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< ORACTE?® cis A IERMAIDS Lucy Cavendish Lucy Cavendish ORACLE the MERMAIDS wiMPancer- ORACLE OF THE MERMAIDS ‘This printing 2019 Copyright © 2013 Lucy Cavendish Artwork Copyright © 2013 Selina Fenech All sights reserved. Other than for personal use, no par ofthese cards or this book may be reproduced in anyway, in whole or part without the written consent ofthe copyright holder or publishes, ‘These cards are intended for spiritual and emotional guidance only ‘They ate not intended to replace medical assistance or treatment. Published by Bue Angel Publishing” 80 Glen Tower Drive, Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3150 E-mail: ‘Website: Guidebook and card messages by Lacy Cavendish Card artwork by Selina Fenech ‘Eadted by Tanya Graham Designed in Pars for Blue Angel Publishing” Blue Angelis registered trademark of Blue Angel Gallery Py. Ltd. ISBN; 978-1-922161-03-1 "Led wish could swim ike the Dolphins Like Dolphins Can Swim” Heroes David Bowie CONTENTS Introduction 7 ‘CARD MESSAGES: LBEAUTY 34 2.TRANSPARENCY 37 S.RECEPTIVITY 39 4. THEUNSEEN 42 S.SONGOFTHESIREN 44 6-ENERGY FIELD ADJUSTMENT 46 7.EREEDOM 49) SFERTILITY SI 9.THE MAGIC OF THE COHELLEN DRUITH $3 10, HONOUR THE MASCULINE $6 HL-SACRIFICE 59 12,THEPRESENT. 62 13,THE RETURN OF APHRODITE 64 14.WATERFLIGHT 67 1S.DIVINATION 70 16.REFLECTIONS 73 I7.FAREWELLTOTHEMOON 76 18,TIMEANDTIDE 79 I9.ATLANTIS 82 20,FALLINGINLOVE 84 21, THEMIRROR 87 22, DIVINESENSUALITY 90 23,DREAMS 93 24,SOULCAGE 96 25. THE SELKIE AND HERSKIN 99 26.AIR 102 27, ADRIFT 104 28 SANCTUARY 107 29, LEMURIARETURNS 110 30.TELEPATHY 113 SL.CORAL'SWISDOM 116 32.CONCHOMANCY 120 S3.EXPERIMENTS 122 S4.YEMAYA 125 38.THECRANE BAG 127 36.TIMEOUT 130, 37.VISIONS 133, 38.GUIDE 135 39.VULNERABILITY 138 40,YEARNING 140 4L,SISTERHOOD 143, 42. WAVE OF POWER 146 4X ENDURANCE 149 ‘44, HOMELAND 152 4S.IMRAMMA. 155 [About the Author 159 “About the Artist 161 ‘Also avalablefrom Blue Angel Publishing 162 INTRODUCTION It seems both a long time ago, and as ft happened just yesterday... [was litle gil, my legs wrapped in cloth tied together to form 2 ‘mermaid tail Wit my strange litle patchwork tal I would dive into the liga blue, and swim underwater for a long as I could, wiggling from my mia inthe way I had seen dolphins swim. One length ‘ofthe pool to begin with, Then two.then nea three.. I worked ‘ny way up to holding my breath fr long'tammy muscles grew eanand strong.butal the time I was so frustrated and puzzled = why, oh why could Int breathe underwater? For | was, I believed, with every part of me that could fel 2 mermaid trapped in the land of Ai have told this story countess times now, in workshops and talks, and in books like The Last Lands and The Book af Mermaid Magic (co-authored with Serene Conneeley). And every time, without ful, women and men come one by ane to share wth me the same story. they ted thei legs together, They dived into beach breaks and backyard pools wth the same thought I had, They all believed they ‘were Mexpeople! ‘Whatis this endless allure ofthe creature who isalfofthe ocean, halfof the air? Why does She because its mos often She - appear ‘in every culture that has connections with water across this blue and green planet? And what can She, with her comb and her long wild hair er lovely song and her awesome strength teach us now, as we touch the truth of who we could be? lve the mermaids, whose song Ihave heard, whose notes have sung back in my attempt ta let them know ove them, snd wish to ‘be with them. [have seen them, and they are alls unique as diverse a8 the ezeatures of the Great Mother Ocean herself. Twin-alled, setkieslek, dlphin-enchanting,nautlus-feslers, mer creatures are complex and very different to the beings of land, They ive eithin 2 sliferent element. They need not "breathe" aswe do. They experience ‘weightlessness. And if they are cas ashore the weight of gravity and sir can crush them alive. These magical creatures with the head and torso of a man or woman andthe body, or tal, of fis, dolphin or ‘whale ive within the waters ofthis word ~andso there may be many ‘move of them than there are land creatures and elementals ~ theres after ll twice as much sea to land on ths blue green plant. ‘THE HEALING POWERS OF THE MERFOLK ‘Mermaids are beings who shove us how to love ourselves. Put most simply, this because they love themselves without gui, fear, or hesitation, They teach us how we can celebrate our sensuality. They revere the feminine, and they glory in our fertility, our desires, our ‘beauty and ou instinctualt. They ask us to sing our song again. “Mermaids tach us how to connect deeply with our emotionality a tat typically spoken of a feminine, and often regarded as a ‘weakness With the help ofthe mermaid, we are able to feel deeply, ‘without the negative impact of conditioned shame. Within these pages and on these cards you wil ind messages and lessons from there beings ofthe great aceans and waterways ~ who teach us how to connect withthe healing power of our emotions, our psyche, and how to quench the great thirst so many of us have fr