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Name: Mark Vincent Bueno Date: 10-03-2022

Strand/Section: 12 STEM D Course: ENGLISH 4

Instructor: Mr. Cydar Alexis Oraiz

Written Work # 2

Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. In
a social sense, peace is commonly used to mean a lack of conflict and freedom from fear of
violence between individuals or groups. Hate, regret, and grudges towards other people and you
are very useless and negative feelings that contribute to making you feel more stressed and
unhappy. Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give, mainly because it will help you get rid of
unnecessary stress and anger in your life. Moreover, having freedom in us allows society to
become more prosperous, educated, healthy, and happy Living.

I’d like to appreciate the Folk song about Peace from Butuan, ‘’Buyayang Buyayang’’. It portrays
how the people in Mindanao continue their struggle for peace. Oftentimes, peace is not achieved
because of differences in perspectives and unwillingness to understand others. Even with our
family members and my classmates, we may engage in petty fights. It is important, however, to
be at peace because it brings with it contentment, harmony, order, and fulfillment. Furthermore,
Peace allows us to confront life with an open heart and mind, helps us keep track of what is
important to us, and eliminate negative influence. The pursuit of inner peace is a universal goal,
but it seems like most of us lose sight of its numerous benefits.

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