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Makaradi Snuna Fri. Pongal & Tai Pongal Fri- Notaji's Birthday Sat. . Sri Panchami Republic Day Tu Guru Ravi Das’ Yarth lay Pao. Maba Sivarktri Tue. Dotayztra Thu. Hoh Fri. ) Conitra Sukla li Fre Gur Padava, Ugadi Pri ) tadian N.Y. Day Mon | Renanasami sat Mahivire Jayanti ‘Phu | Goo! Freiny Fri | Vaiewkhi (Puniab) oi, Vaistkhai (Beng.) Thu ! Jau'y-zuba (Sakrid) Mon. Aniepen tence Day Mon New Year's Day Fri. | Moghii (Yamilnwia) Wot. Hist Day of Ramuian Mon. Buddha Purgima Sun. Liul-Fitr Wel | Rathays Fri. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan Feb, Pub. Mar. Mar. Mar Mer Mar Mar. ¥ Mar Apr. Apr Apr. Apr. Apr. May May Joly July 2 Aug. FESTIVALS AND ANNIVERSARIES IN 1988 Muharram Wo. Aug. Parsi N.Y. (135%) Wed. Aug. 4 Onam Day Fri, Jhulan Pargima — Sit. Janmaigtamn Fri (Smart) 1 gta mi Sat. Sept sept Gandhin's Birtheiny Sun, Cet. Mabaliya Mon, Oct Jowtst N.Y. (5740) Mon Sept. 12 | Ganega Cuturthi Tha, Durga Pui Mon.-Thu, Oct 17-20) Dussehra (Vijay Dasann) Thu. Oct Lakemi Puna Mon Cet. Miladum Nabi Mon. Oct: Kali Pua Bue. Now Dipavalt (Diwals) Wai, Nov. Bhrety Dvitiya Fri Now Chhat (Bibar! Tne. Nov. Raw POrhima Wed. Nov. Gura Nanak’s Birthday Wo, Nov. Guru Tegh Babadur's Christmas Day Sum, Dee. tyrdom Day ‘Tue. Dec. 18) LAHIRI’S INDIAN EPHEMERIS PLANETS POSITIONS ACCORDING TO THE ‘NIRAYANA’ OR SIDEREAL 8Y8TEM FOR 1988 AD. Saka Bra 1909-1910, Bengali San 1394-95, Sathvat 2044-45 Indian Standard Time or the time for the Central Meridian of India (5h 30m or 824°E, Long. ) observed throughout except whera otherwise stated. This time may be converted into G.MLT. by subtraction of 5h 30m. (Fiftieth Taue ) NIRMAL CHANDRA LAHIRI, 4. Ganitacarya, Ganitakalanidhi Published by M. K, Lanier ASTRO-RESEARCH BUREAU 11, Brindaban Mullick 1st Lane, Caleutta-9, (Phone 35-1999) © 10987 } Price : Re 15°00 Alt righte reserved ($40r 6175) PREFACE ‘this annual astronomical ophemoris being first published for the year 1939 has stepped into 50 years of its publication with the present issue for 1983. During these 60 years many changes and improvements had boen introduced by late N.C. Lahiri, a member of the Ephemeri- dos Commission of the International Astronomical Union and the founder of thia Ephemeris and many sngzostions recelved from our leataed readers from time to time have been implemented. In the your 1938, it was felt by the Indian Research Institute of Caloutta—a pioneer research organication of that time—that the publi- cation of nn Ephemeris based on Nirayana calculations is very much needa. Tho Ephemeris would facilitate the work of Indian astrologers, astronomers, Alm:nac makers and other users without depending on foreign publications. To remove this long felt want with the encournge- mont of late Satis Chandra Seal, Hony. General Secretary of that Insti- tute, the work was undertaken by N.C. Lahiri and the Epbemeris was prepared and published uner his direct supervision till the year 1980. It is gratifying to note thit Lahiri’s Indian Ephomeris is getting warm response from all quartore of India ani abroad and bas now excelled in some ways similar publications of the East and the West. We can well expoct that this publication will be more useful to our reavers and the specialised alike. Wo express our thanks to our estoomed renders for their kind co-operation during this long period of time. Suggestions for its improvement will be thankfully received. September 23, 1967. A. K. Laniri 1030587 PREFACE TO THE 1980 EDITION This annual astronomical ephemeris being first published for the yoar 193!) has stepped into the 42nd year of publication with the present issue for 1980 During these years many changes and improvements have boon introduced in this publication and many suggestions received from our learned readers have been implemented. ‘The basis of the Narayana Zodiac as ia being used from the issue for 1948 is tho adoption of tho year 285 A.D. or 207 Sake as the zero ayanamsi yoar when both the Sayana and Nirayana zodincs coincided, Tho initial point of this narayana or sidoreal zodiac was tho same as the equinoctial point (vi3., the First Point of Aries) of the vernal equinox day of 285 A.D. the mean equinox of the year occurring on Sunday Marc 1n27mIS.T. At that time both the sayana and the nira- yana longitudes of the star Citra (Spica) were the samo aa 180° 00' 03" and the longitude of Mean Moon was 351°°67 and of Mean Sun 360° 00. It was thusa mean new-moon day also. Due to proper n otion of the star the nrayana longitude of Spica has however diminished by 65" during the period of 1695 years from 285 a.D. and now 179° 58’ 58” according to the above ayanamsa system, ‘The Indian Astronomical Ephemeris of tho Government of India has adopted, on the basis of the recommendations of the Oslendar Reform Committee, » value of ayanamea which is lesa by only 5”°8 than the above. This revised value has been adopted from the year 1960 for the sake of uniformity. 17, Brindaban Mullick 1st Lane, N.C. Lanier Caleutta-700009 26 Beptember, 1970 EXPLANATION In the European or modern system of astronomy, the celestial longitudes of planets and stars are measured as usual along the coliptic starting from the First Point of Aries or the Vernal equinootial point, i.e. the ascending node of the ecliptic on theequator. This initial point does not occupy any fixed position among the stars ; it always moves backward i.e. in the western direction in the starry heavens due to precession of the equinoxes with an annual motion of about 50"3, completing the circle in about 26000 years, The longitude measured inthis syatem is called the Tropical or Sayana longitude. Thetwelve signs of the zodiac of this system, viz. Aries, Taurus, ete. as usual, cover equal spans of 30° each starting from the above V.E. point and ag auch these divisions are called Tropical signs or Sayana lag In the Indian Nirayana