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Organizational Culture in Nursing: A Systematic Review

Lecturer at Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Doctoral Student, Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

literature by summarizing large

bodies of evidence. By conducting systematic reviews, we can learn how to apply scientific
strategies, in ways that limit bias, to the assembly, critical appraisal, and synthesis of all relevant
studies that address a specific question. This systematic review is found to be useful in
understanding a concept by careful reviews of several studies and assist to get the confident of the
This study reviewed 11 papers related to organizational culture. The results were grouped into 3
categories: domains of organizational culture, factors influencing organizational culture, and
effects of organizational culture. Issues of organizational culture in health care setting, especially
in nursing, are needed to be understood because it has effects on job satisfaction, job
commitment, team functioning, and team action.
Keywords: systematic review, organizational culture, nursing

Abstrak: Penelusuran sistematik sangat bermanfaat untuk mendapatkan kelengkapan literatur

dengan membuat ringkasan dari serangkaian hasil penelitian. Dengan melakukan penelusuran
sistematik, kita dapat belajar bagaimana menerapkan strategi ilmiah, dengan cara mengurangi
bias, merangkai, melakukan penilaian secara kritis, dan melakukan sintesis terhadap semua
penelitian yang relevan yang berupaya menjawab sebuah pertanyaan yang spesifik. Penelusuran
sistematik sangat berguna dalam memahami sebuah konsep dengan cara penelusuran yang cermat
dari beberapa penelitian dan membantu meningkatkan rasa percaya terhadap hasilnya.
Penelitian ini menelusuri 11 makalah yang terkait dengan budaya organisasi. Hasilnya
dikelompokkan ke dalam 3 kategori: ranah budaya organisasi, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
budaya organisasi, dan efek budaya organisasi. Isu-isu tentang budaya organisasi dalam bidang
kesehatan, terutama dalam keperawatan, perlu dipahami karena budaya organisasi berpengaruh
pada kepuasan kerja, komitmen terhadap pekerjaan, berfungsinya suatu tim, dan aksi suatu tim.
Kata kunci: penelusuran sistematik, budaya organisasi, keperawatan

INTRODUCTION organization as a group of people intentionally

Within organization, people interact with organized to accomplish an overall, common
each other in a variety ways. Patterns of goal or set of goals.
interaction then are formed, and share of An organizational culture is the ways of
cultural knowledge occurs. This shared thinking, behaving, and believing that members
knowledge is used by organizational members have in common. Organizational culture refers
to make sense of past experience and provide to a pattern of shared basic assumptions that the
framework for interpreting situations and group learned as it solved its problems of
deciding present and future actions. external adaptation and internal integration, that
Culture is defined as the totality of socially has worked well enough to be considered valid
transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, and, therefore, to be taught to new members as
institutions, and all other products of human the correct way you perceive, think, and feel
1 4
work and thought. While organization is defined in relation to those problems.
as a group of persons organized for a particular Every organization has its distinct
purpose. McNamara basically defined an characters. People make organizations work,

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and the culture of the organization ties people and emotional well being. The culture of a
together, giving them meaning and a set of work organization drives the behavior of its
principles and standards to live and work. employees. Organizational culture can serves
Basically, organizational culture is the as cognitive map for members so they can
personality of the organization. Culture is understand what is valued in their
comprised of the assumptions, presuppositions, organization and how to direct their behaviors
values, norms and tangible signs (artifacts) of accordingly.
organization members and their behaviors. The concept of culture is particularly
Culture is one of those terms that's difficult to important when attempting to manage
express distinctly, but everyone knows it when organization-extensively change. Practitioners
they sense it. The culture or personality of an are coming to realize that, despite the best-
organization, by its nature, places certain laid plans, organizational change must include
restrictions and boundaries around behavior. not only changing structures and processes,
but also changing the organizational culture as
Significance of the Organizational Culture well. Understanding the organizational culture
Several case studies demonstrated how is helpful in understand why change does not
health care organization can successfully foster take place in an organization, or why a project
organizational culture resulting in improved fails. It will also be helpful to determine
quality, efficiency, safety, and patients and where to strive to make changes to the
staff satisfaction. Elements of culture should culture.
be reflected in human resources policies in
form of hiring practices and performance Objectives of the Study
expectations related to professional values. Objectives of this study are to present the
Health care organizations have a promising available information about the organizational
opportunity to foster organizational culture culture for development of an instrument to
given the values taught and socialized in measure the culture of nursing organizations
nursing, the prevalence of nurses in the health and for effectiveness of interventions designed
care work-force, and the central role that to improve quality of nursing service. The
nurses play in care delivery. study also provide a narrative summary of the
Within a health organization, culture are domains of organizational culture, factors
likely to found practices, beliefs, values and influencing organizational culture, and impact
assumptions that tend by their very nature to of organizational culture.
strongly resist attempts to change them. In
common with the human relations movement, Method of the Study
organizational culture emphasizes the socially Search sought to identify published
dynamic aspect of organizations. An infusion of studies and utilized a range of electronic
the organization by values, and an associated databases using accepted search techniques, and
resistance to change, are both important aspects included CINAHL, MEDLINE,
of the study of organizational culture. website, and website range
The organizational culture that is from 1980-2005. These are databases of
conceived as comprising shared key values and literature emanating from a variety of disciplines
beliefs fulfils several important functions. including nursing, medicine, and general
1. It conveys a sense of identity for disciplines for the websites of findarticles and
organization members. sciencedirect. The key words used were:
2. It facilitates commitment to something organizational and culture.
larger than the self. To filter the articles being reviewed,
3. It enhances social systems stability. selection criteria was used. The criteria to select
4. It provides a sense-making device to guide material for inclusion in the review were as
behaviors. follows: studies of organizational culture;
English language; publication in journal from
Organizational culture also has impacts 1980 up to 2005; and any qualitative or
on individual such as on employee morale, quantitative methods. Dissertation and
commitment, productivity, physical health, published abstracts were excluded.

