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What is the message behind the poster? What is it asking people to do?

If you were an
American in the 1940´s and saw this poster, would you be encouraged to follow its
words based off of who is featured in the poster? Explain your reasoning.

Image 3. From my point of view, I think it is a try to hold together all the American
people. I mean all American people fighting against the axis powers. The poster asked
everyone to join the war. It also mentioned that they would win with your help. I
wouldn´t be encouraged to follow its words. Because of the use of characters for
political reasons, I think it is too persuasive. However, it was necessary to recruit
soldiers. For this case, I could join in because the Second World War was the worst in
many ways.
Source: Dual Diploma United States History

I agree about how image 4 tries to unify American society. I agree about how it
demonstrates that it doesn´t matter what is your race, religion, or ethnicity. So, it
shows that the most important in that time is the fight against the Axis powers.
However, I disagree racism is not frequent in any civilized country. Because there are
many countries civilized and not civilized that there is racism.

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