systom, tho longitudes of celestial objects are measured from a different point occupying a permanent position on the ecliptic fixod among tho stars. Tho distance or longitude of this fixed initial point from the above VE. point is called Ayanainéa. The longitude measured from this initial point is called Nirayana or Sideroal longitude. Tho divisions of the twelve Rass ( Indian signs ) such as Mega (corresponding to Aries ) etc., and the 27 Nakgatras also staré from the above fixed initial point in this system. The Indian Ragis and the European signs do not thus cover the same spans of 30 degrees over the ecliptic. ‘The nirayana longitudes of stars being nearly invariable, the Indian signs always contain the same star groups in the divisions, The zodiacs of the above two systems coincided in 286 A.D, Details of the Ephemeris Nirayana or sidereal longitudes ( geocentric apparent ) of the Sun, Moon and Planots havo been given daily for Qh Universal Time , 0h G.M'T (Grocnwich mean midnight) or 52 30m A. Indian Standard Timo (L.S.T.). Latitudes and declinationsas also holiocentrio longitudes and right ascension are howovor given for a slightly earlier epoch Oh E.T. Asa result of irregular rotation of the earth the Greenwich time detormined from the earth's rotation has been found inconvenient for calculation of planets’ positions, for which Ephomeris Time or E.T. is now used. The mean elements of planets have accordingly been given in this book for 0k E.T. and for convenience of users the daily positions of planets have boen given for Oh G.M.T. or U.T, which epoch occurs 56 secs. after Oh E-T. in 1988. The Nirayana longitude as given in the Ephemeris is obtainable by subtraction of Ayandhsafrom the tropical or Sayana longitude given in western ephemerides The first figure in the given nirayana longitude denotes the sign (indicated by tho symbol" ) of the Nirayana or fixed zodiao, ¢.9, 0 moans that the planet is in Mesa (Aries), 1—Vpga (Taurus), 2—Mithuna (Gemini), oto. Bidereal Time is for 12h noon local mean time. It is exact for 823° Easb longitude, but is applicable for the whole of India without much modification for local mean noon. Small corrections fora few places have been given on pages 86-88. The L.M.T. should therefore be used in determining the sidereal time of any moment, but in finding the longitudes of planets ebo., the standard time should be made use of, {31 _ Apparent Noon is the local mean time of Sun's meridian passage vix, the mid-day. The equation of time in the sense of correction applied to the local mean time to obtain the local apparent time, may be deduced as follows t Equation of time =12h—apparent noon. Meridian passages of the Moon and planets given are in local mean time calculated for the central meridian of India, viz., for 823° East longitude. With slight correction these may be used in local mean time for all other places. M. Pass. of a planet (othor than the moon) requires almost no correction for places in India. For the Moon the given time of meridian passage should be diminished by 1 min. for Osleutta and eastern India and increased by 1 min. for Delbi, Bombay and western India. For further west it should be increasd according to the daily variation of the M. Pass. time in proportion to the longitude west of India’s central moridian, The Tithi and Nakshatra (of Moon) as given in the daily Ephomeris are those as are current at 5-30 A.M. I.S.T. on the day. ‘The following prefixes and suffixes have been added to the longitude of planets in the daily Ephemeris — n, n=the planet changes the nakshatra by direct (n) or retrograde (n) motion the number of the nakehatra division, é¢., the lunar mansion in which the planet is situated on the first day of the month has been shown at the top of the column of longitudes. In case of Raku, the first figure represents the nakshatra of Rahu and the second figure that of Ketu, R, R=the planet becomes retrograde (R), ot has already bocome #o (22), D'=the planet becomes direct. =the planet seta(s) heliacally, or has already sct(s). resthe planet rises heliacally. 4,f=the planet is in conjunction with (4) or in opposition to (?) the Sun. e=the inferior planet hae the greatest elongation from the Sun on that day. Tho timings of Sunrise and Sunset for Caloutta (22°N35’) as given in this book in I.8.T., when converted into the local mean time by the addition of 23m 30s may be used a8 L.M.T. forall place on thesame latitude. The timings relate to visibility of the Sun's uppor limb on the horizon where time-corrections for refraction and Sun's somi- diameter have been included. The tables given on pages 74-75, on the other hand, have been prepared on the looal time basis and also relating to the coincidence (astronomical or true) of the centre of the Sun with the horizon, where no corrections for atmospheric refraction or semidiamoter have been considered. As a result of refraction, the centre of the Sun becomes visible on the horizon about 2m 20s before the onlonlated time of Sunrise and also remains 60 after the time of Sunset, For visibility of the Sun's upper limb the above correction is about 3m 30s. The amount of horizontal refraction is taken as 31’ and the semi-diameter as 16’, 60 that the centro of the Sun ie actually 47’ below the horizon at such times of rising and setting, ‘As in the oase of the Sun and the Moon, the Lunar Node has also gob the mesn position as well as the true position, the greatest difference between the two being about1} degrees, Inview ofthe fact that we are concerned only with the true or apparent position in oase of planets, the position of True Rahu has been given in the daily ephemeris moro acourately taking further terms of corrections from 1986 issue, and for facility of comparison the moan position has been given on page 33, Motion of True Rabu is not uniform. Sometimes it becomes diregt even, tay ‘The dates of the National