzywajac wlasciwej formy used fof ezasownika podanego w nawiasie. 11 didn’t use to watch... (not/wa ) the news, but now watch t every day. 2 Myaunt (drink) a lot of coffee, but now she prefers to drink tea 3 We (lve) ina flat, but we lve ina big house nov. f0u/g0) to school on foot 5 We tke) each other, ut now we're good friends 6 Now | eat them every day. 7 My sister (play) the piano, bt now she doesn. 8 They (spend) their weekends in the countryside, They don't any mare, cz, ds often? Ys, / Iie it. 1 you use toge Yes, wei No,i/ Yes he/sheit cid. No,he/shejt didnt. Yes they di No, they cd Uzywajae podanych wyrazes, w parze 2 kolega/ koleZanka ut6? podobne pytania | odpowiedzi jak w prayktadzie. yklad: A: Did you use top 8: Yes, aid / No, Ici wth your fiends wen lay with your friends? 6 listen to fairy tales? ch many cartoons 7. haveabath every day? 0 bed late? 8 drink mik? ry alot? 9 dress yourset? ake your bed? 10 get pocket money? \ Minipowtéorka Wybierz wiasciwa odpowi ues Cousteau. ... the oceans explores B explored © isexploing bicycle, but now he dives a car s ring B usedtoride — C rides aninteresting book atthe moment. dontread Bread © amreading home eatly yesterday because he fet went B isgong © used to go es but he does now. B didrtusetotravel C travelled andi, sol went to see what it was B hear © ambeaing how to use a computer at prese leant B islearring © leans toa party tonight used to go B goes are going everyday at quarter past two, B ka isleaving in the mocring B don't like © doesn't ike ———————— Past Simple - vi MOWIENIE” Prayirzyl sig ponizszym zdjeciom. Zdjecie A pokazuje, jak ludzie spedzali caas wolny 60 lat temu, a 2djcie B, jak spedzaja wolny czas obecnie. Uiywajac podanych wyrazeh, w parze 2 kolega/ kolezanka ut6z podabne pytania i adpowiedzjak w prayktadzie. Prayklad: A: Dit people use to watch TV sixty years ago? 8: No, they didn’. Watch 7, dress clfferenty, spend more time together tak to each other alot, go out at night much, read more _ PISANIE S~ —/ W oparciu o zdjecia i notatkiz poprzedniego éwiczenia uzupet- rij ponitszy test. was different sixty years ago. People 1) (not/have) the things we have nowadays. Fist of al, they 2) (not/watch) TV and they 3) (tak) to each other alot. Nowadays, people 4 (not/tak) to each other much because they 5) (spend) a lot of time watching TV Sty years ago, people 6) (dress) citferently. For example, women 7) (wear) longer dresses and men usualy 8) (wear) a suit and ate on Sundays. Were Foul and Care working at 8 o'clock las No, they weren't They were having dinner at a restourant Frmy zasu Past Continuous tworzymy za pomoca was /were (cyl form praesziych czasownika fo be) oraz formy podstawowe| casowika.glonnego 2 Pl przez dodanie po was/were partykuly not ficdwka ~ing. Pytania powstaa pr nicie wes/were praed podmiot. Formy przeczace tworzymy He/She) vas} ig veu/WeyThey were was 1 was renee) satin Were you/wertey W budynku firmy Crofton Electronics wybucht wezoraj poiar, Czym zajmowali sie posz Past C ib Past Sip 1. We...went... go) swimming every week when we were young. 2. Simon, ance) wien he fel 4 hurt his leg 3 Why you, laugh) rough your Fistory lesson yesterday? ai (drink) a glass of ik 5 (ride) horses when he 6 6 rite) a letter when mather came home, VI (rain) while | was waitin forthe a1 the guitar when | w don’t any more 9 Debbie (sing) inthe school noi many years ago. 10 Le (clean) the windows wher saw het + Caynnodé mila mise w okreslonym momenciew praeslos The plone landed ot the ort at eight otdock yesterday morning * samolot wyladowat na as jest podany, Ceynnost sie zakocaya Samat wyigdowet) + Kika czynnoicinasapto w preeslscjedna po drug First she read the tis she called the compa = Najpenv przeczytala agtoszenie, anastepnie _zadzwonita do te fray. ‘Wstaw podane w nawiasach ezasowniki w odpo~ wiedniej formie czasu Post Continuous lub si A Steve t)..had... (have) an accident yesterday. He 2) (dive) his car when a bird 3) en. He 4) (ty (cas) into awl (not be} hur. (fy) int the winds stop quicky but he 5) luckily he 6) 8 last He 2) ek. 1) (go) to atakby a famous miter 3) K) about is new book wt ave). He) sting tak that | 5) te Adsappointed when it 6) Julie 4) dy) her bedroom last weeker While she 2) (tidy) it, she 3) (find) som toys she 4) we) when she was a child. She 5) (oot/want y, 0 she 6) put them ) them in the atti nfinuoUs ‘Wstaw podane w nawiasach czasowniki w formie czasu Past C kolejnosé rysunkéw. It) .was... (be) a beautiful spring morning when Emma and her father 2) (shine) and the birds 4) castle 6) they 8) (ook) around but they 1) (see) someone standing over there.” After a (admice) the view, they 9) (be) very old and made of stone. They 7) (not/see) anybody. “That's funny,” said Emma. “I 12) wile they 14) Emma 15) (examine) an old barrel when she 16) them, "Dad," she 17) (say), “don't dose her father said. emma 19) (tur) around and 20) (kno \Wstaw podane w nawiasach czasowniki w odpo- wiedniej formie czasu Post Simple lub Past Continuous. Dear Rick, 11m writing to you from my hotel in Switzerland Im having a lovely ime here but you can't imagine what 1) happened. (happen) tome yesterday.