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some examples of

stereotypes that may upset


These are mostly gender "Women must be slim and "Girls are sensitive, tender,
stereotypes, such as the look good to achieve social responsible, hard-working
typical phrase: "Women don't success." and image-conscious. Boys
have enough authority to hold are dynamic, active,
managerial positions." autonomous, enterprising,
possessive and superficial."
ways to help to break stereotypes

Periodically review curricula, In schools and at home to Raise awareness at school

textbooks and teacher training work in a transversal way. against sexism. To question
programs to ensure that they Reinforce boys and girls in certain stereotypes that we
do not perpetuate gender their preferences regardless of take as natural and in reality
stereotypes. whether or not they coincide are social constructions.
with what the stereotype leads
us to expect.
ask others what they have
done to avoid stereotypes

When asked, many people Feeling good about yourself is Develop empathy to be able to
mentioned being aware of what important when it comes to put yourself in the other
we tell ourselves about other accepting those who are different, person's shoes and know what
groups. For example, what do because you will not have to use they are feeling. feeling.
you think about gypsies, gays, them to you don't have to use
lesbians, blacks, immigrants, them to boost your self-esteem.
people with AIDS, the disabled, Many times guilt is projected onto
Moroccans, the mentally ill? those who are those who are
the disabled, the Moroccans, different.

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