true love For they are romantic, these beings, and they help understand how deeply we year t love, how loving is natura, and that we can learn how to express and experince love healthflly and in accord ‘with our own destiny, nature, and Truth. Mermaids are marvels of endurance and independence, and they inspire us to practise our spirituality, with their sea ital, their oceanic magick and their profound connection to moon cycles. They embody a gracefel acceptance of low and balance to embrace the highs, the ows, and the spaces in between. And mermaids their moods, even ther rages and tempers, their boundless capacity for kindness and love, and {reedom, show us howto live filly once again. lke the wild things we ar ike the shining beings we can be once agin. “They are the Mothers ofthe Sea~the great ones whose ancestors Include che Santeria Goddess Yemaya, who gives birth to al fom her belly inludingallthe saints, and to divination and to knowledge and language. They are the Merrow, who release men from thei soul ages, totaly swim and be fee inthe watery clement, The Selkies too share their lesson: to be wholly within one world ata time ~ to not split the self to reclaim the skin you were bor into, and let no one take your tre wild self captive. ‘The Mermaid can lead us sometimes down into the deepness of awareness ~ and while this is often a pace where we have kept truths hidden from ourselves, ts worth visitng that underwater cave fall ‘of bones and remains of who we once were and what we once di, in ‘order to understand our own selves, n order to learn, to not repeat, and to rediscover the goodness that lis within those events and ‘ircumstances MERMAID HISTORY Teas sai thatthe very un-lrsh St Patrick (he was Romano-Britsh, and hated the lsh fiercely) not only cast the snakes out from Ireland ~ he turned pagan women into mermaids, He declared they were soulless, and never to be trusted, The Mermaid though can never die, as she s the hf gving element of water itself and her song reminds us that we must dink deep fom the cauldron of fe to have truly lve. Until relatively recently, Merfok were utery believed in, with sightings by Italy's Cheistopher Columbus and England's Henry ° “Hudson, famed explorers who recorded ther sightings meticulously, and other reports in various natural journals. In 1830, off the coast (of Scotland, a mermaids body was found washed up, and was buried after exminationand verification by alocal doctor. Desmond Mors, a cultural anthropologist of our times believes that they are indeed real ~akind of water ape a misting linkin the evolutionary chain ‘When we look at the historical representations ofthe beautiful mermaids, we see that the way in which they are portrayed says 50 much more about the time and ts attitudes than i tell the trath about mermaids themselves. They have been portrayed as sexully rapacious and predatory, as flesh-eating bisenual monsters (recent films such as She Creature, Peter Pan and Dagon are prime examples ofthis enduring world view ofthe mermaid) who ae selEobresed, indulgent, untrustworthy and utterly feminine. Why i this so? |MERMAIDS AND SENSUALITY ‘Mermaids encapsulate all of our fears, desires, temptations and ‘repressed feelings about sex As suc, they are wonderful indiestore ‘of where our psyches are at regarding our own sexuality, In fict ‘mermaids were used asa kind of cultural epository of evry negative for frightening feminine quality - vanity, sexuality, desire and Independence. Even our smell and our taste was given description through the mermaid and in writing about them ~ and witches the church wasable to expres their ears ofthe feminine body, our ability to conceive, gestate another body, bleed and love deeply ~ which were sen as being profoundly disturbing, suspect qualities. With her independence and fleeting attachments the mermaid shows us how to maintain who we are within intimate physical relationships. Her unabashed beauty and sexuality and her un- selfconscious allure shows us that we are desirable and powerful simply for being alive Conversely, if we fel repelled or fearful ofthe sexual mermaid who is happy in her skin, we may have a wounded aspect to our sexuality. IF we feel an affinity only with the mermaid who gives ‘up her Sein order tobe joined with lover, we would do well to sincerely examine just how much of ourselves we change when we sce with a partner Thismermaid syndrome can extend towomen (of ‘men) who change their sppearance, manners, interests or religion tobe wit a lover. The mermaids presence in our lives requires that we become closer to who we tly are, and honour our ow traths instead of adopting and adapting to another's, sacrificing who weare in order tobe with another ~ another who may not eequire that we change at al! ‘The kinship aspect between humans and merfolk {8 also a fascinating one. Agnn, as with other elemental, sexual interaction between humans and the merfolk has led to the merging of the ‘so. Some families in Scotland and Ireland sil aim descent from ‘mermaids. Families ofthe Orkney Isles, who often have a genetic trait of slightly webbed hand, clam