|2) (be) ‘onthe mountain with my friends and we3) (have) lovely ime because the snow 4). (be) perfec forsking. Unfortunately the sun 5) (shine) on the snow, sit 6). see. Suddenly, | 7) (be) dfficuit to (hit a rock and 1 8) (fall over Lucky 19) (not/be) serous hurt just 10) afew bruises. Now tm trying to be more careful Hisee you when | get back (eet) Best wishes, Kevin ‘then that the ghost of Seaton Castle 22) But, 118) fous lub Past Simple: Nastepnie ustal wlasciwa (decide) to vst Seaton Castle The sun 3) (sng). Emma 5) (Fee) very excited. The (climb) the steps to the top of the tower Whie (hear) some naiss. They 10) (tink) 113) lar ofthe cast behind (ot/lse) dear” (decide) to visit th hear) the door ofthe cellar clo (see) a shadow on the wall She 21) (watch) them Popraw btedy. Philp was washing the car while the fire started Nel was studying when his sster was listening to music. Harriet was opening the door and walked into the house. \We were having lunch at lovely restaurant every day when we were on holiday. Brian drank tea at five o'dock y terday afternoon Dad was repaiing the TV while Mum cooked dinner was going tothe cinema last Saturday was buying a new dress for my party yesterday. le Jeff buit the garden shed, he hurt himself While the teacher were speaking, the students were listening tohim. \ Minipowtérka Wstaw podane w nawiasach czasowniki w czasie sent Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple bub Past n) the windows wien the cing) 2 "Whatis that nose?” “lames his bike at the moment.” +1 .was cleaning. ( 1d) a book when his mother ei ) hi, 4 (be) you busy?" “No, what (you/want) me to do?" 5 The (sing) while we (lay) some music 6 Susanisanurse. She usually 2) ® Wybierz wtasciwa odpowied2. (work) at night tle ie 1. The earth ..B... ound the sun. at A moved B moves € ismoving 7) anew carat A isbuyng Buy © bough 3 when suddenly the do began to bark 8 studied was stuching 4 ment reworking C worked 5 home fram werk when it began to snow A amvalking —Bwak € was waking 6 a ons the receiver and dialed the number A its B wasting —C lifted SS Mickey Mouse A wascreating B creates © created 8 Helen... to the gym every day, but now she doesnt A usedtogo —-B didn't use togo C was going 9 We for a new house a the moment. A arelooking —B look © looked 10 his father in the garden every Sunday ping —B helps ishelping 1 to Cl... at 3 tock every day B leaves © wasleaving a your music too loud! | can't stand it! were always playing B always play Care always playing ———— Past Comma » MOWIENIE? ~~ | iy, Prayjay] sig rysunkowi. Widaé na nim, co r62ni ludzie robili (were doing) lub zrobili (oid) podezas napadu na bank. Uzywajac podanych wyrazes, w parze 2 kolega/kolezanka ul62 pytania i odpowied2i, wzorujac signa prayktadzie, Prayklad: A: What was the manager doing? 8: He was talking onthe phone. ‘A: What did he do when he saw the robbers? 8: He stood up. manager / tak onthe phone / stand up cashier / count some money / put his ands up hid ston a chair start to cry old lady / wait in the queue / faint x7 VISANIE 7 - — ‘Wyobraz sobie, Ze jedna z osdb bedacych swiadkiem napadu pisze list do znajomego, opisujac, co sig wydarzyto. Na podstawie rysunku i swoich notatek uzupetnij ten lst, zwracajac wage na aynno tre trwaly dhe (uy) ceau Past Contin cus) ofc te, tre byly kote ud) zasu Pst Sl Dear (ig znajomego), ‘Tm vnting to tl you what happened to me yesterday while | was deposting some money inthe bank, 1 was standing in the queve when two bank robbers suddenly appeared atthe door. 25 sar Pertect Simple Bob and Mary have been on haliay fora week They've visited alot of tropical beaches and they've swum in the ue seo. Have they bought any souvenirs yt? No, they haven't COrzeczenie w czasie Present Perfect Simple sada se 2 ceasownika postkonego have/has raz imistows biermego casounita slownega nies bierny od czasonikiw reguamych tworeymy przez dodanie do fermy padstawowe|crasownika oficovki ed. Np. ploy played Cason rieregulare tworza forme miso jeego incre Np. wnte— written (patra: sta czasowmik6w riereglarnych na st 152) \Wadaniach pytajgych have /haspreesuvamy pred podiot. No. Have they ead the book? Wadaniach preczacych po hove/hasstawiamy partykue not. Np. He has not/hasn't repaired the TV yet 1 have ve He/Sheyit has 's You/We/They have ve finished / left? Pelna Skr6cona 1 have not haven't He/She/t——hasot——_ ast ee You/We/They havenot havent eft Utéé z podanych stéw I wyrazesi przeczenia, wzorujac sig na przyktadzie. 1 read /anewspaper / yesterday | haven't read a newspaper since yesterday. 2. have /a break / this morning 3. travel / abroad / ast summer 4 watch /7V / last right 5 6 a buy / apresent December write / aleter / Christmas feat /sinner /atarestaurant last month Nip. Has she called her parents? Yes, she has, : Yes, |/we have : Nowe havent. Yes, he/she has Has he/shefit.2 No he/sheit has Ves, they have. Have they .2 No, they havent 0 John porabiat od ich ostatniego spotkania, W parze z kolega/kolezanka uléz pytania i odpo- ‘wiedzi, wykorzystujge podane informacje. a ‘Sam nie widziat sie z Johnem od dawna ichce wiedziec Praklad: A: Hove you found anew. job? B Yes shove ind / a new jt? v aa move / house? x Fe, get / marred? x ot fish /yoursude? | stat /tengkarte lessons? zasu Present Perfect Simple uiywamy se opera co rei gic wicker © verve prose Doli care ai oon Soa et ame soe ssa fat fee cy? ‘Raya nk eee W jk psn rele sos ery w alc yack cas przety Kim has bought «new mobie phon, Kim kya nowy telefon oméekowy. (i ckrestany cas, Kiedy dokona ry aot alps panies? nije to istotne Wadne jst, te Kim ma nowy = teefon) ° ~ On jest sprzedaweg samo Unupetnij zdania czasow shall odpo- 10 |, wednia forma konstuki be gogo oraz czasow- “= sikami podanymi w nawiasach. (1).Shall we go...we/g0 10 the football match on Sunday? 8 leant. 12) (help) my sister A: Oh yes, She is moving house isn't she? 8 uhelp) us? & time (4) (i/come] to your house? 8: Im not sure yet.1(5) (probably, Phone) you on Friday to tell you. Is that alight? AS Yes. I think | (6) (be) in then, 8: Okay (7) (ve/g0) fora walk now? ‘A: Id rather not. Look at those black duds (8) (rain) Let's stayin and watch video 8: Greate. Gp) Umupetnij zdania czasownikami TH wiednia forma konstraki be ging t0 1. A: The shops are closed tomorrow 8: |.will, buy bread and mik today then 2A we tel Mr Peck about the accident? 8: That's a good idea. Maybe he can help, 3A: W's too dark in here to rea. 8: Isit?