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Mariana Jazive Pérez Hernández

Supply chain management is a system used by organizations small and large alike
to bring products to consumers, from sourcing raw materials, manufacturing, and
delivering the final product to the customer. A well-organized supply chain
management system means optimizing the operations function to be fast and

This process is made up of several steps that are overcome until reaching the final
point. In these steps there are different subjects such as suppliers, distributors or
wholesalers who work side by side until the process is completed.

• Provisioning: This is the first phase and it is the way and the place where the
raw materials are obtained. If it were to fail at this initial point, the entire
process would be delayed and with it delivery to customers.
• Manufacturing: Here we find the moment when raw materials become finished
• Distribution: This is the last phase of this chain. Once the products are
manufactured, they are sent to distributors for distribution to end customers

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