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Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person 

1 Quarter – Reviewer

1.   Reflection- requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings and actions and
learn from  experience
2. Logic- the science and art of correct  thinking
3. Secondary reflection-  philosophical reflection trains the mind to think logically,
construct and evaluate arguments
4. Socrates-  Greek philosophers who pioneered a method of argument called dialectic
5. Reasoning-  the process of thinking about something in a logical way in order to form a
conclusion or  judgement
6. Philosophical reflection- require us to reflect and think deeply
7. Primary reflection- look deeper into his experiences and see the bigger picture of
8. Coherence- Beliefs and statements are true if they are consistent with actual state of
9. Pragmatic theory- justification of our actions that promote success, are truths.”
10. correspondence theory- A belief is true if there exists an appropriate entity
11. epistemology- To acquire and validate knowledge
12. Sense perception- knowledge as a justifiable belief in reality
13. Empiricists- Philosophers who believed that knowledge is based on sense perception
14. Spirit- success of natural science led to the gradual scientific rejection
15. Pure subjectivity- human experience as the immediate data of consciousness from his
point of view
16. Man- It is the term commonly used to represent the entire human race

17. Human person- It is the term used to describe humans who are not just mere humans
different from animals

18. Human nature- refers to the deepest and natural behavior of a person that distinguish
human from animals
19. Aesthetics-
20. Anthropocentrism

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