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[NOx (DATE: Camilo T- De dew =. October 8, 2022 i ess 7 fay elt te a. (0-9 von ic hea a propily. chee — an rw more pertone. bd will | eny he con lorrtion ol f Joey. Altongh the he a ine “a single File, tk ie already dliehniboted __ by Yer _ parents dg heie_[ifetines a a Yes, Yhe_sale of the piece of land by BBN ie — Valid only 4o_his share +o the : BEN cannot cold the chare of NBB lin the piece of the land__b. left by theic parents. Succestion ic_a mode of acquisition by vice of which tre eights and obligations ke tea to the oxtent__of “he value of Ye inheritence of pasos it ic Aramitted throught hic qeath to anotner or others by operation of law or O__will. be Yeas. NBD cebmal tc valid. [Ander Yhe law, the refusal of one of the co" owner ic valid _when itis not communicated 40 the others. victory — [tio.: ] [DaTE:, 2. Regalian Doctrine _a_meane that — alt all _prpectice not within |__private canerhip are ane b — tine _ly te theo Ctates 1 4. Real. Real. ght ny ‘centre 4 Sagaick Ah the whale Whee world while pertonal. right ic nots __Real_right_iv generally corpo neal _ aie pecoral cigh ' \ncor poreal. | 5. the three olactificahon of unseen movalde ~ Act Utilizahion rere = divisible and indivici ble ‘Wuictory HO DAIL J & An aceion interdict te a summary action for the fecoveny ol physical pascecsion ard the Ac postenion lacted One Year , while, an accion publican je a lenary action | tor the recovery of veal vighl of poscettion and the atc forsession laced more Shan one year bet within Jen years while, accion via reivindicatria ie an Action for the recovery vf ownership which inches fre recovery of possession and i} ic impreserip hide ? a Hidden treasure ic found by chance WN belonge 4° the owner of the perly land or building oF property where Moje found: b Ses, Bie embittech to the gold bar. Under the law, the Gnder ic entitled fo one hal¢ of of the hidden Arcane. Therefore, ac a finder by charwe B ie entitled to Nhe | gold kare. c+ Actuming “that & ic martied fo x, hie share to the dte covery of the gold bar will form park of Her absolute community of pro potty» Under the laws abarolute Community af property it where he hucband and the wite will be co-owners oF {heir property and alco the properly thy being ducirg ther nare loge: $. Tue a Trwe p- Foleo _

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