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Living through the pandemic 3 years ago in 2019 due to the COVID 19 virus was a
difficult experience, the mandatory isolation, the virtual classes, the time lost to
achieve our goals and all the accumulated stress of leading a life totally different
from what we were used to; It was frustrating to want to go after dreams that could
not be fought for due to the virus.
The change from face-to-face to virtual education was difficult to adapt to at first,
because since it was something new for everyone, we did not know what was
happening, and we all learned as we went along.

As time went by, I was able to adapt very well, we are human and I think we adapt to
change quite quickly, so on the contrary, I was able to take the positive side and
accommodate myself.

All this past experience taught me that we have to enjoy the day to day in our lives
because it is not known what could happen, the virus has killed many people and
has brought many misfortunes to families in the world; Currently I have to thank that I
and my whole family are fine after all these events.

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