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Great Resignation

 The Great Resignation is an informal name for the widespread trend of a significant number of
workers leaving their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s sometimes also called The Big
 The Great Resignation is typically discussed in relation to the US workforce but the phenomenon
is international.
 The COVID-19 pandemic has allowed workers to rethink their careers, work conditions, and long-
term goals. As many workplaces attempted to bring their employees in-person, workers desired
the freedom to work from home given during the pandemic.
 With telecommuting also came schedule flexibility, which was the primary reason to look for a new
job of the majority of those studied by Bank rate in August 2021. Additionally, many workers,
particularly in younger cohorts, are seeking to gain a better work–life balance.
 It is thought to be the result of many different factors, notably workers’ dissatisfaction with current
working conditions and personal reassessments of career and lifestyle due to the changes and
hardships of the pandemic.

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