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1. What is the issue presented in the video?

The Issue that was presented in the video is an argument whether a transgender person
can use the comfort room of their new gender. Whether a trans woman can use the ladies
comfort room or not.

2. What do you think is the stance taken by Americans on this issue? Explain
your thoughts about it.
The stance they have taken is that, transgender women should be able allowed to use the
women’s comfort room for it is where they find comfort and not on the men’s comfort room.
They have shown this by rallying up at campuses or anywhere that has something to do
with trans women get oppressed.

3. Will the people defend the transgender or not? Explain your thoughts about
Yes, because it is still unethical for people to see someone get their privileges revoked for
something. If a person’s comfort room privileges get revoked, a lot of people would jump
to help in that situation because people behave that way when someone is being

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