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Tips for learning foreign languages quickly

Whether you want to find a high-salary job or maybe just go on a fancy holiday - you'll need to learn
a new language to accomplish that.
Contrary to popular belief - it's really not that easy, so here’s how you can save some time while doing it.

First and foremost – if you’ve had just picked up a new language, go easy on yourself!
Practice makes perfect so try to systematically learn small bits of material and you’ll see your progress in no time.

Secondly, try to become more familiar with a language in a fun way.

For instance, start watching filmes or listen to music in that language.

Thirdly, focus on your ability to communicate.

There are things like pronounciation that are important even at the beggining but there are also things
that are useless for you now, like accent.
If you can’t speak your mind then you can’t make use of an accent so focus on more important matters.
Even if you sound silly – don’t give up – as long as the other person understands you it really doesn’t matter!

Fourthly, practice with natives or if that’s not an option, your friends.

As I stated earlier, being communicative is really important so test your knowledge from time to time!

Lastly, while learning new words associate something funny with them.
The more ridicilous, the better. This way it will sink in your memory for a long time.
You can also use apps like 'Quizlet’

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