Calendar of India have been shown daily, the months of which have got fixed number of days as follow: Chaitra—30 days (31 in a leap-year), Vaisakha—31, Jyaisth Asadba—31, Sravana—31, Bhadra—31, Asvina—30, Karti Agrabayana — 30, Pausa—30, Magha—30 and Phalguna— 80 days. Tho given timos (I.8.T.) of phases of the moon, transits of plancta, timings of tithi, nakshatra and yoga, and of Aspects, etc, when reduced by subtraction of 54 30m would give the G M.T. of the phenomena concerned. When the ‘Correction to get Zonal Standard Time from 1,8 T.’ as given on page 88 is applied, the timings of the phenomena are obtained in the Standard time of the country concerned. This local standard time is known in some countries simply as local time. From Ist September, 1942 to 14th October, 1945, the Indian standard time was advanced by ono hour all ovor India including modern Bangladesh and Pakistan for purposes of day-light savingduring the war period and was thus 64 30m ahead of G.M.T. Any recorded time of this period should therefore be reduced by 1 hour to get I.8.T. Calouttaand meny places in Bong! and some places of the adjacent ‘provinces used to maintain localtime instead of tle standard time. The changes of these timings during the war period are stated below :— Reduction to 1. 8. 7. In Caleutta before let Oct, 1941 Calcutta time —0h 23m In whole of Bengal from 1-10-41 to 14-542 —Dengal time 1h Om 7 e 15-542 to 31-842. BF. 0h Om sate 25184? = Bengal time lh Om In West Bengai since etueeeee M7? B Oh Om ‘eam rom SecA to ibe and again rom 1-042 fo 4.10 45, and Bihar from 1-12-41 to 4-542 and agnin from 1-942 to 14-1045 observed Bengal tim 1h Om Esst Pakistan observed ey 1 me for civil purposes and Pakistan standard time, same as 1.8.T,, for Railway and Postal work, etc., up to 30-9-51, From 1-106). Bangladesh (former East Pakistan) standard time is 30m more than 1.8.T. and Pakistan ( former West Pakistan ) standard time is 30m leas than 18.7. SYMBOLS O-Sun Ravi, Surya ‘t—Aries 0 Mesa pie — 6—Taurus 1 Trea —Mercury udha A : 9—Venus Sukra, Bhrgu ae oe 3—Mars Maigala, Kuja S—Cancer = 3 Karka{a U—Jupiter ——-Brhaspati, Guru | %—Leo 4 Simha h—Saturn Sani ™—Virgo 5 Kanya eee A ieee Prafapati | 2—Libra 6 Twa or Herschel " ae oy M—Scorpio —T-Vrbcika P.—Pluto Rudra, Yama t—Snagittarius 8 Dhanus 8 — Ascending Node of ayy | 2 —Oatricor 9 Makara iragon’s hea ‘ahu | : B—D. Node, Dragon's tail Key | “—Advarius 10 Kumbha @—Esrth = Prthivt %—Pisces 11 Mina [5] CALENDARS OF INDIA The beginning dates of the months of different oalendars of India (both solar and Innar or luni-solar ) during 1988 are given belo: Month Magha Phalguna Chaitra Vaisakha | Apr. 21| Apr. ais) a3 | 13" 14 || Ape. 17 Jyaisthe | May 22] May 15, 14 | 14 | aa || Mov 2e Asadbs [June 22) June 16 ud | 15a Brevane July 23) July 17 16 | 10 | 26 |) Aug. 13 Bhadra Aug. 23] Aug. 17) 16 | 16 | 17% | Bept, 12 Asvina Bept. 23| Bept. 17! 16 | 16 | 17 |} Oct. 12 Kartika | Oct. 23} Oct. 18/ 16 | az. a7 || Nov. 10 Agrehayena Nov, 22 | Nov. 1] 15 | 16 | 16 | Dee. 10 TE8.) | i Pause | Pee | Dec 16) 15 | 15 16 |, Jan Moghe Jan, 21 [Jon 1513 | 16d | Feb 7] Jan, 22 : *Year beginning. : N.B.—The names of the Tamilian and Kerslian months are different, Beginning of Eras in 1938 National Calendar 1910 Saka begins on March 21. Vikram Bamvat 2045 begins on March 18 (Caitridi). . 7 2045 November 10 (Kartikid!—Gujarat). 2045, April 13 (Solar—Punjab). Seka Ere 1910 ‘iz March 18 (Lunar) or Apr. 13-14 (Bolar) Bengali Ban 1395 . April 14 Fusli San 1396 i September 26 (North Indi Kollam era mts =, August 17 (Kerala) Hejira (Mohammedan) 1409 |= August 15. Buddha Nirvana = 2532 y May 1. Mahavira Nirvana ©2515 =, =—November 10. Year of Julian period 6701 , © January 14, Kaliyuga Era 5069, April 16, Birhaspatya Varga 16 Chitrabhanu begins on Oot. 12 (North India), (Jovian year) . 2 Vibhava 4, Maroh 18 or Apr. 13 (South India), Vediiga Jyotisn year 4 Anuvatsara ,, January 20 C267] INDIAN EPHEMERIS, 1988 Elements of the Planetary Orbits for Oh E.T. or 5-29°1, 18.7 on Ist January, 1988 (On Sidereal or Nirayana basis ) [2e in deg.| Annual (Equ. of [parallax centre) | (mean) Perigee or Ascending | Inclinat. *| Perihelion Node |of Orbit | ( = eaalheee(os ole 1% 19 0b a} * .) 484 8 6 21 19 86/11 03°83 33] 5 G8 43] 6 17 28 9 23 34 46} 0 24 29 50] 7 00 1723 93 49 0 ¥2 42 47| 1 22 52 67] 3.23 40| 0 46 37 4 12 08 66] 0 25 46 33| 1 50 69/10 42 08 06 20 26 57) 2 16 38 37) 1 18 18] 5 33:19 29 09 0; 63} 2 29 62 10| 2.29.9] 6 2211 28 28 09 57| 1 20 13 40| 046 23) 5 18 28 rr 24.17 31] 3.17 5, 34| 1 46.11 1 01 55} ut 20 01 02] 2 26 27 38/17 «8 31128 29 33 | Bynodic | Mean daily Sideret Period | ert | anon dee set | 20°53] | 13 10 34°89) | 115873 | 4 05 3242 | 963921 | 1 36 o767 | . 0 59 08:19) 1636 97982(1°9) 0 31 26%9| 4332 589(11°86), 0 Os 59-13) 10759'23 (29 46) 0 02 0045 30688 45 (84 (12) 0 00 4223 ° 1921814 | 17865 GUI8L3 (164 77) 0 00 21°53) 3010057 | 27 90792 2 (24842) | 0 00 1428) 3951774 | 36735 i 6743 470(18-00) 340020 |-0.03 1077. Mo's Perig. | 323.-600 (885) _41 0.06 4092) Ayanamsa : Jan. 1, 1988, Mean=23°41'22"1, True=23°41' 93" 1989, Moan=23°42'12"3, True=23° 49' 19" Preoession rate : Per trop. vear=50"'2759, Per sid. year=50"'3778 Obliquity of the ecliptic: Mean=23°26'27"1, True=23° 96' 356 Julian day number (Jan. 1, G.M Noon)~244,7162 completed ‘KaLIY0Ga’ day number (Jan. 1-2, Midnight) =1858697 completed Length of the tropical yem 91d=365d 5h 48m 453'3 i Sidereal year 365d 6h 9m 9s°B Anomalistic year= Eclipse year=346°620072d 5305891= 20d 12h 44m 2s°9 3h 37m B8s'096, of nakshatre Anomalistic month=27°54550d, — Nodical month: Rotation of tho Eurth in moan solar time=23h 56m 4°1003 Sidereal day in mean solar time=23h 56m 4°091s Mean solar day in sidereal hours=24h 3¢n 56'555s Lunar day between the risings of moon=24h 48m 45'838¢ Long. of ecliptic’s axis of rotation (A. Node)=5* 1° 4’ 13" Inveriable plane : A. Node=2* 23° 44’ 