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The Musical Herald THOUGHTS, ON ELGAR'S NEW SONAT: By Henry Davey. te has often boon remarked that, Since Beet Shubert, most works inthe department of aie have consisted of pees forthe puanotorte a rbot few. Fer instance, Brahms, Mubinstein, Grieg, STstarted with solo sonatas: Tater they turned to duet eat rere more succesful Dvorak and Feanele somata: Franck's ts the greatest fan the oftenest er have long been hoping Sit dorm his attention to tie clase of his couty ) Fh somata worthy of his pow Galte Weave we He has j Bo) a somata for pianoforte and thie is numbered Op. 82." Ite beyond civil fine {Tek original in themes, masterly in their lear treat Trt, effective a practical interesting to the inter fetes apd the listeners. Tt boul be in every musician’ [ivary and on every performer's epertory. The dificult about equal to thay of the Greg sonatas as reads Jolin ach ert ont a founte among bi nl TRevello theo. Sir Faward, being an experi tts wih special appreciation of his instrument’ (Sjtities and gives fe a vers generous share of the ‘hice movements: tro are it the old Between them comes a Komance, free ni ovel both in form ant contents. it i the gem of ie work, and ene retorne again and again to it But there so help towards counting the timer the listeners tmnt supply that.” Pertormers maybe advised to make fhe eluiee rhythm as clear as possible nntil the pice teomes famiar The enter movements, bread’ and ‘a, robust and cheerful nthe main, require attentive ithe themes having wade fntereaks oF corsplca thins which are not easly retained in the memory at first faring: but as wholes they appeal at once Let every su then, rejoice in the ett, and thane the composer ‘aking bin to fllow up bis sccess with another sted ta. {Since this was written am Elgar concert, with, {mone works of this class, has been artis.) “ust s few remarks en extemal details may not be out sok There Crhalox shape sifoce: Tt is pleasant to find the puanotorte Part not ‘ndering from the common fault of wang only the mide tad ker cn of arpeion oder . fide of the higher octaves one {die frat movement, one @ in the Homance, and one in the last hne. And there ie no scale witing, either fulidic o passage, although 1 Be last mavement espa Im eaton (a hobby of mine) sr Edward tses the mien simmering st eno “The kevsignatore iv never changed except ance Homan omever faethe malaion may ander ‘i tees are iso several caen where a change inthe iwi ave helped the pay ‘i deductions, great and smal, having been made fiesenata remainean Bonnar to native art, His dated rnkwvely Told Brinkwelle the country ea dence ofthe artist, Mr, Hex Wieat Cole, at Fiteworth, foro the toveliest mocks in hvely Wee Sussex “Sr far musiclans have shown themoelven eager (use the new ork four performances were cetiaed it a Shae page of the Die Tetegraph recent Wal this Gotinde ‘Let's hope so, but the fate of eats Sfmphonies, sn even ‘his ili concert, ie note feurcing.” In the present month of May, the very Went of the Toon som, es Robert Newman got wpa week of grand orchestral concerts: the works Eanunced were: erman md Austrian thirty-four Hn ‘bran, one Hobemian. one: Healian, one: Hits none ~ CCopytigt © 2009 ProQuest LC. All righ reserved. 197 A WESTMINSTER PILGRIM. Sir Frederick Bridge's Record of Service,” so long in preparation, has teen worth waiting forts format re Erie Hews Sino ‘xpense haw been spre Ent uch fine hook making Ie tecompensed tet hms attract erway that maker peaple appr in his presence FF one ESky paper, this book proves otherwise Pai‘ t tetas bo Ineathe. When stores tun sands, or the Twek fs crammed with then pth Sid potae ave necessary. and these qualities are 6% HMbinal “One wo wot ed rea At one sitting the scenes change Sjeoe the char of the bk for uss" musician. Pick. Uaptand read few pages at random, and. you ill Mant to'repeat such plersnce again, and again. ‘The ‘cued tegats13$0 aid ts marvelous that ay ma Sithout dane: ‘time for careful reference, sbovukt Wate such full aml generally. accurate. reminicences rom memory. ive impression is eae that here 6 Chumah ins head to make another” How many of bis site tapinge we remember that have. place Bere TisGning to sir Frederick for upwards of thity years seta. Iecturess rehearsals, Fert, services, a ‘Sheerhningss me capa fal Koa tv mar and his Bina fi ca personas. a character, that dra ni retains frewchip. Subtlety, tieker, inde am Sts ff eunmang ave fncgh ton nature that bs trae Parca, Yank immed winsome.” We remember Aetempts of Sir Pradeick Hridge to simulate anger Im Font bt a choir. when he had cause to be angry, but he Always at the em poure oil on the troubled waters Brits in this ok’ we do not tecallect anything ia tt that eves asting (a tect makes hod Impeesaom, est of all it lets santo many secret of HMNSainaea he aed. we wneertand the Inner forking ef that Iie more clearly forthe narration of Treidents that mae histor "6. A correundent who sens bs copy af our paper to cogs Timmer fis iverpont ag says Ne hae Miiy" thanks fe feetyed an acknowedgment thus ch Master! Herd strange bird of passage in Ne Mussa, but very welcome nevertheless ‘Caminatge was vite by the Great Eastern Railway Mosteal Society. They gave. an orchestral and ballad Coneert in the Gala which. was completely filled, Cat Galloway condcted Itictad news and poor enterprise thatthe Devonshire 1 Orchestra at Eastbourne is to be distanded in Eettember eis one af the great attractions of East ‘ene, and any ow on running the concerts must be tiling compat wth the qa tn visitors to the town ‘Singers are invited by Mr-J.S. Ardley, 12) Grosvenor Ronkt"Pinten to join a central choir to sing simple suet at pute fonetions in conection with the Lez are At Glastonbury a Summer Festival of Musicdrama Meith daily performances from August 48th sl be Bel Togoth, unvlet the tirction f Edward J. Dent, Reginald Pat tnd eatand, Houghton. Throoghout the month Ui Nugest there will bem hiliday.sehool for operatic Study. particulars rf which may Te bad from Miso Edith Ba ah Street, Glastonbury Paanch bas.a sketch of a heavy’ swell engaging a taxi to ahi ant say tot opera” Covent Garden Ihe demands Tainan. ejealy toy. “Maret?” ‘The ame number chatfe De Temes Coward for saying that dnging Iva valuable preventive aeainsinflacnra Ma je ala known, that certain streprocoeeh have. an intenee disk to the trombone.”

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