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Abhishek Anand abhi75anand@gmail.


1) Marketing &Sales foundation Course

Online course (website) – Kraftshala

University – NA
Duration – 1.5 Months
Category – Go to Market Strategy
Assignments – Exam & assignment every weekend
Exam – Final exam was on designing a GTM for a startups
Level – Beginner to Medium
Cost – 14,000
Weightage – 100% weightage to assignments and quizzes
Passing Marks – You will be Eligible for Certificate only if you pass the final
interview round
Summary – This course primarily talks about the different ways to reaching out to
the market & what strategy one should follow. It also explains how marketing as
field works. How different works are assigned at different level. It also covers the
cost benefit analysis of a product. It covers the 4 P’s (Product, Promotion,
Placement and Price). Some of the topics covered are:-

• Go to market strategy
• Brand communication
• Personal storytelling
• Reverse marketing
• Ad Campaign analysis
• Case study (Royal Enfield, Cadbury, Voltas)
• Mentorship

My thoughts – This course provided me the basic understanding of the marketing

campaign & what all goes behind it. The course curriculum was quite interactive
using different present day case study in trend. All topics of marketing was
covered in detail. The best part of the entire program was one to one mentorship.
It enhanced my critical thinking skills which is important for the role of a marketer
in day to day life. On the scale of 10 I will give 9.5 to this course & highly
recommended for a B-school student.

2) Customer Analytics: Descriptive/ Predictive/ Prescriptive analytics & its

business application (82%)

Online course (website) – Coursera

University – Wharton
Duration – (8 hours)
Category – Customer Analytics
Assignments – Quizzes after every module
Exam – There is no final exam. Judged on the basis of the quizzes
Level – Beginner to Medium
Cost – Financially Aided course
Weightage – 100% weightage to assignments and quizzes
Passing Marks – Scoring at least 80% and above
Summary – This course covers the detailed aspect of customer analytics. How a
customer does thinks about prices. How to tweak pricing strategy to trick human
emotions. Using regression to predict consumer demand was the key part of the
predictive analysis.
Use of different case study how company uses the data to predict the next
production & price.


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