33°, Inclination =1° 34' 44” Bolar system moving towards : Long, 8° 8°, Le North, 12°4 m/s, Plano of galaxy ; A, Node=8*6', —Inclination=60°11' Ocntre of our galaxy ; Long. =8* 2°, Lat, —6°, Light yoars=26000 [7] January, 1988 Pause & Magha, 1909 Saka Bidereal] TOF] © A dD BL Dd] dD ne (Him, | Longitude | Deoli'| Lonsitude | Lat | Desi 20 nakgatre rms leo ules 1F {18 40 34] 8 16 05 08 |/3805 2k ]18 17 06 16 )23- 00 38 [18 18 07 24 2 55 4 18 08 32 22 49 51 2) 09 40 (22 43 |) o S21 0 4 Tb] 19 0413) 22 11 56 4 BF Jiy 0s 1] 23 13.4 6 QSt 19 1207) 24 14 12 7 WS 39 1603} 25 15 20 28 11M [79 20 00 | Sa2e 15 28 1 gels 12Ta}19 23 56) 27:17 37 13 W /19 27 63] Bs 18 45 8 | eereasooce|aae 14 Th] 19 31 49] 8 29 19 53 273 15 F [19 35 46] 9 021 OL 53 16 8t [7030 2] 9 1 22 08 f 1649 3 19 43:39] 2 83 16 1d 19 4736] 3 24 23 16 05 09 19 51 425 {9 1 12e45 1955 20] 5 2 16 27/26 | 3 : 19°59 25/9 G 27 42 Bo 07 (UY 38 ea | 2 1 20 03 22) 7 28 4719 54 [10 16 35 58 2 2007 18} 8 29 S0f19 41/1 1:13:07 3 20.11 15] n 9 80 53 fi9 27/11 15 25 4 2015 | 10 31 [5 Bo 19-08 | AT se Oi 37 16] 3 20 23.05) 12 33 5618 43 | 0 25 39 31] 4 20.2701) 13 34 54 f18 27) 1 8 23:37) 4 20 30 68] 14 36 52/18 12} 1 20 62 47) 5 20 34 54] 15 36 4817 56) 2 3 10.03] 6 20 38 51 }0 10 37 4S IT BOO | 2 15 17 59 | aN! 'g | Appart. Loeal mean time of Meridian Pass B.Rise] 8 Bet 8 | Noon, (Cal.) | (Cat) AjumMT.) § |v | od yi r |’ |e frstirgs a, hm alhmlnom|hmlhm|h m|[ a m|h mill h mela 1 fi2 03 1012 27]4 21] 8 B1]is 35 fir oolt1 O9]11 Bal] 6 16 Bohn7 02 42 a] or o6]” 33) 23] 49] Bs [1053] 2] 04 00 B| oo) 40) 20) 46 0518 7 46 1B} 40 08 42 9} Go4s6{ 52 1800} 33) 08 00 UL] 07 :35]12 55) i759] 6 K 09 24 13] os 22/3 Bi] a} 25] oe 10 48 1b {_9. 07] 44] 12|__ i641 00} 12 17 fiz w a0 fs 14 TT 37 fid o5[r0 11 ftv 63} it 13 36 qo] 10%] 38 30] 9 ss} 03) 45) 15 © a) 105) 22 23] Bil 9 56] 38) 16 24 3) i139) 28 ww] 44} 48} 30) 17 48 25) 1209) 26] og | ar] ai} 23) 1912 27) 1236] 26] 702] 30] sal 15) 20 36 29) 13 00] 2a| 19}.6 55) 23) 26) 7] 21 54 312 13 20)13 told 42}8 171649] 9 1619 I9h10 01 17 23 18 Sun enters ; Makara (Bid. Capricorn) 14th,214 15m. Trop. Aquarius 20th,25h04m. Full Moon—4th, 7h 10m. Last Quarter—I2th, 12h dém, (8) EPHEMERIS | 1st Jai Ayanamen 23° 41' 93" January, 1988 Bar| Tas al 012 a 10 29 Is jen 1S oh a1 Ist Jano: Wt Lat. (PS 10%, Deol. 2°8 35 9 Morcury! % Venus Lat. | Deel Lat, | Deel. Lat. S40 is AN (IS 18} 28 [Is hl 45 (17S 12 40 Sh 4g 4 4 06 40 37 (21 34 55 BL 645 38 21! 27 usd5|18 12 a 0-36 )12 08 51 ayio higys_ 13 04 | 6830 Tet: Rahiw Deck. 1° 8 51" New Moon—19tb, 10h 66m, —3 fo] Slgoqiaia ads quq ahalauertvad an ~ /20 make | 92 ue) vase QT uakye Wnakg, | 19 nakg. 20 naky | 25/12 ilsaii gt S68 tds 3d & Mars_| Jupiter! Decl.| Tat.’ Deol. a Tat, | Decl | li iivot li8sa$ | st Prot M, Pass, b 818) Tat, 15 Nirayana Longitudes at 5-30 Aw, LST. w 08 Prove (ilvong,) 15 ak, J Saturn First CQuarter—25th, 2h 23m, February, 198s ‘Moga & Phalguha, 1909 Saka Bidereal Ig mae HEE] con [of was[>] ol > [gg (Noon) | Longitude | Decli,|] Longitude} Lat. pecli. M Pas = kms Boe ale alo al hm IM [20 42 47 21% 18 43] 4n35 |20039 23 26) 7) 14 12| Bay bu ay dd 39 iene] a g/ Bs zal — | &|20\38 5W. Pu m0 40) 39 40 2: 521 05 22/5 44/19 Bo. O32] 9) 16)34 4th 20 64 37] 20 41 4264 37/2 2114 bi! oO 6G [30] 37)19 BF us 24 41443 83/1 21 )_9 40! 1 36 [1127/16 WB fer 2 ol vued 2 eo sf 40) oad? [ anu? 217 311 18/07) oS fi 0627] 23 45 3 2 OS45) 1836) 2 6 [32 | 39) 18 KM [2] 1028) 24 44 6 208 13) @ 20) 3 86)1% | 20)19) gu [2114 20) 25 4 6 2026] 2 61/12 By 417/14 10 W_Ps ds 16|_ 20 4 ia $4438 U3 _5 02/15 Tap fa 2 ta] 9 2 ao ve 4 27/ Be 5 510 JoF fer 26] 28 47 24 1 ET Bs 26 wi! 6 46)1% T3St 2) Boo] 9 BW 48 (8 bu in si] a 42/98 aL 46 |35 | 29 Jas fe sa onfie 0 48 43) 1 (Bs 38) 8 49 [39 | 26/29) 1oM_[21 87 58|_J 49 23) 445 36_ Bs |_ 53520 | 24,26 Tau fer sr oo te 2 1 (2) 259i G0 06 |r 29) vw. fl 45 5 0 5 201/38 TE /31 54 [25 0) 28) eth Pi 4949] 4 8) 22) 1 av, 11 B@{32 48) 9411/20 39 P ai $8 45] oh OL a8 ost 40|35) 2} ap Bt Pi_hr 42] 6 62 18 On| fole6! 3) STR fez ul aBli0 7B 46) ZB YW Ih 20/24) 4) eI bom (2 05 36) 8 OS 17 . Sip as aaa wg] a] 6] 3 Stu (2 a 2] 8 oad 214d as] a Ww 2 Qe Ter] 2) 6) 4 Da W fez 15 28] 20 D4 Us| Vd bl 12) 4 a7 Pa Su We G2) 8 76 goth P23 STC Li fg) Bt 34 [38 a} i Zor (ee WIE so} Fu | Sad aa] & WG AS 3 IT AOS BUR 1S 5 a8] 1 69 a] 8 a |p 2 22 1s ce) 2 as) Ss ho ; BTS oo 1a] Md fg ai] & Bol] BOL Is Boy a at) Bo w/a 28) ny 9 BOM (ee 5 22 flo 16 B42] SIs HS 240 IS 8 12/10 Ianar Phalguna (Sukla) begins on 1th, 21 Bim, Local mean time of Meridian Passages. S, Rise | B. Set , Coal | (Cal) plete | us h [wiv prsnres Vira he me [tee He me deme em |e hae Dhak reefs ie 4s $16 2645 yr 8 Th 8 ah Oe al or asl a) ws gob) Or, an] I bl eos) 44, 4 7] a) 4) 2B 9 %) 4 Oe | 26 | uv plete, 40] Ob) 2 Ys 33 | hi ai | 47) 03 (3606 ion} i {47 | 8 ot 5 68 9 U5 | Yi |T 14 05 Ta 4s 77 99 S85 | 608 jg! 13.7 | ag] 87 48 |) 063 21| 1346 | 49| 5D 40) 0D 13.31 | a) 8 | a2] 0 25 | 1314 50; Sl \ 25) OB 27) 12 65 |. 0} 4 17 || 6 wo. 99 {iz 12 3 j10 33 4 51 |? 47 WS Wo / Sun enters: Kumbha (Sid. Aquarius) 23th, 1Ui Hm. ‘Trop. Pisces 19¢h,164 Um. Full Moon—2nd 26h 21m, Last Quarter {10 ] ~ 10th, 28% 31m, EPHEMERIS _lst Feb. : Ayanamea 99° 41' 99" February 1988 : Nirayana Longitudes at 5-30 A.M, 1.8.7. a\a%a oo 220 Siz 9 10 9 38 Bit a R 3 Us) 16 | i 1 20 20 i Ms, 9 19 26 iit D1 UL 19 33 s| 19 56 29 | 9 20 24 9 Mercury Lat, | Deol isso 10 16) My 9 58 03] 9 58 wb 46 22 2 12 ust) Oskt 58] 3 40 18 | 49 5B 2 1 3] 30) St 8 30 v8 | 15840) O43 Rabu Dedli. 3° 06" New Moon—lith, 21h 24m te| e4 458 | 8 643) 8 16 O1|s0 29 27 n KP 1335 | 1809 sob) shot 9x30 oS16 |23838 | 1803 Pu : M. Pass. b 6-18, Y Jupiter Deel, by .v70| h Saturn fe 70 Deel. Lat Lat ze bey] x 5 4. 08. 