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<p>Ian Wright</p>


Kids Should Be Able To Vote.

Why do you gotta be eighteen to be able to vote? Many people think kids should

not be able to vote but others say kids should be able to vote. The law says that you

have to be eighteen or older to be able to vote. I think kids should be able to vote.

Other people say kids cant vote. One reason they say kids cant vote is that their

not mature enough. Other people say they are mature enough. Some also say will not

be responsible. I say they are more responsible then in the older days.

I disagree with kids not voting I think they should be able to vote. Its just not fair

for kids to not be able to vote. So I disagree that they dont understand the issues or

problems or concerns. They even say they are not mature enough to vote.

They should let kids be able to vote. I think they should be ten or above. I think

they would be wonderful at voting. I think that eighteen or higher is to high thats why I

say ten or above. Please say you will want kids vote?

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