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The HTML <img> tag is used to embed an image in a web page.

It does not have a closing tag.The <img> tag has two required attributes:

Attributes of <img> tag

1.src - Specifies the path(url) to the image
2.alt - Specifies an alternate text for the image,if the user for some reason cannot view
it (because of slow connection, an error in the src attribute.

The <img> tag

To place images on a webpage, you will be using the <img> tag.

The <img> tag has a few different attributes, but only one which is required - the
src attribute (short for source). The src attribute denotes the location of the

<img src="animals.jpg">


NOTE: The <img> tag has no end tag.

Some Examples on image tags

1) <img src=“jordan.gif“ border=4>
2) <img src=" jordan.gif" width="60" height="60">
3)<img src =" jordan.gif“ align="left">

Image size
A web browser will automatically compute the width and height for an image, but you
can set it to have a custom width and height. The width and height of an image can be
set using the width and height attributes and assigning them a numeric value which
will denote the height and width of an image in pixels.


Image alignment
 Align an image using the align attribute and setting it to "left" for left alignment
or "right" for right alignment.
<imgsrc="/images/apple.jpg" alt="Apple" align="left" >
<p>Eat fruits every day to get your natural sugars.......</p>
<imgsrc="/images/lettuce.jpg" alt="Lettuce"
 align="right" >
<p>Don't forget your vegetables either.......</p>

Image Image borders

You can set a border around an image using the border attribute and giving it a
numeric value denoting the thickness of the border.
 <img src="/images/apple.jpg" alt="Apple" border="1“>
<img src="/images/apple.jpg" alt="Apple" border="3“>
<img src="/images/apple.jpg" alt="Apple" border="5" >

< img > places an inline image in a document

Attributes of Image Tag

< img src="url" > -specifies the relative or absolute location of file that contains the
graphics image you want to embed in a document.
< img align="left" > -specifies the appearance of text that is near an inline graphic
< img border="10" > -specifies the width of border around an image
< img height="10" > -specifies the vertical dimension of the image
< img width="10" > -specifies the horizontal dimension of the image

Example: Output

<title>Welcome to my photo
<h1>Welcome to my Photo
<img src="church.jpg"
width=250 height=200 border=5>


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