07 20) 50, US 5a) 07 07 6] 07 07 ws] 06 07 06 on 05 Bs | 105 05 Of Os GB 4 N53 Lat. 16° N 07, Deli. OBIS Firet Quarter—24th, 17h 4m, [ul March, 1988 Phalgana & Chaitra, 1909-10 Baka INDIAN Sidereal( | D Longitude | Decl Longitute, Lat. Hecli |) 4 vakgatra| Saf22ntua oad} as}a6 11 Poa 4 64128 wo] 1 14] 19] 17) 19 pe aa 44 0 26 fo] 2 ae] 20]1S/ 23 20, 90/3 av 38 ar] 3s a5 ]21]39) 1 46/2 50!39 ii] 4 2115] pu 2 Oe 56344 1s TL 5 Ob |) 22110 Buy a6 06) Ges) Io} 5 5/24 | 2515 Hs 21 03! axa agai] 6 42/26/24) 38 SW | 507 26 aH ytth | 511 25 aif TF Jy 6) 1 GxuG) 729 27 | 25] 19) Wwe 20 HJ 52) 2 os) 39 9a] 8 17] 1/26/20) Tar Ue 21 TS |e 19 16 Tr Hg] 907] 2) 27/21] 313 gg} 0 ob] 3/28/29 1 (8 00} 10 55] 4 29) 25 7 BG] 1 51] 5) i] 24 as [42.47] 6) 1/25 Wo[a3 41] %, 2,28 g2]41 31] 7) 3/85) 30] 15 19] 8) 4] 2 27] 16 01 49 [16 [eat os © BShiT Ob Ra) 095218 Of bse DM is W Las! aso] IB } geo 26 2845) 8 gs go Bot NE Wi 1h AG 2 1G 207 IS 20° 85 2 SG ayy ar) A a m JS 4041/5 wo) BT 1G} 92 A 214 43 4g 9) I i pt Janay Jy aistha (Suddha) Sulla begins on Mth, 14) Ady eee ee a a Apart | Lowa! mena time cf Meridian Passage « & Koon i pie Nay Heseiaaine eats Oo need eee rear ea kim mh wu woo 425 781 . Seay i. Is busi 1 0b : 12089057 ‘ BL) as v Jou 42) a0 iy Obi xa] ae ib 48 2G) iN va 0a oat: 059) 4 82 iy! 2) BF 008 | 007 2 jh Os BA SY oh 6 23 56 | 23 ni04 1056) 80 83 ae Paz a 2 | aM 1617 BY 88 et 3 3) on! wo) oo 24 @! 6) 2! & 24 Bb hie us 37 0 1 10 05.1 9 bo 8 25 38 o Ub 4 be Solis 24 Bt Sun enters: Mithuua (Sid Gemint) 14th, 19% Ulm. ‘Trop.Cancer 21st, 9h 27m, ‘Last Quarter—‘th, 11h Sim. New Moon—lith, 14h 44m, row EPHEMERIS BPspadayguglan wy vp | 19 nag 2 nay oe aaa | seas 7/0 25.49 fs Ri 57 We] Bas] Gx Ball ona] ay Whae sar] 645 ) va | wan 2 10 15 30) u 27 HS] ws 12945 [IS Ws ald 4 bod 4 %Mereury| @ Venus| ¢ Mars Lat | Decl, Lat, | Deol. Lat | Deel. | Lat. Asd1 BNL 26 21 1 OL PE O31 05 S22 0 0 1 is 145 1 Ba 36 Ba 9 19 23 37 |1y 09 35LIS dL AS01 NSW? Jet : Rahu Deoli. 45 30° Pu: M. Page First Quarter—22nd, 15% Sim. i Bi IS] Say) $35] O 02) 8 02 UL] 2 33 4 Ww 0 2 os 319 it Osit (1 ] Ist June : Ayanamen 28° 41’ 45" | ¥ i| Jupiter June, 1988 Norayana Longitudes af 5-80 Aa. 1.8.7. Rea aa 20naky,] 25/110. lat: Hi 19 ng. 8 Ri 7] BAL uaa} Gus bol Bas as} 15.47] _ 25 08) 1735 07] 25 07 26 07 26 18) 2 03} 21 57 2149 24 3s} 24 25] 24 13} 2roi 23 ot bp] 8 15 paz, oF vis] 15 19] v2] 15 17] 0 ee 8b ali vos] 1a a! 17 a2) 1 07] Saif 15 09 at 8 158] s ions} ie 32-46 eee ‘23° 1, 22° 5 08 h Saturn [Provo }(Lony.)} Lat. | Deel.|15 nakg| 1oka5 | aks 238i7|6rGat og | 3 16 38 08) Abt os) | 18920 | 1N08 122819 2211, Lat. 16° N 31’, Deoli. OPN47’ Full Moon— 29th, 25h 16m, July, 1988 Asadba & Sravana, 1910 Saka o Sidereal] { © 7 eee ste | Roos ){ Longitude | Decli | Longitude | La 6 nakyatra hms|s o wto sH® o 4 4 1F | 638 07) 2 15 40 51 P5N07 19 1 43 07 at | 6 42 04 16 38 02 9 16 25 03 38 [646 00] 1735 13/22 58 ]20 105 41 4M | 649 57 1S 32 24 [22 53 [10 15 39 07 5" GAB H19 29:35 22 AT HI OL 08 ow 22 42) 11 14 08 28 TTh 21 23 SovLL 28 03 14 &F 22 21 11 j22 20) 6 11 42 37 @ | Appart. Local mean time of Meridian Passazes 2 | Noon SlLMnT| o fim 6 | hm 1 [12 03 49 ho. 3) an 6] or 32 i) ot 9] on at ORE 23:18 24 [22 22 |) 0 25 08 OO ws 24 1h 37 f22 14} 18 20 30 uM 225 12 60 [22 oF | T 21 2005 Ta 2610 OF RL BS] 2 407 07 iW 27 07 IS fu || 2 16 41450 4 Th 28 04 | 3 DF 220 01 dh 16 St TH OT ur 8 7 4112 45 ah ISM | 0 45 08 li D8 2 wTu} FAV Od ne Su ab OW | 7 63 02 720 AL atw | 8 20 3s 290 $1059 93] 4 BBs QsVh | 824 34] 11 26 26418 9) 8B 42 59] 4 I6h6 pF | 89831) 32 2346 fis 45] 9 30 B3g07] 3 22/2 83227 | 15 2106 fis 319 25 204s] 2 qaltt TAs To 87 lise 0 10-26 26! os: Lamar Acadba (8 25m la) begins on 1:ith, 27h i 05 28 459 IS) 24 24 13] 05 43 500 06 24-06 1b] 05 56 (wh 1712 00 07 19} 06 16 21 06 23 23 06 27 25) 06 29 27 06 29 2 06 26 20 si he of it 123 Sun enters : Karkata (Bid. Cancer) 16th 5i 54m. ‘Trop. Leo 22nd, 20h 21m. Lost Quarter—6th, 17h (6m. New Moon—I3th, 27h 23m. i Lat. 0° S EPHEMERIS Ist July : Ayansmen 23° 41’ 51" July, 1988 Nirayana | Longitudes at 5-30 Am. 1.8.7. PUaI asa Vala h tenwertyor wad | Sak. |¢ nay, 25 mak 3 nak, i 0 vu ” ‘aki. 20 nak, 25/110 s ‘8 ‘ 11h 3 108 So 10 28 54 1p dy) BRE 47 SR 458 BRIS Ob 10 28 35] 2] 2526) 202211 026 933) 443 453 Lb OL 2B SL 3s 2708, 217) O58 8 a5 450 1908, 22 2 $a DEM 1B bar 44s DOL 22 25) 5) 2 2M 200 309 446 1500 22 25) 6 Lisa 199160 2a) 1 falls 443 8 1158 10.22 35 2 15 2020) 0300 333) 441 1456, 22 26 8) 1M) 227) 330 45 439° 05) 28 Bd 9/ 218, 235 400 356] 435 M153) 28 20 Ws, 325) 2047) 409 408 430 MW5L Bd Wy 39° 1210011 458 1 41918 432 8 14 50 10 22 08} a2! BB Md 5 B74 30 430 1448) 21 58) 3 W) MS bab) 4a 423 1447) 2147 4 4#2\ 2150! 6 23) 425: 1445) 21 37, 1 R 6 50 M44! 2130) 6 1 Tar 8 14 42 10 21 99) Vs, 22 aad M40” 2) 20] S15 03 810 May Bray 9. 16 ey 2119 0 9 4 21 20) 2 9 S10 10 21 21 2a | y Was Bo B16 Mal 21D Ys 6 1d 1430 2119 2) | 2 BS 15s W281 5) 8 3 OR 8 M27 10.21 10) 272 Be M26 1 OF 28 | i M24. 20 58] a»! 633 2 M23 2058 BO) 8382 017 Bag 78 U2 2049 die 31044 2 0591119 8 1 2458 BTS 8528 14 BU 10 20 47 wo AU eee ee 22" > 10 g | Meroury| ¥ Venus} o Mare | Taper] © Saturn) ue E | Vat [Doc | Lat. | ct | at. Doel. | Las.| Dect Hat: ‘Doct tena, 1 beat acs ist, 58s ixod ait! Gri io) 3/3 30]19 28] 20) 6 1h f | 07 16.00 5/3 1919 54] 30/18 OO ot 16 08 7) 2 5620 23) 5m ot 16 07 9/2 a1 Bo i 6 or 16 06} aye 46| 54! 4 06! a 16 05 13 46,358) 3. Aa) 06 16 05] 15 | oF 6 04 17 1 0622 20) 164 9 05. 20! 16 OF 21 05 20} 16 O4 23 05) 20, D18 04 25 oO 20 16 04) 27 a 20) 16 Of 29 40/18 36, 32 Ot) 20) 16 05 31 48 35 |18545 | 4836! AnO4 22021) 6 16 06] Rabu Decli, 5°S30" Pi M Pass, b20 11, Lat 16° N First Quarter—22nd, 7h 44m. 18°, Deoli 7 S41 Full Moon—29th 8h 55m, (a1) August, 1988 Bidereal | ‘Time LOR (Noon) ! Longitude | 1005 OS, 10 07 05| 10 01 10 46 1035 to Ie 10 22 51 10 26 47 No 30 44 0 84 41} 13 03832] 4 14 06 19! BNO Sravana & Bhadra, 1910 Saka IM 20 do 2 tw 00 42) 3W 22:10 4Th 22 48 oF 02 191 G8 21 44 78 22 50 4 si 07 41 5/26/17 9Tu | 38.27 6/27/18 10 W 0s 10.21] 7 28119 nth | 805 34, 8/29/20 We 20 05433 9/30) 21 13 Bt 26 45 51 1 58°55 10] 3 }22 Ws 27 43 30, 13 47 42 11| 2/33 15 M_| 28 41 00 25 341 | 3/24 6 721 wit 1@ 13:19 25 a4 Lunar Sravana (Sukla) be, ins on 12th, 18h 01 [25 83 | 018 | 1 2 0 Taso ge Apart. Local mean time of Meridian Paseages Al. 918 el w]e [rst rer hms lho mih om mi kml homihms\hme 1 12 08.17) 11 59) 9 01 21 03 21 07/21 63 | 5 08 0618 17 19 3” 06.08]12 08] 9 09 20 55/2059) 45/08 5a! 16 09 a 05 57 17] 8 58 47) BL 37 | 09 4214 Ba] 7) 0543) 26) 57 39} 43 | 1030, 13 36f 9 U5 28 33, 56 { 31! 