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Empower Me Florence Nightingale Pledge

Nobody knows how weak I am, better than I solemnly pledge myself before God and in
you; the presence of this assembly, to pass my
Nobody sees all of my needs, better than life in purity and to practice my profession
you. faithfully.
And nobody has the power to change me,
From what I was born to be. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious
Jesus be strong in my weakness, empower and mischievous, and will not take or
me! knowingly administer any harmful drug. I
will do all in my power to maintain and
Chorus 1 elevate the standard of my profession, and
Empower me, like a rushing river flowing to will hold in confidence all personal matters
the sea. committed to my keeping, and all family
Lord, send your holy spirit flowing now affairs coming to my knowledge in the
through me. practice of my knowledge in the practice of
Till I’m living as your child, my calling. With loyalty will I endeavor to
Victorious and free, send the power of your aid the physician in his work, and devote
love, myself to the welfare of those committed to
Empower me. my care.
Nobody’s eyes see through my soul,
Better than yours;
Nobody’s love can make me whole,
No one but yours.
And nobody has the power to lift me,
To reach for eternity.
Jesus break through all my defenses,
empower me.

Chorus 2
Empower me, like a rushing river flowing to
the sea.
Lord, send your holy spirit flowing now
through me.
Till I’m living as your child,
Victorious and free, send the power of your
Empower me. Empower me…
Panpacific University Hymn
Dreams PUNP
Tomorrow is here
We hold the key
To open the doors
Where dreams become reality
We loyal daughters and sons,
Gratefully offer praise to one to PUNP

With honor and pride

We sing of thee
Our own faithful guide
Of science and technology
To better lives here at home
And o’er the sea
Let your fame be known

When we think of
The teachers and friends
We have made
Who transforms our lives as they do

We know distance and time

Cannot steal them away.
In our hearts burns a flame
Ever true…

Tomorrow is here
We hold the key
The future is ours
And dreams are now reality
Standing tall in your light
Where glory shines
With our heads held high
We sing of thee, PUNP
Sing praise to thee… PUNP.!

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