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Name of the Artist: Alexandre Cabanel 

Title of the Artwork: The Fallen Angel
Subject: figure of the scorned Lucifer. In the painting, we see the fallen angel that
is banished from the grace of God, in the bible, the name of the fallen angel
depicted is Lucifer sometimes called Satan means the adversary of God, and
commonly known as the devil
Theme: The theme of the painting depicts the rebellion or the war in heaven it is
said in the bible that Lucifer (Samael) the brightest among the angels in the most
beautiful among the angels rebel against God and wanted the throne for himself but
because of his pride and arrogance he vanished into the earth and he will crawl
until the end of time, because of Lucifer prideful character and his unrivaled
ambition that caused him to crave for power that even rival God he caused a
rebellion and was banished. The image of Lucifer is covering his face maybe
because of anger or pride that he doesn't want to show his face or maybe he is
rebelling that is saying " I would rather be banished than serve the humans that is
below me" it clearly shows the pride of his character, and if we zoom in on the
image on the part of his space we can see a tear on his eyes that is showing his
emotion of despair sadness and desperation.
Honor Pledge for Assignment: “ I affirm that I have not given or receive any
unauthorized help on this activity and that this work is my own”

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