36 Uw 12:19 W050} 4} 55 23) 87 || 120610 54] 13 47 [i Wao) Ba woe 16 20.06_11/20 56/13 36 08 0] 17; 1958/80 08 20 48) 5 14 18.1806 24 19 50 19 55, 40) 15 00 Of 48) 21 42/47} 3al) 15 4208 13] as, Ml 39° 24), 16 2438 1 24 25: 5 3 26 31 17|) 17 L017 59 43} 27 56] 29] 50, 18) 23, | 17 42 58 OF wy, 2 83) 21) 58) 21) a3) a, a i20 01) is 1850.09 31 12 00 16(13 23! 8 67] 213! 5 36/19 03/19 07/19 53 6 18 5417 64 18 Sun enters: Simba (Sid. Leo) 16th 14% 19m ‘Trop, Virgo 220d, 27h 24m. Last Quarter - 4th 23h 52m New Moon—12th 18h Olm { a3) _EPHEMERIS ot Aug.; Ayanamen 93° 41’ 57" August, 1988 rayana Longitudes at 5-30 A.M. 1.8.7, j SF almooasalgygie b ving lager lrad 8 vaks. S nats, 20 nak, | 19 ake. | 20 naky. | 25/110, | Date ae Ik 6 ° cae 1/312 505) 2 7 3 61/8K14 10 47 2] uid 56° 2 49) 417 48 3] 1m} 3 : 14 16 49 4] 19°05] 3 4 15 BO 5) 08] 4 uid 50 6/323 10/3 6 e141 0 M25 | 06 Mn a 8} ari} 7 M410 4a 9} 3n2909| 7 14 09 9 30] 4-106 M8 4 TL] “302 | 2-9 29/11 16 06) 7 8 14 06 30 2] 456) 1031) 1619 1 05 22 1} 648) 1124) 16.30 4 Of 2 ids] 8.40! 12 17! n JG 40 HO 2 15|_ 1029] 13 10 16 50 ue 2 Yo | Mn12 17) 2 14 04 91 16 69 814 01 Wl Mo} 1459 17 os 14 00 18] 1649] 1554! 1715 Ww] 1733) 1650, 1722 20) 3916) 17 46) 17 8 13-59 13 58 18 57 2is| £20 67 | 2 18 42.17 17 33 813 56 3 22] 42 36| 019 400) 17:37 1355 | 20 39 ws} 2414] 2039) 17 40 30 27 24} n25 51) 2135 17 43 20 26 4 |_e7e7| 2234, 1745 20 25 26 [429 Or | 2a5 32 TIR1746, 10 20 23 2432, 1746 20 23 25 31) 17 45) 20 22 2631/1748 27.32) 17 41 2 26 sail 17 3s % Morcury g Venus | ¢ Mars | 4 Jupfor| @ Saturn Tate Lat. | Decl. | Lat. Tat. | Deel. | Lat, | Deel. | Lat | Deel. fndolederi| dan3 had | feos | soi | e568 34] vod abs2i | 6 18 ob 41D ashe it | © 26 fs's9 ria 38) 03 21) Ib OF 5 Ji 458 os) yy o7 | a} 3 21) 3605 7/1 4oh6 61] 12/19 15 2) 609 g]1 44fts 32] 4 05 19 21 2! ye 10 11] 4o|id 10] 8 57 )19 2s 13/1 33{2 45] 48/19 33 15/1 25101 127| 49 [19 36 17 1 15/9 49/3 3119 39 19/1 @}8 19] 2/,9 40 21 6 51/6 50) 13/19 40 23 (0 37] 5 20/3 O3|19 38| 13 3 61/2 54{19 35] 15 ‘oxo7| 2 25] 4alig 30] 16 Oxb7| 3420 23/17 16 50 0828. 2824 1014 | 5818 616.3 Jet: Rabu Dedii 6°82" PL: DM. Pass, b 18-08, Lat. 16° NOI’, Decll. 0° x26" First Quarter—20tb, 214 21m, Full Moon—27th, 16% 26m (231 September, 1988 Bhadre & Asvins, 1910 Bake INDIAN | ugerea| \ re Date | Time | CO | © alale (Noon) | Longitude | Decl! z 5 orale Lake I [hom ale oly ee ee | Am 1 Th 10 42 34 4 15 64 $1) B17] 0.17 54 02] duos |i8m3i) 3 44) 2/21) 10 BF fio 46 30; 16 02 25) 7 55/1 141 36] 5 01/83 Be| 4 38) 3/22/13} 3 .8t [10 50 27 17 00 31| 7 33]| 1 15 08 45) 6 1626 53) 5 34) 4/23) 12| 48 10 b4 3 17 58 89) 7 11] 1 28 G2 28) 5 15 [28 25) 6 30] 5/24/13} M_(10 68 20] __18 66 48] 6 49) 2 10 40 50) 4 +8 98 20] 7 25| 626/14 éTu 11 @ 17) 4 19 65 00| 6 27/223 02 22/4 zejov a9! 8 18) 7) TW {11 08 13) 20 63 14] 6 OL} 3 5 10 39) 3 46 [24 O4| 9 08| 8 Th 11 1010| 21 51 30] 5 42] 3.17 09 12/ 2 66 [20 19| 9 54] 9 QF (IL 1406) 22 49 47/5 19] 3 29 01 08) 1 56 1032) 9 JUSt [11 18 03|__ 28 43 07) 4 56} 4 10 49 18) On53 29 nB a 2 69| 4 24 46 26 ‘SA 4 22 36412) oB12 30, 12M (1) 25 66/ n95 4451 4 11/5 4 209/117 1 13 Tu (11 £9 62) 26 43 16 3 48/5 16 15 24) 2 19 2 M4 W |11 33 49! 27 41 43, 3 25) 5 28 12 19/3 15 3 ‘th (11 37 45! 28 40 12/3 02} 6 1017 @/ 4 8 4 31 41 42| £29 GR 42 2 39/6 22 82 30/441 [21 10 5] 25) 178t {11 45 39 5 037 14/2 15] 7 501 35) 5 0624 41 6) 26 18S [1149 35, 1.35 47, 1 52) 7.17 47 18) 6 a7 iar Bs 2/27] 5 234.23, 1 29/8 0 62 40] 5 12/28 31 8/26] ru 3.32 69 1 00) 8 14 20 16) 4 50/28 O1| | 9199 21 W [12 01 25 8 4-31 a8 0 47] 8 28 11 49| 4 10 30) 30) 2Th 120521, 5 30 18 owivl 9 12 27 32) 5 15 31/31 23K 12 0918 6 29 00 OSO4] 9 27 05 12) 1 MS 213d 727 44 0 Bho 1: 13) 2 28 1217 8 26 99) 0 51)10 27 35] 3 9 25 i 12 4 0 24 an 27 az| 9 2 oe 38 6} 026 19] 4 110 \20| 9 Apr . Noon ee (Cat) LM 9 gi sj ul eri ¥ 18.7, hm 6 im [hm Am Amik me mh om cam sal 11 Bo 68]13 24 | 8 57 | 2 8 | 5 32 [18 59 [19 03 19 49 17 53 24 5910) 26) 58/200) 25 o1 [18 0, aL 51 24 8.39} 27/850/152) 18] 43) 48) 33 49 36| 57 59, 28/900) 43) 10] 35 40) 35 47 36 5718] 29. ul) 34/503) 28) 32. 7 45 42| 5636, 30, | 24/456) 20; 24) w 43 42 554 | 30) | 15) 48| 12) 16} 2 41 43] 6511] _ 9 |_C4}1.05 | _ 41 [18 05 [as 09 18 53 |_ 23 39 43] iF Bé 28|i3 BB | H 06 | 056 | 433 7 67 [18 01 18 45 | 6 93 G4 [IT BT aD Peaep? be | Oo | ° 45-25] ad ar sa | 3 35 43| 303] 23| o7| 8/ 17] 42) 45) 30 33 42" sei] 20; | 2%, 10] 34| 38] 3142. 6139; 15/ 10/ 35|/402) 27) 30) 4 £9 4 6058} 081/005) 384) 19) 2 he 06 27 42 GH 18hs @! 122960] 40/ 12) 14 17 Be 25 48 hs oe | $3 fox o@ Go)ia 07 | 9 12 3 45 | 9 42 [iz OB azn 17 64 No 2 aBlie Bd 48 wun enters : Kanye (Sid, Virgo) 16th, 14h dm Trop. Libra 22nd, 24h 60m Last Quarter—3rd, 9h 20m, New Moon—11th, 10h 19m. { 4] EPHEMERIS 1st Sopt, : Ayanamen 99° 49' 01" September 1988 ee ae ee ee ere ’ Nirayana Longitudes at 6-80 aw. 1.8.7, ae ala ea ada Tenaky.