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REG NUMB : C2157201078



Hello, My name is Anggri lukman djatta, im college student of S.T.M.I.K. class of 2021 .
Today I wanna tell a story about My Experience when the first time I've entered College.
Technically, this is not my First Experience with this lovely College called Blue Campus. My
first step to this College is long ago when I'm still active as a Band member, Circa 2012. At that
moment I and my band have a show on S.T.M.I.K. as a guest star. at that time I have no idea
sometimes in the future I'm will become a student of this College.

Back to the present day, In mid-2021 I have been selected to get a Scholarship program
from my Office. Selected personnel can continue their education to a Bachelor's degree. The
best thing about this program is I get a scholarship to S.T.M.I.K. Palangka Raya. I'm so happy
and excited After hearing this information, tears of joy falling from my eyes, that sound ridiculous
but it's really happened.

Why I'm so happy? It's because my current job and my passion are always near the
technology things. I'm working as IT support at my Office, every knowledge as IT support get
from self-taught experience or people called it autodidact. I've watched many videos about
computers and technology, I've read a lot of articles on the internet to fix any problem in my
every day Jobs. Everything is a Trial and Error process until I have much skill to fix the problems.
Day to another day I'm more and more interested in Technology until this day.

And that's why I'm so happy can be a part of this Blue Campus. And when I step my feet
again at This Campus after a very long time, I'm a little bit nervous. The First thing why I'm
becoming nervous is I must meet many people because of the pandemic and the second thing
is I'm didn't familiar with anyone or any room and lecturer on this Campus because I didn't
participate in the Study Orientation and Campus Introduction or OSPEK.

Before I'm continuing this story, the reason why I didn't participate with the OSPEK is
that the Scholarship program from my Office comes when The learning process has been
running for several weeks and the OSPEK already ended. So with little courage, I dare myself
to find out everything by myself. But the nervousness disappears because the campus is
implementing the health protocols so no other Students there except a few staff and lecturers.

Back again to the story, After arriving at the Campus I take the moment to know every
location on this Campus. I check every room and Floor and memorized it. I am also searching
for information from the Campus Website about Lecturers, study Program and any other
information to make me understand and know this Campus. I meet some Lecturers and Staff,
I'm also introducing myself as a Scholarship program student from my Office to them. they
warmly welcome and encourage me to complete the college.
And that's all, the story about my first experience when I come to this College. I hope all
of you enjoyed the Story. and if you have a story about your first experience when coming to
this College you can share It with me, it will be a pleasure to read it, see you, and have a great

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