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daily routines
Interview with a swimmer

Check your understanding: circle true or false for these sentences

Fill in the gaps with an activity from the box to complete Dan's diary:
listening 2

Listen carefully and write true or false:

Kim wakes up at 9 o' clock

Kim does exercise
Kim cooks dinner
Kim's favorite part of the day is in the evening
Kim doesn't like George Clooney
Sam reads the news
Sam has a shower in the afternoon
Sam checks his e-mails at home
Sam's favorite time of the day is the morning
Sam goes to bed at about 1 o clock
Sam's dream day would be when he is an astronaut
Clare has children
Clare and her children walk to school
Clare's favorite time of the day is the afternoon
Clare drinks wine
Clare's dream day would be when she is unemployed

Watch again and listen carefully. Choose the connector used by the teachers.

in the morning and then After that

then From Monday to Friday at about

"___________________________I wake up every day at eight o'clock,
________________ I go outside __________________ I do some exercise.
__________ when I finish I go home, I have a shower ,________________ eat my

" I wake up at nine o'clock ______________________,and
_______________nine o'clock I get up, make a cup of coffee, check facebook, have
a look at the news... I spend about an hour drinking coffee, looking at my computer
,__________________I have a shower and I go to work..."

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