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Statement of the problem

From young children to the elderly, social interaction is among the most critical elements for

everyone's health and growth. Positive social contacts have numerous physical and mental

advantages, especially for older persons. These advantages include enhanced mental and

physical health, greater communication skills, and increased cognitive ability. This case study

provides answers and information about the impacts of healthy social interactions and their

importance in our daily lives. We must communicate with others on a regular basis and express

our emotions to them. Social contacts are important for maintaining healthy health, according to

scientific studies. A strong social network of friends and family can help you deal with

challenging circumstances and unforeseen life changes.

The target audience for this study is teenagers. We are all aware that teenagers are particularly

prone to mental health issues, and poor communication with their families and friends is one of

the causes. They were unable to communicate their issues and sentiments as a result. This

study aims to answer these questions that would help people to grow:

● What is the importance of having healthy social interactions?

● What effect does poor social interaction have on people's minds?

● What is the main reason for having poor social interactions?

● What are the advantages and disadvantages of healthy social interactions?

● In what way do people cope with poor social interactions?

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