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Advanced Biostatistics Assignment


Date October, 2022

1. When do you use a one-way ANOVA?
One-way ANOVA is used when we have a single independent variable, or factor, and our goal is
to investigate if variations or different levels of that factor have a measurable effect on a
dependent variable.
2. Classify each of the following as right censoring and left censoring.
A) In an experimental study of the effects of a medical treatment on the survival times (time to
death) of HIV/AIDS patients, some subjects will still be alive at the end of the observation
Right censoring
B) In the study of breast cancer, if we observe a subject’s death, but do not know when the
subject began to show symptom of the disease.
Left censoring
C) A study wants to estimate the median age at which children start to talk. Some children are
already able to talk before the study starts.
Left censoring
D) College students are asked the age at which they first married, some answer never.
Right censoring
E) The age at which children are able to count from 1-10 at school. Some children are already
able to count before joining school.
Left censoring
F) Leukemia patients are given a treatment. Survival time is the duration from remission to
relapse the study ends at 52 weeks, some patient yet to relapse.
Right censoring
G) College students are asked the age at which they first tried marijuana, some answer never.
Right censoring
3. For the following cases, can we apply Survival analysis? Why? What is the dependent
variable and what do you think are the explanatory variables?
A) A researcher wants to study the survival status of COVID-19 patients in Ethiopia.
Assuming he/she can access the relevant patients data.
Yes we can because COVID-19 is a global public health problem (pandemic) causing high
mortality worldwide and the time between exposure of corona virus and the outcome is of
clinical importance.

The dependent variable is survival status of COVID-19 after patients acquire the virus
The independent factor
The socio-demographic factors such as sex, age, genetics, marital status
Comorbidity conditions such as DM, hypertension, CVD, hyperlipidemia, COPD, asthma
Clinical manifestation such as fever, cough, hypoxia, tachycardia, tachypnea
B) You want to see the impact of surgery on lung cancer patients on five-year survival
Yes we can to see the effect of surgery on the survival of lung cancer patients from surgery time
to death interval
The dependent variable would be duration of survival after acquiring lung cancer
The explanatory variables would be date of diagnosis, age at diagnosis, gender, smoking history,
and history of comorbidities, and location of the lesion.
C) The CEO of TASH wants to know the failure rate of mechanical ventilators designed
locally with a new component.
Yes he can analyze the relationship between ventilator reliability and factors potentially related
to reliability
The dependent variable is the time to failure of mechanical ventilators
The explanatory variables are Ventilator chronological age, Purchase price; Number of previous
failures/repairs, Maintenance cost, Product age, Ventilator brand, Site of ventilator use.
4. in a study of examining time-to-onset of cancer after exposure to Ultra-Violet light in
persons. Age, Gender, and weight were used as co-variables in cox-regression model. A
summary table is given below. (Use Z0.025=1.96)
Find A, B, C, D, E and F.
 based on the Cox regression model the hazard ratio is:
HR=exp , where β is continuous predictor
A = hazard ratio of Age = exp β =e 0.525
A = 1.69
D = hazard ratio of Female = exp β =e−0.616
D = 0.54
 The confidence interval for the hazard ratio is given by:
CI =exp(β ± Z (SE )), where β is continuous predictor

, Z 0.025=1.96
SE is the standard error
B = lower limit of age =exp(0.525−1.96( 0.024))
= 1.61
C = upper limit of Age =exp(0.525+1.96 (0.024 ))
= 1.77
E = lower limit of Female =exp(−0.616−1.96 (0.012))
= 0.528
F = upper limit of Female =exp(−0.616+1.96 ( 0.012))
= 0.553

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