| tum on the light 4 A: Please come and see us. 3: We visit you soon, that’s a promise, 5 | wear a jumper or a B: It's vey cold, Take your coat 6 A: Can we go out to play, Mum? B Nowe have dinner now. 35 ure Do opisywania praysztoSci moéna uayé czasu Future Simple konstrukci be going to, <2asu Present Continuous lub Present Simple a) Hel sell is cor On spreda sj samochéd, Future Simple prewidywana caynnosé moze sig zdarzy hub rie) b) She's going to study abroad next year ~ nat zamierza w preyslyn roku studlowaé za granicg (be going to: wyrazenie zamiaru) ©) They're leaving for Mexico tomorrow. ~ Oni yeaa jutro do Mekspku resent Continuous: cayrnose jest zaplanowana i wezesie przygotowana) 4) The bus leaves at nine o'clock ~ Autobus odie o godzine deiewiat). (Present Simple: prayszle wydarzenie wyika 2 roztadu jaz) a) Jonathan nie jest zadowolony ze swojego dotychcza- ‘sowego iyciaipostanowit zmieni¢ to iowo. Na pod= stawie podanych informacii, powiedz, co ma za~ rmiar zrobié, wzorujac sig na przyktadzie. Prayktad: He is going the ty entre + move to the city centre +selis a sbuyabiggerhouse bt smanysusan Apes a «poy for jab with alo fe Gee ) Prayrzy sie notatkom w kalendarzyku Jonathana. Do czego udato mu sig jué pocaynié praygotowania? Ul6z stosowne zdania, wzorujac sie na prayktadze. Praylad: He's moving to the city centre on Mondo Apri + Monday, 8th Apri ~ me to/the city centre + Tuesday, 9th Apr Mr Brown come/colletthe ar + Wednesday 1th Apl- sign the contact for anew + Fda, 2th have an interview with Mir Ford at 10 o'clock + Sunday, 20th June ~ get mated aay, Weiesposenmpatasac rani ofp (By Tommie czasa Present Continuous ib Presen 41. *.s Gordon coming... (Gordon, *No, he ...ign't... (be/not)" 2 Mysiter with us tonight? (go) to university in September. play/start) tomorrow? 4 Natale have) a birthday party on Saturday. 5 Megan (sng) in the school concert tormartow right. 6 The fight to Bern (leave) at six o'clock 7 The Brow (move) tot 8 What time new house this weekend, (the ferry Calis tomorrow after Gg), UzsPetl alos czasowniam tty w ofpo- (4 y wiednio czas. Doogie) fost this eter é > Popraw biedy. ke the children tothe playground for you? call you when | wil finish work you to clean the carpet, please? imis starting at 8 o'clock. tend the parade tomorrow. Queen won't nat \ Minipowtorka « Waa podane w nawasch sown w dp J wiednim czasie. Dear Martha, 11). writing. Z-, (rite) to tel you my good nes _/ LOE 12) (save) enough money fom POR a ceed ad 13) (open) a flower shop. My father 4) (own) shop 0 and he 5) (give) me some advice and suggestions, He 6) (think) that my shop D be) a succes, because there iit another flower shop inthe area, hop isn't ready yet. My brother 8) pant) the inside of the shop and tommorrow he 9) (paint) the outside. | 10) ) to buy a new sign. My mather 1) i rt} me to callthe shop “Rose”, bt 2). ff sil/ thnk) about it. Anyway, | just hope the local people 18) (ike it im) (start) work next Monday 115) (orobably/phone) you some time next (ave) tm, Wish me luck Best wishes, Nicky MOWIENTE (= ob Brown i Moly Gould sq Spiewakam operowymi. Dziennikarz pr2eprowadzit nimi wywiad na temat ich planéw wakacyinych. Prayiry]sieinformacjom w tabelce iw parze 2 kolega/kolezanka Uul62 podobne pytania i odpowiedzi jak w prayktadzie. ayia: AA: Is Rob going to give any concertsin the summer? B: Yes, he’s. s Molly go A: Yes she is RobBrown Molly Gould + give / concerts y v + go /toinia v x + appear /inaTV show x v + go.on / holiday in August x ‘ + take part /in charity events “ . + sing /at the Queen Mother’ bithday x x celebrations + make / a record * + sing / in a rock opera x PISANIE i Wykorzystujac informacje 2 poprzedniego €wiczenia, dokoficz artykut o Robie Brownie i Molly Gould Rob Brown and Molly Gould, up-c porter, Emma Smith, -comting opera singers, tolked to our esterday. She asked them about their fi his is what she found out plans, Reb and Moly: inthe summer Rob fe going to give concerts 37 Revision 1 (Units 1-5) Qg Przepisz zdania, wstawiajac w odpowiedr neice podanyperytowet coestotwose 1 1 goto bed after midnight. (setdom) | seldom go to bed after midnight 2 dont eink teain the morning, (often 3 She washes the dishes after dinner (usually) 4 eat in restaurant. (rarely) 5 Dothey for a walk on Sunday afternoons? (often) 6 Do you vst your grandparents on Saturdays? (usual 7 Marys late for meetings. (never) 8 They don’t go abroad on holiday, (usually) Wstaw podane w nawiasach czasowniki w odpo- wiednie} formie czasu Present Simple lub Pr A: Excuse me. What time 1) ..does the bus for Plymouth leave..2 (the bus for Pymouth/leave) 8: 12) (leave) in half an hour 3) {you/go) to Plymouth As Yes. 14) vist) my granddaughter She 5) (lve) there. And you? 8 16) live) there too 17) (do) a course at he colege A: What subject 8) (you/study?? 8: Tourism A: Thats intresting 8 19) come) here twice a week because |10) (work) in ahotel atthe moment. Its work experience A Yes,I1t) (think) tha i very important. %) you/lke) the wok? B Yes,113) (love) it A, look! Here comes the bus! ‘Wstaw podane w nawiasach czasowniki w odpo- ‘wiedniej formie czasu Post Sino lub Past Continuous. 1. He ...was_watching...(watch) TV when the telephone vang..(tng). 21 (clean) the house while (work) inthe garden 3. When we find) the cat it (play) under the bed 4 Joan (have) a shower when the window deaner c 5 Grandma Grandad 6 When 7. Bob and Sally 8 Wh whe 91 they 10 As Fi glass, she 11 Mother 12 My brother while wiedni (knit) while (smoke) hs pipe ve) home, (paint the frant door (start) to ran, (you, read) my ne (knack) on the ch (cut) her finge break) the v (dust i (build) a sandcastle im) in thes formie czasu Past Simple lub Present Perfect gy ‘Wstaw podane w nawiasach czasowniki w odpo~ Wel-known pop singer Zppy Spring 1) ..has recently signe. recerty/sign) anew record del wth Star Recordin London Zippy's 5 when he 3) 5) and 6) He?) three weeks ago and 8) forall their love and support. Themusiche ph colder people since the bey younger people 10) 100, Zippy only 11) week but he 12) a number of songs for his ne (start) to (record) a song which 4) (g0) to the top ofthe charts. Ho (have) a car accident six months ago (stay) in hospital fora long time. (make) his fst pubic appearance ning of his caree, but 1 (begin) five years ago (thank) his fans (be) popular with (sign) the deal lat (already write) ecord, He 13) that he 14) nis next European tour, B:_ No, but Pauine A: Ate Mandy and Kate coming tothe cin A Whe ye been (to) bub has hav hhave..never ..been to... Austia, ut | would love to go. B: here three times. I's a beautiful country, you the Italian restaurant in town? there twice, She said itwas lovely ra? 8: No, they ‘out with their cousins. Dad? ork Dutit's Sunday. Ile doesn't work on Sunday! 