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Affirmative: Subject +auxiliary verb + principal verb + complement.

Negative: Subject + auxiliary verb + not + principal verb + complement.

Interrogative:Auxiliary verb (to have) + subject + past participle.


1.-The present perfect is used to describe an experience. We do not use it for specific

Examples:I have never flown in a plane.

2.-The present perfect is used for a change in time.

Examples:I have become more timid in my old age.

3.-It is used for successes or achievements.

Examples:Our football team has won the championship three times.

4.-We use the present perfect for actions that have not yet happened. The use of the
present perfect in these cases indicates that we are still waiting for the action, so we
frequently use the adverbs “yet” and “still”.

Examples:The plane hasn't arrived yet.



Affirmative: Subject + “had” + past participle…

Negative: Subject + “had” + “not” + past participle…

Interrogative:“Had” + subject + past participle…?

1. We use the past perfect to refer to an action or event that started in the past and is prior to
another action also in the past. The action that happened first is in the past perfect and the
one that follows is in the past simple.

Examples: I’d read the book before I saw the movie.

2.-It is used for actions that happened before a specific time in the past.

Examples:I had already woken up when the alarm clock rang at 7am.

3. Also, like the present perfect, with some verbs we use the past perfect for situations that
started in the past and continued to a specific point in the past.

Examples: She had only owned one car before she bought her new BMW.

PAGE 211
1. Have / failed
2. Have spent
3. Have / been
4. Have / had
5. Has / behaved

PAGE 212
Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple.
1. Has grown
2. Sold
3. Have fallen
4. Has dropped
5. Slowed
6. Has lost / broke

Another exercise. Past Perfect Simple.

1. Had seen
2. Hadn’t left
3. Had dinner
4. Had broken
5. Had moved

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