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Each paper selected for review was Factors Influencing Organizational Culture
evaluated by the author by using constructed Culture of an organization is influenced by
a matrix to record the following data for each many factors. These factors could be from
reviewed paper: type of study, purpose of external and internal environment. Economic
enquiry, method and participants, summary of and political system, external regulation, and
findings, and summary for implication for public attitudes are the external factors that can
practice. influence organizational culture. Whilst, the
organizational arrangements of job design,
Results of the Study reporting hierarchy, rewards system, and teams
This study reviewed 11 papers which are internal environmental factors that can
appeared to meet the inclusion criteria. Papers influence organizational culture.
that were exclusively theoretical or
methodological or not specific to organizational Effects of Organizational Culture
culture were excluded. Several studies addressed the effect of
The research methods used by the studies organizational culture on the organization.
cited in this review were: 9 quantitative studies Strength of organizational culture predicted
(survey, evaluation approach, correlational study, job satisfaction well and positively. The
and exploratory study), qualitative studies concepts of organizational core task and
(ethnography study), and using both methods organizational culture could be useful as
quantitative and qualitative. management tools to anticipate the consequences
The results of this study are presented in of organizational change. It is confirmed that
the following categories: organizational culture plays a mediation role
1. Domains of organizational culture. between HR system and firm’s innovation
2. Factors influencing organizational culture. outcome.
3. Effects of organizational culture. There is a relationship between the degree to
which individual believes in the values of the
Domain of Organizational Culture company and the individual’s amount of job
Domain of organizational culture has been satisfaction and job commitment. In medical
described as forms of central category of core setting, a study found that organizational culture
values and beliefs. Understanding values and model can show opportunities for better
beliefs is an important part of understanding a information exchange and open dialogue
workplace culture. This review revealed that a between groups in the organization.
study of the workplace culture of a special care Organizational culture is also predictor of
nursery proposed 4 key categories of domain of commitment of employee to the organization.
organizational culture: teamwork, learning in In the study of influence of hospital culture, it is
practice, inevitability of change and family- found that the culture is associated positively
centered care. In teamwork, there are values with the team functioning in term of team
and beliefs of cooperation and harmony. In relation (interprofessional relations, physician
learning in practice category there are values support, organization, task orientation, and
and beliefs of partnership, questioning, and innovation) and team action (teamness,
team focused. Enablers and new ideas are the communication, effectiveness, and
values and beliefs under category of inevitability collaboration).
of change. Finally for family-centered care
category, the values and beliefs are CONCLUSION
empowerment of families, continuity, and A systematic review is a summary of the
enabling environment. Delobbe, Haccoun and healthcare literature that uses explicit methods to
Vandenberghe identify five fundamental core perform a thorough literature search and critical
dimension of organizational culture: appraisal <
recognition-support, commitment-solidarity, title=Critical_appraisal&action=edit> of individual
innovation-productivity, control, and studies to identify the valid and applicable
continuous learning.
evidence, and then uses appropriate techniques
to combine these valid studies. Systematic
review on organizational culture was

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narrative summary of the domain, factors
8. Cameron, K.S. & Quinn, R.E. (1999).
influencing, and effects of organizational
culture. Diagnosing and changing organizational
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