1)..How lng..have you been in Rome? Ivebeenhere2) last week What about you? ve been here 3) only three days. Which slaceshave you vsted 4) 7 wl, eS) vised the Vatican museum twice and Ive spent a whole maringin the izza i Spagna. havent beento the Vatican 6) .butlintend to.Haveyoueaten ata traitonalrstauant7) 2 No, haven't, But Ive 8) visited Fontana di Tre Oh, yes. Ive 9) wanted to go there and throw acoin in the water! Have you 0). been to Venice No, | have 11) been there, but I've 12) arranged to spend two days there before return home, LCM COLOR eat) will’ help. (help) you wit the shopping before | (go) tothe gym. 1 {not/be) at home when my parents (have) the dinner party. (go) tothe (finish) work on (sell their ld one. (get) married (move) into thee When Bob and Marie month, they Wybierz wlasciwa odpo B...on holiday next weekend 0 B_ are going goes student, He B. isdoing hishomework every evening, © does 1 is fn. Let's watch something else, A haveseen = B saw © amseving Fred fell of the ladder while he... the ceing ‘A usedtopaint —B waspainting painted Ted hs car last month, A sold B has sold © isseling The sun every morning A istising B rises © was tsing iy frst cassette player when | was eighteen ‘A havebought = B am buying © bough Donna her hair Its stil wet A hasjust washed B_iswashing © washes Jennifer... eat vegetables, but no A used to B didntuseto doesn't gy Popraw btedy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Peter plays football at the moment >My parents have bought a new fridge yesterday Sarah was writing three letters so fart lam going to the gym every Tuesday | expect | go shopping on Saturday Do you come with us tomorrow morning? Did Mandy will buy acar as soon g? He's run 35 she wil pass her driving test, q Adectorso parson who/ that ects sck Dogs reonols which/that econ keep. Thisis couple whose favourite winter peop orpets spor sug. | © Zairki wegledne (who — kxdry/ktéra/ktéreitd, which — ktéry/ktora I, whose rego ee, that O7/os }WproNs: = Wykorzystae podane pod rysankami wskazowki daa postage zdana welede, re ops reczownk 1) st podotne praia odpowieds ak ‘epuey Wadena guy (nadzgdnym w prayktadzie. Np. The man who owns the shop i Fench prayllad A: Who wos Dickens? y 8 He wes te man wh that rote Over Twist dane Wale il Mezcayana, kt6ry jest wlasccielem sklepu, jst F Froncuzem ; 2darie wegen precy oKtrym meicaytne ménimy.) | “© Weiser do suzy zamkéw who/that, Zatepuaone Le = riot padregnego ads vaecrego. Lela ete edna Dickens / write ta / invent the ct Np. The git she ves net door sf nda. Olver st f es a M>, i Dziewczy,Kéramiesza tut ab, pod nd g 5 Wot do mz ira uyuay zk wh that cm an rs i : venzepale build thetlogs/ralebe Ceapaa/ a "hel feted Sue tr i een 2), Wiser forma pane pod rsa et Ry woot 98s et cas 2p ae eaatl ta nti orate pales way -w oresie Pad A dtwastriso machine which ht yo niu do ludzi, zwierzat i rzeczy - zaimka Whose, ktory zastepuje towash dishes “am zal drtavcy np. yi) w zai poco A fanngosabiéwbch totes warm Np. That's the man hi car ws stolen y = Hi 0 3 That's the man whose car wos ston ot czyzna,ktGrego samochad skradziona, i os Se gamit faring in ~Tojest 7 =o ee ludzie who/that ae rzeczy /awierzeta which/that lon /lve inthe photocopier /make praynaleénost/posiadanie whose jungle shatocopies type letter 40 5 Us nana, dopasowuja do sbi ich 3» fragmenty z obu kolumn. A B 1 Thegd <—— which you bought from 2 Isthis the pup b 3. The doctors ‘ |» d- who ies next doors called 4 Thema © which fe masts Aust 6 Thetide who workin this hospital are 7. [sth the woman which Iwas ng belongs to rbot yu angielski, w preecwefstwie do jzyka polskiego, maina zaimek wagledny w Scie okreslonych preypadkach © ‘Nie mona pomingé zaimka -ednege, kedy peti on funkcig driotu, tn kiedy 2naduje sig bezposredrio preedczasowni ier w zdaniu wagledy Np. tmeta whoj thats from Jopan. ~Spotkalem deewezyne, kta pochodk iZaimek wegledny (who lub that) jest tu podmiotem; migdzy who/ thata czasowikiem ise ma Zadnego innego zaimka czy eceowika) enek wegigdny mona poring leno funkce dope tan, Kedy migdayzaimkiem a ceasownikiem znaiuje sie ese [aki reeczownik ub zimek osobon, Np. That’ the hat. Bought it ast week Fi y Tha’ the hat (which/ that) bought lst eck ~Tojest ten kapelusz,kt6rykuplem w zeslym tygodhi (Zaimek weedy jest tu dopehieniem; migday which/that caasowrikiem bought aajdue se zarnek) czy pelni on funkcje podmiotu, czy dopetnienia, i wpisz odpowiednio P lub D. Nastepnie zdecyd «xy dany zaimek wzgledny moze zostaé pominiely, a Wstaw wlaiciwy zaimek wagledny. Zastanéw sie, czy tee nie, i zaznacz to w tabelce. 1 The cup ..which/that,.. | bought is wna brok pominat 2. How olds the bo hityour |? 