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Is life much better today than before because of the internet?

While people who like the internet would be in favour of this, others would disagree. So, who
is right?

The internet is a very useful invention as it allows us to communicate to everyone we want,

helps us to find some important information either for work purposes or for our personal
knowledge, entertainment and so on.

However, the internet can also have a negative side, mainly due to the misinformation and
fake news spread far and wide. This turns out to be very dangerous, especially for people
who do not have much experience using it, such as children or even elderly people who do
not know how to use it properly.

Additionally, some teenagers and younger adults tend to get addicted to the point where
they can not live without it, which can also have a very negative impact on their mental

To conclude, I would say that the internet has many advantages, as it makes our day to day
a lot easier, as long as we use it wisely.

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