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The Gnostics began in the late 1st century BC and early 1st century AD with roots going back in the
traditions of Hermes Trismegistus to the 1400s and 1300s BC, during Egypt's 18th dynasty. Mr. Osman
has identified one of the Amarna kings, Akhenaten (the son of Amenhotep III) as Moses, who came to
the view that humans and the cosmos have a common spiritual dimension, the light of knowledge, and
instigated a monotheistic religious revolution. Manetho (200s BC) wrote a history of Egypt using many
sources including the Bible which Ptolemy II Philadelphus had commissioned to be translated into Greek.
Manetho identified Moses as an Egyptian. Mos is Egyptian word meaning the legitimate son and heir
("drawn out of the water", the usual interpretation of the name, would actually be Moshal). Manetho
wrote about Amenhotep son of Hapu the architect as a contemporary of Moses (as was Hermes
Trismegistus) who warned Amenhotep III about the danger of Akhenaten's religious revolution. From
Egyptological data, we know Amenhotep son of Hapu was regarded as a healer and savior, and mediator
to the gods. A statue of him stood in the temple at Karnak. After 12 centuries, he was finally divinized.

When the Romans took over Egypt in 30 BC and stopped financing the temples (keeping only the temple
in Alexandria open), there was no longer any temple-based religious life or priesthood, and people were
lost. To explore religious and philosophical questions, they would leave the towns and live alone for a
few days at a time and then gather to talk. They started to think along the lines of a universal truth and
spiritual Father from whom emanated beings such as Sophia (wisdom), and from her, God the Creator
(of the Bible). They realized something was wrong in the world and that accidents, evil, and death could
not have been created by the Father, and must have come from the lower God the Creator. They came
to believe that within the human body exists a part of the Father, and that salvation consists of
becoming part of the original spirit, the Father. So gnosis is not knowledge that comes through the
senses receiving from the outside, but through the mind from the inside, the mind which both sends and
receives. In the right situation and reaching into oneself, one can see the unseen Father and become
one with Him. This is the belief in salvation of the Gnostics.

At the time of the early Gnostics, there was only one Jesus anyone knew about; Joshua son of Nun. The
Gnostics knew he was killed and raised spiritually from the dead. The Nag Hammadi books include both
Hermetic texts and "gospels" without narrative biographical elements. There is no time nor place
specified for Jesus. In the same way, St. Paul never mentions, times, places, or historically known people
such as John the Bapist, Caiaphas, Pilate, Herod, etc. So the original Roman church was Gnostic, and
there was no priesthood; anyone could speak. This church offered salvation without mummification,
without a priesthood, without a temple. Beginning in the 200s (following the composition of the Gospels
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the late 100s), the Roman bishops began to demand adherence to
various creeds and loyalty to the church. The creed always included belief in a historicized, 1st-century
Palestinian Jesus. This became the universal (catholic) right way (orthodox). The Gnostics were
repressed by the Roman church and gradually died out or continued only in secret.

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