3. Have you used the gloves 3 bought you yet? 4 Laura's taking to the man 4 repaired her cat, 5 id you return the books 5 you borrowed from the library 6 They vein abig house 6 7. Fmwting aletter to my aunt 7 lives in Austra 8 Ishetheman lvesonthe [e 9 Is that th wesaw [9 t week? 10 Is that the man stole [70 your bag? ‘1 Where did you buy the dress 1 12 Have you replied to all the 2 you received? wage who's =o ub who has Np. “Who's (Who is) there?” “It's Julie.” ‘Who's (Who has) got the dictionary? whose wai pranaeinost /posiadarie Np. Jenny ste gi whose mothe so lawyec ® Wotaw wos ub wtose 41. Thats the boy... who's... going to sell me his bike. 2 Herbrother, name is Jack, is fireman, 3. She's the gi run four marathons this year 4 That'stheman house was on fire yesterday 5 Shela the gr ‘mother works inthe flows shop. 6 Sheis the woman having a party tomo 7. He's the man just been promoted at 8 Mikeis the man wifes in hospital, 9. Lam the person sister got marie last 10 Robis the one eaten all the biscuits 41 ~Pyipcen posiy, cya sw hota (zy ofan, konstukcjaradko sptycana b) The café which that we v Konia, ualy got is near ou house. bir ye chamy zai aszego dom konstrukcetypowa) ©) The fee usualy ie ~ Kawi, do kare chodeiny, 2 ye slew pabliu naseego konstrukjatypowa da jen © Wcaniach wagiednych rie staniamy zaimkéw osob ‘unkej doperienia po paymkach, We seat cu halo with The fends we spent ou holidays with friend They ae from Beis, from Belgium (WE: The frends we sant ou haloys with 3b ae from Belgium) Uwaga: a) 2an6t wage, 2ewgzyku polski: waglechych preyimele aime /payl6vkiem waglednym. te, 20 w ponyas2ych angbsich prayladach podtagdne dari wagledne nie jest wyodtebnione praecinkami, natomiat wignykupskimprecinek abowigzkowo od cod zdanianadiagchego, Praeksztalé podane zdania, wzorujac sig na przyktadzie. 4. Lamy went he cinema with agi The gt isis sister a} The git .who/that Larry went to the cinema with is his sister. ) The gil..Larrywent to the cinema with is his sister. 2 Max talked toa man. The man was from Canada The man b) Theman iis looking at a photo album. The photo album is mine 2) The photo album ) The photo album 4 Annais lacking ting. The ing belonged to her grand a) The ring bl Thering 5. Bobhas gone toa bank. The barks nea the Town Hal a) The bank i) The bank 66 Sharon had dinner with a man, He was hea a) The man ) The man 42 Helis ¢ 8 Iwas talking 1 a boy, He les next door q a) The boy N ) The boy 8 A © When uzywamy w odnisiniu do cas, 8 A 1996 wes they they went ona B ~ Rok 1995 byt tym rokiem, wktorym poptynel we. A where we play ter Kort tensowy to misc, gaze gra sip w tensa, Wstaw who, vty, where, wh Dear Aunt Joan, How are you? My new a sve you a long time The vilage2) In fact, that is the reason 3) a house here. The people 4) are very friendly The day 5) | movedin, they invited me for tea The woman 6) house Ive rented lives in the same street as you. Her name is Mrs Fitzgerald, Do you know her? must go now, the telephones ringing Write to me soon 5,1) ..which..| Was Supposed to isa the top ofthis page. Sorry! livenowis very quiet and peaceful decided to rent lve next door to me Love Rachel @ > Wstaw io, i Helen! Whe = you gig? Im gong ound to Janes house the woman 1) .hose chen 1 often lok after. She has to go tothe det thi worning that’ 2) snesetesneragoiote: | house 1» Is she the woman 3) works nthe post offi Yes here does shelve? 8: She lives inthe big house 4) is next to the field A Which neld? 8 TheoneS) Mr McGregor keeps his sheep, Wstaw were, when, vty who lub thot @y Martin Foster (1) .wh...150, sa gardener. 964 was the year @ he got his ist ob. He looked after the gardens of a huge house (3) family lived. He loves his job and that’s the reason (4) he doesnt mind getting up very eary inthe sing to water the plants and flowers. His favourite time of year is spring (5) all the flowers begin to open and leaves grow on the trees. The part of the garden he 5 most isthe kitchen garden (6) the bes prow, because thas flowers blooming ll year round. Martin say flowers and plants make our worldbeautiful “That's you must protect the environment its something (8) car't be avery Fich Preeans w kaidej parze ma podobne zaczenie jak pierwsze. 1 1 10 i ponitsze prayklady. Drugie 2d: This is Sara She teaches us bale who Thisis Sara who teaches usbalet. That's Simon, His father is a lawyer whose That's Simon whose father isa lawyer That’ the hotel. | spent ry h That's the hotel where I spent my holidays. This isthe story. tt won fist prize in the days there, where petition. which Thsis the story which won first prize in the competition that Thisis the story that won first prize in the competition, Uzupetnijzdania, wiywajae od dwéch do slow (lacznie z podanym po lewe), tak aby wyrazié to samo znaczenie w inny sposdb. That's the jumper. knitted it mysel. which That's the . jumper which | knitted... myself. He's the man. His dog often chases my cat. whose He's the chases my cat ‘That’ the church, We got marred there. where That's the married, That’ the shop. | bought my new dress there where Thats the my new dress. Philips the man. He lives ina castle who Philipis the acaste These ate the people Their daughters aro Whose These a isa rock singer Thats the dog. His owners a famous actor, Whose Thats the isa famous actor. the gi, She speaks eight languages who Jessis the eight Thisis the magazine. | bought it yesterday. that This is the yesterday Sam is the boy. He ran away from home, who Samis the from home. That’ the hospital. Iwas born there. where That's the born That's the rng. Sophie found it yesterd that That’ the ring yesterday 43 44 © opraricaigce adanie waglgdne pode informace koriecana dla Niogranicejcezdanie wage pose dodatkong norma Oe 10 " R ‘daria wap diy na ogrnizaace riogranic ace rrozumieria sensu 2daria nadrgdnego Zdania takigo rie oil sig preednkam ace it w jzyu polti),Zamiki who, which lb that modna poming¢ je 9 one uytew funk opera (agai zzasada padang nas Np. People ris thor Ives. Ludieryzyhyja yc, ac ude? Nie wiemy,Zdaie ne precyzue, o kogo chodai. rope who that drive dangerously theives ry jeg nebecpeceie raya ce syle en jt ricosveria) The book wos exciting. -Ksiaeka byl rene Nie wiemy. 