| Taaky. | 27 naky. an ear [aates : 1/5 757) 229 34 R17 34] 1 at si] 8 2 ia] 8x3 Sh 2) ng9a}2 035) 1799] 1136] 214] 391 3) 104s} 137] 1723) ido] 214] 391 4] 1206] n239) 1716] 14a] 215] 321 5) 13 2% B41} 1709) _1148]__2 15] D 3 2 “Cl Sia a5 [34a [ir iy | Tir se] s Pie] 8 sa Z| woe] 547) 1651) 1155) 217] 3 ar 8) ariz] 6h {ni641) iso] 217) 321 9) 1831 754) 1631) 1203) 218) 321] 30|_ 1943] 858} 1620] i205| 219] 321 Us SH 63 |S 102i 16 ow | Tz o7 |B 220/83 a1 20 24) By zorl woz} i565] wil 221] 329) 20 24) Bl nsor] ii} 42] wie] 293) 329 20 23] 4) M10] 1316} 1528] 1215] 224) 392 20 22] | 2532] 1422] 1513] _1217]__ 226] 3 23 20 21) WW) 5 26 13 15 27 ieee | Tie | EP aT] e323 10 20 39) VW) 2207} n6 33) 1443] 1220] 229) 3 24 20 10) Bs} 201] 1738} ia7] 1221) 231 3-25) 20 18) Wl B51} 1845) ian] 1223) 232) 325 20/5 2938} 1951} 1354] 1224] 234] 328 BH) 6 021/320 57 hiriss7| 112 24 [3 290] B32 2) lor} 2204] 13.20] 1225) 239] 328 23} 135) 2311] 1303] 1226] 241] 329 2) 207] MIs] ie45]RIB2%| 243) 329 Be] 234) 2525] 1997] a5} 246] 3 30) 26S 2 54/326 33 fit ie 10/1 2 26 |8 24515 331 27 310) 2741) 1152] 1225] 251) 333) 3) R319] 849] rigu] 1225] 253 29) 3211302957] i117] wee] 256 30} 6 3 1%] 4105 fit 10 59] 112 23/8 229] § J 1d Ist Sept : HI Lat, 0S 13', Decli. 23°S 38’ Lat, 0° N 68’ Decli. 22° 8 16° g | ¥ Mercury) @ Venus] ¢ Mars | Jupiter h Saturn [Pioz0 Voce ae er oo oe 8 lia | Deot.| Lat. | Dect.] La t.| Decl] Lat. { Decl. Lat. | Decl} a5 naky os foe Ar beng] oslo ode «| 4] isin] 2810 lr9Xc0') 51316 | Osed | 0856 faosd | onss ebse5le 16 3d 3 et #3912 ois 87/19/30] 68] ld | sl 3Bl 49 op {1 03| 3 52/1 50 [8 44] is) 35/0 89] 15) 58] 25H 16 49 2(125| 5 og] 508 29] 17) 41/1 OO} 36) 57] 20] 18 43 g}142] 624 40lis 1) 16 oo] 17} 57] 26) 16 48 m]1 59) 735] 307 2) at 00} 38] 57} 27) 16 50 3} 216] 8 42/ eof? 1] 12 Oo} 38] 56] 27) 16 53 15 |2 32] 9 45|_ 1017 07| _ 09, oo} 19/50} 27) 16 57 Tre 47| 10 27 o1 fie @| 5 05 T 01/20 1) 056/22 381577 0, 3g | 3 01/11 35] 0 6126 15) 5 OL oly 20) 55) 28h 17 of a1] 3 14] 12 21] 42/15 46) 4 56 on) 20) 55] 29) 17 0B 93] 3 25|12 69) 33{15 15) 50 o1] 20) 55/89] 17 18 25 13 28] 24 |ld 43) 44 Ol} 20} 54) 30) 1716 27 1B 47] 15/14 GB] 38 02] 19] 54) 30) 17.20 9 13 63| 07/13 52| 31 o2| 19} 54) Bol 17 4 80 13851 | 0802 /13s13 | 4827 | 2813 ! 1802 2ovi9 | oxs3!22R3116 17 26 Int: Babu Ded. 68 20’ Pi :M, Pass. b 16-07, Lat. 15° N 44’, Decli. O°NOL'~ First Quarter—19th, 8h 4m, Full Moon— 25th, 24h ‘Bim Asvina & Kartiks, 1910 Sake Sun enters: Tula (Sid Libra) 16th, 26% 10m, Last Quarter—2ad, 22h 28m. RANG SSRSRAISAASARARRA AION OS | -gECANS ES RONGSERA RARSA Baas) 0owjoonsa|-aaaelseaaala Ba FRARARANABSSSSSSS —ssere|ssaualaeses|zaanalesss osscce aoe jes 52 S le | dae ["SS88S855, SuSE ad| eguasceseeeisacesisssag gars | le zu = - gegen cigeecop aces Seaceeoae SeSesle Baa raanasaaaeaaaaeas x gaiasesslese2aeigsag en bee E 3| Be858 Soaggexses sansaesssHesaaeg §|———W5, SEC Eery “4| fgzsalenc44 sees aaaaska Geosbecask © : ls Secon tee a 4| lzssss|ssaze seasebenas[-saae assealg 3 |% Bowne|snSkalnoaroloranataaanlanoras o| 2 eg] 29889 R2a8esaeec Saas B2nesKeasae |= a2| Ssesuseanedaasss ssseeeasesessesla 3/4 graqsgravakgranssoangieacacigenoas (2 ws ppwwoojsoons[panaslggunofsanania 2|¥| , /PaSaaS5es BRSSESSa ry Sanaa saeen Bansaasee 2 |e een ee O38 pesce-er on ppasaa|aqinie foacae alg ee ae wile SREBA SERS Gans eseenasssas £/3| "88 —— © G/F Benasieaaaaiaazsaessss sssesiesssss <| 2) ., /SAA2hAaaRaaREsaa ~ G2 HRBaaaRaagiaeanaRoctseitoos=egasa, 31% |" jo 2 s ee eee o| § /ESIRASTASSaScaRae gs Bag *S5SS5 SRARAANSSI BSS SBRSRRASASS 2 ;| gag | Seveasesensaanas assazsssaehanaale B)20E| ctaassleneeekonssins isessaslessans| a 3 tnnte Eaton f-8a8 ontré Gone Pox Zale i mae weproag|aia selena aASaR SRR s New Moon 10th, 27h 19m. Trop. or ‘23rd, 10h dm, EPHEMERIS 1st Oot.: Ayanamen 28° 49' 04" — October, 1988 Nérayana Longitndes at 5-80 a.m. I 8 T. 3 Sls alasolasul ayaa hk alcg ay 14 naky, [10 nag. [26 nak; | “4 vary. | 19 nak.) 19 naky, . Be 18 os |B oe lB og Be |B oe on 1| 6R3 064) 4 2 13/11R1042/ 112 22] 8 3.2/8 3 37 20 09 al 247/323] 10211 1920] 305] 3.99 20 08 3} 290| 431) 1003) i210] 318) 340 20 07 4] 146] 540] 951] i217) 3) 341 20 08 5] 10) 64) 935) 115] 316] 3.43 20 10 8] 6018) 4 7 oBi 9:19] 1 1213/8 Sie] B 3 aa] 81s G0 wT 7|52918| 903| 903) 1210) 321) 346) 1349] 2013 8] 2816] 1017) 845) 1208] 325| 348] 1340] 2014 S| ua) 88) Bo) 38) 38) Bel Be }10'| 25.69 | n12 37| _ 8 20 332/361) 1361) 2011 Th | 5 2sd7 | £13 47/807 Tar ay] F 3 96| 3 53) 6 13 41 |10 30 07 | 2336} 1467| 754)° 1155; 340] 3 54) 13-82] n/20 ce {2227/1807} 742] ise] 344] 3.58 55 u4| 2123] i7ae/ 730] ngs} 343/358 15 2025 | 18 23 720 a 3 52 400 Tes] 5 19 35| #19 710] Tira | 8 3 56/8 4@ w| 1855] 20 zo] 1136] 401) 4 08 3g] 1824| 200) 662) m3i1| 405] 408 qo] 1805] 9311; 644) 1126) 400) 408 20|pi757| 24 23| 637)_ 1123] 414] _ 410 37 | 618 w M025 BENTO S1|Tii7|s 418/e 13 2 nul} 42] 415 23a} 1 06 4B Hae 24 noi] 433| 419 25 | 3055] 437] 422 26 Tig | STR] 24 1 04a} 447] 427 28 1037| 462/429 29 1031) 457] 482 30q] 25 12 | |_102¢| 603] 4 34 4 31152681 | 6 Taal 6 1dl 110 18/8 50/8 437/814 12 W018 44 Int. Oot: Hi Lat. 0°813', Decli, 23°8 38 Lat, 0° N67’, Decli. 22°8 17" § Merour; 3 Ms 4 Jupiter | Saturn |) PLvro ——— | | (Long,) 15 nakg ao tle ce loeint | Boe 38 18 | Ovs$ 3eai |) 6 17 2b 3 @y ig) ea) ne 3 18 2} a7} 53) 32] 17 36 2 57 og) 16] 82] 3a] 174 2 27 3 15] 52] 83] 1745 1 82 9 22 03) 14] 82) 83] 17 80 12 8 36 O) wa] su] Bl re 0831 53/7 48 3] m|_51|_ 34] 17 0 17 \ON09 |} 4 B1/ 0 50 7 00 T 03 20 oo oo oat BF as | THEO 1g |G 44] 3 58] 1 04/6 10 03; | 51; 85|) 18 8 21 |1 13/3 30] 10/5 19 | 06) 50) 35] 1813 Blt asl S24) 5) 4 as 3! 04] 50) 36) 18 18 11 b2]3 30/ 20/8 35, 3) 02] 80) 36] 18 23 (2 03 qu) alee 3 apc) 48) 52] 1B 992 03/4 58 28) 1 49 19 57 37] 18 32 oO 81 |2N09| 5855. 132 | On55. 280 280 1608 10388 0s 49 22837 | 6 18 87 Ist: Rabu Deoli. 6°8 69’ Pu: M. Pase. bh 14-13, Lat. 15° N31’, Deoll. 