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English Project

Students: Irene Rodríguez-Jonathan Morales

Topic: Anti-drug campaign for teenagers.
Project’s name: Music, a diversity of galaxies.

Music is an alternative and discipline for young people who live in rural areas where it is
seen daily how drugs are trafficked in their neighborhoods and many of these young people
end up involved in addictions. Many of them study in state schools and are low-income and
do not have extracurricular activities that is why they are very susceptible to falling into
these types of vices.
The post-pubertal phase is where emotional distancing from family and closeness to groups
of friends occurs. Overcoming attachment and ceasing to faithfully accept family control is
a step that brings many conflicts between parents and children, but it is necessary to know
the world of those around them. The excessive use of drugs arises within this phase,
through the context of seeking activities that make a difference from other generations, as
well as the use of clothing and language different from that of the parents.
It motivates me to help young people who may have a lot of talent for music and who see in
it an alternative as progress and discipline and who in turn can help those closest to them
and open doors themselves for a better future.
In accordance with all this previous research, the project is based on giving an alternative
away from drug consumption to those young people from marginal areas through the
teaching of music. For this, an area "Flower bastion" was chosen where it will be visited, to
motivate young people from 14 to 17 years old to attend the workshops that will be
implemented. The group of members will be presented by the students of the University of
the Arts, with a representative uniform. As it is known that these marginal areas are of
scarce resources, a request will be sent to rent the university's own buses for the transfer of
young people from a meeting point in Flor de Bastión to the university facilities and vice
versa. These hours invested will also have links with the community, which is a
requirement that students must meet before graduating.

El Universo. (4 de Abril de 2019). El Universo. Obtenido de El 46% de jóvenes de Ecuador cree que
droga circula en su plantel:

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