2 rei zdaia rie wyrka, jak sigh he book (which/that) you lent me vos exciting, ~Ksigaka, kt mi poyzyes, bya rewelocyj (tra sigh? Te, ktrq mi podycayes.) ze. Zaznacs w tabelee, czy dane zdan 1 opraniczajace (0), czy nieogranicr a takse to, cxy zalmek mozna pominae. Wstaw zaimek w2gledny oraz przecinki, je jace Mr Cross, who. i broke his leg last week. That's the w the schoo! bus My sister younger than | am, The cake next door, [1 N dives |2 iscaled Sarahis [3 as covered in [4 chocolate was delicious, know a boy mother is [5 a bulde This is the pen he gave [6 ime for my birthday. Stuart i older than me [7 loves riding his bicycle. This book i very old [8 belongs to my father. Have you seen the cat has (9 only got three legs? Fred is thirty years od got [10 married last week. he gil is sting on the [11 floors called Emily That car isvery expensive [2 belongs to my Unde George et uienia rk adaria nacragdhego W ada takin ie that are reogranczajace odie si prcnkar rieabgde da 2 ‘moira poring zaimka wapedrago. Nie wolvo teu who lub which, Np Me tevenson i my neigh sasode (2dr ests dr n, who used to work in a bank, is my Stevenson, kt sasiadem (dare va dlowiejproconat w ban, jst mei dine who used 0 work informacie. 2 bank pode dodatk My aria Ft Uno - Mj somochéd to fiat un. (dani jes asne ied cane Wiadomo, okt6ry samochéd thodsi) My car, which | bought five years ago, = Mj sarod ts (2daniewaglne wtih bought Fire yeas ago informace) @ Wybierz wlasciwa odpowieds. 1 An airships an aire A who B...looksike a big baloon © why itsank. © which Guy Fawkes was a man tried to blow up the Houses of Paiament in 60 A B whi © whose The rabbit isan animal getables, A who B whose C that Athens is ist modern Olympic Games took place A that © where Eclson was the man invented the ight bul A when B which © who 166 was the year England won the football Word Cup. A when B which © who 1492 was the year Columbus discovered America, A which B where © when can stay under water for 20 minutes A who © whose 4 é f @y Popraw bledy. He's the man whic where's the book | bought it lst week? tes songs for a lot of famous singers. 3. That's the woman who's house is made of gla. 4 My sister, who she is 10 years old is called Betty. 5 The reason when | was ate was that | overslept. 6 The man | was taking to him fs my uncle. 7. That's the hotel which | spent my holidays last yea. 8. London that sa big city isthe capital of England. \ Minipowtérka oo oS... HI Yesterday, a plane which (1) .was fying...) from London to New York was hijacked. The two hijackers (2) (order) the (fly the plane to Canada. At the time ofthe hijack most of the passengers (3) watch) the in-fight fim while ww formie others (4) (sleep). The flght attendants (5) (get) ready to serve dinner when the two ackers (6) (appear). They (7) (carry) guns and they (8) threaten) the passengers. When the plane finaly (9) (land) atthe airport, the hijackers (10) (manage) to escape. Luckily nobody was hurt (1B), ree ntacn oponet 1 How long .B..each other? ‘A do they ki B have they known © did they know She with her parents at the moment. A is staying B stays stayed John in the town centre and walks to work lives ng, they travelled alot. B were have been V A MOWIENTE/ as Erica spedzita weekend w Alpach szwajcarskich. Kogo tam poznata? Na podstawie podanych informacji ut6z zdania 2 who lub whose, waorujac sie na prayktadzie. Praylad: Erica met Ron who is askinst 4) Ronisa ski instructor 2. Gaire's husband owns the chalet 3. Jack's son's only three but he can already ski 4 Jessie works for a sports magazine 5 Helen i @ famous witer from New York vi PISANIE / oeo—=<-— Erica pisze list do swojej kolezanki, Monik. Uzupetnj zdania zalmkami wzglednymi, a nastepnie dokoficz list w oparciu © informacje 2 poprzedniego éwiczenia. Dear Monica, ‘Tm wating to tl you my latest news ve just been tothe Alps The 20500 (1)... decided tospenda weekend in the Swiss As wes that I wanted to improve my sking, The day (2) J arrived at the vilage it was snowing heavily butt oked beautiful. The chalet (3) {stayed wes smal and cosy | met some interesting people there. met Ron who How long has Karen been reading the book? ‘She has been reading the book for tree hous Orzeczenie w czas Present Perfect Continuous sada sg 2 czasow rika posikawego have/as, imiestowu biernego czasownika to be, (been) oraz casowika glowego 2 koicovkg ing Np. Hehas been reading his newspaper foran hour .W pytaniach have has preesuwamy preed podmict. Np. Have you been living hee long? W praeczerach partykule not stawiamy porigdzy have/as i been. Np. They have not/ haven't ben waiting for She has not/hasn’t been working here long, long time tm sD Hse has : } = You/We/They — have ve zt Wore ; tes teint) imate raront Dhaest Wesrem tenet hart } Lo You/We/They have not haven't oa She stred. Has she been playing? No, she hasn't. ‘She has been studying fortwo hours. (> Wykorstujaepadanestowat wyateia wt CL) pares toiey ttetanca py odponie Weak w pred Preyklad: ‘A: How long has 8: Hels been working for this company fortwo yeors 1 Sam / work / for this company 2. Mary / teach / French / 1990 3. the robbers / hide / ina farmhouse / a week two years 4 Peter / make / model planes / 1992 5. Jule / play / the guitar / four years 6 the children / watch /TV / two hours 6D), Wstaw podane w nawiasach czasownil we & hat ..have you been doing. all week? (you/do) wlasciwej formie czasu Present Forfct 2 his cara day? (im repair) 31 his book for weeks. (read) 4 allot this year? (Ben/swim) 5 Mr Bells busy. He phone for an hour (talk) 6 Ivegotapenttiend. ther fo ‘on the ve rite 7. John won't pass his exams. He work lately. (nat/do} & Molly with me since last month, (stay) on this project since December. (work) 10 Sam how horse for three months. (learn _— 2 — asu Pe © roxpoceety fonich mow sent Perfect Continuous uzywamy do opisywaria czynnosc w przesloéci i trwajg nadal wv chil, gdy PY. He has been painting the © skabcayly $e riedawna a ich skutk, eresto siezamierzone Tiodnoszace sig do wykonancy czynnosc obserwujemyw chat ceeng Teyie tied They have been painting the garage door ab mor Onisyzmeczen aly nek a lone deur garazu (aly ronek ajc bi malowaniem caw gaat Wake skorcyh ‘aetety sq widocane Farbana rawiach scree wysch ‘oni nylgdag na ameczorych,) Uwaga: asowmika, ktore nie maja formy cage (know, believe, ike resent Perfect Simple Np. ve known Sharon since we were a choo! Zam Sharon jeszcze 2 ceasbw skalych OU) seeeceenaintce nesses 2) Czasownikow live, feel work moina uiywae bez zmiany Present Perfect Simple ° : has been living has lived eas Present Perfect Continuous akcentuj sam fakt tania cans 2 ri jp rezutt, Do epsynania caynasci dokoranych w preszot ‘rye ‘shut trwaa nada, uzywamy najcaesie) casu Present Perfect Porunaj ports aan: been writing lters al aftemaon. - Cale popotudiepsaem It. ie wiadoma, 2 akim sku, gy way jest sam fakt pana) have written fi ternoon.