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Submitted by: OSAMA HUSSAIN (1935112)

Degree Program: MBA-36 (2)



Question: If you are a HR Manager, how can you support your employees during the
Public Health Emergency/Outbreak i.e. COVID 19? Present your HR planning to run
the organization effectively along with employees’ safety. (Marks: 15)

Ans: if suppose I am a HR manager any company I am always support and give a safety percussion
employees because our company employees is main asset our organization without good or well
experience employees we cannot run earn profit. But this situation is handling is very difficult
challenge for every HR manager. Once the physical distancing measures achieve a sufficient
reduction in COVID-19 transmission rates, national administrations are authorize a gradual
resumption of work activities. This is being done stepwise, with work that is considered essential
for health protection and the economy authorized first and work that can be done effectively while
working from home last. However, regardless of how and to what extent normal work activities
resume, it is highly likely that some measures will remain in place for some time to avoid a steep
increase in infection rates Furthermore, it is also possible that an increase in infection at some point
in the future will require a reintroduction of restraining measures in some cases. Being a HR
Manager usually need to keep pace with things like employment law, health and safety policies,
payroll and benefits and other issues that relate to the day-to-day running of a multinational
company when it comes to looking out for the well-being of the employees. Even the most
experienced of HR veterans could not possibly have predict the new level of expectation being
placed being a HR manager due to an unparalleled global pandemic that has swept around the world
with astounding speed. HR manager is now expected to outline processes, be in touch regularly. HR
manager to look at their team and assess what adaptable skill sets exist that can play a key role in a
crisis management team. The role of this team is to provide regular support and communications to
a dispersed workforce likely working from home. A mixture of skills is required for this team to be
effective and consistent; planning and management, communication, empathy and positivity,
flexibility and understanding along with an attitude of patience & insistence. But having a team in
place with clearly defined roles and farm duties will help with the allocation of tasks as well as
matching skill sets and experience to new or changing requirements. none of us could have
anticipated the speed and degree with which COVID-19 is spreading, affecting the well-being of so
many people around the world, impacting businesses and catching us all off guard.

Employees need to be kept informed about what is happening at the highest level of administration
in their company. They also need as much information as possible around individual roles, their
employee rights and any policy changes that may impact their salary, working hours or contract.
COVID-19 Policy Updates this is an important time for being a HR Manager to review all relevant
policies currently in place and assess their suitability to changes in the working environment as a
result of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am HR Manager, employee and workplace policies that work
fine in normal conditions may now need some updates which be familiar with and account for the
very unusual conditions COVID-19 has placed us in. being a HR manager I am look out focuses on
people first after that economic or profitable function as well as Stay affirmative and
communicate a positive growth spirit despite the uncertainty and change with our
employees. As well as I am provide a benefit our employees in this pandemic situation
like Benefits, including the employee health plan, will continue for employees while on Emergency
Paid Leave related to COVID-19.Medical Plan participant using Medical will have COVID-19 tests
covered. Being a HR Manager I, should review and alter company policies to ensure every
employee has equal access to healthcare offerings. They should also make sure employees coming
on-site for work still have access to their usual sick leave or PTO, according to the release. As a
result of COVID-19, many early stage employers will experience significant impact to their sales
forecasts and revenue will stall. It may be difficult to focus on the recovery period that will be sure
to follow this demanding time, but it’s critical to do the work to forecast and run scenario analysis
before making decisions.

HR planning:

Being a HR manager i am divided HR planning into different phases for making a effective HR
polices for our employees. This phase is following:

Phase 1: When the risk of transmission in your region is low

At this stage, it is important to keep employees aware of the condition and inform them that you
will need to take additional steps if outbreaks of the virus are spreading in your region. Focus your
email on the importance of cleanliness and guidelines for those traveling or planning to travel to
high-risk areas.

Phase 2: When the risk of transmission in your region is moderate

At this point, it is time to start implementing more complex measures, such as limiting visitors to
the office. You also need to get your teams ready for the next phase. Keep in mind that as the
outbreak increases, employees may feel overwhelmed by it. So, make sure you give them clear
guidelines and set the right tone so that they are all calm but alert. Remember, you are here to help
and support them in any way you can.
Phase 3: When the risk of transmission in your region is moderate-high
At this stage, Employees are already aware of the situation and are expected to seek remedial
measures. But with the official announcement of COVID-19 being infectious, you need to take
more stringent measures, such as closing down offices and adopting a completely virtual work
model. Employees expect such a transformation, but make sure you give them all the resources they
need to accommodate them as easily as possible.
Phase 4:  Reward and recognize employees
Many senior leadership professionals have announced they are taking a toll to help staff working on
site. HR professionals can also demonstrate recognition through the company's social media
channels to inform employees by name of their commitment to work on the issue, according to a

SHRM recommends employers take the following precautionary

measures to encourage sick workers to stay home, send marked workers home until they return to
work safely, and require workers returning from high-risk areas to work during cold installations.
As with any contagious virus, bacterium or other life-threatening threat, employers should take care
to protect their employees and their future business operations. We will continue to monitor the
COVID-19 outbreak closely, following the lead of the World Health Organization.

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