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Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional I)

Hoja de Práctica
TEMA: Passives

Sección : ………………………..………………... Apellidos : ………………………..……………….

Docente : Nombres : ………………………………………….
Unidad : III Innovation Skills Fecha : .…../……/………..
Semana : ………….. Duración : 20 minutos

Instrucciones: Lee cuidadosamente, identifica las expresiones en voz pasiva y responde a las preguntas.

I. Propósito: Identificar la forma y el uso de la voz pasiva.

II. Actividad o tareas a desarrollar:

The stolen Ferrari

Two football fans were arrested last night near the

stadium. The suspects were taken to the police station for
further investigation. They allegedly stole a brand
The owner of the car told the police that the thieves were
wearing a football team jersey. After the suspects were
caught, the owner of the car was called to identify the
 However, the owner of the car said that he had made a
huge mistake because the car hadn’t been stolen; the car
had been taken by his wife to go to a concert because her
car was broken. 
 An apology was offered to the two football fans; besides, the owner of the car offered to give them 5000 dollars
to compensate his mistake. The money was not accepted. The two football fans will be released tomorrow
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional I)

1. Who were arrested?

a) Two football players
b) Two people who were near the stadium
c) The owner of a Ferrari

2. Who were wearing a football team jersey?

a) Two thieves
b) The car owner
c) Two football fanatics

3. Did the two football fans steal the car?

a) Not mentioned
b) No, they didn’t
c) Yes, they did

4. Who was the car taken by?

a) By the wife of the owner of the car
b) By the owner of the car
c) By the police

5. Did the suspects accept the 5000 dollars?

a) Yes, they did.
b) Not mentioned
c) No, they didn’t.


Carl: What’s the name of the song you’re listening to?

Ximena: It’s called The End
Carl: By any chance, do you know who composed it?
Ximena: Well, it (1) ________ composed by my uncle.
Carl: Really? I didn’t know that. He is very talented.
Ximena: Actually, my family is quite talented.
Carl: Yeah? Why do you say that?
Ximena: Well, the famous recipe Muffin Paella was (2) ________ by my grandfather.
Carl: I love Muffin Paella.
Ximena: All the books in the saga called Realistic Miracles (3) ________ by my father.
Carl: I thought that saga (4) ________ written by Charles Dickens
Ximena: No, it wasn’t.
Carl: What about you Ximena? Have you created or written something?
Ximena: No, I’d like to direct a movie but I don’t think I am as talented as the rest of my family.
Carl: I am sure you’ll become a reputed movie director and several movies (5) ________ you.

1. ______________
a) was
b) were
c) did

2. ______________
a) invent
b) invented
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional I)

c) inventing

3. ______________
a) was written
b) were written
c) did written

4. ______________
a) been
b) had was
c) had been

5. ______________
a) will be directed by
b) is being directed for
c) is going be directed with

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