ita thelss due to an ancestor who fled from her unhappy marrage into the arms of handsome Selke, type of merman who is abe to shapeshift between human sand seal forms, The Native American tribe called Penobscot also claims descent fom a mermaid. Others belive thatthe mermaid or ‘merman our orginal Atlantean form, when we were both water and land creatures, able to breathe and live in both elements with ease ‘THE SYMBOLS OF THE MERMAID ‘The too the mermaid has been gifted with perfectly illustrate her gifs to-us. While working with them, you may come upon one oF ‘more of her magical possessions, which ae often kept in a treasure chest. Comb: Her comb represents the precious and sacred nature of caring for our own physical selves. In acknowledging that our bodies deserve time and reverence there isa ritulstic element to all beauty routines that can be hited ost ofthe mundane and commercial word and into the sacred, making of our bodies an honored temple which wwe love and respect and demonstrate gratitude for By honouring the boy, we honour most deeply the God and the Goddess and the sparkof ifeitsele. Har: ‘The mermaid also suggest to us that we need to see the strength in ferininity and in being overtly female, Her long hairs an emblem of stength, her sexuality wondrously intoxicating and potent. Thete is nothing faint hearted about her, yet she shows ut the power in passivity, a magical paradox of sex magic. ‘Mirror: I had a dream, along time ago, where swam doven, down Ibeneath the buildings and strets of a huge and cruel city into an ‘enormous eavelike bathroom, Once there, I joined a group of ‘women staring into an enormous mirror that covered a wal. In my ream, my fae didnot look “right, and so I began to peel away at stand an enormods section of skin was removed, Blow, there were scars and angry wounds, unhealed, which I'd simply covered up..At thetime, the dream upset and disturbed me, bt as wrote about tin ‘mybook ofshadows andlight, cameo understand My dream was inan underworld bathroom, a home of the mer, and inthis dear T had been shown my true self the sell washing from the world and cern a eer mee ga fom percep inna ene Tera wast that tie sy wana can sow ou many thn times, other perl, te uae the tut of he PU but the most valuable ro rc een Spe ct Tr sheng maton on OO self knowledge and slflove cp apni Gl TS ey cthero-to give £0 YOO wry ao epreset the wombs faa smatearchall vero nd ema pum ll Ta en ee rary ean properties and magic] PAT "The creatures gift the serge ay ema cn en pro so 0 Ty) ori cops (or bean an femininity) Ifyou see 6 pe 8 {or you to connect with these beatiful energies too, and learn more ahout thee distinct energies, powers and messages! [KINDS OF MERMAIDS. ‘There are many kinds of mermaids found within the feesh and salt ‘waters ofthis magical green and blue planet, and many of them {ppeat in tis deck via the beautiful at of Selina Fenech, Some of these types of mermaid inclu ‘Selkies:Selkie is a Scots Gaelic word, from the Orkney isles of far northern Scotland, that simply means seal Tales of the Sell are found throughout much of northern Europe ~ they are especially sssociated with cold climate islands in areas as diverse as Seotland, Teeland, Scandinavia and Newfoundland, Selkes move between two forme that ofa human, and that of sea, and have become quite well ‘known thanks tothe popularity of beaotfl films like The Seret Of ‘Roa nish the story oftwo children witha selkie mother in northern Scotland. Although Selkis appear in popular cltare predominantly 2s female, there are also Sekie men. Merrows: On the Wester isl, Ireland the sea and the tidal pools overflow with the compassionate energies of mermalds whose ‘purpose is to rescue souls, araken us to love, and walk between the worlds Those mermaids are known as the Merrows, and they are Trelan’s own shapeshifting maidens ofthe sea. The word Merrow ‘comes from the Gaelic muri ~the ea ~ and oigh ~ maiden. They are ‘enowned fr thei Kindness to sea creatures and to men trapped in ‘Soul Cage. They have beaut oseing red hair~and aresometimes| said to wear red caps! “Metusinas: These powerl beings sprang from the es waterlakes, “ ei tithe ie oF Arion ne pie help us bud sted Sheihaman lover anc by creating - ~ castles wc i i 7 "within thie mothe Snlocks the, secrets, Often known own Pitas a he ee a a set Se re ee? lege anderwacy a arden sea kelp bode atone up tana lind stolen Women ond tt fe fel eyo Se er ts, at eshiater lake, om these cauldeonne depths comes ie 0. and saltwater people Thy Ste ee *mely important to thee rchig RMN tha tee sleansiog, urlication and the ‘Wenching of ate i a vaiatin, to as and at menstruation, is als salty ‘Sea water also enables us to float ~ it is more buoyant than fiesh water and more dificult to move through. It is more complex, cleansing and sometimes stronger than fesh water. We cannot drink it 40 there isan element of mistrust betvien many humans and salt ‘water, although it sostans the life of so many other creature, and ‘offers us humans so very much inthe form of nourishment. Tis compleity and lack of clarity does aot make the mermaids’ element