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Google Dorking a criminal behavior; be that as it may, a few people use it to get to query items
for illicit purposes like data fraud, cyberterrorism, and mechanical surveillance

internet: It is essentially an enormous system spread over the globe to interface whole gadgets
on it to one another.

Web: It incorporates the administrations that are being given over the web.

Surface Web: All the sites that can be recorded by the Search motors are called surface
networks. These are comprise of just 4-6 % of the whole web.

deep web: It alludes to a whole part of the web that can't be looked through web search tools. It
incorporates all the sites other than the surface web. It is extremely enormous when contrasted
with that of the surface web.

Darknet: It is part of the Deep web that basically includes all the confidential or hidden websites
which are encrypted over the network so as to maintain the anonymity of the user who is
accessing that particular website.

When using darknet, it is nearly impossible for someone to track down who is using it or
accessing any website. It is generally used by 2 types of people.

The first one is “The Privacy Conscious”. As the interference of Government in monitoring and
collecting confidential information from the users over the internet is increasing ferociously, the
people who want to tackle it prefers using the darknet.

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