— Teo popotuisnapisaem tn. (Naik polozony st na rezutat crys Su Present Perfect Continuous charakterysycone s nastepuace ‘4, since - 0, ll morning afternoon/week /dey cit Present Perfect Cor 3 \,, Pepasuj do siebie fragmenty zdai z obu kolumn.. 2 A B 1 How long have you been a He'sbeen planting trees al waiting? cay. 2 Bilis inthe garden b That's why she's lost en studying a wright It's been snowing al da 4. She's been working hard been exercising alot recent all week 5 I's cold outside. € I think it's time to stop 6 Jenny's tied now. 7 We've been practising all t Forten minutes. afternoon, g Lots things. ve been 8 What have you been doing busy, since last saw you? hh Why dont you takea break? (D)_ Vimmaiac odpowiedniego czasownika w formie (Oy CRETE Goelicer le ntata e- imujace,czyn zajmowaly sie osoby, 0 Ktrych he supermarket an hour ago. She'sstil there Catherine has been shopping for an hour. 2. My Mum began cooking three hous ago, She hasn't finished yet ing footba 3 The teams started ‘twenty minutes ago, haven't finished yet 4 The headmaster started speaking two hours ago. He hasn't, stoppe 5. ill began building his, six months ago, He hasn't finshed 6 | started doing my homework three hours ago. haven't finshed ‘Wykorzystujac podane stowa i wyratenia, ul6é vourte hobby 2 bestfriend / kno 3 favourite TV programme / watch 4 your address / ve 5 favourte magazine / read | Wstaw odpowiedni czasownik z listy w odpo~ 3 Perfect Continuous. work, snow, exercise, play aes 1 Everything is white outside. Heist. He It..has's been showing. for allright two hours 3 They retired, They 4 volleyball He has got a headache. He alafternoon hard all moming ‘Wstaw podane w nawiasach czasowniki w odpo- ‘wiedniej formie czasu Present Perfact Continuous ‘A: Hi Liz, You look exhausted. 1) (you,/ work) overtime again? B: Yes, Ihave.12) (help) my boss to Update the fies inthe office all week. He 3) (read) the files and | 4) (write) down names, addr numbers and so on, What about you? Have you been working. ses, phone A: Well 15) (tain) ard forthe championship next week B: | see! 6) (yout) weights al daylong? A: Yes, for two weeks, How's Sue? 7) (she/study) for her exams? B: No, she hasn't. She 8) every evening, | won't be suprised if she fails again Np. Have you been working hard? Yes, | have / Have you..2 Yes, |/wehave. No, we haven Has he/she it.2 Yes,he/sheyithas, No, he/she/it has Have they..2 Yes they have No, they haven! Prayrzy sie poniészym zdjeciom. Wykorzystujac podane stowa i zwroy,ul6z w parze 2 kolega/ wipowiedz jak kolezanka podobne pytar w przykladzie. Praykla: A: Have people been taking photos s 8: Ne they haven't. 1851 1. take photos/751 2. Isten tothe radio/t824 Fs. x fe tide bicycles/171 1450 use fridges /1836 5 print books /1450 6 1878 Present Perfect w preesztosc twa nadal w chil gy + Caynnose rozpocel nose zakoicyla sie w niedawne| presalosc, np. wlasnie ily o rie} mv lub tuz przedter Mr Davis has been teaching for sc years. ~Pan Davis uczy od seis lat Rozpocea race jako rauceycilszese lat temu i nada pracuje w tym nodzie They have just made deal = Wiasnie zawarli mowe. i chwll umowa pst uz zane + Podreslamy czas tania ceynnose + Podkredlamy efekt Le | i, np.okreslamy icabe ub mire painting He has painted fortwo hours twenty pictures ~ Ona maluje ten obvaz od = On namalowat dwdch godzin dvadziegcio obrazéw (Zaczela malowae die godainy teri nadal jest zajeta malowariem ) uj sg ibe ramalowanych obraz6v.) Mary czyta sty Oto fragmenty killu z nich. Wstaw podane w nawiasach czasowniki w odpowiednie) formie czasu Present Perfect Continuous lub Present Perfect Simple ie formie czasu Present Perfect Continuous ab Perfect Sin ¢ 9), Nett padane w nawiaachcrzouni w odpo- Amanda ...has opened... open) a shop which sells newspapers and magazines. Realy? Whereis? A tim planning to buy a new house. | 1) .'ve been 2A: Where's Dan? looking... lok) for one fortwo months now. B He just/g0) to the post So far 2) (look) atten houses, but office, He' be back soon, 3) (not/find) one ke 3 A Dave (earn) to dive for sx months. 8: know He hasnt passed his est yet, though 5 My Spanish lessons are going very well | 1) awl (kxow) Alison for ten years, (learn) Spanish for five moths now 8: Wel, only met her last week and lloveit.12) (already lear) 2 et. 5: My nds painting his house again Again? He (paint) it thre times cer ines © John) (be) very busy recently 6 ws ie 2) (paint) the bving-ro0m and the bedrooms, but he 3) (not/ start) Yes, sleep) since 10 o'doc lastnight painting the kitchen yet, ertect Continuous Hy, Wey padanew nawisach fragmenty z obu kolumn. A B 1 Leobunt a myself at partes 2. Babies can't herself 3. | always enjoy Po 4 Did youdo your herself to knit, homework 5 Sandra taught by himself? 6 Mymother painted the L» himself on the oven, house 7 id Wiliam draw that the manager himself. picture by yourself? 8 We spoke to coe 9. Bily fell off his bike but hr hurt himselt. i 1 by myst 10 I don't need help. can ie doit wash themselves. Karen fe and Karen are foking at > themselves inthe miro — Ju ‘Koren ogladja sie w usterku (kazda z driewczat patrzy na sebie sama.) They oe ooking at each other — (One) spogigdajg na sebie ‘nawzajem.