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P Teacher Karen

“Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria” 5to y 6to Grado


Name and Last name:


COMPETENCIA: Lee diversos tipos de textos en inglés.

1. Match the questions with the correct answers

 Did you play soccer yesterday? Yes , she did.

 What did they do on Sunday? He cleaned his kitchen.
 Did Diana go to school? They played soccer.
 What did Ben do last night? No, I didn’t.

COMPETENCIA: Escribe en inglés diversos tipos de texto de forma reflexiva.

1. Write the VERB IN PAST

a. Visit f. Write
b. Ride g. Read
c. Talk h. Make
d. Sweep i. Play
e. Sing

2. Write the auxiliar in past de “DO”

3. Did you take a shower yesterday?

I.E.P Teacher Karen

“Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria” 5to y 6to Grado

COMPETENCIA: Lee diversos tipos de textos en inglés

At 6:00 this morning , Lisa (take) _____ a

shower. She likes to eat breakfast at 7:00 every
day. She (eat)____ some noodles and ( drink)
______ some orange juice . At 8:00 she ( go)
______ to school with Tony.


1. Circle the correct answer

a. What did Lisa do at 6:00 am?


b. Did Lisa eat breakfast?


c. What did she eat for breakfast?


d. What did she do at 8:00 am?


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