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Apart from hand gestures and facial expressions as you have already learned,

what other techniques of non-verbal communication have you used (or think
you can use in the future) to correct your students’ mistakes in your own
English language classrooms? 

Having good communication skills will help us a lot in life as well as in career.
Research has shown that nonverbal gestures make up a huge percentage of our
daily communication. For teaching, too, teaching primary school students by
nonverbal communication in the classroom is equally effective. Through these
activities, students will judge by thinking through the teacher's nonverbal activities.
In my English class, I used a number of nonverbal communication behaviors such
as: facial expressions, eye contact, tone of voice, and tone of voice. body posture
and emotions of the communicator. And the behavior I use the most is the use of
tone and body gestures.

First, using tone of voice I can teach students how to use up and down sentences to
fit the situation and know what they want in that situation. At the same time,
students can practice reading a sentence with a good tone in English.

The second thing, use body gestures to help students associate and think about an
activity that they want to talk about. They can be used in some non-verbal games
to help students review vocabulary and simple grammar through these activities.

There's nothing more boring than listening to a teacher speak for an hour with
almost no physical expression. Therefore, in teaching, it is necessary to skillfully
combine verbal and non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is an
art that is expressed through facial expressions, eyes, smiles, gestures, postures…
And of course, to have this soft skill, teachers also have to study and practice

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