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英語聽講 Daily-Phrases 1

 Add fuel to the fire 火上加油

George added fuel to the fire when Mary was angry,

 Fire away 開始說話或發言 (像連珠炮式地說話) (請說吧)

After the speech ends, if everybody has questions, please fire away to ask me.

 Fire up 啟動;激發

This speech video clip fires me up to discover how to plant a plant.

 Spread like wildfire 迅速傳開

The news about the huge incident of trampling in South Korea spreads like wildfire around
the world.

 Under fire 受到抨擊;批評

The movie star was under fire because he violated the rule of epidemic prevention before.
英語聽講 Daily-Phrases 2

 A breath of fresh air 令人耳目一新的事物

They adopted a new way to open the ceremony which was like a breath of fresh air to a ot
of audiences.

 Clear the air 消除誤會;消弭誤會

Let's clear the air to figure out why this catastrophe happened?

 Full of hot air 說大話

Kevin is full of hot air. He usually talks a lot of ways to deal with problems, but nothing

 Out of thin air 憑空、忽然出現

This dog is seemed to be out of thin air in my garden.

 Suck the air out 吃乾抹淨;徹底毀滅

The stock market crash sucked the air out of Amy's plan to earn her pension.
英語聽講 Daily-Phrases 3

 Answer nature's call 上廁所

Sorry, I will leave for a second to answer nature's call.

 Get back to nature 回歸大自然;反璞歸真

Whether we get back to nature to go camping after midterm exam or not?

 Let nature take its course 順其自然

Don't bother children's enthusiasm on their habits, let nature take its course.

 Fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友

Sammy is my fair-weather friend, we only meet when we hang out.

 under the weather 身體不舒服;情緒低迷

I always under the weather when I come across changing seasons.

英語聽講 Daily-Phrases 4

 Be snowed under 忙得不可開交

Sam is snowed under academic pursuit because final exam is coming.

 Snow... in... 大雪困住...

Hundreds of car are blocked and then become a traffic jam because of snowing road in.

 Break the ice 劃破沉默;打破隔閡;破冰

In order to break the ice, our senior played some group activities with us.

 Skate on thin ice 如履薄冰

Talking to my manager is just like skating on thin ice.

 Put... on ice 暫緩、停擺進行某事

We have decided to put this project on ice due to having different opinions on it.

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