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2. Write the phrases in past simple you hear about Steve Jobs’ biography
and use them to write your own biography using your favorite tool (power
point, word, Canva, etc.).


creator in the technology industry more importance to jobs born in San

Francisco California.

on February 24 1955 Stephen Paul was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs

after birth Steve showed a lot of interest in electronics at a young age.

because his family had moved to Los Altos California you had Buick

mix during high school Jobs met Steve Wozniak and the two were hired
during summers at Hewlett Packard later Jobs dropped out of college but

my biography:
My name is Nicolas Larrotta.

I was born in 2000, I studied international business at the Uniagustiniana

University, when I was a child I studied at Babes Disney School, until I was
10 years old, then I went to Montferri School until I was 15 years old, I
graduated at 19 years old and studied a semester of stock markets in the
Bogota stock exchange, my first job was in a MacDonalds in 2019, until
2020 then i worked in an audiovisual media agency for 6 months and
then i worked in a hospital, for 4 months in 2021 in august i joined a
telecommunications company in which I last 4 months as a typist.

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