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Ever since the 80 AD, Plagiarism has always been a problem, Up to the point where
during that time poets were expected to recite keywords by other authors. However, not every
imitation is wrong, as iterated by Aristotle, "Imitation is natural to man from childhood, the
first things that he learns come to him through imitation." It only began to become a problem
during the 17th century where writing became an occupation. And since then plagiarism
continues to become a problem. Which is why nowadays the education system helps us to
know what plagiarism is as early as elementary.

In school we learned about plagiarism and why is it bad. And we continue to learn
about plagiarism in school. However in terms of mass communication plagiarism is far more
something bigger than we ever thought of it. Because in terms of mass communication or
journalism plagiarism is one of the primary sins of the profession. One of which is Jonah
Lehrer. a science and technology reporter that wrote for The New Yorker and was also the
author of three books. He was first accused of self plagiarism but was eventually accused of
falsifying quotes and traditional plagiarism as well. He is just one of the journalists that have
lost their jobs or faced legal action for lifting others' writing or other production. There are
consequences when someone plagiarised but the world of mass communication is on a whole
new level. the journalists can be fired, and the remark may sabotage their career. They may
have to pay monetary compensation. As plagiarism is now treated as a serious issue, many
countries have strict copyright laws.

In conclusion I can say that plagiarism has been a part of human nature ever since we
were born everything we learned from childhood up to college is an imitation, An imitation
of what’s already being taught And we just interpret it in our own ways. However something
that's always been part of human nature isn't always the right thing to do Because not
everything in life should be an imitation of someone else is as we grow up we will be able to
make our own decisions Just like on how we should make our own work.

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