(Kobieta spoglada na deeven.odaewcore tebe) |] GQ), wee toi nt ty ai ye | Jp siecxs J Nook at. nyself..nthe miner every moring 2 Tis line is busy and Brians line is busy too | think they're aking to Fred and Jenny help with their 4 The boys are having fun. They ate enjoying 5 "Help tomore coffe Ua sec GY ‘> ‘Wotaw miyelf youself herself ourselves tub themselves A Kate Da you make tt)..yoursel.2 B Wel, I did most of i by 2) but my mother helped with some of it AA; My sister makes allo her clothes 3) and she makes other things, too, B: Things would be so much cheaper if we made everything 4) My parents used to make a lt of things 5) but they don't have the time any more. oo. (By veer toa nt “tis morning John and Helen got up cary Helen dressed) .ersel.. and Jot washed 2) Then, they decided to make some breakfast by 3) While they were in the kitchen, John hurt 4) when he tried to cut some bread with a sharp knife, and Helen burnt §) while she was making some hot tea. After that, they decided never to make breakfast by 6) again! \Wstaw odpowiednie zaimki zwrotne. 1 Hep. yourself. to tea anda 2 Imade a sandwich for lunch 3 Tommy bought a present 4 Joe doesn't need help; he can fix his bicycle by 5 Sandra painted her bedroom 6 They taught todrive 7. “Shall help you?” "No, | can doit by 8 “Weare going to a party” “Enjoy r 9 We built our hous 10 Terry and Annie put up the tent M1 Graceis singing to inthe bath 12 lack, want you to behave 53 54 -Both/Neither-All/None-Possessives Both girs are wearing sunglasses. Allof them are young me ‘Neither gid is wearing o hat. None of them isa woran/are women, © Okresie both ineither udywamy w odniesieniu do dwéch os6b lub r2ecry Both - obj, bie, abo, oboje td. sez easowikiem w lzbie mga Np. Both gils/Both the girls/Both ofthe girls/Both of them are very ~ Obie dziewczyny /One obie sq bardzo dot Neither - zaden, dna, zac, nik (2 diéch/ ‘zasovika w liczbie pojedyncze lub mnogi Np. Neither Book is interesting. (NIE: ether bookisntinteresting ) 2adna ksigdka riejestnteresyigca. (Ani edna ani droga ksgika nie est interest Neither of the books /Neither of them is/are in ~ Zadna z ksiqéek Zadna 2 nich nie jest intresyica, students iwojga), on jeden -a) ani 1a) ma znaczeniepreecrace,itacy sie 2 twierdzaca forma BoTH+ (the +) L mn of the/these/my/youritp +L mn, of us/them ip. + are NEITHER + po). +s of the/these/my/your itp +m. of us/them +is/are dieser do wigs nz déch os recy uzpwamy all inone. All —wszyscy, wszystkie maz Np. All the students All ofthe students All of them have studied for the Wszyscy ucaniowie /Oni wszyscy (One wszystkie) uczy(uczyy) sie do te nie porytywne fac sez czasowikiem w forme icaby moog None iden, Zadha, zac, nikt ma: iaczeniepraeczace,iaczy sez twierdzaca forma czasownikaW li (W jeny polski w ada Np. None of these cars is/are cheap (NIE: None-of these cars ~ Zaden 2 tych samochodéw nie jest ton go ypu crasowik ma forme pr ALLY the +) Lm. of the/these/my your itp. + I. mn itp. tare NONE + of the/these/my/yourit, + Im itp + is/are \Wdariu both al zajuje mice: a) poczasowniku tobe. Np. They were both ted. They areal here ) poczasonniku pestkowy, ale peed 6) na poczatku zdania. Np. Both women or asowmikie glownyr. Np. They have both finished dinner They wil al come tothe party All of the students passed the test. Pronouns-Both/Neither-All/None-Po: Uzywajac aillub both, opisz zdjgcia na jak pp naiwiece] sposobow. a. @ 6 of *¢ strawberries i 4 coins candles shopping bags . { keys rge and Peter went tothe cinema to see fim, Neither of them.. enjoyed it, though, because it was quite boating 2 My sister and| are twins have the same colour haic 3 | tvied to open the cupboard, then James tried to open it, bu could do it because it as stuck 4 I made a chocolate cake and a cherry cake, but tasted good because | forgot to add the sugar! 5 Samantha and Kate were bridesmaids at a wedding last week, looked lovely in thei beautiful dresses, 6 | phoned Bll and Tom yesterday. think were out because no one answered the telephone Ua sec Have you seen Beth and Angela recent? No, [haven't seen them since last week. 1) ..Neither..of them has phoned me since Wednesday | tied to phone them yesterday, but no one was at home, | think they have 2) but 'm not sure Did you phone any oftheir friends? Yes, | phoned 3) gone away on holiday, of them, but 4) of them knows where Beth and Angela Hetes the postman. Look! There's postcard here's from Beth and Angela, They are 5) in Scotland. 6) of them is having a good tie, though, becauseit’ raining there When are they coming back? They are coming back next Sunday Wstaw both, al ether lbs none ‘A: Would you ke an apple or an orange? B: .. Neither." ike a pear please A: Hooked for Helen and Jane, but of them were there B: They have gone shopping A: Ive got lots of skirts but ° them ft me 8: Well, buy some new ones. A: Tmwaiting for three friends of them are late! &: I'm sure they willbe here soon, ‘A: Mysisters,Ann and luli, are 8: Really? 'm a teaches [A: There were lat of birds inthe garden this morring 8: Realy? They hav ‘gone now. [A: Steve and Dave had an accident yesterday. B: Are they in hospital A: No, Luci, of them were hu 55 The fons aval animal. The tiger i wilt ‘anima, 00, Both the lon and the tiger are wild animals = Zaréwno lew, jak tyars 59 dz zwierzgtam The lon doesnt eat grass. ~ Lew nie trawy. The tiger doesn't eat grass, ether Tyas takze ni je tray. [Neither the on nor the tiger eats grass ~ Ani few ani tyrys nie jedzq tray. Both .. and -zaréwno...jok i udywamy aby polaczyé podmioty dwéch rGinych zdaf i utworzyé jedna zdanie twierdzace. Ceasownik w tym 2dariu ma forme iczby mnogi Np. Both Bob and Foul ae fram Scotland, ~Zaréwmo Bick, jak oul pochodeq ze Soci Neither .. nor ~ ani. ani udywamy, aby polaczyé podmiaty

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