0° 8 26° First Quarter—18th, 18) 31m. Full Moon—25th, 10h 06m Ca) Agrahayans 1910 Saka Novembér, 1988 Kortika & REERR g~A sO OS » » itade | Lat, | Deoli|M Pat a6 ssstal teaaad aaEe0 SSB5 Soones sognNMAt SS Seean Aas anmwtwpoooce|-soneb>ooan Poogn asses Saa58 AA eenaalRagaa, Radan|rores eons antes SARAR ARERR Te SOS BPRRIS'SSS |S SSaae SR Ng olan we @egns peas fesgyperneiraaag ages Boose ke eit Seas ASSSSSGSASSSIsasesaa ls eeseesaa Seaegseeceee ental oe “gaansjeeaes| SESESaEEasas §5S88358 eases “ARASESISRSS Seaubecesuotesesens oawesParsanara-a9sos/saanges=a] oonleaines fl ° feces rere coge sauces ae Ses se s6[sacacjeeass snag legeescenecizrasales ana COT [Lon gitude | Deoli || Lon, ho Pat Date 3 «o” > “38 *BSLSASSSAa|[SRVSSSHSKS|SaSRASRSS: BSSssS88ss 5588 SSS 2q|4Raasiasans RARAARS ARTS age-oqrponesanan| saaeaaas tasaseeene | PPP err! Epéudpaaee namwolorwas Ba58 B55 2232 ASS RBSSEESSss Rasazusss ZEEE Eassalesusesacel s2enke Fania Bas ore ASAR Lunar Kartika (Bukla) begins on 9th, 19% 50m, »SRRSAISARBSASIISS igoseanaaecaseaes “BSARISNA GSAISAIS F3295993 88 BSE5SS SESses: : (Sid Scorpio) 15th,26455m. Trop.Sagittarius22nd,7h 42m |ss38sansssean22 ee gals [ESSESaARS 282998 kee 48 « |PS88S358R 288899 (ea 25 | 23.13 |13 31 13 22 14 00 Evy Sa'Rha3se __Wg aa SRERESESS BSISS3S 4519 48 iF: bad 11 43 36/10 41 43 35 ‘Last Quarter—Ist, 154 dm, a 3 5 2 9 ML 13 36 | Ww 1 2 B Bs 27 New Moon—9th, 19h 0m, (98) EPHEMERIS 1st Nov.: Ayanamss 23° 42 08” November. 1988 Ist: Babu Deoli. 8 13" Pt. First Quarter— 16th, 27h 05m 8 Nirayana Longitudes at 5-30 a. 1.8.7, Alyv [Seu ledapgyalaes OH ea Pad 2a makp| I baky.| 0nakp., 4 naks. | 10 nake.| 19 naky- (20 nak. | Bo 18 oo Bo | Bo 8 SIR 54/8 1] 59783/5 84511 6sbumdal 8 513/86 4 95/8 1413 2/52918{n 952) 619} nl00L, 519) 442) 1415 36 048| 1110) 624| 957) 524) 443] 1416 4| 216) i2ea| 628/ 950, 530) 447) 1418 |5|__347|_1335| 634/ 943| _5 3) _4 50)_14 0) Ge) Oo 5/51 04 1 936 8 541) B 453/86 aL T\ 653 | iso1] 847, 9m) 648) 45) ee 8| 828) iris; 655| 921) 582) 450) Moe 8{ 1003| 1827; 704 914, 553) 502) 1425 u 1139) 1940) 713) 9 08/__ 6. O4 505] 14 27! iT 723) T_ 35/8 6 10/8 605 |8 4 8 73 860, 615] 511) 1430 745\ 843 G21) BU WB 757/835) 628| 517] 1433 800) 827) 634) 620! 14 35) ji 83 T8198 640) 8 5 23/8 14 37) 838, BL 645) 525 44 30! Soi} B03; 662) 520) 140 908, 754) 658] 632] ae | 746\ 705) 535] 14 44] Tow 178 BT! 8 6 99/8 Ww) 954) 790) 217| 542) 1448 yore! 122) 724] 545) 14 a! 12) 7) 730) Ba) MBL 10 48 705 737 552) 1463 Tiros 1 667 6743/8 5 55/8 55 1126) 649, 780) 558) 1457 | was) Gal) Tee) 6M) UB 00} 1208] 633' 8 03/605) | 15 01) a Bei 625/8 810 10 08 [/— I Nov : Wi Lat.0°8 13’, Deoli 23°S 30° y Lat, O"N'56', Decli. 22° 817 % Mercury| ¢ Venus | ¢ Mars | ¥ Jupiter! 2 Saturn || PL0To | | | | (Long) Lat, | Deol. | Lat. | Decl. | Lat. | Decl. 4 2308 Gs2t |S 34 18 39) 2 03/7 34) 37 1844] 1567/8 46) 40 18 49) 1 4gfio | 42 18 54 1 Siu a3 at 18 59} 1 26 12 29 | 48 25] 0 53 19 04] 1 13f3 42) 47 38) 37) 03) a7| 47 19 | 1 O}ld Bt] 48 ii| 21) 03) 34] 47 19 13) OAT fs 3 Ta TO | OSor/T Gi 31/0 47 BO} OW BI 0 33]i7 op) 49 o ssf oxi4| 02) 28/47/40) 19 23 0 20/18 2) 49 s2| 32| 08 25) 48 40) 19 28 Ox0g [19 12) 49 46/0 51; 02 22] 46, 40) 19 83 06080 08) 4910 24] 40/1 10] 02) 19] 45, 40} 19.87 O ait 00| 481 35) 35) 31) on 10) 48} 0) 8 0 3461 49) 46/12 05| 20/1 51] O11 13) 461, 40] 19 40) 0840 basit | 1545 112830 | 0827 | 2x02 | 1801 1911! 0°46 /228401 6 10 48) .:M, Pass, 12 15 Lat, 15°N 26°, Decll. 0°08" Full Moon 23rd, 21h 25m. te December, 1988 Agrshayana & Pauses, 1910 Sake INDIAN ae 2 pate RE Coa | oO | woe] > | >| > 3 é (Noon) | Longitade |Deoll. | Longitude | Lat, | Decl M.Pas, |:$ TT oakpetra| Am sis fie lo fe | Am 1 Th/16 41 20/ 7 15 18 97|2i845// 4 13 14 05/ Os10| Sma] 5 50| 10/23/10 BF {16 45 17| n 16 10 27/21 57] 4 24 ce 27| o843| antl! 8 3011 [241 11 3Bt ie 49 13) 17 2018122 0) 5 5 50 Ja] x as) 1824) 7 co] 12| 05] 19 48° [166310] 18 21 10/22 14/15 17 42 68| 2 40/6 08| 7 48/13/25 | 13 5M [16 67 06/19 22 04/22 22] 5 20 45 2413 Sniu2 22) 8 a9 [14261141 6 To [17 OL 03720 22 B02 90|| 6 12 OL 37/ «iu ji7 ge! 9 14115) 27, 16 7W 117 05 00 21 23 56122 37] 6 24 34 25! 4 a1 lo1 46) 10 02 |26/ 98116 8Th [17 08 66) 22 24 53182 43/7725 10| 4 57/25 14] 10 5417) 20) 17 9 F 17 1253| 23 25 S2jze 40]/ 7 20 33442| 4 50/27 27| 11 f1 181 0| 18 10Bt_/17 16 49) __ 24 26 61/22 55|/ 8 3 58°25] 4 44/98 09| 12 60 WE” 17 20-46, T9597 61 03-05 817 36 99) 412 )37 2M 17 24 42) 96 28 5223 05] 9 1 25 0/3 26, 18 Tu 17 26 30) 27 29 5423 09 | 9 15 20 44/2 97 MW [it B85] 28 30 58.23 13] 9 29 90 48/1 18 46Th /17 36 82| 7029 81 58/23 16 10 13 23 30| oBOL 16 17 40 29 8 0 33 Ol 23 19/10 27 27 47/ 1N10 17Bt {17 44 25) 134 05.23 21/11 11 32 66| 2°20 WS 74822) 2 35 09.23 23/11 25 33.10; 3 21 19M [17 8218) 3 38 1323 25) 0 ‘9 42 10) 4 10 20°Tu |i? 66.15) 431 1725 38) 0 29 «2 48 444 QW 8 011) 8 5 38 1736 54) 5 01/2 Th iis 0403, 6 39 97 | 521 21/9 on By ae 2331 33 F (18 08 Of) 7 40 32 2 4 51935) 4 42/28 08 | — Dat te ol) 8a 33 218.0587 4 03/27 03] 0 20 258 18.15 58) 9 42 44 3101 22| 3 24/24 32/ 124 26M 1819 64 | 8 10 43 60 313 38 36/2 -30|20 51] 2 is 27'Tu 18 23 51) 11 44 88) 3 25 58 35) 1 29/16 20 3 OL 28 W [18 27 47 | n 12 46 05) 4 8 Of O4/ 0x26/11 15] 3 45 2% Thhs 3144/1347 1 4:19 58 52) 0338 SOF 18 3540} 44 48 22/23 10 5147 43,1 40 31 8¢ 16307) 815-49 02308) 13 90 OL BST Lunar Agrahayava (Sukla) begins on 9th, 114 O6m. g | Apert |_ S2.a! mean time of Meridian Passages Ajumr! y |e] ejv[ejuly 18, BLDG LA cori cadre 1]11 49 O4)11 48 | 9 49 [19 43 [23 09 [13 27 [13 18 /13 68 | 6 00 O6|16 50 ba 3 49 50] 54 51 37 (23 00 20 nl} @ 01 24) 61 06) 5} 03901 50] 63] 32/251] 13)303/ a] 02 42| 1 24 7| 01301205) 55| 27} 42] o7 fe 56) 31] O06) 5148 9] 223° 11] 57) 22] 33|13 00) 49; 26) 05 18) 62 1B] a1] 6318} 17/980) 17] 24253] 41] 19] 06 36) 52 54 6414] 23 fo o1} 12] 15] 48| 34] 11) 7 48| 53 36] 85.12] _20| 13|_07 be 06] 30) 27 1s o4 | 09 00) _ 54 18] HT 66 1012 85 [10 05 ng oS a1 88 2 32 [12 19 12 66 | 6 10 12 |i 65 06] 6709) 41 B 8 58 49 2 BU 8 1118} 66 00) 8309} 47] 30/ 54] 40] 39205) 41] 1238] 57 Co} 116608] 53 13] 49| ge] az liio7| 33] 1318) 58 o9| 12 00 82 6} 15) 45) 23)1208] 50) 26) 1412136 50 o0| 1073.05) 38) 42) 15 f11 58] 43| 38] 36 0837 00 12 206) 10! 21) 36 br 08] BL} 36 16 48) 01 24 2.03 03/8 15 /10 24 is 6 16 8017 02 36) Sun enters.: Dhanus (Bid. Bagittari) 15th, 16h 3im Trop. Capri., 21st, 20h 58m. ‘Last Quarter—st, 12h 19m, & 31st, 10h 27m New Moon—0th, 11h 06m 10 J

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